Trump Says He Won't Sell His Businesses To Address Conflicts Of Interest

should Trump Divest himself from his business before he is sworn in as POTUS.

  • Yep, even the appearance of impropriety should be avoided.

  • Nope, his kids can run it and nobody should think anything of it.

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How the fuck else do you grab em?
Don't. They might be armed.
Did Nancy Pelosi sell her businesses?
No, but neither she nor Paul Ryan ran for potus. And she really is corrupt piece of shit, but then Trump is getting there too
It would seem that as a member of congress, (where the laws are made) she would be in a better place to benefit her business than if she would have been president. (where laws are not made)
In order for Donald Trump to do something that is going to enhance his business income, congress will have to first write the bill to do so, then Trump can sign it into law. So, would the president be less of a threat than a congressman when it comes to corruption due to their private business holdings?
Hey, don't ask me why presidents are held to a different standard than congresscritters. And potus appointees are held to yet a different standard.

But the fact remains, Trump is trying to play by a set of rules (not laws) applied to presidents who have served post-WWII.
Trump Says He Won't Sell His Businesses To Address Conflicts Of Interest

I have to call it like I see it, and this is a bad thing. He should divest himself from his business entirely. He is opening himself up to justified criticism. Hellary did this shit with her foundation by taking donations from foreign entities while SOS. She was a filthy dirty snatch for doing it, and The Orange Clown is doing the same shit. A horrible way to step into the Oval Office.

No law requires him to have a fire sale to liquidate billions in holding in exchange for an 8 year job. He is already working for $1 a year as president.
How the fuck else do you grab em?
Don't. They might be armed.
Did Nancy Pelosi sell her businesses?
No, but neither she nor Paul Ryan ran for potus. And she really is corrupt piece of shit, but then Trump is getting there too
It would seem that as a member of congress, (where the laws are made) she would be in a better place to benefit her business than if she would have been president. (where laws are not made)
In order for Donald Trump to do something that is going to enhance his business income, congress will have to first write the bill to do so, then Trump can sign it into law. So, would the president be less of a threat than a congressman when it comes to corruption due to their private business holdings?
Hey, don't ask me why presidents are held to a different standard than congresscritters. And potus appointees are held to yet a different standard.

But the fact remains, Trump is trying to play by a set of rules (not laws) applied to presidents who have served post-WWII.
I say let him keep his business. I went with him, and I support some of the things he claimed to want to get done, but I dont actually trust him yet.
As far as the business? let him keep it. Consider it giving him just enough rope to hang himself. It also gives one more avenue to find reasons for impeachment should he show any signs of trying to use the office to his business advantage.
If he acts in the best interest of the country, then great, but if he does not, I have no problem seeing him removed. He will be held to the same standards that I have held all presidents. As a matter of fact, when Bush showed his true self after his first win, I switched from registered republican to unaffiliated. I left the party because I did not want to be associated with what he was doing. I had to suck it up for the remainder of his first four years, but was able to regain dignity by voting third party over him on his reelection.
I don't really care about the party they belong to, I am more concerned about what they are going to do.
The Clinton's were forced to say they would completely divest themselves from their CHARITY, if she became President....that both Bill and Chelsea would get out of it too....

Why are you Trumpsters not forcing the same, with Trump?

HOW can he not have a conflict of interest with his business that his kids would run? When YOU KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that Trump would be following his own business and know the deals his children were making with Foreign Nations, to put up their Trump towers...

Trump should have thought about this BEFORE he chose to run for President....unless he never really planned to win and this was simply a publicity stunt to enrich himself and family?

I guess you think only DemocRATS can be ethical and straightforward. That is your delusion isn't it? (Clintoons Pay for Play, Lurch Kerry and the Heinz Corp, Dingy Harry Reid and his crooked Real Estate deals, and Nancy Piglosi's business dealings to name a few.)
I don't think one should have to put their entire life up for auction for the Presidency.
He isn't going to run it and has even drew up papers for this. IMO, that is enough.

He knew what he was getting into when he decided to run for President. If he didn't want to give up his company to run for President, then he shouldn't have run.

