Trump Says He Trusts Xi’s Word on Coronavirus: ‘It’s All Under Control’

You cultists

You're talking through me, not to me. I literally just told you that I criticize Trump regularly. I didn't vote for him in 2016 either. I also defend Bernie Sanders regularly. Oh, and I criticize him too. Confused?
"Until a few days ago, the CDC had specific, narrow criteria for who should be tested for possible coronavirus infection — and most tests had to be sent to Atlanta because of faulty tests sent out to state labs. The focus was on people who had been to China or been in contact with someone who had traveled there. As a result, people with respiratory infections and fevers were not being widely tested for coronavirus. Last week, the CDC altered the criteria to expand testing."

Call me crazy, but I think it would have been wise to have made sure there were enough test kits to test anyone suspected of having the virus and thus be a carrier in their community. THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. THAT'S ON TRUMP.
What do libs think their President should have done instead?
Downplaying the threat to the public's health. “And again, when you have 15 people — and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero — that’s a pretty good job we’ve done,” he said.

Allowing a political message instead of a science based message be the admin's priority.

Contradicting health experts in the admin's public messaging.
President Trump contradicts health officials on coronavirus response

Not making sure enough test kits are available.
New York Is Making Its Own Coronavirus Test After The CDC’s Tests Have Repeatedly Failed

Not making sure enough protective equipment like the appropriate masks are available.
The Global Shortage of Medical Masks Won't Be Easing Soon

Not making a plan for the increased availability of hospital beds when existing facilities become overwhelmed.

Mistakes the admin has already made in handling the virus.

1. Can't access MSDNC material so can't reply
2. If the CDC test kits don't work how it that Trump's fault? Is that the best our "expert" scientists and doctors at CDC can do?
3. Who moved the US factories, including masks, to China? Who said "those jobs are not coming back?" Not Trump, he is bringing factories back.
4. This link goes nowhere, like this thread.
Call me crazy, but I think it would have been wise to have made sure there were enough test kits to test anyone suspected of having the virus and thus be a carrier in their community. THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. THAT'S ON TRUMP.

Trump should be in the lab developing a cure himself, right?
"President Donald Trump has said he trusts China’s President Xi Jingping to tell world authorities the truth about a deadly coronavirus that has killed nine in China and has had one confirmed case in the United States. Trump spoke to CNBC about the virus on Wednesday as fears grow around the world that it could become impossible to contain. “We have it totally under control,” Trump said from the World Economic Forum in Switzerland. Asked about the confirmed case in Washington state, Trump responded: “It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Tuesday that a Washington state resident who was returning from China on Jan. 15 was diagnosed with the Wuhan coronavirus. Trump said he believes that Xi and Chinese health officials will tell officials around the world everything they need to know about the virus, citing his “great relationship” with the Chinese president."
Trump Says He Trusts Xi’s Word on Coronavirus: ‘It’s All Under Control’

Coronavirus may have spread undetected for weeks in Washington state, which reported first two deaths in U.S.

"The coronavirus has been circulating undetected and has possibly infected scores of people over the past six weeks in Washington state, according to a genetic analysis of virus samples that has sobering implications for the entire country amid heightening anxiety about the likely spread of the disease.

The researchers conducted genetic sequencing of two virus samples. One is from a patient who traveled from China to Snohomish County in mid-January and was the first person diagnosed with the disease in the United States. The other came from a recently diagnosed patient in the same county, a high school student with no travel-related or other known exposure to the coronavirus. The two samples look almost identical genetically, said Trevor Bedford, a computational biologist at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle who announced the results of the research on Twitter late Saturday night."

“This strongly suggests that there has been cryptic transmission in Washington State for the past 6 weeks,” Bedford wrote. “I believe we’re facing an already substantial outbreak in Washington State that was not detected until now due to narrow case definition requiring direct travel to China.”
Since Trumpleton's won't be hearing the truth from the admin or right wing media it's the obligation of Dems to keep them informed about the virus for their own safety.

Once again, I should emphasize for all those confused Trumper's, no one is blaming the Bigot-in-Chief for the virus happening. That's on China. But he deserves blame for not preparing a proactive, coordinated, comprehensive, competent government response and for constantly minimizing the public health threat. Like, for example, saying "it's all under control" when nothing could be further from the truth.
Like your media fed stupid ass knows anything about it.
"President Donald Trump has said he trusts China’s President Xi Jingping to tell world authorities the truth about a deadly coronavirus that has killed nine in China and has had one confirmed case in the United States. Trump spoke to CNBC about the virus on Wednesday as fears grow around the world that it could become impossible to contain. “We have it totally under control,” Trump said from the World Economic Forum in Switzerland. Asked about the confirmed case in Washington state, Trump responded: “It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Tuesday that a Washington state resident who was returning from China on Jan. 15 was diagnosed with the Wuhan coronavirus. Trump said he believes that Xi and Chinese health officials will tell officials around the world everything they need to know about the virus, citing his “great relationship” with the Chinese president."
Trump Says He Trusts Xi’s Word on Coronavirus: ‘It’s All Under Control’

Coronavirus may have spread undetected for weeks in Washington state, which reported first two deaths in U.S.

