trump says he will take the blame for shutting the government down....

You're the only one calling for impeachment over a shutdown.
Like I said, you nevah evah respected Trump you loser poser...

I was pushing to allow him to serve his time out and allow congress to reign him in like they are supposed to do. But if they can't, he has to do. His ego is out of control. The idjit said he could have the house anytime he wanted. The idjit was talking to the probable next house speaker for crying out loud. I imagine it took all Polosie's control not to call him a "Stupid Bastard" on camera.

I'm sure Trumps whittle heart is broken that you will no longer allow him to serve his term out you TDS afflicted reprobate.

You are such a heartless bastard that you don't care about the very people that got him elected in the first place. 2020 isn't that far off. I for one, think he won't make it that far. And I dread Pince much more than Trump. As of Jan, 2019, Trump can be reigned in by Congress. And it will be for only 2 years.

You only see it that way because Dem controlled media has a ring in your nose.

The people that elected him are well aware of anti-American Dim obstructionism that will only serve Trump for re-election.

I live in an area that supports Trump. But I also live in an area that will lose millions from a 2 week Government Shutdown. That money will never be gotten back. It's lost. Have a real Merry Christmas. I know a lot of people that won't be having one, you heartless bastard.

You act like only Trump would be to blame. Compared to all the bloated, wasted and unaccounted federal reserve notes this corporate entity lamely disguising itself as a legitimate governmental body has gone through? 5 billion is a fucking bargain. Leftards caved on 10 times more than that AFTER they pledged to stop funding the Iraq war after the 2006 midterms....funny how now they are claiming to be so
I was pushing to allow him to serve his time out and allow congress to reign him in like they are supposed to do. But if they can't, he has to do. His ego is out of control. The idjit said he could have the house anytime he wanted. The idjit was talking to the probable next house speaker for crying out loud. I imagine it took all Polosie's control not to call him a "Stupid Bastard" on camera.

I'm sure Trumps whittle heart is broken that you will no longer allow him to serve his term out you TDS afflicted reprobate.

You are such a heartless bastard that you don't care about the very people that got him elected in the first place. 2020 isn't that far off. I for one, think he won't make it that far. And I dread Pince much more than Trump. As of Jan, 2019, Trump can be reigned in by Congress. And it will be for only 2 years.

You only see it that way because Dem controlled media has a ring in your nose.

The people that elected him are well aware of anti-American Dim obstructionism that will only serve Trump for re-election.

I live in an area that supports Trump. But I also live in an area that will lose millions from a 2 week Government Shutdown. That money will never be gotten back. It's lost. Have a real Merry Christmas. I know a lot of people that won't be having one, you heartless bastard.

Why the fear monger? Is that what Trump haters do now? I thought that's only Republicans.

This isn't mongering. It's what happens. It's happened every time the Government gets shut down for 2 weeks in areas like I live in. It's hard cold life. And if you can't see that, you are one cold heartless bastard just like your orange buddy.
If the news readers didn't whine about it 24/7, 90% of the people wouldn't even notice if it shut down.

Really ? You wouldn’t notice airports closed ? No border protection ? Banks and financial institutions in chaos ?

Like last time, only non essential "gubermint" workers would be told to stay home.....remember last time??

Those non essential "gubermint" workers comprise of hundreds of thousands of workers all across the nation. And they won't get paid on the 1st. That means they won't be spending their pay checks on the first at the restuarants, clubs, grocery stores, etc.. And that will affect millions of workers that won't get that money back. The Government worker will get paid but the support worker will lose those funds and not be reimbursed. You think it's not a big deal? It is to millions of support workers that are barely making it from pay check to pay check.

Federal "gubermint" employees make 25 to 30 percent more than their private sector counterparts.

And if they don't have the money to spend for 2 weeks, the services people dont' get paid. That service money is lost. The Government will reimburse the Government Worker but the Service worker is just plain out of luck. The Service worker is working from pay check to pay check and that is one pay check they will never see again. For every one Government Worker, there will be at least 3 service workers that won't get paid for 2 weeks.

