Trump Says He Won't Sell His Businesses To Address Conflicts Of Interest

should Trump Divest himself from his business before he is sworn in as POTUS.

  • Yep, even the appearance of impropriety should be avoided.

  • Nope, his kids can run it and nobody should think anything of it.

Results are only viewable after voting.
I don't think one should have to put their entire life up for auction for the Presidency.
He isn't going to run it and has even drew up papers for this. IMO, that is enough.

He knew what he was getting into when he decided to run for President. If he didn't want to give up his company to run for President, then he shouldn't have run.

Or at the very least, be prepared to answer questions for your actions as POTUS and how your businesses may benefit because of your decisions. It's just plain stupid to start your term with the potential conflict of interest.
You have to take into consideration that if he does something that benefits all businesses that are essentially equal in size and workforce as his, then it is only going to be natural that his own business is going to see benefits also. If he does something that works out that way, is it a conflict of interest that he signed that particular bill into law?
Now on the other hand if he does something that would for some reason give his personal business an "edge" over other like businesses, then I would see a problem.
So I guess to put the question out there in few words, How does he improve the overall business climate in the country without being accused of doing so only for the sake of his own personal gain.

The problem is you have to ask the question. The president is always going to be questioned and attacked by the opposing party. It's stupid to give them ammunition. It weakens him and will make him less legitimate in the eyes of many Americans, including mine, and I voted for him. Do I think he is capable of creating policy that will help his business? Hell yes! And now I have to question why he did it. Because it was good for all, or because it was good for him. We shouldn't have to wonder.
He said he was completely divesting from his company. What exactly do you want from him?
Can you post a link where Mr Trump said that he was COMPLETELY DIVESTING from his company?

and also, TN, do you know what divesting, means?
He knew what he was getting into when he decided to run for President. If he didn't want to give up his company to run for President, then he shouldn't have run.

Or at the very least, be prepared to answer questions for your actions as POTUS and how your businesses may benefit because of your decisions. It's just plain stupid to start your term with the potential conflict of interest.
You have to take into consideration that if he does something that benefits all businesses that are essentially equal in size and workforce as his, then it is only going to be natural that his own business is going to see benefits also. If he does something that works out that way, is it a conflict of interest that he signed that particular bill into law?
Now on the other hand if he does something that would for some reason give his personal business an "edge" over other like businesses, then I would see a problem.
So I guess to put the question out there in few words, How does he improve the overall business climate in the country without being accused of doing so only for the sake of his own personal gain.

The problem is you have to ask the question. The president is always going to be questioned and attacked by the opposing party. It's stupid to give them ammunition. It weakens him and will make him less legitimate in the eyes of many Americans, including mine, and I voted for him. Do I think he is capable of creating policy that will help his business? Hell yes! And now I have to question why he did it. Because it was good for all, or because it was good for him. We shouldn't have to wonder.
He said he was completely divesting from his company. What exactly do you want from him?
Can you post a link where Mr Trump said that he was COMPLETELY DIVESTING from his company?

and also, TN, do you know what divesting, means?
Its somewhere in this thread. I posted it yesterday
Its just unbelievable you dont see how much this stinks...what this breeds...the possibilities of policy being made to profit one man...tempting corruption and ill ethics. You trumpies will let him do anything and then make excuses for him. Why doesnt the economy and health of the nation matter anymore?
I don't think one should have to put their entire life up for auction for the Presidency.
He isn't going to run it and has even drew up papers for this. IMO, that is enough.

Holy shit. Seriously? It's the most important job in the world and if someone isn't willing to sacrifice everything to do the job to the best of their ability then they are not fit for the role.
I don't think one should have to put their entire life up for auction for the Presidency.
He isn't going to run it and has even drew up papers for this. IMO, that is enough.

Holy shit. Seriously? It's the most important job in the world and if someone isn't willing to sacrifice everything to do the job to the best of their ability then they are not fit for the role.
Purely subjective. There are laws in place. And the law doesn't require the POTUS to abandon their life completely. Sorry, but having hotels doesn't break any laws.
Normally the president must only divest or have a blind trust with their business while in office..