"The coronavirus has been circulating undetected and has possibly infected scores of people over the past six weeks in Washington state, according to a genetic analysis of virus samples that has sobering implications for the entire country amid heightening anxiety about the likely spread of the disease.

The researchers conducted genetic sequencing of two virus samples. One is from a patient who traveled from China to Snohomish County in mid-January and was the first person diagnosed with the disease in the United States. The other came from a recently diagnosed patient in the same county, a high school student with no travel-related or other known exposure to the coronavirus. The two samples look almost identical genetically, said Trevor Bedford, a computational biologist at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle who announced the results of the research on Twitter late Saturday night."

“This strongly suggests that there has been cryptic transmission in Washington State for the past 6 weeks,” Bedford wrote. “I believe we’re facing an already substantial outbreak in Washington State that was not detected until now due to narrow case definition requiring direct travel to China.”
Since Trumpleton's won't be hearing the truth from the admin or right wing media it's the obligation of Dems to keep them informed about the virus for their own safety.

Once again, I should emphasize for all those confused Trumper's, no one is blaming the Bigot-in-Chief for the virus happening. That's on China. But he deserves blame for not preparing a proactive, coordinated, comprehensive, competent government response and for constantly minimizing the public health threat. Like, for example, saying "it's all under control" when nothing could be further from the truth.

BTW, it IS going to be just fine, and the whole coronavirus crisis will long be forgotten by the time people are sealed in the voting cubicles in November. Our President's team is on top of this, he is working with experts in the field
If the CDC test kits don't work how it that Trump's fault?
Trump bears responsibility for the competence of the government's ability to respond. He is suppose to have people in place who know what they should have done to prepare. One of the most obvious preparations was to ensure accurate test kits were manufactured well ahead of time to meet the inevitable demand. But.........FAILURE.
Our President's team is on top of this,
Gee, that's just total bullshit. The opportunity to ready the country proactively has come and gone. He has already failed in that regard.

Au contraire, our President was right on top of it, restricting travel between America and Red China- the presumed source of the bug- while libs were telling him it was "xenophobic" to do so.
"President Donald Trump has said he trusts China’s President Xi Jingping to tell world authorities the truth about a deadly coronavirus that has killed nine in China and has had one confirmed case in the United States. Trump spoke to CNBC about the virus on Wednesday as fears grow around the world that it could become impossible to contain. “We have it totally under control,” Trump said from the World Economic Forum in Switzerland. Asked about the confirmed case in Washington state, Trump responded: “It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Tuesday that a Washington state resident who was returning from China on Jan. 15 was diagnosed with the Wuhan coronavirus. Trump said he believes that Xi and Chinese health officials will tell officials around the world everything they need to know about the virus, citing his “great relationship” with the Chinese president."
Trump Says He Trusts Xi’s Word on Coronavirus: ‘It’s All Under Control’

Coronavirus may have spread undetected for weeks in Washington state, which reported first two deaths in U.S.

"The coronavirus has been circulating undetected and has possibly infected scores of people over the past six weeks in Washington state, according to a genetic analysis of virus samples that has sobering implications for the entire country amid heightening anxiety about the likely spread of the disease.

The researchers conducted genetic sequencing of two virus samples. One is from a patient who traveled from China to Snohomish County in mid-January and was the first person diagnosed with the disease in the United States. The other came from a recently diagnosed patient in the same county, a high school student with no travel-related or other known exposure to the coronavirus. The two samples look almost identical genetically, said Trevor Bedford, a computational biologist at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle who announced the results of the research on Twitter late Saturday night."

“This strongly suggests that there has been cryptic transmission in Washington State for the past 6 weeks,” Bedford wrote. “I believe we’re facing an already substantial outbreak in Washington State that was not detected until now due to narrow case definition requiring direct travel to China.”
Since Trumpleton's won't be hearing the truth from the admin or right wing media it's the obligation of Dems to keep them informed about the virus for their own safety.