Sob, sob......sniffle, sniffle.
Fake News CNN is insane in their pathetic effort to help the butthurt Dems spin what really happened. President Trump PWND Demented Nancy Pelusi and Cryin' Chuck Schumer. :p It is awesome to watch the Top Democrats get humiliated by The Donald. Hilarious how the Top Democrats tried to spin their butthurtness after with Pelusi implying "the wall" is a phallic symbol. :cuckoo:

If the news readers didn't whine about it 24/7, 90% of the people wouldn't even notice if it shut down.

Really ? You wouldn’t notice airports closed ? No border protection ? Banks and financial institutions in chaos ?

Like last time, only non essential "gubermint" workers would be told to stay home.....remember last time??

Those non essential "gubermint" workers comprise of hundreds of thousands of workers all across the nation. And they won't get paid on the 1st. That means they won't be spending their pay checks on the first at the restuarants, clubs, grocery stores, etc.. And that will affect millions of workers that won't get that money back. The Government worker will get paid but the support worker will lose those funds and not be reimbursed. You think it's not a big deal? It is to millions of support workers that are barely making it from pay check to pay check.

Might want to mention that to Schumer and Pelosi.

They're the ones that claim to be for the common man.

So we allow Trump to hold us all hostage for his "Wall"? In case you don't know it, there are already funds allocated every year to build on that wall. It was approved in a reciprical fund to build X miles of wall each year and doesn't need to be approved. The money is already allocated. It was voted into law right after 9/11. You have been lied to or you know you have been lied to and refuse to accept it. Holding the entire nation hostage for his idea of the "Wall" is inhumane. And to support his idea of the "Wall" at the expense of the Nation is unconscionable. But since when has anyone ever accused him of having a consequence. Or morals or Ethics.

. And to support his idea of the "Wall" at the expense of the Nation is unconscionable.

Make sure you tweet that to Nancy and Chuckie.
The reality TV president just got beat at his own game - CNNPolitics

What a dunce? The Repubs must love such a clueless dumb ass....

Liberals imagine that everyone in the country gives a shit or even notices if the government "shuts down".

You are right . We should REALLY shut it down. You’d crap your pants if that happened .

If the news readers didn't whine about it 24/7, 90% of the people wouldn't even notice if it shut down.

Really ? You wouldn’t notice airports closed ? No border protection ? Banks and financial institutions in chaos ?

Airports are going to shut down if they don't pass a budget? DERP!
Fake News CNN is insane in their pathetic effort to help the butthurt Dems spin what really happened. President Trump PWND Demented Nancy Pelusi and Cryin' Chuck Schumer. :p It is awesome to watch the Top Democrats get humiliated by The Donald. Hilarious how the Top Democrats tried to spin their butthurtness after with Pelusi implying "the wall" is a phallic symbol. :cuckoo:

Pelosi's so old, she couldn't identify a phallic symbol if it knocked her front dentures out.
Liberals imagine that everyone in the country gives a shit or even notices if the government "shuts down".
Thousands of people go on furlough and government services are inoperable. You don’t care about that because you are childish to assume anyone with a federal job is the enemy.

Of course, the last shut down cost the economy billions of dollars.

Thousands of people go on furlough and government services are inoperable.

Yes, and most people won't even notice.
Right just the thousands of people not making a living while our dumb politicians bicker.

Yes, you should play the "pity the poor government workers" card.
And you’re playing the “the shutdown must happen because Trump has to get his way” card.

I don't care if it happens or not. Most people won't notice and won't care.
If the news readers didn't whine about it 24/7, 90% of the people wouldn't even notice if it shut down.

Really ? You wouldn’t notice airports closed ? No border protection ? Banks and financial institutions in chaos ?

Like last time, only non essential "gubermint" workers would be told to stay home.....remember last time??

Those non essential "gubermint" workers comprise of hundreds of thousands of workers all across the nation. And they won't get paid on the 1st. That means they won't be spending their pay checks on the first at the restuarants, clubs, grocery stores, etc.. And that will affect millions of workers that won't get that money back. The Government worker will get paid but the support worker will lose those funds and not be reimbursed. You think it's not a big deal? It is to millions of support workers that are barely making it from pay check to pay check.