Or at the very least, be prepared to answer questions for your actions as POTUS and how your businesses may benefit because of your decisions. It's just plain stupid to start your term with the potential conflict of interest.
Trump Says He Won't Sell His Businesses To Address Conflicts Of Interest

I have to call it like I see it, and this is a bad thing. He should divest himself from his business entirely. He is opening himself up to justified criticism. Hellary did this shit with her foundation by taking donations from foreign entities while SOS. She was a filthy dirty snatch for doing it, and The Orange Clown is doing the same shit. A horrible way to step into the Oval Office.
What did the Magic Neeeeeeeeeeegro have to divest when he won in 08?

From what? His very lucrative community organizing franchise. The SOB hasn't created any business or run any business, he had a phony job at a law firm and has been a public employee for most of his professional life.
the Clintons did not get rich from the foundation....NONE, ZIP, ZERO money donated to the foundation charity, made it in to the Clinton's hands...NOTHING EVER donated to the foundation went to the Clintons....

the Clintons, primarily President Clinton, made their money from speeches given by them...
They used the Foundation to pay for their lifestyles. FACT
Really? You say that's a FACT? then by all means, show us these facts that you say are true....

why would they need the foundation when they were getting paid $250k a pop on Bill's speeches?

Did the foundation pay for airfare to a country he was going to beg to give the foundation money? OF COURSE, but that is a part of EVERY SINGLE CHARITY....worker's expenses and fund raising expenses ARE COVERED by the Charity...

Now PUT UP, or admit you are wrong.
Look at their tax returns, don'tcare. They have them online and even in detail to show what went where.
I've looked at them TN, upside down and inside out, they don't get a dime, not a single dime, from the foundation and I have no idea who has told you this, that you chose to believe, but they are simply wrong.

YOU need to read their tax returns, and see for yourself.

Let's not be too naive here. Although they are not on the payroll for their phony foundation, it is the conduit for their wealth. They get millions for giving speeches to donors in exchange for political favors. It's their own personal money laundromat. I bet they haven't paid for an airline ticket personally since they started the foundation, nor a hotel room. They use it as an expense account.
It's a great STORY to parrot, but there simply is no evidence that it is based on any actual FACTS....

everything is in their tax returns coupled with the foundation's financial releases.....

I was a Buyer for a dept store when I lived in Florida, and the dept store flew me back and forth with hotel room to NYC twice a year to go to the shoe shows they put was ''market week'' for shoe buyers and most the Nation's shoe buyers attended this particular shoe show... on one of the shoe shows my husband used to take vacation and fly up with me and stayed in my hotel room, even though my company was paying for it....I worked during the day going to vendor appointments and he played around the city, and at night we did things like buggy ride through central park, Broadway plays, a basketball game at Madison SQ Garden....then when the show was over I took a few vacation days and the hubby and I would take a Puddle Jumper, (small airplane) to visit my best friend in Vermont and we would go skiing, then fly back to NYC, and catch a direct flight back home. to Florida...

The Corporation that I worked for paid my entire expense when in NYC including my food, we paid for the hubby's airfare and his food....the Corp paid for my airfare, back and forth from New York, even though there were several vacation days taken before I flew back home from New York....(the company did not pay my airfare or lodging and food while in Vermont)

IF YOU ARE TALKING about these kind of 'perks' that come with the job, then yes, I agree that there most certainly would be 'these kind of perks', LIKE ALL OTHER companies offer and all other charities provide to their upper level and even lower level workers if they are sent somewhere....
Trump Says He Won't Sell His Businesses To Address Conflicts Of Interest

I have to call it like I see it, and this is a bad thing. He should divest himself from his business entirely. He is opening himself up to justified criticism. Hellary did this shit with her foundation by taking donations from foreign entities while SOS. She was a filthy dirty snatch for doing it, and The Orange Clown is doing the same shit. A horrible way to step into the Oval Office.

And he doesn't have to either. We elected he and his investments. Cause and effect. There's nothing in the law that says he must sell his interests. If he influences how a company operates then cry me a river. He'll have his hands in all kinds of things, whether he's invested or not. Too fucking bad liberals, we elected him. Besides, he's a hands on guy. You're just used to BS rhetoric in the form of racism etc. by folks like Obama.

The ONLY thing Trump has to be weary of is moving $ in accord with policy. Even then he can and should be able to get away with it, to some extent. At the end of the day the liberals will call EVERYTHING a conflict of interest, because EVERYTHING can be construed as a conflict of interest, NO EXCEPTION. It's best to ignore all of it unless there's information that proves unethical behavior.

