Trump Says He Trusts Xi’s Word on Coronavirus: ‘It’s All Under Control’

Trump says that his campaign rallies are "very safe". Really? Are they screening people before they go in?

Wonder what is going to happen when one of his supporters gets the virus from community transmission while at one of his rallies?

Not Trump rallies. Biden rallies have all "compromised old folks", if they get it its a death sentence.
Komrad Bernie rallies are safer to attend, all young folks.

Trump rallies have a lot of old people in them as well. Axios on HBO did a segment on Trump's rallies and showed what they were like. Lots of people in there who are 30 plus.

Now I'm curious, how old are you? (not trying to be a jerk).

The reason I ask is you said "Trump rallies have a lot of old people in them" and then describe that as people "who are 30 plus." It is a sociologically documented phenomenon that 30 is considered "old" by most people until the age of 23-24. From personal experience, I remember when I was 21, my friend set me up on a blind date with a 30 year old and I just could not get over thinking she was so old. LOL. So I could totally imagine myself at 21 saying what you did.
“Why is that not being reported?
You do know the coronavirus is exponentially easier to spread and has a much higher mortality rate, right?
But not that much higher. Trump screwed the pooch cutting cdc and science. But it may not be that bad, and really …. cdc can't give us worst case scenarios because there's no reason to panic people.

This is not like Aids or Ebola where you most likely die. Rather it's like an extra flu season with a particulary nasty virus.

Of course seeing Mr. Ebola Caravan getting skewered is good.
Here is an example of how the media (and Dems) is trying to keep people informed. Drooling, Trump cultist, apologists refer to that as fear mongering. It's actually just keeping people informed.

What began with a handful of mysterious illnesses in a vast central China city has traveled the world, jumping from animals to humans and from obscurity to international headlines. First detected on the last day of 2019, the novel coronavirus has infected tens of thousands of people — within China’s borders and beyond them — and has killed more than 2,500. It has triggered unprecedented quarantines, stock market upheaval and dangerous conspiracy theories.

Most cases are mild, but health officials say the virus’s spread through the United States appears inevitable. As the country and its health-care system prepares, much is still unknown about the virus that causes the disease now named covid-19.

The Washington Post has spoken to scores of doctors, officials and experts to answer as many of your questions as we can about the newest global health emergency. Here’s what we know so far.
Trump says that his campaign rallies are "very safe". Really? Are they screening people before they go in?

Wonder what is going to happen when one of his supporters gets the virus from community transmission while at one of his rallies?

Not Trump rallies. Biden rallies have all "compromised old folks", if they get it its a death sentence.
Komrad Bernie rallies are safer to attend, all young folks.

Trump rallies have a lot of old people in them as well. Axios on HBO did a segment on Trump's rallies and showed what they were like. Lots of people in there who are 30 plus.

Now I'm curious, how old are you? (not trying to be a jerk).

The reason I ask is you said "Trump rallies have a lot of old people in them" and then describe that as people "who are 30 plus." It is a sociologically documented phenomenon that 30 is considered "old" by most people until the age of 23-24. From personal experience, I remember when I was 21, my friend set me up on a blind date with a 30 year old and I just could not get over thinking she was so old. LOL. So I could totally imagine myself at 21 saying what you did.

I'm old, but at least I can quote accurately.
I never said Trump rallies have a lot of old people in them. I said
"Biden rallies have all "compromised old folks", if they get it its a death sentence."

ABikerSailor said "Trump rallies have a lot of old people in them as well. Axios on HBO did a segment on Trump's rallies and showed what they were like. Lots of people in there who are 30 plus"

My half-hearted poke at Biden supporters is that Biden rallies are more dangerous than Trump or Bernie rallies because they are generally old retired union hard asses.

So I think that you simply misinterpreted who said what.
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Trump says that his campaign rallies are "very safe". Really? Are they screening people before they go in?

Wonder what is going to happen when one of his supporters gets the virus from community transmission while at one of his rallies?

Not Trump rallies. Biden rallies have all "compromised old folks", if they get it its a death sentence.
Komrad Bernie rallies are safer to attend, all young folks.

Trump rallies have a lot of old people in them as well. Axios on HBO did a segment on Trump's rallies and showed what they were like. Lots of people in there who are 30 plus.

Now I'm curious, how old are you? (not trying to be a jerk).

The reason I ask is you said "Trump rallies have a lot of old people in them" and then describe that as people "who are 30 plus." It is a sociologically documented phenomenon that 30 is considered "old" by most people until the age of 23-24. From personal experience, I remember when I was 21, my friend set me up on a blind date with a 30 year old and I just could not get over thinking she was so old. LOL. So I could totally imagine myself at 21 saying what you did.

I'm old, but at last I can quote accurately.
I never said Trump rallies have a lot of old people in them. I said
"Biden rallies have all "compromised old folks", if they get it its a death sentence."

