Trump Says He Won't Sell His Businesses To Address Conflicts Of Interest

should Trump Divest himself from his business before he is sworn in as POTUS.

  • Yep, even the appearance of impropriety should be avoided.

  • Nope, his kids can run it and nobody should think anything of it.

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How do you know that? How do you know what she was going to do as President? See how this works dipshit? You just said that people have no clue what Trump is going to do, and then you proceed to say you knew what Clinton was going to do. Jesus Christ... how fucking stupid. You didn't even give enough time between posts to make it seem like you could play dumb about it either.
If you actually took time to read you would see that what was posted that Clinton planned to do, was actually what Clinton already said she was going to do.
So, are you ok with her just taking her name off the charity for a few years but keeping the charity, and if so, why are you not ok with Trump doing the same with his business.
You are very transparent, please just come out and admit that you will make up anything you can to try and discredit Donald Trump before he even takes his rightful place in the oval office.
Liberals need to be careful, their ignorance is starting to wear thin with the Americans.

No dumbass. You just accused me of accepting what Clinton has done but not with Trump. That was a lie. I've said all along that Clinton was guilty. Fuck the most obvious case was with the Columbian Free Trade deal. She said she would NEVER be for it, and then Bill got paid for a speech and all of a sudden she supported it. But no... like all little blind Trump supporters you accept Trump being dirty by saying CLINTON!!!! Fuck it's over, quit using Clinton as a crutch and deal with the fact you backed a dirty candidate.
more of the name calling and crudity.
Im sorry but, once somebody is unable to control themselves like you have demonstrated, the lose all credibility.
Now, what you should do is step back and not return to posting until you can get that problem under control.

Maybe you should step back and fucking educate yourself and then come back to posting?
See, agaiin, unable to type even one short line without having to add swearing.
How sad for you. It might be why you have trouble finding suitable employment.

Good try numbnuts. Try to build that strawman to tear down. I'm finishing up my senior year of college after returning last year. But hey...if you can't beat someone in an argument, try to make a fake one you can win right?
Washington didn't sell the farm....stupid fucking fascist liberals.....

We are coming..,,

Why would Washington sell his fucking farm? And for you to compare a farm to Trump's business is the most idiotic fucking thing you could possibly say. Are you even smart enough to breath on your own?
Didn't Hoover own stock in Sons og Gwalia?
I really don't know whether he owned stock when he was potus. But, generally, I think the transparency rules began post-WWII. Truman had little money. Ike was career military. Much was made of JFK putting all his in trust. Nixon had his personal corruption issue and the Checkers Speech.

The New Deal sort of promoted a spirit of equality among classes.
He had it since the 1870s or so.
yeah, but I have no idea if he still had it in the 1930s. But an interesting point. Again, I think the "rules" sort of changed with FDR. He was trusted, but after than it was not about taking anyone's word.
He had it up until it closed like a year or two before he died.
I cant disagree with the rest.
No, you just said you knew what she was going to do, just a couple of posts from saying that I was wrong for saying what I thought Trump was going to do. You're a douche bag hypocrite that just got caught. Deal with it.
Why does the left always have to find a way to include crudity into every post.
Your point would have been made with just saying hypocrite, but for some reason, like all filthy liberals you have to include the name calling with douche bag.
Can you explain that? can you suggest any reasons that any sane person would want to have a party so filled with vile hateful people such as yourself in charge?

Damn straight, because you like to call everyone that doesn't support Trump a liberal, which I'm not. And even after correcting you, you continue to call me a liberal. So you deserve the names you get called.
And you still are unable to admit that you are in fact supporting the liberal party. Guess what? Im not a republican. But when it comes to Donald Trump, I have to support the republican party. ( not the RINOS, the real republicans, the ones that care about the country)

I'm not a liberal and you can't prove otherwise. For you to think the only people that oppose Trump are liberals just shows how fucking dumb you are.
another swear word.
Sorry, when you swear nothing you say has any validity with decent people.

Do you think I care what your opinion is of me? Do you think you are the decency police? For God's sake you voted in a fucking candidate that said, "Grab them by the pussy." So get the fuck out of here with that bull shit.
How do you know that? How do you know what she was going to do as President? See how this works dipshit? You just said that people have no clue what Trump is going to do, and then you proceed to say you knew what Clinton was going to do. Jesus Christ... how fucking stupid. You didn't even give enough time between posts to make it seem like you could play dumb about it either.
That gave details... Trump has not. Dumbfuck. All T said was he was going to totally divest from it.