Ok, if that's your position then I assume you were just hunky dory with the bulldyke taking donations for her phony foundation from foreign countries, diplomats, companies, ambassadors while directing foreign policy while she was SOS. Dumbest thing I've read here in a long time.
Trump Says He Won't Sell His Businesses To Address Conflicts Of Interest

I have to call it like I see it, and this is a bad thing. He should divest himself from his business entirely. He is opening himself up to justified criticism. Hellary did this shit with her foundation by taking donations from foreign entities while SOS. She was a filthy dirty snatch for doing it, and The Orange Clown is doing the same shit. A horrible way to step into the Oval Office.

No law requires him to have a fire sale to liquidate billions in holding in exchange for an 8 year job. He is already working for $1 a year as president.

Build a lot of straw men, do ya? Nobody said there was a law. It's the appearance and potential for conflict of interest. Is there a single conservative on this site who does see how this rhymes with Hellary as SOS and the Clinton Foundation? Have you all lost your minds or are you just that blinded by your canidate winning that you can't critic him. Grow a pair!
They used the Foundation to pay for their lifestyles. FACT
Really? You say that's a FACT? then by all means, show us these facts that you say are true....

why would they need the foundation when they were getting paid $250k a pop on Bill's speeches?

Did the foundation pay for airfare to a country he was going to beg to give the foundation money? OF COURSE, but that is a part of EVERY SINGLE CHARITY....worker's expenses and fund raising expenses ARE COVERED by the Charity...

Now PUT UP, or admit you are wrong.
Look at their tax returns, don'tcare. They have them online and even in detail to show what went where.
I've looked at them TN, upside down and inside out, they don't get a dime, not a single dime, from the foundation and I have no idea who has told you this, that you chose to believe, but they are simply wrong.

YOU need to read their tax returns, and see for yourself.

Let's not be too naive here. Although they are not on the payroll for their phony foundation, it is the conduit for their wealth. They get millions for giving speeches to donors in exchange for political favors. It's their own personal money laundromat. I bet they haven't paid for an airline ticket personally since they started the foundation, nor a hotel room. They use it as an expense account.
It's a great STORY to parrot, but there simply is no evidence that it is based on any actual FACTS....

everything is in their tax returns coupled with the foundation's financial releases.....

I was a Buyer for a dept store when I lived in Florida, and the dept store flew me back and forth with hotel room to NYC twice a year to go to the shoe shows they put was ''market week'' for shoe buyers and most the Nation's shoe buyers attended this particular shoe show... on one of the shoe shows my husband used to take vacation and fly up with me and stayed in my hotel room, even though my company was paying for it....I worked during the day going to vendor appointments and he played around the city, and at night we did things like buggy ride through central park, Broadway plays, a basketball game at Madison SQ Garden....then when the show was over I took a few vacation days and the hubby and I would take a Puddle Jumper, (small airplane) to visit my best friend in Vermont and we would go skiing, then fly back to NYC, and catch a direct flight back home. to Florida...

The Corporation that I worked for paid my entire expense when in NYC including my food, we paid for the hubby's airfare and his food....the Corp paid for my airfare, back and forth from New York, even though there were several vacation days taken before I flew back home from New York....(the company did not pay my airfare or lodging and food while in Vermont)

IF YOU ARE TALKING about these kind of 'perks' that come with the job, then yes, I agree that there most certainly would be 'these kind of perks', LIKE ALL OTHER companies offer and all other charities provide to their upper level and even lower level workers if they are sent somewhere....

You're as blind as the Repubs on here, except you're blinded in reverse. They can't see the obvious with the Trump conflict of interest, and you're in absolute darkness with respect to Clinton Foundation money train for Willie and the Bulldyke. Your all mad, I wish I had never started this thread.
Can we say EMOLUMENT?

Read and understand Article I, § 9, Clause 8 of the US Constitution! Even receiving a 10¢ EMOLUMENT from a foreign government is an impeachable offence Constitutionally, and "receiving" has a very broad definition.

Russians are going to be sriously pissed when he is impeached so early...

They went to all that trouble to warp an election and the idiot gets impeached in 6 months...
I wager you're right about that! But if/when Trump is impeached and tossed out on his lying ass, I fear the odor of sulfur rising around Pence! He is one hidden peril on the horizon!
Really? You say that's a FACT? then by all means, show us these facts that you say are true....

why would they need the foundation when they were getting paid $250k a pop on Bill's speeches?