Which is what Trump is doing ,a blind trust.
And normally thoses Presidents were recieving a full goverment salary.
Trump doesn't even want the one dollar except for another stupid law.
there is no BLIND TRUST between a father and children.....a BLIND trust is the Trump family having nothing at all to do with the business and not even aware of what is going on with the business....

handing over the business to his children would be like Hillary handing over the foundation to Bill or Chelsea....

a legal BLIND trust CAN NOT include family....otherwise it is NOT BLIND.

How about you learning about it?
Blind Trust
You have a link that states can't be family?
We won't know what type he may setup.
Could also be an active trust or something else.

There is something wrong when people want Presidents to sell off their businesses and cut off family from inherantice to it just because you become President.
Even Washington and Jefferson was never asked to do such a thing.
At least they got to go back to their businesses.
Can you imagine them having to sell their plantations to be President right after they put their lives and property in jepordity if they had lost the War.
Believe me, I know he is between a rock and a hard place on this...and maybe there is some way to work this out without him divesting, but something, pretty darn big, a big fat wall that is an evident wall, has to be put in place so our Nation's foreign policy is in the best interest for the nation, is not jeopardized.

but he should have thought about this long and hard before even running and continuing to run when he could see he was would think that he would have considered the position he is putting the USA in and our security...a smart man, one who cares for the American people, would have in my opinion.....

this was not some job interview for the Apprentice, this is the biggest job in the world and his primary concern should be in the best interest of the Nation, which may not necessarily match up with what is best for Trump's Enterprises.

A LOT is going on all ready, in Nations around the world that he is doing business with or doing business there with bankers or developers for his Trump towers....since he was elected...READ UP ON's getting pretty frightening, and way too much Trump foreign ties are in Nations that hate us....and foreign leaders that are threatening already to harm Trump businesses and partners if Trump as President doesn't succumb to their needs.

Our founders did not want foreign involvement like that with our presidents...they were up to their eyeballs in it during the of the reasons they determined our Presidents should be Natural Born citizens...

Washington and Jefferson did not have foreign investments in foreign countries and sometimes even foreign leaders are involved, as Trump's corporation has all of these involvements throughout the world...

and we didn't pay our Presidents back then, there was no white-house either, or if paid it was SQUAT, Jefferson was broke when he left office, wasn't he? They had to keep up their plantation business to feed themselves....

AND we are in a different situation TODAY, it's not like it was during the founder's time.

THIS IS A WHOLE DIFFERENT BALL's gonna be hard to put a wall between him and all the foreign Nations Trump's corporation owes money to that he has borrowed from them... countries that have not been on our Nation's friendly list for many good reasons.. for the whole of the USA /citizens.

this is going to be one conflict of interest after another and sets him up for blackmail....lose his family fortune or play nice with a nation that has hated us and been at war so to say, with us for a near century...or more, with some.

HOW can he possibly put the Nation before his family fortune that he worked hard and earned? This is why we've wanted our presidents to divest completely in most cases in the last century....because the Global economy was advancing again...

We didn't have international corporations owned by our founders...but we did have them stating with the emoluments clause and with their 'natural born citizen clause' their INTENT to keep Presidents FREE from Foreign involvements, both in business, and in the flesh, at birth.

That's my argument! :p

I like millions of others think it's political labeling & theories that isn't true.
If yours turns out right ,then we should demand something to be done about and be held accountable.
I can accept that.
Can you accept it if your argument is wrong?

I think labeling this issue with "political posturing" is a COP OUT, especially since we have demanded the removal of all conflicts of interest for all presidents in recent History, whether they are Republican Presidents or Democratic was NEVER for a particular political party president, it was for ALL presidents.... for goodness sake! It is disingenuous for Trump and his followers to spin it this way...

And spinning this very important to our Nation issue, in to this being for partisan reasons....just simply has NO LEGS to stand on.

Part of the reason this is coming up so late in the game, is due to the actions that Trump took, during his primary and the election process, he refused to release his tax returns.

This was INTENTIONAL, and had nothing to do with this supposed audit by the IRS, (that he never even showed us proof the audit was truly taking place), but was done by him to keep the American people from KNOWING all of the businesses and foreign nations his Trump enterprises were involved in....he felt it would HURT his probabilities of becoming president if he was HONEST and showed us all of his intertwined connections with foreign Nations...

