Trump says he was named Michigan "man or the year" (another lie)

Magic Negro? Nothing racist there.

I never put a negro in a housing project and crappy government school to keep him stupid, poor, and violent....that would by your ilk, scumbag. Proud black folks are flocking to Trump while the rest are robbing, raping, and murdering you gutless weasels pretending you're enlightened....easy prey...
90 percent of blacks oppose Trump
Pathological liar Donald Trump just said:

"I've been fighting for the car industry for years. I was honored five years ago. Man of the Year in Michigan. That was a great honor for me," he said at a rally in Sterling Heights, Michigan.
But it turns out that Trump (who is not even from Michigan) never won such an award or title.
He simply made it up out of thin air.
Fact check: Former Michigan congressman sheds light on Trump's claim to be Michigan's 'Man of the Year'

In Trump's defense, he is getting pretty damn old and he is overweight. People with high body mass index are more likely to develop dementia, so he might really believe he did receive this award that does not even exist.
It's gotta be the framed copy of the Gettysburg Address he got. Anyone could be mistaken after receiving that.

He is pretty old, and he is very much overweight. People that are overweight have a higher chance of dementia than those who are a healthy weight. He probably really thinks he got the award since he has mentioned it multiple times.
He says it so often that he believes it
And I got USMB award for man of the year
Pathological liar Donald Trump just said:

"I've been fighting for the car industry for years. I was honored five years ago. Man of the Year in Michigan. That was a great honor for me," he said at a rally in Sterling Heights, Michigan.
But it turns out that Trump (who is not even from Michigan) never won such an award or title.
He simply made it up out of thin air.
Fact check: Former Michigan congressman sheds light on Trump's claim to be Michigan's 'Man of the Year'
Hell, I didn't even know that such an award existed... who decides and gives them out? Check with them... :21:
Magic Negro? Nothing racist there.

I never put a negro in a housing project and crappy government school to keep him stupid, poor, and violent....that would by your ilk, scumbag. Proud black folks are flocking to Trump while the rest are robbing, raping, and murdering you gutless weasels pretending you're enlightened....easy prey...
90 percent of blacks oppose Trump
90% of that 90% love the ghettos. From within or living off of it. It will still be the same many decades from now. Just like many of the Priests and the Roman Catholic Church sold out their church members, there are African Americans who have done the identical thing in different ways. Many of the church members wised up and left. Others saw the sorrow of what is left and stayed. African americans have only scratched the surface on their own versions. Hucksters are all around with themselves coming first. Its hard to denigrate a person who ostensibly is against "the man". Outsiders who are imperfect themselves try to warn. But to no avail with most. Although a trickle come to believe.
Well technically........he awards himself these things in his own head so............
"I do that, I give myself awards all the time, it's good media- it's not dishonest. I give and then I announce I've just received an award and nothing deceptive about it because I did get an award - I just gave it to myself."

- Donald Jackass Trump - National Achiever's Congress in Sydney, Australia - September 21, 2011
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