Did the foundation pay for airfare to a country he was going to beg to give the foundation money? OF COURSE, but that is a part of EVERY SINGLE CHARITY....worker's expenses and fund raising expenses ARE COVERED by the Charity...

Now PUT UP, or admit you are wrong.
Look at their tax returns, don'tcare. They have them online and even in detail to show what went where.
I've looked at them TN, upside down and inside out, they don't get a dime, not a single dime, from the foundation and I have no idea who has told you this, that you chose to believe, but they are simply wrong.

YOU need to read their tax returns, and see for yourself.

Let's not be too naive here. Although they are not on the payroll for their phony foundation, it is the conduit for their wealth. They get millions for giving speeches to donors in exchange for political favors. It's their own personal money laundromat. I bet they haven't paid for an airline ticket personally since they started the foundation, nor a hotel room. They use it as an expense account.
It's a great STORY to parrot, but there simply is no evidence that it is based on any actual FACTS....

everything is in their tax returns coupled with the foundation's financial releases.....

I was a Buyer for a dept store when I lived in Florida, and the dept store flew me back and forth with hotel room to NYC twice a year to go to the shoe shows they put was ''market week'' for shoe buyers and most the Nation's shoe buyers attended this particular shoe show... on one of the shoe shows my husband used to take vacation and fly up with me and stayed in my hotel room, even though my company was paying for it....I worked during the day going to vendor appointments and he played around the city, and at night we did things like buggy ride through central park, Broadway plays, a basketball game at Madison SQ Garden....then when the show was over I took a few vacation days and the hubby and I would take a Puddle Jumper, (small airplane) to visit my best friend in Vermont and we would go skiing, then fly back to NYC, and catch a direct flight back home. to Florida...

The Corporation that I worked for paid my entire expense when in NYC including my food, we paid for the hubby's airfare and his food....the Corp paid for my airfare, back and forth from New York, even though there were several vacation days taken before I flew back home from New York....(the company did not pay my airfare or lodging and food while in Vermont)

IF YOU ARE TALKING about these kind of 'perks' that come with the job, then yes, I agree that there most certainly would be 'these kind of perks', LIKE ALL OTHER companies offer and all other charities provide to their upper level and even lower level workers if they are sent somewhere....

You're as blind as the Repubs on here, except you're blinded in reverse. They can't see the obvious with the Trump conflict of interest, and you're in absolute darkness with respect to Clinton Foundation money train for Willie and the Bulldyke. Your all mad, I wish I had never started this thread.

I am sorry!!!!


I truly DO know how you feel! I feel the same way, only from another perspective!!! That's why you gave me a good chuckle on your, 'you've all gone MAD' comment.... :)
Normally the president must only divest or have a blind trust with their business while in office..

Which is what Trump is doing ,a blind trust.
And normally thoses Presidents were recieving a full goverment salary.
Trump doesn't even want the one dollar except for another stupid law.
there is no BLIND TRUST between a father and children.....a BLIND trust is the Trump family having nothing at all to do with the business and not even aware of what is going on with the business....

handing over the business to his children would be like Hillary handing over the foundation to Bill or Chelsea....

a legal BLIND trust CAN NOT include family....otherwise it is NOT BLIND.

How about you learning about it?
Blind Trust
You have a link that states can't be family?
We won't know what type he may setup.
Could also be an active trust or something else.

There is something wrong when people want Presidents to sell off their businesses and cut off family from inherantice to it just because you become President.
Even Washington and Jefferson was never asked to do such a thing.
At least they got to go back to their businesses.
Can you imagine them having to sell their plantations to be President right after they put their lives and property in jepordity if they had lost the War.
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Normally the president must only divest or have a blind trust with their business while in office..

Which is what Trump is doing ,a blind trust.
And normally thoses Presidents were recieving a full goverment salary.
Trump doesn't even want the one dollar except for another stupid law.
there is no BLIND TRUST between a father and children.....a BLIND trust is the Trump family having nothing at all to do with the business and not even aware of what is going on with the business....

handing over the business to his children would be like Hillary handing over the foundation to Bill or Chelsea....

a legal BLIND trust CAN NOT include family....otherwise it is NOT BLIND.

How about you learning about it?
Blind Trust
You have a link that states can't be family?
We won't know what type he may setup.
Could also be an active trust or something else.