And AGAIN, this is precisely what our founders of our Nation DID NOT WANT in our Presidents.

The emolument clause, and the natural born citizen clause put in our constitution was to be certain there were no business or birthright involvements with our Presidents that could cause conflict of interests with foreign nations, that were not beneficial to the a nation.

We need some sort of big HUGE wall between him and his businesses in foreign countries.
I don't think one should have to put their entire life up for auction for the Presidency.
He isn't going to run it and has even drew up papers for this. IMO, that is enough.

Holy shit. Seriously? It's the most important job in the world and if someone isn't willing to sacrifice everything to do the job to the best of their ability then they are not fit for the role.
Purely subjective. There are laws in place. And the law doesn't require the POTUS to abandon their life completely. Sorry, but having hotels doesn't break any laws.

The importance of the job is only subjective to people who change their viewpoint as easily as the wind blows. That's you.
I don't think one should have to put their entire life up for auction for the Presidency.
He isn't going to run it and has even drew up papers for this. IMO, that is enough.

Holy shit. Seriously? It's the most important job in the world and if someone isn't willing to sacrifice everything to do the job to the best of their ability then they are not fit for the role.
Purely subjective. There are laws in place. And the law doesn't require the POTUS to abandon their life completely. Sorry, but having hotels doesn't break any laws.

The importance of the job is only subjective to people who change their viewpoint as easily as the wind blows. That's you.
Good luck explaining that one.
Even if Trump did sale his bussniess interest liberals would still hound him over it. Let him sign executorship over to his children. It would be impossible for Trump to act inappropriately in anyway, Democrats and establishment Republicans will be ready to pounce.
I don't think one should have to put their entire life up for auction for the Presidency.
He isn't going to run it and has even drew up papers for this. IMO, that is enough.

He knew what he was getting into when he decided to run for President. If he didn't want to give up his company to run for President, then he shouldn't have run.

Or at the very least, be prepared to answer questions for your actions as POTUS and how your businesses may benefit because of your decisions. It's just plain stupid to start your term with the potential conflict of interest.
You have to take into consideration that if he does something that benefits all businesses that are essentially equal in size and workforce as his, then it is only going to be natural that his own business is going to see benefits also. If he does something that works out that way, is it a conflict of interest that he signed that particular bill into law?
Now on the other hand if he does something that would for some reason give his personal business an "edge" over other like businesses, then I would see a problem.
So I guess to put the question out there in few words, How does he improve the overall business climate in the country without being accused of doing so only for the sake of his own personal gain.

The problem is you have to ask the question. The president is always going to be questioned and attacked by the opposing party. It's stupid to give them ammunition. It weakens him and will make him less legitimate in the eyes of many Americans, including mine, and I voted for him. Do I think he is capable of creating policy that will help his business? Hell yes! And now I have to question why he did it. Because it was good for all, or because it was good for him. We shouldn't have to wonder.
He said he was completely divesting from his company. What exactly do you want from him?

Divesting? What exactly does that mean to you? To me it means the opposite of investing, so not buying, but selling. He has said he won't sell. What am I missing here? You need to check your sources. He has said he WON'T divest.

Donald Trump Admits He Will Not Divest His Business Interests, After All

Wednesday evening, The New York Times reported that while Trump plans to turn over operational responsibility for his company to Donald Jr. and Eric, his two eldest sons, their father, according to The Times, does not intend to divest his stake in the business.
He knew what he was getting into when he decided to run for President. If he didn't want to give up his company to run for President, then he shouldn't have run.

Or at the very least, be prepared to answer questions for your actions as POTUS and how your businesses may benefit because of your decisions. It's just plain stupid to start your term with the potential conflict of interest.
You have to take into consideration that if he does something that benefits all businesses that are essentially equal in size and workforce as his, then it is only going to be natural that his own business is going to see benefits also. If he does something that works out that way, is it a conflict of interest that he signed that particular bill into law?
Now on the other hand if he does something that would for some reason give his personal business an "edge" over other like businesses, then I would see a problem.
So I guess to put the question out there in few words, How does he improve the overall business climate in the country without being accused of doing so only for the sake of his own personal gain.