ABikerSailor said "Trump rallies have a lot of old people in them as well. Axios on HBO did a segment on Trump's rallies and showed what they were like. Lots of people in there who are 30 plus"

My half-hearted poke at Biden supporters is that Biden rallies are more dangerous than Trump or Bernie rallies because they are generally old retired union hard asses.

So I think that you simply misinterpreted who said what.

I wasn't quoting you or responding to you, I was quoting and responding to ABikerSailor. Your post was in the post tree, but look at my post again and you'll see that his post was separated out from the tree, directly above my response.

When someone responds to a post tree, everyone in the post tree gets a notification saying " ___ quoted your post in ____[thread]" even though the new post may not be responding directly to you.
If Xi said that this virus was going to be just fine and Trump said it was going to kill billions, you'd people would side with Xi.
If wishes were horses beggars would ride.

I can't believe how many stupid, made up scenarios you folks keep coming up with to maintain your Orange Man Good mantra.
This from the king of the TDS liars.
What do libs think their President should have done instead?
Downplaying the threat to the public's health. “And again, when you have 15 people — and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero — that’s a pretty good job we’ve done,” he said.

Allowing a political message instead of a science based message be the admin's priority.

Contradicting health experts in the admin's public messaging.
President Trump contradicts health officials on coronavirus response

Not making sure enough test kits are available.
New York Is Making Its Own Coronavirus Test After The CDC’s Tests Have Repeatedly Failed

Not making sure enough protective equipment like the appropriate masks are available.
The Global Shortage of Medical Masks Won't Be Easing Soon

Not making a plan for the increased availability of hospital beds when existing facilities become overwhelmed.

Mistakes the admin has already made in handling the virus.

So it's Trump's fault that private corporations didn't manufacture enough surgical masks to meet demand for all possible scenarios? How exactly could Trump be responsible for the supply side decisions of private industry? Unless you're suggesting that the government should control the production of these commercially available products?

/——-/ You sound like an idiot. Presidents don’t get involved in manufacturing products. We’re not a Central Command economy, you dolt,

Why are you attacking me? Berg80 is the one who suggested that Trump was responsible for the manufacture of commercial products. Try reading it again and notice the obvious use of question marks and biting sarcasm, before slinging the words "idiot" and "dolt" at me.
/——/ My Post was aimed at berg80, not you. It happens some when I post on my iPhone. I hit reply on the wrong post. Sorry about that. My bad.
Trump says that his campaign rallies are "very safe". Really? Are they screening people before they go in?

Wonder what is going to happen when one of his supporters gets the virus from community transmission while at one of his rallies?

Not Trump rallies. Biden rallies have all "compromised old folks", if they get it its a death sentence.
Komrad Bernie rallies are safer to attend, all young folks.

Trump rallies have a lot of old people in them as well. Axios on HBO did a segment on Trump's rallies and showed what they were like. Lots of people in there who are 30 plus.

Now I'm curious, how old are you? (not trying to be a jerk).

The reason I ask is you said "Trump rallies have a lot of old people in them" and then describe that as people "who are 30 plus." It is a sociologically documented phenomenon that 30 is considered "old" by most people until the age of 23-24. From personal experience, I remember when I was 21, my friend set me up on a blind date with a 30 year old and I just could not get over thinking she was so old. LOL. So I could totally imagine myself at 21 saying what you did.

Currently, I'm 55, and yeah, when you hit your 30's that is middle age, and that is where I start to call people old.
"President Donald Trump has said he trusts China’s President Xi Jingping to tell world authorities the truth about a deadly coronavirus that has killed nine in China and has had one confirmed case in the United States. Trump spoke to CNBC about the virus on Wednesday as fears grow around the world that it could become impossible to contain. “We have it totally under control,” Trump said from the World Economic Forum in Switzerland. Asked about the confirmed case in Washington state, Trump responded: “It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Tuesday that a Washington state resident who was returning from China on Jan. 15 was diagnosed with the Wuhan coronavirus. Trump said he believes that Xi and Chinese health officials will tell officials around the world everything they need to know about the virus, citing his “great relationship” with the Chinese president."
Trump Says He Trusts Xi’s Word on Coronavirus: ‘It’s All Under Control’

Coronavirus may have spread undetected for weeks in Washington state, which reported first two deaths in U.S.

"The coronavirus has been circulating undetected and has possibly infected scores of people over the past six weeks in Washington state, according to a genetic analysis of virus samples that has sobering implications for the entire country amid heightening anxiety about the likely spread of the disease.

The researchers conducted genetic sequencing of two virus samples. One is from a patient who traveled from China to Snohomish County in mid-January and was the first person diagnosed with the disease in the United States. The other came from a recently diagnosed patient in the same county, a high school student with no travel-related or other known exposure to the coronavirus. The two samples look almost identical genetically, said Trevor Bedford, a computational biologist at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle who announced the results of the research on Twitter late Saturday night."

