Trump says he will reduce energy and electricity prices by 50%, in 12 months, if Elected.

Violent marbs are coming across the border every day by the millions. They rape their way across America and litter the streets with candy wrappers. Only Trumpy can stop that. If you don't want to get raped vote Trump.

Well mr trump, can you explain how you are going to do this?

What is your POLICY for this "price cutting move"?

Someone tell me that MrGlobal is or is NOT a reliable resource for Energy Talks.

pilgrim wayne.jpg
In order to get elected to ANYTHING in America, you have to shamelessly pander and promise more than the other guy.

That doesn't reflect poorly on those who pander to us ... it is an indictment of US for actually proving over and over that pandering works.
I think energy prices are too high

Better to vote for the guy who tries to do something about it than a defeatist democrat who wants us to swelter in the heat without air conditioning
I think energy prices are too high

Better to vote for the guy who tries to do something about it than a defeatist democrat who wants us to swelter in the heat without air conditioning

I will also vote for the person with like-minded promises.

But I won’t expect those promises to come true, no matter how well intended.
LMAO, Heels Up hiding in her basement and not taking any responsibility for previous statements or publicizing a cognizant platform is better? Trump has a positive record of accomplishment in spite of an obstructive congress is good enough for me. MAGA 2024.
In other words you bleeeve Trump is going to cut enery costs by 50% just cuz he told 'Murica he'd do it.

Remember how he said a few short weeks ago that he won in 2020, genius?
You're a partisan hypocrite, STFU. You defend Hunter Biden incessantly and he has posted on HIS OWN social media things that would make a sailor blush, but you are ready to lynch Trump for locker room talk. SMFH. What a moron.
No, Trump should be hung for his coup attempt & his theft of classified documents, which means he's a traitor.
In other words you bleeeve Trump is going to cut enery costs by 50% just cuz he told 'Murica he'd do it.

Remember how he said a few short weeks ago that he won in 2020, genius?
Nice response. What has your selected candidate offer. Strange how none of you fascists can respond with anything positive for your idiot. Also hypocritical that you ignore the well documented vulgarity from her. Her staff that has turned over 95% during her short term for those reasons. Hmmmm. I'll wait for your vulgar response as well.
Nice response. What has your selected candidate offer. Strange how none of you fascists can respond with anything positive for your idiot. Also hypocritical that you ignore the well documented vulgarity from her. Her staff that has turned over 95% during her short term for those reasons. Hmmmm. I'll wait for your vulgar response as well.
The topic is Trump claiming he'll cut energy costs by 50%. So how is he goint to do it? Let's have it instead of you trying to steer the topic away from Trump's claim because he's a liar & you know it.

Let's have it.
No, Trump should be hung for his coup attempt & his theft of classified documents, which means he's a traitor.
More unsubstantiated garbage. Please link to any conviction of Trump for insurrection or any other crime related to J6. Just because you have been told by your masters that something happened doesn't make it so. Maybe you should move to China--you seem to agree with their justice system.

Well mr trump, can you explain how you are going to do this?

What is your POLICY for this "price cutting move"?

Someone tell me that MrGlobal is or is NOT a reliable resource for Energy Talks.

Trumpy will get us cheap electricity and Mexico will pay for it.
The topic is Trump claiming he'll cut energy costs by 50%. So how is he goint to do it? Let's have it instead of you trying to steer the topic away from Trump's claim because he's a liar & you know it.

Let's have it.
LOL, and you believe Heels Up supports fracking, right? You also believe that she is going to build a border wall in spite of the fact that she didn't do ANYTHING to alleviate the problem as BORDER CZAR. Try again. Hypocrite.
Because he said he would be a dictator for a day.

I know, he was just kidding, right?

How about some more "Trump Word Salad."
Normal people use things like humor and hyperbole in conversation, especially public speaking.

Always amazes me that lefies think lacking a sense of humor is a sign of intelligence.

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