The problem is you have to ask the question. The president is always going to be questioned and attacked by the opposing party. It's stupid to give them ammunition. It weakens him and will make him less legitimate in the eyes of many Americans, including mine, and I voted for him. Do I think he is capable of creating policy that will help his business? Hell yes! And now I have to question why he did it. Because it was good for all, or because it was good for him. We shouldn't have to wonder.
He said he was completely divesting from his company. What exactly do you want from him?
Can you post a link where Mr Trump said that he was COMPLETELY DIVESTING from his company?

and also, TN, do you know what divesting, means?

There is no link, he is not divesting. I'm not sure where he got that, but it is untrue according to Trump.
Donald Trump Admits He Will Not Divest His Business Interests, After All
Or at the very least, be prepared to answer questions for your actions as POTUS and how your businesses may benefit because of your decisions. It's just plain stupid to start your term with the potential conflict of interest.
You have to take into consideration that if he does something that benefits all businesses that are essentially equal in size and workforce as his, then it is only going to be natural that his own business is going to see benefits also. If he does something that works out that way, is it a conflict of interest that he signed that particular bill into law?
Now on the other hand if he does something that would for some reason give his personal business an "edge" over other like businesses, then I would see a problem.
So I guess to put the question out there in few words, How does he improve the overall business climate in the country without being accused of doing so only for the sake of his own personal gain.

The problem is you have to ask the question. The president is always going to be questioned and attacked by the opposing party. It's stupid to give them ammunition. It weakens him and will make him less legitimate in the eyes of many Americans, including mine, and I voted for him. Do I think he is capable of creating policy that will help his business? Hell yes! And now I have to question why he did it. Because it was good for all, or because it was good for him. We shouldn't have to wonder.
He said he was completely divesting from his company. What exactly do you want from him?
Can you post a link where Mr Trump said that he was COMPLETELY DIVESTING from his company?

and also, TN, do you know what divesting, means?
Its somewhere in this thread. I posted it yesterday

Did you check the date on the link? The most recent things I have read is he will NOT sell.
You have to take into consideration that if he does something that benefits all businesses that are essentially equal in size and workforce as his, then it is only going to be natural that his own business is going to see benefits also. If he does something that works out that way, is it a conflict of interest that he signed that particular bill into law?
Now on the other hand if he does something that would for some reason give his personal business an "edge" over other like businesses, then I would see a problem.
So I guess to put the question out there in few words, How does he improve the overall business climate in the country without being accused of doing so only for the sake of his own personal gain.

The problem is you have to ask the question. The president is always going to be questioned and attacked by the opposing party. It's stupid to give them ammunition. It weakens him and will make him less legitimate in the eyes of many Americans, including mine, and I voted for him. Do I think he is capable of creating policy that will help his business? Hell yes! And now I have to question why he did it. Because it was good for all, or because it was good for him. We shouldn't have to wonder.
He said he was completely divesting from his company. What exactly do you want from him?
Can you post a link where Mr Trump said that he was COMPLETELY DIVESTING from his company?

and also, TN, do you know what divesting, means?
Its somewhere in this thread. I posted it yesterday

Did you check the date on the link? The most recent things I have read is he will NOT sell.
yes, what I posted was what he said last week, maybe? Your link is news to me.
I don't think one should have to put their entire life up for auction for the Presidency.
He isn't going to run it and has even drew up papers for this. IMO, that is enough.

Holy shit. Seriously? It's the most important job in the world and if someone isn't willing to sacrifice everything to do the job to the best of their ability then they are not fit for the role.
Purely subjective. There are laws in place. And the law doesn't require the POTUS to abandon their life completely. Sorry, but having hotels doesn't break any laws.

The importance of the job is only subjective to people who change their viewpoint as easily as the wind blows. That's you.
Good luck explaining that one.

Just did.
Even if Trump did sale his bussniess interest liberals would still hound him over it. Let him sign executorship over to his children. It would be impossible for Trump to act inappropriately in anyway, Democrats and establishment Republicans will be ready to pounce.

LOL, you're not this dumb are you?
My link was from the end of November. I cant find any other source for your link except NYT and its hard to believe them lol..
3 days ago, Trump said his company would do "no new deals". Of course, that comes form the NYT, too lol
IDK man. Its hard to take Trump at his word and the media is a bunch of bullshit. We will just have to see what he actually does.

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