Federal "gubermint" employees make 25 to 30 percent more than their private sector counterparts.

And if they don't have the money to spend for 2 weeks, the services people dont' get paid. That service money is lost. The Government will reimburse the Government Worker but the Service worker is just plain out of luck. The Service worker is working from pay check to pay check and that is one pay check they will never see again. For every one Government Worker, there will be at least 3 service workers that won't get paid for 2 weeks.

Everyone will get paid. All it will do is drive up the deficits, something that is the only thing the government can do right.

That is their job, destroy the country with massive debt.
I was pushing to allow him to serve his time out and allow congress to reign him in like they are supposed to do. But if they can't, he has to do. His ego is out of control. The idjit said he could have the house anytime he wanted. The idjit was talking to the probable next house speaker for crying out loud. I imagine it took all Polosie's control not to call him a "Stupid Bastard" on camera.

I'm sure Trumps whittle heart is broken that you will no longer allow him to serve his term out you TDS afflicted reprobate.

You are such a heartless bastard that you don't care about the very people that got him elected in the first place. 2020 isn't that far off. I for one, think he won't make it that far. And I dread Pince much more than Trump. As of Jan, 2019, Trump can be reigned in by Congress. And it will be for only 2 years.

You only see it that way because Dem controlled media has a ring in your nose.

The people that elected him are well aware of anti-American Dim obstructionism that will only serve Trump for re-election.

I live in an area that supports Trump. But I also live in an area that will lose millions from a 2 week Government Shutdown. That money will never be gotten back. It's lost. Have a real Merry Christmas. I know a lot of people that won't be having one, you heartless bastard.

You act like only Trump would be to blame. Compared to all the bloated, wasted and unaccounted federal reserve notes this corporate entity lamely disguising itself as a legitimate governmental body? 5 billion is a fucking bargain. Leftards caved on 10 times more than that AFTRR they pledged to stop funding the Iraq war after the 2006 midterms....funny how now they are claiming to be so

Considering that there is already funding for partial building of a wall that is already allocated, it can wait. Every year since right after 9/11 there has been funding for so many miles of new wall allocated for wall building. You mean your Orange Buddy didn't tell you that? Trump does have say in where that money can be spent. But he wants to do it all at once. Not going to happen. We just can't afford it. And the Dems already offered to up that amount considerably but no, he wants it all. He won't get it,period. And he definitely won't get in after Jan 1. In fact, he probably won't get the expanded amount either now. His temper tantrum is going to cost the nation dearly. The Dems have no choice but to go for the jugular now. He could just play nice, accept the compromise and let the government keep on but he's threatening a shutdown because he wants it all his way or he'll burn the nation to the ground. If the nation can be held hostage by one man then maybe the nation needs to be burnt to the ground and another one put up in it's place that won't allow that to happen. So, you anarchists just might get your wish. But be very careful what you wish for.
Really ? You wouldn’t notice airports closed ? No border protection ? Banks and financial institutions in chaos ?

Like last time, only non essential "gubermint" workers would be told to stay home.....remember last time??

Those non essential "gubermint" workers comprise of hundreds of thousands of workers all across the nation. And they won't get paid on the 1st. That means they won't be spending their pay checks on the first at the restuarants, clubs, grocery stores, etc.. And that will affect millions of workers that won't get that money back. The Government worker will get paid but the support worker will lose those funds and not be reimbursed. You think it's not a big deal? It is to millions of support workers that are barely making it from pay check to pay check.

Federal "gubermint" employees make 25 to 30 percent more than their private sector counterparts.

And if they don't have the money to spend for 2 weeks, the services people dont' get paid. That service money is lost. The Government will reimburse the Government Worker but the Service worker is just plain out of luck. The Service worker is working from pay check to pay check and that is one pay check they will never see again. For every one Government Worker, there will be at least 3 service workers that won't get paid for 2 weeks.

