Trump says “Never Surrender”?

The election was over. Every single vote had been cast.

Your scumbag party is the only one engaged in election interference, on so many different levels.

THank God this will become more clear every single day and America will reject your party's scumbaggery.
Elections don’t end after votes are cast smart guy. They need to be counted and verified and then the newly elected gets inaugurated. You seriously need a civics lesson
You may love America. I don't recall you believing in law and order with ANTIFA and the riots.
Anybody involved in lawlessness involved with those riots should have been arrested. I’ve never said otherwise
Does anybody else see the irony in Trumps latest fundraising effort?

He posts “Election Interference” and “Never Surrender” along with a photo of his mugshot that was taken while he surrendered to a Georgia jail for indictments centered around he and his teams election interference.

Are we in the twilight zone??


Never surrender? Well he Surrendered. Checkmate Democrats have already won the next election.
Trump doesn't know how to play chess or checkers.
Yeah he's so dumb he knocked out 16 experienced GOP candidates, ended the Clinton and Bush dynasties and won the US Presidency in his first try running for ANY political office. But being a Democrat minion means suspending your common sense and just believing whatever The Party tells you.
Yes I admit I used Trumps own words Never Surrender! To mock him as he put that statement next to a photo literally taken when he surrendered.

I’m guilty as charged.

and nothing about what I said had anything to do with giving up on the fight
You’re a dishonest hack.

Without using the alternative meaning of “surrender” your attempted “joke” makes no sense.

But please. By all means. Continue to make a complete fool of yourself. 😎
Without using the alternative meaning of “surrender” your attempted “joke” makes no sense.
I’m sorry it went over your head. I think you’re just butthurt that I’m mocking his dumb ass.

Yall with your alternative meanings and alternative facts… cracks me up
It didn’t. It was just fucking stupid of you. And your excuse for it is clearly a lie.

You lie. We all know you are incapable of thinking.

I have neither. Facts are facts. And you lie.
Correct, facts are facts and facts are the moron Trump posted to “Never Surender” next to mugshot taken when he surrendered. That’s funny. That’s a fact
Correct, facts are facts and facts are the moron Trump posted to “Never Surender” next to mugshot taken when he surrendered. That’s funny. That’s a fact
You’re far too stupid to grasp that you’re still exploiting the ambiguity.

So, admit it or not, you just proved yourself to be dishonest.

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