Trump Says He Trusts Xi’s Word on Coronavirus: ‘It’s All Under Control’

The UK has to send tests to Colindale in London to be tested. The same is going on in Canada, one central location for all tests to be sent. At least the US now has tests that can be done in states.
If you think that's a dumb post then you're quite stupid yourself.

That post is 100% accurate.
You should contact all the governments around the world including ours with your advice that they are all wrong and wasting their time and money. Or even better, you should replace all the health experts recommending we do the opposite of what you said cuz you're just so damn smart.
98% survival rate...
How many dead does that add up to if 40 percent of Americans are infected?

Do the math.

Harvard scientist predicts coronavirus will infect up to 70 percent of humanity

Harvard scientist: coronavirus pandemic likely will infect 40-70% of world this year
Population US: 327.2 million

40 percent of US population: 130.88 million

2 percent of 40 percent: 2.617 million dead
Population US: 327.2 million

40 percent of US population: 130.88 million

2 percent of 40 percent: 2.617 million dead
Do remember that is the rate of those getting the virus. Where has anywhere shown a 40% infection rate.
That 2% also includes deaths in those countries that do not have the healthcare facilities we have here in the US.
Population US: 327.2 million

40 percent of US population: 130.88 million

2 percent of 40 percent: 2.617 million dead
Do remember that is the rate of those getting the virus. Where has anywhere shown a 40% infection rate.
That 2% also includes deaths in those countries that do not have the healthcare facilities we have here in the US.
See links in post 124.
Experts are trying to get facts out in front of the hysteria. understand the claims that the media and Dems are creating hysteria are lies, right?
The Democrats have been in the midst of an hysterical temper tantrum since 2016, and nothing they say can be trusted, and sadly, the MSM has been mixing facts with rumors undermining the public's confidence in the government and causing baseless panic.
Actually no, the samples must be sent to one central facility in the country to be tested. Here we have it in the states now.

Why Hasn’t the U.S. Done More Coronavirus Tests?

The coronavirus diagnostic testing snafu, explained

The problem is testing in the US has been limited so far, with only a small number of labs available to assess the results, flaws in the manufacturing of the earliest kits sent out to states, and out-of-date criteria for testing people. Until Friday, most tests focused on people who’d been to China recently or those with known Covid-19 exposure.
If you think that's a dumb post then you're quite stupid yourself.

That post is 100% accurate.
You should contact all the governments around the world including ours with your advice that they are all wrong and wasting their time and money. Or even better, you should replace all the health experts recommending we do the opposite of what you said cuz you're just so damn smart.
98% survival rate...
How many dead does that add up to if 40 percent of Americans are infected?

Do the math.

Harvard scientist predicts coronavirus will infect up to 70 percent of humanity

Harvard scientist: coronavirus pandemic likely will infect 40-70% of world this year
Those are predictions by one scientist. One scientist. Did he also state 40% would be infected with deadly symptoms? So far it is shown to be mainly the old with weakened immune symptoms to be the most vulnerable to death.
If you think that's a dumb post then you're quite stupid yourself.

That post is 100% accurate.
You should contact all the governments around the world including ours with your advice that they are all wrong and wasting their time and money. Or even better, you should replace all the health experts recommending we do the opposite of what you said cuz you're just so damn smart.
98% survival rate...
How many dead does that add up to if 40 percent of Americans are infected?

Do the math.

Harvard scientist predicts coronavirus will infect up to 70 percent of humanity

Harvard scientist: coronavirus pandemic likely will infect 40-70% of world this year
Those are predictions by one scientist. One scientist. Did he also state 40% would be infected with deadly symptoms? So far it is shown to be mainly the old with weakened immune symptoms to be the most vulnerable to death.
I will use small words for you.

40 percent infected who get the bug. Of those, 2 percent will die.

Do. The. Math.
The genie is out of the bottle. Community contagion. This will not be contained. Covid-19 will become as common as the common cold (which is also a coronavirus) and the flu.

There will be a very high infection rate. The people who have been diagnosed are after the fact. After they have been contagious and came in contact with other people.

It is bi-coastal now.

Geometric progression is probably inevitable.
Actually no, the samples must be sent to one central facility in the country to be tested. Here we have it in the states now.

Why Hasn’t the U.S. Done More Coronavirus Tests?

The coronavirus diagnostic testing snafu, explained

The problem is testing in the US has been limited so far, with only a small number of labs available to assess the results, flaws in the manufacturing of the earliest kits sent out to states, and out-of-date criteria for testing people. Until Friday, most tests focused on people who’d been to China recently or those with known Covid-19 exposure.

let’s get the facts straight. Article dated Feb 12, 3 weeks ago-

Reuters) - Several U.S. states said new coronavirus test kits did not work, while others said they were reliable as the United States tried to speed up testing for virus cases, which rose to 14 on Wednesday.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)said some of the kits sent to U.S. states and at least 30 countries produced “inconclusive” results due to a flawed component and the CDC planned to send replacement materials to make the kits work.

Since late January, the CDC has rushed to distribute the kits to allow states to do their own, faster testing rather than ship all samples to CDC headquarters in Atlanta.

Accelerating the speed of tests, which can be delayed by days if sent to Atlanta, is important given the agency’s expectation the virus at some point is likely to start spreading within U.S. communities.

It was not clear how many kits were flawed. Of six U.S. state health departments that responded to Reuters requests for comment, half of them, including California and Georgia, said they were waiting for a replacement component for kits to make them work.

Other states, such as Illinois, said kits had produced accurate results and they were now doing their own testing.

The problem is likely reagents, or enzymes, needed to carry out the tests, Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases told a press conference.

“Things may not always go as smoothly as we may like,” said Messonnier.

The test issues came up as scientists from the United States and other countries tried to get access to data to validate reports suggesting the number of new cases of the virus in China has been dropping.

Some U.S. states launch coronavirus testing while faulty test kits delay others
So yes, 3 weeks ago, some of the tests were flawed. New test kits were sent out.
Some coronavirus testing kits sent around the world are not working properly | Live Science
The Democrats have been in the midst of an hysterical temper tantrum since 2016
Proving once again Trumpleton's can convince themselves of anything the Liar-in-Chief tells them to believe.
Population US: 327.2 million

40 percent of US population: 130.88 million

2 percent of 40 percent: 2.617 million dead

80% of Covid-19 are mild cases.
Your stats maybe ok for China but not for the US
Did you factor in new therapies and vaccines, and the warm weather break coming up? Didn't think so.

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