Everyone will get paid. All it will do is drive up the deficits, something that is the only thing the government can do right.

That is their job, destroy the country with massive debt.

That's Government People. The Service People that will not have customers for the next 2 weeks won't get paid. They lose 2 weeks worth of income and they are already working from pay check to pay check.
Thousands of people go on furlough and government services are inoperable. You don’t care about that because you are childish to assume anyone with a federal job is the enemy.

Of course, the last shut down cost the economy billions of dollars.

Thousands of people go on furlough and government services are inoperable.

Yes, and most people won't even notice.
Right just the thousands of people not making a living while our dumb politicians bicker.

Yes, you should play the "pity the poor government workers" card.
And you’re playing the “the shutdown must happen because Trump has to get his way” card.

I don't care if it happens or not. Most people won't notice and won't care.

This is an area that is dependent heavily on Tourist Trade. Those non essential people are going to be people that work the gates at National Forests and Monuments. That means the National Forests and Monuments close their gates. Access to the Ski Industry is shut down. Access to the Trails are shutdown. People go to other areas that are not so dependent on National Forests and Monuments. That means that the Ski Industry and the support industry is hurt and hurt bad for even longer than the 2 weeks of the government shutdown. For the first time in a few years, we have a nice Snow Pack and was looking forward to a fantastic Show Season where every small business made a decent living from lodging to food to clothing to nicknacks to fuel to.....there's quite a list. But with the Government shut down, that busts the season. And it will take about a month for it to settle back down again. Utah, New Mexico, California, Place in the Eastern Mountains, all of us get hit the same way. And it doesn't care how or who you voted for.
The reality TV president just got beat at his own game - CNNPolitics

What a dunce? The Repubs must love such a clueless dumb ass....

Liberals imagine that everyone in the country gives a shit or even notices if the government "shuts down".

What would happen to the Mueller investigation during a government shut down...

They are all bloody rich. I think they can muddle by on what they have. And so can Trumps Cabinet (if there is any left, that is).
Thousands of people go on furlough and government services are inoperable.

Yes, and most people won't even notice.
Right just the thousands of people not making a living while our dumb politicians bicker.

Yes, you should play the "pity the poor government workers" card.
And you’re playing the “the shutdown must happen because Trump has to get his way” card.

I don't care if it happens or not. Most people won't notice and won't care.

This is an area that is dependent heavily on Tourist Trade. Those non essential people are going to be people that work the gates at National Forests and Monuments. That means the National Forests and Monuments close their gates. Access to the Ski Industry is shut down. Access to the Trails are shutdown. People go to other areas that are not so dependent on National Forests and Monuments. That means that the Ski Industry and the support industry is hurt and hurt bad for even longer than the 2 weeks of the government shutdown. For the first time in a few years, we have a nice Snow Pack and was looking forward to a fantastic Show Season where every small business made a decent living from lodging to food to clothing to nicknacks to fuel to.....there's quite a list. But with the Government shut down, that busts the season. And it will take about a month for it to settle back down again. Utah, New Mexico, California, Place in the Eastern Mountains, all of us get hit the same way. And it doesn't care how or who you voted for.

Sounds like the Dems should give Trump what he's asking for.
The reality TV president just got beat at his own game - CNNPolitics

What a dunce? The Repubs must love such a clueless dumb ass....

Liberals imagine that everyone in the country gives a shit or even notices if the government "shuts down".

You are right . We should REALLY shut it down. You’d crap your pants if that happened .

If the news readers didn't whine about it 24/7, 90% of the people wouldn't even notice if it shut down.

Really ? You wouldn’t notice airports closed ? No border protection ? Banks and financial institutions in chaos ?
Have you ever lived through a shut down? I have, and the only thing I got pissed about on one. Was, Obama shut down the WW2 memorial, then let illegals use it.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Sooner Trump shuts it down sooner the wall gets built.
  2. Simply at this point, he has Pelosi by the pussy.
  3. And Chuckster by the balls.
  4. Now all he needs to do is follow through, which he will.
  5. Or those two will crumble.
  6. I see the wall as being built in earnest come next year..

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