Trump Says He Trusts Xi’s Word on Coronavirus: ‘It’s All Under Control’

Well since Tramp trusted Putin over our great agencies it stands to reason he'd trust Xi's word too. We have a misfit in our WH

DUH, any more irrelevant talking points that don't make any real points to add?
"Misfit" doesn't begin to describe Komrad Bernie and QuidPro Joe.
WTF is the president- any president supposed to say about another world leader in a public forum?
If he actually does believe what Xi is saying about conditions in China that makes him a naive fool. We can't afford to have a naive fool running public policy.
As of March 1, 2020: Re Washington state

Coronavirus outbreak kills second person in Washington state after first New York case confirmed

King County officials said the man was in his 70s and had underlying health conditions. He died at Evergreen Health Medical Center, where the first person also died.

On Saturday, it was announced a man in his 50s from the Seattle area, who also had underlying health issues, had died from the illness.

Those numbers will be obsolete in a couple of days. Then the new numbers will be obsolete. Get the picture?
The US government is working its ass off to save lives.
The admin has already failed in its responsibility to make preparations for the inevitable outbreak.
/——-/ Not so. Trump's Decisive Actions Helped Save Lives During Coronavirus Epidemic, Experts Admit
If you choose to believe right wing media propaganda I can't help you.
/——/ I simply choose not to believe left wing media that is responsible for the panic.
The US government is working its ass off to save lives.
The admin has already failed in its responsibility to make preparations for the inevitable outbreak.

How were preparations not made? What preparations? You knew Covid-19 was coming last year?
Don't just spew "facts" back them up with credible links, otherwise we just call bullshit.
The test kits need to be developed and mass produced. Who moved everything to China? We can mass produce anything anymore.
Can't blame Trump for that, he's trying to bring factories back.
Stay in your mommy’s basement and put rags under the door gap.
He said it was under control. It isn't. Saying it was is incredibly irresponsible at best. Sorry if you're embarrassed by that truth. You should be.

"The coronavirus has been circulating undetected and has possibly infected scores of people over the past six weeks in Washington state, according to a genetic analysis of virus samples that has sobering implications for the entire country amid heightening anxiety about the likely spread of the disease."

Of course the states that voted for Hillary are suffering from coronovirus. And they will infect the rest of us. Now New York is in on the act.

So put that in your orange man cause virus pipe and smoke it.
Why didn't the Trump admin ensure the country has enough test kits?

Kirkland, Wash., becomes epicenter of coronavirus response as cases spread
"City officials said that 25 firefighters and two police officers who were exposed to the virus at the LifeCare Center of Kirkland have shown no symptoms but are under close watch, while a county health department official said there were more than 50 residents and staff at the center who were reportedly ill with symptoms. Authorities also are worried that others — including 17 nursing students and four faculty and staff members from Lake Washington Institute of Technology — were exposed to the virus at the nursing home last week during a visit."
We get it. You're hoping for millions of deaths.
We get it. You have no defense for Trump's incompetence so you have to make things up.

I dont have to defend it. Again, since you made it political, your liberal partisan hackery shows since the previous buffoon had 12 million infected with swine flu and not a peep out you. This is why you're be laughed at.
The US government is working its ass off to save lives.
The admin has already failed in its responsibility to make preparations for the inevitable outbreak.

How were preparations not made? What preparations? You knew Covid-19 was coming last year?
Don't just spew "facts" back them up with credible links, otherwise we just call bullshit.
The test kits need to be developed and mass produced. Who moved everything to China? We can mass produce anything anymore.
Can't blame Trump for that, he's trying to bring factories back.
/—-/ Didn’t you get the memo? Orange Man Bad.
Why didn't the Trump admin ensure the country has enough test kits?

Kirkland, Wash., becomes epicenter of coronavirus response as cases spread
"City officials said that 25 firefighters and two police officers who were exposed to the virus at the LifeCare Center of Kirkland have shown no symptoms but are under close watch, while a county health department official said there were more than 50 residents and staff at the center who were reportedly ill with symptoms. Authorities also are worried that others — including 17 nursing students and four faculty and staff members from Lake Washington Institute of Technology — were exposed to the virus at the nursing home last week during a visit."
/——/ The President should just order 300,000,000 test kits on Amazon. Free shipping. But he won’t, because Orange Man Bad.
How were preparations not made?
Not enough test kits.
Not enough masks.
No planning for providing additional hospital beds.
Lack of training for response personnel.
Experts in the field of virus control were fired.
Funding for response agencies was cut.
The admin downplayed the risk.
The admin contradicted health experts.
Decisions made about how to handle early cases have already lead to the virus spreading faster than it could have. Ultimately, Trump bears responsibility for the people making those decisions because he has removed so many qualified experts and replaced them with political appointees or not replaced them at all.