No, you just said you knew what she was going to do, just a couple of posts from saying that I was wrong for saying what I thought Trump was going to do. You're a douche bag hypocrite that just got caught. Deal with it.
I didn't get caught anything, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck. THATS WHAT THEY SAID THEY WERE GOING TO DO.
For all we know, trump could sell all of his stake to his kids. Clinton was SPECIFIC

Clinton said that her, Bill, and the whole family would get out of the foundation... you act like they would only do it in words and not actions. You act like you "knew" what they were going to do. You don't know shit.
To be fair, with Hillary it was like pulling fingernails. Slick didn't agree to cease and desist until way late. And the real problem was when Hillary was SoS and the Foundation was still raising money. Even if she hadn't sold access, and she did sell access, her family should not have had any role in the Foundation.

With Trump, even if he turned it over to his kids, it'd still be corruption. JFK couldn't let dad manage the investments, because they'd still chat. If Trump wants to avoid the personal corruption tag ... he liquidates, or just sells the whole thing to some corp much larger than himself, and puts that in a blind trust with the understanding his trustee will sell the interest in that other corp for different, unknown, assets over time.

But he won't, because he knows he'll take a loss doing so. He's rather try to skirt the system than do that. In fact, I bet he'd rather be impeached as President than lose money.
I don't? I've gone over this with other people. I don't have a party and I've said many times Clinton was wrong and should be in jail. So try that parlor game on someone else.
say it all you want, but here you are, upset that clinton lost. and honestly, it was going to be clinton or Trump. So if you are so against Trump, that indicates that you wanted clinton.
see how that works.

I'm not upset Clinton lost, asshat. I've said since long before the election both candidates were pieces of shit and we lost as a country no matter who won. But that doesn't suit your argument does it? Because you can't defend your candidate, so you have to attack the person you are arguing with... but you can't attack me as a Hillary supporter. What you going to do then? Oh... nothing, because you can't actually defend your own candidate's actions.

You fucking blind supporters on both sides of this election are fucking whack-a-doodles. You can't clean up your own acts so you just justify being douches by saying the other side is a douche too.
You fool no one. I hope you realize that..

Fool no one of what? Now I know I should have felt very offended when I first started posting that people accused me of being a sock puppet of your's. If I knew the kind of shit you post I was have ripped them a new one.
Probably the only compliment you have gotten here

Compliment? Hell, being compared to you is like someone comparing a person's looks to Rosie O'Donnell.
say it all you want, but here you are, upset that clinton lost. and honestly, it was going to be clinton or Trump. So if you are so against Trump, that indicates that you wanted clinton.
see how that works.

I'm not upset Clinton lost, asshat. I've said since long before the election both candidates were pieces of shit and we lost as a country no matter who won. But that doesn't suit your argument does it? Because you can't defend your candidate, so you have to attack the person you are arguing with... but you can't attack me as a Hillary supporter. What you going to do then? Oh... nothing, because you can't actually defend your own candidate's actions.

You fucking blind supporters on both sides of this election are fucking whack-a-doodles. You can't clean up your own acts so you just justify being douches by saying the other side is a douche too.
You fool no one. I hope you realize that..

Fool no one of what? Now I know I should have felt very offended when I first started posting that people accused me of being a sock puppet of your's. If I knew the kind of shit you post I was have ripped them a new one.
Probably the only compliment you have gotten here

Compliment? Hell, being compared to you is like someone comparing a person's looks to Rosie O'Donnell.
Probably the only compliment she will ever get as well.
Why does the left always have to find a way to include crudity into every post.
Your point would have been made with just saying hypocrite, but for some reason, like all filthy liberals you have to include the name calling with douche bag.
Can you explain that? can you suggest any reasons that any sane person would want to have a party so filled with vile hateful people such as yourself in charge?

Damn straight, because you like to call everyone that doesn't support Trump a liberal, which I'm not. And even after correcting you, you continue to call me a liberal. So you deserve the names you get called.
And you still are unable to admit that you are in fact supporting the liberal party. Guess what? Im not a republican. But when it comes to Donald Trump, I have to support the republican party. ( not the RINOS, the real republicans, the ones that care about the country)

I'm not a liberal and you can't prove otherwise. For you to think the only people that oppose Trump are liberals just shows how fucking dumb you are.
another swear word.
Sorry, when you swear nothing you say has any validity with decent people.