There is something wrong when people want Presidents to sell off their businesses and cut off family from inherantice to it just because you become President.
Even Washington and Jefferson was never asked to do such a thing.
At least they got to go back to their businesses.
Can you imagine them having to sell their plantations to be President right after they put their lives and property in jepordity if they had lost the War.
Believe me, I know he is between a rock and a hard place on this...and maybe there is some way to work this out without him divesting, but something, pretty darn big, a big fat wall that is an evident wall, has to be put in place so our Nation's foreign policy is in the best interest for the nation, is not jeopardized.

but he should have thought about this long and hard before even running and continuing to run when he could see he was would think that he would have considered the position he is putting the USA in and our security...a smart man, one who cares for the American people, would have in my opinion.....

this was not some job interview for the Apprentice, this is the biggest job in the world and his primary concern should be in the best interest of the Nation, which may not necessarily match up with what is best for Trump's Enterprises.

A LOT is going on all ready, in Nations around the world that he is doing business with or doing business there with bankers or developers for his Trump towers....since he was elected...READ UP ON's getting pretty frightening, and way too much Trump foreign ties are in Nations that hate us....and foreign leaders that are threatening already to harm Trump businesses and partners if Trump as President doesn't succumb to their needs.

Our founders did not want foreign involvement like that with our presidents...they were up to their eyeballs in it during the of the reasons they determined our Presidents should be Natural Born citizens...

Washington and Jefferson did not have foreign investments in foreign countries and sometimes even foreign leaders are involved, as Trump's corporation has all of these involvements throughout the world...

and we didn't pay our Presidents back then, there was no white-house either, or if paid it was SQUAT, Jefferson was broke when he left office, wasn't he? They had to keep up their plantation business to feed themselves....

AND we are in a different situation TODAY, it's not like it was during the founder's time.

THIS IS A WHOLE DIFFERENT BALL's gonna be hard to put a wall between him and all the foreign Nations Trump's corporation owes money to that he has borrowed from them... countries that have not been on our Nation's friendly list for many good reasons.. for the whole of the USA /citizens.

this is going to be one conflict of interest after another and sets him up for blackmail....lose his family fortune or play nice with a nation that has hated us and been at war so to say, with us for a near century...or more, with some.

HOW can he possibly put the Nation before his family fortune that he worked hard and earned? This is why we've wanted our presidents to divest completely in most cases in the last century....because the Global economy was advancing again...

We didn't have international corporations owned by our founders...but we did have them stating with the emoluments clause and with their 'natural born citizen clause' their INTENT to keep Presidents FREE from Foreign involvements, both in business, and in the flesh, at birth.

That's my argument! :p
I don't think one should have to put their entire life up for auction for the Presidency.
He isn't going to run it and has even drew up papers for this. IMO, that is enough.

He knew what he was getting into when he decided to run for President. If he didn't want to give up his company to run for President, then he shouldn't have run.

Or at the very least, be prepared to answer questions for your actions as POTUS and how your businesses may benefit because of your decisions. It's just plain stupid to start your term with the potential conflict of interest.
You have to take into consideration that if he does something that benefits all businesses that are essentially equal in size and workforce as his, then it is only going to be natural that his own business is going to see benefits also. If he does something that works out that way, is it a conflict of interest that he signed that particular bill into law?
Now on the other hand if he does something that would for some reason give his personal business an "edge" over other like businesses, then I would see a problem.
So I guess to put the question out there in few words, How does he improve the overall business climate in the country without being accused of doing so only for the sake of his own personal gain.
Normally the president must only divest or have a blind trust with their business while in office..

Which is what Trump is doing ,a blind trust.
And normally thoses Presidents were recieving a full goverment salary.
Trump doesn't even want the one dollar except for another stupid law.
there is no BLIND TRUST between a father and children.....a BLIND trust is the Trump family having nothing at all to do with the business and not even aware of what is going on with the business....

handing over the business to his children would be like Hillary handing over the foundation to Bill or Chelsea....

a legal BLIND trust CAN NOT include family....otherwise it is NOT BLIND.

How about you learning about it?
Blind Trust
You have a link that states can't be family?
We won't know what type he may setup.
Could also be an active trust or something else.

