Trump Says He Won't Sell His Businesses To Address Conflicts Of Interest

should Trump Divest himself from his business before he is sworn in as POTUS.

  • Yep, even the appearance of impropriety should be avoided.

  • Nope, his kids can run it and nobody should think anything of it.

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Can we say EMOLUMENT?

Read and understand Article I, § 9, Clause 8 of the US Constitution! Even receiving a 10¢ EMOLUMENT from a foreign government is an impeachable offence Constitutionally, and "receiving" has a very broad definition.

It seems that the Constitution means nothing to Trump and his Trumpsters. Here we have Putin/Russia lovers, who have no respect for the Consititution in it's entirety. Now that's something to ponder.
Can't you put your business in a blind trust with out loss? are there no business persons talented enough to keep the business running while he is president? the job of president is full time plus.
Even if Trump did sale his bussniess interest liberals would still hound him over it. Let him sign executorship over to his children. It would be impossible for Trump to act inappropriately in anyway, Democrats and establishment Republicans will be ready to pounce.

LOL, you're not this dumb are you?
Typical liberal response so I will respond in kind I know you are but what am I.
The Clinton's were forced to say they would completely divest themselves from their CHARITY, if she became President....that both Bill and Chelsea would get out of it too....

Why are you Trumpsters not forcing the same, with Trump?

HOW can he not have a conflict of interest with his business that his kids would run? When YOU KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that Trump would be following his own business and know the deals his children were making with Foreign Nations, to put up their Trump towers...

Trump should have thought about this BEFORE he chose to run for President....unless he never really planned to win and this was simply a publicity stunt to enrich himself and family?
All I remember is her saying they would quit taking foreign and corporate donations.
Former President Bill Clinton announced Monday that he would step down from the foundation bearing his name if Hillary Clinton is elected president.

In an open letter, the former president laid out the changes the Clinton Foundation and related initiatives would undergo should his wife, the Democratic nominee, become president to eliminate “legitimate concerns about potential conflicts of interest.”

Among the changes that will be made should Hillary Clinton take the White House, the foundation will only accept donations from U.S. citizens, permanent residents and U.S.-based independent foundations. Foreign governments and corporations would no longer be able to donate.The changes come as Clinton continues to face political attacks on the foundation, and on whether such a large outside organization can co-exist while being run by the family of a major public official. The changes were announced on the same day that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called for the foundation to be entirely disbanded
Bill Clinton details Clinton Foundation overhaul if Hillary wins
Donald insisted the foundation should be TOTALLY DISBANDED... due to conflicts...

he's a two face bastard...but Trumpbots don't care care one itty bitty bit...their god can do no wrong... :(

I didn't care about Clinton and her charity nor do I care about Trump and his business. It's all partisan BS to take down the other side.

Trump has Mexico, Canada and China rethinking trade agreements. I want better deals especially with China, we get that and that will help the US immensely.
But what does that mean Papa? What in the trade deals need to made better? And do you think they can ever be "made better" enough for businesses to come home and not utilize the $1-$4 an hour they pay workers overseas to manufacture?
The Clinton's were forced to say they would completely divest themselves from their CHARITY, if she became President....that both Bill and Chelsea would get out of it too....

Why are you Trumpsters not forcing the same, with Trump?

HOW can he not have a conflict of interest with his business that his kids would run? When YOU KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that Trump would be following his own business and know the deals his children were making with Foreign Nations, to put up their Trump towers...

Trump should have thought about this BEFORE he chose to run for President....unless he never really planned to win and this was simply a publicity stunt to enrich himself and family?
All I remember is her saying they would quit taking foreign and corporate donations.
Former President Bill Clinton announced Monday that he would step down from the foundation bearing his name if Hillary Clinton is elected president.

In an open letter, the former president laid out the changes the Clinton Foundation and related initiatives would undergo should his wife, the Democratic nominee, become president to eliminate “legitimate concerns about potential conflicts of interest.”

Among the changes that will be made should Hillary Clinton take the White House, the foundation will only accept donations from U.S. citizens, permanent residents and U.S.-based independent foundations. Foreign governments and corporations would no longer be able to donate.The changes come as Clinton continues to face political attacks on the foundation, and on whether such a large outside organization can co-exist while being run by the family of a major public official. The changes were announced on the same day that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called for the foundation to be entirely disbanded
Bill Clinton details Clinton Foundation overhaul if Hillary wins
Donald insisted the foundation should be TOTALLY DISBANDED... due to conflicts...

he's a two face bastard...but Trumpbots don't care care one itty bitty bit...their god can do no wrong... :(

I didn't care about Clinton and her charity nor do I care about Trump and his business. It's all partisan BS to take down the other side.

Trump has Mexico, Canada and China rethinking trade agreements. I want better deals especially with China, we get that and that will help the US immensely.
But what does that mean Papa? What in the trade deals need to made better? And do you think they can ever be "made better" enough for businesses to come home and not utilize the $1-$4 an hour they pay workers overseas to manufacture?

With China there are tariffs that they impose on our imports. That needs to end. We need to make sure that international and our eviromental laws are followed when producing our imports. We need enforce Child Labor Laws and make sure countries enforce those laws. We won't get jobs back but we need to make sure that who we are trading with respect human and workers rights.

We need to be the leader in these areas and make sure we hold our trading partners to the same standard.
The Clinton's were forced to say they would completely divest themselves from their CHARITY, if she became President....that both Bill and Chelsea would get out of it too....

Why are you Trumpsters not forcing the same, with Trump?