“This strongly suggests that there has been cryptic transmission in Washington State for the past 6 weeks,” Bedford wrote. “I believe we’re facing an already substantial outbreak in Washington State that was not detected until now due to narrow case definition requiring direct travel to China.”
Since Trumpleton's won't be hearing the truth from the admin or right wing media it's the obligation of Dems to keep them informed about the virus for their own safety.

Once again, I should emphasize for all those confused Trumper's, no one is blaming the Bigot-in-Chief for the virus happening. That's on China. But he deserves blame for not preparing a proactive, coordinated, comprehensive, competent government response and for constantly minimizing the public health threat. Like, for example, saying "it's all under control" when nothing could be further from the truth.
dems like Chris Murphy trust Iran, so what's your point
As Coronavirus Numbers Rise, C.D.C. Testing Comes Under Fire
As Coronavirus Numbers Rise, C.D.C. Testing Comes Under Fire

The coronavirus has found a crack in the nation’s public health armor, and it is not one that scientists foresaw: diagnostic testing.

As of Monday afternoon, there were at least 98 people infected with the new coronavirus in the United States — a sharp rise from the 65 known to be infected on Friday. Six deaths have been reported.

Several patients, in more than one state, had not traveled to China or other epidemic centers and may have caught the coronavirus in their communities, suggesting that it already may be circulating locally.

The case numbers are rising not just because the virus is spreading, but because testing has been expanded. And the persistent drumbeat of positive test results has raised critical questions about the government’s management of the outbreak.

How is it possible that the world’s most medically advanced nation has struggled to diagnose this infection? Why weren’t more Americans tested sooner? How many may be carrying the virus now?

Most disturbing of all: Did a failure to provide adequate testing give the coronavirus time to gain a toehold in the United States?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s first attempt to produce a diagnostic test kit fell flat, after it had shipped hundreds out to the states. A promised replacement still does not permit state and local laboratories to make final diagnoses. The C.D.C. essentially ensured that Americans would be tested in very few numbers by imposing stringent and narrow testing criteria.

“Clearly, there have been problems with rolling out the test,” said Dr. Thomas Frieden, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has struggled to make its diagnostic test widely available.

“There are a lot of frustrated doctors and patients and health departments.”

Dr. Frieden said he thought the situation was improving.
There is no debate over whether an adequate number of accurate test kits were available at the early stages of the outbreak in the US. There weren't.

Trumpleton's are scrambling to lay the blame off of their Dear Leader and on..........well.........anyone else. As the saying goes, "the buck stops here" (with the prez).
As Coronavirus Numbers Rise, C.D.C. Testing Comes Under Fire
As Coronavirus Numbers Rise, C.D.C. Testing Comes Under Fire

The coronavirus has found a crack in the nation’s public health armor, and it is not one that scientists foresaw: diagnostic testing.

As of Monday afternoon, there were at least 98 people infected with the new coronavirus in the United States — a sharp rise from the 65 known to be infected on Friday. Six deaths have been reported.

Several patients, in more than one state, had not traveled to China or other epidemic centers and may have caught the coronavirus in their communities, suggesting that it already may be circulating locally.

The case numbers are rising not just because the virus is spreading, but because testing has been expanded. And the persistent drumbeat of positive test results has raised critical questions about the government’s management of the outbreak.

How is it possible that the world’s most medically advanced nation has struggled to diagnose this infection? Why weren’t more Americans tested sooner? How many may be carrying the virus now?

Most disturbing of all: Did a failure to provide adequate testing give the coronavirus time to gain a toehold in the United States?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s first attempt to produce a diagnostic test kit fell flat, after it had shipped hundreds out to the states. A promised replacement still does not permit state and local laboratories to make final diagnoses. The C.D.C. essentially ensured that Americans would be tested in very few numbers by imposing stringent and narrow testing criteria.

“Clearly, there have been problems with rolling out the test,” said Dr. Thomas Frieden, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has struggled to make its diagnostic test widely available.

“There are a lot of frustrated doctors and patients and health departments.”

Dr. Frieden said he thought the situation was improving.
There is no debate over whether an adequate number of accurate test kits were available at the early stages of the outbreak in the US. There weren't.

Trumpleton's are scrambling to lay the blame off of their Dear Leader and on..........well.........anyone else. As the saying goes, "the buck stops here" (with the prez).
/——-/ Where was Nancy Pants and the democRATs —— oh wait—- they were too busy trying to overturn the 2016 election to take care of business.
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s first attempt to produce a diagnostic test kit fell flat, after it had shipped hundreds out to the states. A promised replacement still does not permit state and local laboratories to make final diagnoses. The C.D.C. essentially ensured that Americans would be tested in very few numbers by imposing stringent and narrow testing criteria."

Who is ultimately responsible for this failure?

Today, while watching Inside Edition (yeah, I can do that, I'm retired), Steve Wozniack got on there and was telling them that he could very well be patient zero. And, they said that they had gotten into the country without being tested, as they came back from China just before the virus got big notice.

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