Do you think I care what your opinion is of me? Do you think you are the decency police? For God's sake you voted in a fucking candidate that said, "Grab them by the pussy." So get the fuck out of here with that bull shit.
are you by any chance between the ages of 11 and 15?
This is not the way adults carry on conversations.
Now that the conservatives are back in charge of the country, you might blend in a bit better with society if you could learn to control your language just a little bit.
Others that try to maintain a certain decency in their life might agree that I could be doing you a favor by trying to help you out here.
People might even take the time to consider your point of view if you dont come off so lewd and vile.
Please, no need to thank me. Seeing your morals improve and seeing you grow as a human will be thanks enough.
Damn straight, because you like to call everyone that doesn't support Trump a liberal, which I'm not. And even after correcting you, you continue to call me a liberal. So you deserve the names you get called.
And you still are unable to admit that you are in fact supporting the liberal party. Guess what? Im not a republican. But when it comes to Donald Trump, I have to support the republican party. ( not the RINOS, the real republicans, the ones that care about the country)

I'm not a liberal and you can't prove otherwise. For you to think the only people that oppose Trump are liberals just shows how fucking dumb you are.
another swear word.
Sorry, when you swear nothing you say has any validity with decent people.

Do you think I care what your opinion is of me? Do you think you are the decency police? For God's sake you voted in a fucking candidate that said, "Grab them by the pussy." So get the fuck out of here with that bull shit.
are you by any chance between the ages of 11 and 15?
This is not the way adults carry on conversations.
Now that the conservatives are back in charge of the country, you might blend in a bit better with society if you could learn to control your language just a little bit.
Others that try to maintain a certain decency in their life might agree that I could be doing you a favor by trying to help you out here.
People might even take the time to consider your point of view if you dont come off so lewd and vile.
Please, no need to thank me. Seeing your morals improve and seeing you grow as a human will be thanks enough.

You can't be fucking serious? Again, you are turning a blind eye to things that happen within your own realm. Some of the people with the worst language on this forum are Republican Trump supporters, and again, you voted for a man that said, "Grab them by the pussy." You voted him as President of the United States... and here you are trying to talk down to me on a forum. Do you understand how ridiculously idiotic you are?
How the fuck else do you grab em?

For one, you don't "grab" a woman... and you most certainly don't grab a woman by the pussy. But hey... The Donald said it, so it's ok. If a guy on a forum uses bad language though... they are BAD people! Bad... bad people!
And you still are unable to admit that you are in fact supporting the liberal party. Guess what? Im not a republican. But when it comes to Donald Trump, I have to support the republican party. ( not the RINOS, the real republicans, the ones that care about the country)

I'm not a liberal and you can't prove otherwise. For you to think the only people that oppose Trump are liberals just shows how fucking dumb you are.
another swear word.
Sorry, when you swear nothing you say has any validity with decent people.

Do you think I care what your opinion is of me? Do you think you are the decency police? For God's sake you voted in a fucking candidate that said, "Grab them by the pussy." So get the fuck out of here with that bull shit.
are you by any chance between the ages of 11 and 15?
This is not the way adults carry on conversations.
Now that the conservatives are back in charge of the country, you might blend in a bit better with society if you could learn to control your language just a little bit.
Others that try to maintain a certain decency in their life might agree that I could be doing you a favor by trying to help you out here.
People might even take the time to consider your point of view if you dont come off so lewd and vile.
Please, no need to thank me. Seeing your morals improve and seeing you grow as a human will be thanks enough.

You can't be fucking serious? Again, you are turning a blind eye to things that happen within your own realm. Some of the people with the worst language on this forum are Republican Trump supporters, and again, you voted for a man that said, "Grab them by the pussy." You voted him as President of the United States... and here you are trying to talk down to me on a forum. Do you understand how ridiculously idiotic you are?
Its not like Im trying to talk down to you, its just the way it works sometimes when things are so off balance to start with.
You can correct yourself and be taken seriously though.
And for the record, I would certainly not approve of what Trump said. However, I do realize that in certain settings, men tend to get a bit crude around each other, women do the same. The difference is that most know when its not appropriate.
That being said, Im afraid that I would be unable to endorse a liar and an Anti American like Hillary based on one instance of crude language from Trump.
So, because she was such a horrible candidate and such a danger to our country, I had no choice but to go against her.
How the fuck else do you grab em?

For one, you don't "grab" a woman... and you most certainly don't grab a woman by the pussy. But hey... The Donald said it, so it's ok. If a guy on a forum uses bad language though... they are BAD people! Bad... bad people!
Lol, take that corncob out of your ass, sonny.

I'm sorry, should I put you in the same club as Tom Horn? You got a thing for getting rough with women?
How the fuck else do you grab em?
Don't. They might be armed.
Did Nancy Pelosi sell her businesses?
No, but neither she nor Paul Ryan ran for potus. And she really is corrupt piece of shit, but then Trump is getting there too
It would seem that as a member of congress, (where the laws are made) she would be in a better place to benefit her business than if she would have been president. (where laws are not made)
In order for Donald Trump to do something that is going to enhance his business income, congress will have to first write the bill to do so, then Trump can sign it into law. So, would the president be less of a threat than a congressman when it comes to corruption due to their private business holdings?

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