HOW can he not have a conflict of interest with his business that his kids would run? When YOU KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that Trump would be following his own business and know the deals his children were making with Foreign Nations, to put up their Trump towers...

Trump should have thought about this BEFORE he chose to run for President....unless he never really planned to win and this was simply a publicity stunt to enrich himself and family?
All I remember is her saying they would quit taking foreign and corporate donations.
Former President Bill Clinton announced Monday that he would step down from the foundation bearing his name if Hillary Clinton is elected president.

In an open letter, the former president laid out the changes the Clinton Foundation and related initiatives would undergo should his wife, the Democratic nominee, become president to eliminate “legitimate concerns about potential conflicts of interest.”

Among the changes that will be made should Hillary Clinton take the White House, the foundation will only accept donations from U.S. citizens, permanent residents and U.S.-based independent foundations. Foreign governments and corporations would no longer be able to donate.The changes come as Clinton continues to face political attacks on the foundation, and on whether such a large outside organization can co-exist while being run by the family of a major public official. The changes were announced on the same day that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called for the foundation to be entirely disbanded
Bill Clinton details Clinton Foundation overhaul if Hillary wins
Donald insisted the foundation should be TOTALLY DISBANDED... due to conflicts...

he's a two face bastard...but Trumpbots don't care care one itty bitty bit...their god can do no wrong... :(

I didn't care about Clinton and her charity nor do I care about Trump and his business. It's all partisan BS to take down the other side.

Trump has Mexico, Canada and China rethinking trade agreements. I want better deals especially with China, we get that and that will help the US immensely.
But what does that mean Papa? What in the trade deals need to made better? And do you think they can ever be "made better" enough for businesses to come home and not utilize the $1-$4 an hour they pay workers overseas to manufacture?
The Clinton's were forced to say they would completely divest themselves from their CHARITY, if she became President....that both Bill and Chelsea would get out of it too....

Why are you Trumpsters not forcing the same, with Trump?

HOW can he not have a conflict of interest with his business that his kids would run? When YOU KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that Trump would be following his own business and know the deals his children were making with Foreign Nations, to put up their Trump towers...

Trump should have thought about this BEFORE he chose to run for President....unless he never really planned to win and this was simply a publicity stunt to enrich himself and family?
All I remember is her saying they would quit taking foreign and corporate donations.
Former President Bill Clinton announced Monday that he would step down from the foundation bearing his name if Hillary Clinton is elected president.

In an open letter, the former president laid out the changes the Clinton Foundation and related initiatives would undergo should his wife, the Democratic nominee, become president to eliminate “legitimate concerns about potential conflicts of interest.”

Among the changes that will be made should Hillary Clinton take the White House, the foundation will only accept donations from U.S. citizens, permanent residents and U.S.-based independent foundations. Foreign governments and corporations would no longer be able to donate.The changes come as Clinton continues to face political attacks on the foundation, and on whether such a large outside organization can co-exist while being run by the family of a major public official. The changes were announced on the same day that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called for the foundation to be entirely disbanded
Bill Clinton details Clinton Foundation overhaul if Hillary wins
Donald insisted the foundation should be TOTALLY DISBANDED... due to conflicts...

he's a two face bastard...but Trumpbots don't care care one itty bitty bit...their god can do no wrong... :(

I didn't care about Clinton and her charity nor do I care about Trump and his business. It's all partisan BS to take down the other side.

Trump has Mexico, Canada and China rethinking trade agreements. I want better deals especially with China, we get that and that will help the US immensely.
But what does that mean Papa? What in the trade deals need to made better? And do you think they can ever be "made better" enough for businesses to come home and not utilize the $1-$4 an hour they pay workers overseas to manufacture?

With China there are tariffs that they impose on our imports. That needs to end. We need to make sure that international and our eviromental laws are followed when producing our imports. We need enforce Child Labor Laws and make sure countries enforce those laws. We won't get jobs back but we need to make sure that who we are trading with respect human and workers rights.

We need to be the leader in these areas and make sure we hold our trading partners to the same standard.
Yes, yes, yes! I agree!

If memory serves me, part of the whole story on how we were SOLD this plan of a global economy was that Americans would be helping to eliminate impoverished people with deplorable and inhumane living and working conditions throughout the foreign regions we traded with.... Of course non of us laymen knew at the time how greatly this would affect the American worker and manufacturing here in the USA and how like dominoes... one US company falling here and going there, where ever there, is cheapest for labor, and with shipping container ease...

human rights have fallen by the wayside, so has doing what is right, and insisting the manufacturers that sell to the US Businesses/Market have the pollution standards of the USA....

But, this seems unfeasible, and how could it be enforced?

this will end up making it cost more for goods for the average worker or walmart shopper...

And could deter some new guys from going offshore perhaps.... I don't think it will bring anybody home...

What will bring businesses home are robots, the manufacturing can be done here cheaper, not by reducing salaries, but through automated systems and robotics.... there may be an increase in jobs for those who create/ build and maintenance the Robotics but it won't replace all the human workers on an assembly line.

I just can't see manufacturing jobs coming home...we have to find our niche in this global economy and manufacturing seems like dreams of the past, not the future.
Here is a new article where it is specified what Trump can not do.

This law could cause significant problems for Trump, who appears ready to continue to hold a stake in his multibillion-dollar business enterprise. He has hinted that he will hand off control of the company to his two oldest sons, Donald Jr. and Eric Trump. If at any time he gives them profitable information that he has learned through his presidential duties and that has not been disclosed to the public, he would be committing a felony.

It's Clear: Trump Isn't Exempt From Insider-Trading Ethics Law | The Huffington Post

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