There is something wrong when people want Presidents to sell off their businesses and cut off family from inherantice to it just because you become President.
Even Washington and Jefferson was never asked to do such a thing.
At least they got to go back to their businesses.
Can you imagine them having to sell their plantations to be President right after they put their lives and property in jepordity if they had lost the War.
Believe me, I know he is between a rock and a hard place on this...and maybe there is some way to work this out without him divesting, but something, pretty darn big, a big fat wall that is an evident wall, has to be put in place so our Nation's foreign policy is in the best interest for the nation, is not jeopardized.

but he should have thought about this long and hard before even running and continuing to run when he could see he was would think that he would have considered the position he is putting the USA in and our security...a smart man, one who cares for the American people, would have in my opinion.....

this was not some job interview for the Apprentice, this is the biggest job in the world and his primary concern should be in the best interest of the Nation, which may not necessarily match up with what is best for Trump's Enterprises.

A LOT is going on all ready, in Nations around the world that he is doing business with or doing business there with bankers or developers for his Trump towers....since he was elected...READ UP ON's getting pretty frightening, and way too much Trump foreign ties are in Nations that hate us....and foreign leaders that are threatening already to harm Trump businesses and partners if Trump as President doesn't succumb to their needs.

Our founders did not want foreign involvement like that with our presidents...they were up to their eyeballs in it during the of the reasons they determined our Presidents should be Natural Born citizens...

Washington and Jefferson did not have foreign investments in foreign countries and sometimes even foreign leaders are involved, as Trump's corporation has all of these involvements throughout the world...

and we didn't pay our Presidents back then, there was no white-house either, or if paid it was SQUAT, Jefferson was broke when he left office, wasn't he? They had to keep up their plantation business to feed themselves....

AND we are in a different situation TODAY, it's not like it was during the founder's time.

THIS IS A WHOLE DIFFERENT BALL's gonna be hard to put a wall between him and all the foreign Nations Trump's corporation owes money to that he has borrowed from them... countries that have not been on our Nation's friendly list for many good reasons.. for the whole of the USA /citizens.

this is going to be one conflict of interest after another and sets him up for blackmail....lose his family fortune or play nice with a nation that has hated us and been at war so to say, with us for a near century...or more, with some.

HOW can he possibly put the Nation before his family fortune that he worked hard and earned? This is why we've wanted our presidents to divest completely in most cases in the last century....because the Global economy was advancing again...

We didn't have international corporations owned by our founders...but we did have them stating with the emoluments clause and with their 'natural born citizen clause' their INTENT to keep Presidents FREE from Foreign involvements, both in business, and in the flesh, at birth.

That's my argument! :p

I like millions of others think it's political labeling & theories that isn't true.
If yours turns out right ,then we should demand something to be done about and be held accountable.
I can accept that.
Can you accept it if your argument is wrong?
The Clinton's were forced to say they would completely divest themselves from their CHARITY, if she became President....that both Bill and Chelsea would get out of it too....

Why are you Trumpsters not forcing the same, with Trump?

HOW can he not have a conflict of interest with his business that his kids would run? When YOU KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that Trump would be following his own business and know the deals his children were making with Foreign Nations, to put up their Trump towers...

Trump should have thought about this BEFORE he chose to run for President....unless he never really planned to win and this was simply a publicity stunt to enrich himself and family?
All I remember is her saying they would quit taking foreign and corporate donations.
Former President Bill Clinton announced Monday that he would step down from the foundation bearing his name if Hillary Clinton is elected president.

In an open letter, the former president laid out the changes the Clinton Foundation and related initiatives would undergo should his wife, the Democratic nominee, become president to eliminate “legitimate concerns about potential conflicts of interest.”

Among the changes that will be made should Hillary Clinton take the White House, the foundation will only accept donations from U.S. citizens, permanent residents and U.S.-based independent foundations. Foreign governments and corporations would no longer be able to donate.The changes come as Clinton continues to face political attacks on the foundation, and on whether such a large outside organization can co-exist while being run by the family of a major public official. The changes were announced on the same day that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called for the foundation to be entirely disbanded
Bill Clinton details Clinton Foundation overhaul if Hillary wins
Donald insisted the foundation should be TOTALLY DISBANDED... due to conflicts...

he's a two face bastard...but Trumpbots don't care care one itty bitty bit...their god can do no wrong... :(

I didn't care about Clinton and her charity nor do I care about Trump and his business. It's all partisan BS to take down the other side.

Trump has Mexico, Canada and China rethinking trade agreements. I want better deals especially with China, we get that and that will help the US immensely.
The Clinton's were forced to say they would completely divest themselves from their CHARITY, if she became President....that both Bill and Chelsea would get out of it too....