Once again, I should emphasize for all those confused Trumper's, no one is blaming the Bigot-in-Chief for the virus happening. That's on China. But he deserves blame for not preparing a proactive, coordinated, comprehensive, competent government response and for constantly minimizing the public health threat. Like, for example, saying "it's all under control" when nothing could be further from the truth.
Trump is just being diplomatic

No one trusts Xi

but why insult the leader of our biggest enemy in peacetime?
Please stop embarrassing yourself by making stupid comments.

I have no shame and therefore am incapable of feeling embarrassment. You should probably look in the mirror and repeat what you just said to me.
If the CDC test kits don't work how it that Trump's fault?
Trump bears responsibility for the competence of the government's ability to respond. He is suppose to have people in place who know what they should have done to prepare. One of the most obvious preparations was to ensure accurate test kits were manufactured well ahead of time to meet the inevitable demand. But.........FAILURE.

The CDC hierarchy was in-place 30 or so years. They were not Trump appointees.
What part of no one knew what virus would be the next pandemic don't you get?
Specific test kits need to be developed and mass produced.
In case you haven't noticed, most US factories and pharm manufacturing was moved to China.
Trump is trying to bring them back. You can try to blame Trump, but he is doing fine.
Trump did his job, he kept the infected out as much as possible, now the CDC needs to get its shit together for test kits.
What's the point of the thread?
How Trump plays Xi is his business.
WTF does berg80 know about anything?

Exactly. Another bonehead thread. What choice does Trump have but to take Xi's word? At worst, Trump is doing his job placating public fears. Just how are we supposed to confirm China's data anyway?
Trump should have locked down Washington state, er, or something

Yeah, shutdown all the Boeing plants. Put Boeing out of business.
That'll teach those pesky Chinese not to send that virus over here.
"President Donald Trump has said he trusts China’s President Xi Jingping to tell world authorities the truth about a deadly coronavirus that has killed nine in China and has had one confirmed case in the United States. Trump spoke to CNBC about the virus on Wednesday as fears grow around the world that it could become impossible to contain. “We have it totally under control,” Trump said from the World Economic Forum in Switzerland. Asked about the confirmed case in Washington state, Trump responded: “It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Tuesday that a Washington state resident who was returning from China on Jan. 15 was diagnosed with the Wuhan coronavirus. Trump said he believes that Xi and Chinese health officials will tell officials around the world everything they need to know about the virus, citing his “great relationship” with the Chinese president."
Trump Says He Trusts Xi’s Word on Coronavirus: ‘It’s All Under Control’

Coronavirus may have spread undetected for weeks in Washington state, which reported first two deaths in U.S.

"The coronavirus has been circulating undetected and has possibly infected scores of people over the past six weeks in Washington state, according to a genetic analysis of virus samples that has sobering implications for the entire country amid heightening anxiety about the likely spread of the disease.

The researchers conducted genetic sequencing of two virus samples. One is from a patient who traveled from China to Snohomish County in mid-January and was the first person diagnosed with the disease in the United States. The other came from a recently diagnosed patient in the same county, a high school student with no travel-related or other known exposure to the coronavirus. The two samples look almost identical genetically, said Trevor Bedford, a computational biologist at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle who announced the results of the research on Twitter late Saturday night."

“This strongly suggests that there has been cryptic transmission in Washington State for the past 6 weeks,” Bedford wrote. “I believe we’re facing an already substantial outbreak in Washington State that was not detected until now due to narrow case definition requiring direct travel to China.”
Since Trumpleton's won't be hearing the truth from the admin or right wing media it's the obligation of Dems to keep them informed about the virus for their own safety.

Once again, I should emphasize for all those confused Trumper's, no one is blaming the Bigot-in-Chief for the virus happening. That's on China. But he deserves blame for not preparing a proactive, coordinated, comprehensive, competent government response and for constantly minimizing the public health threat. Like, for example, saying "it's all under control" when nothing could be further from the truth.

Since you make it political, millions were infected with swine flu when O was in office. Not a peep from you. You're to be laughed at and ridiculed for being such a hack.
It's all a hoax anyway. Even if Coronavirus were real, Donnie Jr. has scared it away from America. Our President has his GOD Team working with Jesus for a vaccine and everyone will be fine.
It's all a hoax anyway. Even if Coronavirus were real, Donnie Jr. has scared it away from America. Our President has his GOD Team working with Jesus for a vaccine and everyone will be fine.
Of course it's a hoax. Idiots like you keep it going.
“Our country is prepared for any circumstance,” the president added. “We hope it’s not going to be a major circumstance, it’ll be a smaller circumstance. But whatever the circumstances, we’re prepared.”

Add that to the list of lies.

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