"The researchers conducted genetic sequencing of two virus samples. One is from a patient who traveled from China to Snohomish County in mid-January and was the first person diagnosed with the disease in the United States. The other came from a recently diagnosed patient in the same county, a high school student with no travel-related or other known exposure to the coronavirus. The two samples look almost identical genetically, said Trevor Bedford, a computational biologist at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle who announced the results of the research on Twitter late Saturday night.

“This strongly suggests that there has been cryptic transmission in Washington State for the past 6 weeks,” Bedford wrote. “I believe we’re facing an already substantial outbreak in Washington State that was not detected until now due to narrow case definition requiring direct travel to China.”
In your opinion is there anything Trump has done in the last 4 years that wasn't wrong?
No matter what the op thinks, Trump "trusting China" is a fools errand.

I would bet my savings that China has been lying from the start.

If Trump actually said that I don't see any logic in it.
"President Donald Trump has said he trusts China’s President Xi Jingping to tell world authorities the truth about a deadly coronavirus that has killed nine in China and has had one confirmed case in the United States. Trump spoke to CNBC about the virus on Wednesday as fears grow around the world that it could become impossible to contain. “We have it totally under control,” Trump said from the World Economic Forum in Switzerland. Asked about the confirmed case in Washington state, Trump responded: “It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Tuesday that a Washington state resident who was returning from China on Jan. 15 was diagnosed with the Wuhan coronavirus. Trump said he believes that Xi and Chinese health officials will tell officials around the world everything they need to know about the virus, citing his “great relationship” with the Chinese president."
Trump Says He Trusts Xi’s Word on Coronavirus: ‘It’s All Under Control’

Coronavirus may have spread undetected for weeks in Washington state, which reported first two deaths in U.S.

"The coronavirus has been circulating undetected and has possibly infected scores of people over the past six weeks in Washington state, according to a genetic analysis of virus samples that has sobering implications for the entire country amid heightening anxiety about the likely spread of the disease.

The researchers conducted genetic sequencing of two virus samples. One is from a patient who traveled from China to Snohomish County in mid-January and was the first person diagnosed with the disease in the United States. The other came from a recently diagnosed patient in the same county, a high school student with no travel-related or other known exposure to the coronavirus. The two samples look almost identical genetically, said Trevor Bedford, a computational biologist at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle who announced the results of the research on Twitter late Saturday night."

“This strongly suggests that there has been cryptic transmission in Washington State for the past 6 weeks,” Bedford wrote. “I believe we’re facing an already substantial outbreak in Washington State that was not detected until now due to narrow case definition requiring direct travel to China.”
Since Trumpleton's won't be hearing the truth from the admin or right wing media it's the obligation of Dems to keep them informed about the virus for their own safety.

Once again, I should emphasize for all those confused Trumper's, no one is blaming the Bigot-in-Chief for the virus happening. That's on China. But he deserves blame for not preparing a proactive, coordinated, comprehensive, competent government response and for constantly minimizing the public health threat. Like, for example, saying "it's all under control" when nothing could be further from the truth.
/—-/ WTF is the president- any president supposed to say about another world leader in a public forum? Is he supposed to call him a liar? How would that affect relations? Are you that dense or is it TDS?
He could STFU
Trump says nothing - Orange Man Bad.
Trump says something- Orange Man Bad.
He whores and pays off porn stars. I'm sure he's a role model for you
The US government is working its ass off to save lives.
The admin has already failed in its responsibility to make preparations for the inevitable outbreak.

Not to cast dispersions on all government workers. But do you recall the biggest government fuckup in history?
The rollout of Obamacare after spending years and a $Billion or so, and the web site was an absolute disaster.
I could list more, but you get my drift. Its not Trump's fault that the government doesn't work as well as those in private industry.
Besides, what timetable are you working to? Trump kept the infections at bay by stopping flights from China. Look at Italy, Iran, and other countries that didn't stop travel. You are whining and not making sense. Trump did his job, battling a new virus isn't as easy or fast as you're implying.

Read the CDC summary and stop whining.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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