Why are you Trumpsters not forcing the same, with Trump?

HOW can he not have a conflict of interest with his business that his kids would run? When YOU KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that Trump would be following his own business and know the deals his children were making with Foreign Nations, to put up their Trump towers...

Trump should have thought about this BEFORE he chose to run for President....unless he never really planned to win and this was simply a publicity stunt to enrich himself and family?
All I remember is her saying they would quit taking foreign and corporate donations.
Former President Bill Clinton announced Monday that he would step down from the foundation bearing his name if Hillary Clinton is elected president.

In an open letter, the former president laid out the changes the Clinton Foundation and related initiatives would undergo should his wife, the Democratic nominee, become president to eliminate “legitimate concerns about potential conflicts of interest.”

Among the changes that will be made should Hillary Clinton take the White House, the foundation will only accept donations from U.S. citizens, permanent residents and U.S.-based independent foundations. Foreign governments and corporations would no longer be able to donate.The changes come as Clinton continues to face political attacks on the foundation, and on whether such a large outside organization can co-exist while being run by the family of a major public official. The changes were announced on the same day that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called for the foundation to be entirely disbanded
Bill Clinton details Clinton Foundation overhaul if Hillary wins
Donald insisted the foundation should be TOTALLY DISBANDED... due to conflicts...

he's a two face bastard...but Trumpbots don't care care one itty bitty bit...their god can do no wrong... :(

I didn't care about Clinton and her charity nor do I care about Trump and his business. It's all partisan BS to take down the other side.

Trump has Mexico, Canada and China rethinking trade agreements. I want better deals especially with China, we get that and that will help the US immensely.
But what does that mean Papa? What in the trade deals need to made better? And do you think they can ever be "made better" enough for businesses to come home and not utilize the $1-$4 an hour they pay workers overseas to manufacture?
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I don't think one should have to put their entire life up for auction for the Presidency.
He isn't going to run it and has even drew up papers for this. IMO, that is enough.

He knew what he was getting into when he decided to run for President. If he didn't want to give up his company to run for President, then he shouldn't have run.

Or at the very least, be prepared to answer questions for your actions as POTUS and how your businesses may benefit because of your decisions. It's just plain stupid to start your term with the potential conflict of interest.
You have to take into consideration that if he does something that benefits all businesses that are essentially equal in size and workforce as his, then it is only going to be natural that his own business is going to see benefits also. If he does something that works out that way, is it a conflict of interest that he signed that particular bill into law?
Now on the other hand if he does something that would for some reason give his personal business an "edge" over other like businesses, then I would see a problem.
So I guess to put the question out there in few words, How does he improve the overall business climate in the country without being accused of doing so only for the sake of his own personal gain.

The problem is you have to ask the question. The president is always going to be questioned and attacked by the opposing party. It's stupid to give them ammunition. It weakens him and will make him less legitimate in the eyes of many Americans, including mine, and I voted for him. Do I think he is capable of creating policy that will help his business? Hell yes! And now I have to question why he did it. Because it was good for all, or because it was good for him. We shouldn't have to wonder.
I don't think one should have to put their entire life up for auction for the Presidency.
He isn't going to run it and has even drew up papers for this. IMO, that is enough.

He knew what he was getting into when he decided to run for President. If he didn't want to give up his company to run for President, then he shouldn't have run.

Or at the very least, be prepared to answer questions for your actions as POTUS and how your businesses may benefit because of your decisions. It's just plain stupid to start your term with the potential conflict of interest.
You have to take into consideration that if he does something that benefits all businesses that are essentially equal in size and workforce as his, then it is only going to be natural that his own business is going to see benefits also. If he does something that works out that way, is it a conflict of interest that he signed that particular bill into law?
Now on the other hand if he does something that would for some reason give his personal business an "edge" over other like businesses, then I would see a problem.
So I guess to put the question out there in few words, How does he improve the overall business climate in the country without being accused of doing so only for the sake of his own personal gain.

The problem is you have to ask the question. The president is always going to be questioned and attacked by the opposing party. It's stupid to give them ammunition. It weakens him and will make him less legitimate in the eyes of many Americans, including mine, and I voted for him. Do I think he is capable of creating policy that will help his business? Hell yes! And now I have to question why he did it. Because it was good for all, or because it was good for him. We shouldn't have to wonder.
He said he was completely divesting from his company. What exactly do you want from him?

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