Trump says Pelosi is responsible for January 6 debacle, J6 committee wouldn't question her

There is no response.
You're a fucking liar.

Trump never requested SHIT.
IF he did.......10,000 NG would have been at the capitol building.
Really, Smokin? Ever wonder why Nancy Pelosi was "off limits" during the committee hearings? Ever wonder why she wouldn't give the OK to the House Sgt. at Arms for 70 minutes while the Capitol Police were being overrun? Ever wonder why the Capitol Police Chief was never told about credible intelligence that groups like The Proud Boys were planning violence even though the FBI had that intelligence days before the riot? Ever wonder why the surveillance tapes from Jan. 6th weren't released to the public for over two years?

Trump DID offer the National Guard. That offer was ignored.
The Capitol Police Chief DID call the Sgt. at Arms 30 times in 70 minutes as his officers were being overwhelmed! He was told that Nancy Pelosi had to OK bringing in the National Guard. So what was Nancy doing all of that time as a riot was taking place right outside of the Capitol building?
You can’t say it was just a protest that got out of hand and simultaneously say they knew it was going to turn into a riot.

If law enforcement knew it was going to turn into a riot, then the violence wasn’t spontaneous. If it wasn’t spontaneous, it wasn’t something that just “got out of hand”.
I didn't say they knew it was going to be a riot. There is a difference in knowing something will happen and knowing there is a probability something will happen.

Some say there were Feds involved on instigating the riot. I've seen others post what they believe to be evidence of such. That said, I'm to lazy to go find that evidence myself are repost it.
They "balked" at it because Nancy Pelosi wouldn't let the House minority leader name the people he wanted on the committee, Blind! She refused to seat two GOP members because she thought they were too biased. Which is rich since she had no problem seating Adam Schiff.
Lest you forget, it should have not been left up to one chamber and the commissioners were suppose to be non-elected, but.....

Bipartisan legislation to establish an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol has failed in the Senate, as Republicans staged their first filibuster since President Biden took office to block the plan.

The final vote Friday was 54-35, but Republicans withheld the votes necessary to bring the bill up for debate. Just six GOP senators joined with the Democrats, leaving the measure short of the 60 votes needed to proceed.

The proposed commission was modeled on the one established to investigate the 9/11 terror attacks, with 10 commissioners — five Democrats and five Republicans — who would have subpoena powers.
Well there is no question that a stronger "police" presence would have prevented anyone from getting into the Capitol. And Pelosi definitely had the power to thr do that.

We could just be honest and say that Pelosi and her fellow Democrats needed chaos at that exact time to complete the coup and that is why all attempts to plan ahead with diligence were thwarted.
Bidum's cult thinks it's OK to mutilate and murder unborn children
If they are unborn, they aren't children.
and if they survive the womb, they will be sexualized and used/abused accordingly.
Yeah, we know.
Just 12 years later.

Missouri Republican Doubles Down on Letting 12-Year ...​

Newsweek › ... › Marriage › Teenagers

Apr 14, 2023 — Mike Moon reiterated his support for 12-year-olds' right to marry in Missouri, though he said he does not condone marrying the kids off to ...
lovely "party" ya got there
The President can offer the National Guard but that offer needs to be accepted by a Governor of a State or in the case of the District of Columbia...the Speaker of the House and the Senate Leader. Trump offered. Nancy Pelosi declined. Explain that.

You are trying to explain things to Cultists that facts have no effect on.

I didn't say they knew it was going to be a riot. There is a difference in knowing something will happen and knowing there is a probability something will happen.

Some say there were Feds involved on instigating the riot. I've seen others post what they believe to be evidence of such. That said, I'm to lazy to go find that evidence myself are repost it.

The. "Feds" confirmed it.
National Guard is a military function, who's command structure is through the executive, not a rent a cop. Your statement beggars belief.
The National Guard IS a part of the military and because it is part of the military there are rules as to how it can be used on US soil! Our National Guard is operated by States and each State's Guard reports to the Governor of that State. They are not considered a Federal force under the command of the President unless they are called up through the Governor of their State. (The Posse Comitatus Act)

Rent a cop? Who are you referring to? The Capitol Police Chief?
Really, Smokin? Ever wonder why Nancy Pelosi was "off limits" during the committee hearings? Ever wonder why she wouldn't give the OK to the House Sgt. at Arms for 70 minutes while the Capitol Police were being overrun? Ever wonder why the Capitol Police Chief was never told about credible intelligence that groups like The Proud Boys were planning violence even though the FBI had that intelligence days before the riot? Ever wonder why the surveillance tapes from Jan. 6th weren't released to the public for over two years?

Trump DID offer the National Guard. That offer was ignored.
NO, he didn't.
The Capitol Police Chief DID call the Sgt. at Arms 30 times in 70 minutes as his officers were being overwhelmed! He was told that Nancy Pelosi had to OK bringing in the National Guard. So what was Nancy doing all of that time as a riot was taking place right outside of the Capitol building?
Pelosi doesn't have any authority, moron.

Ever wonder why the lying orange blob, requested 10,000 NG troops and the commander in chief couldn't get it done?
The moron can order 5 times that amount, anywhere in the world, including the US.

10 U.S. Code § 12406 - National Guard in Federal service: call​

LII / Legal Information Institute › ... › CHAPTER 1211

the President may call into Federal service members and units of the National Guard of any State in such numbers as he considers necessary to repel the ...
Actually, Crep? That part of what happened on Jan. 6th has been thoroughly ignored by the main stream media and that sham committee run by the Democrats. Nancy Pelosi has never been called on to explain her actions that day under oath.

No one that wouldn't read from their script was even allowed to audition for their infomercial.
NO, he didn't.

Pelosi doesn't have any authority, moron.

Ever wonder why the lying orange blob, requested 10,000 NG troops and the commander in chief couldn't get it done?
The moron can order 5 times that amount, anywhere in the world, including the US.

10 U.S. Code § 12406 - National Guard in Federal service: call​

View attachment 830914
LII / Legal Information Institute › ... › CHAPTER 1211
the President may call into Federal service members and units of the National Guard of any State in such numbers as he considers necessary to repel the ...

You really are stunningly ignorant and quite proud of it.
The National Guard IS a part of the military and because it is part of the military there are rules as to how it can be used on US soil! Our National Guard is operated by States and each State's Guard reports to the Governor of that State. They are not considered a Federal force under the command of the President unless they are called up through the Governor of their State. (The Posse Comitatus Act)

Rent a cop? Who are you referring to? The Capitol Police Chief?
No wonder teabaggers hate the government, the brainwashed don't even know how it works.
I didn't say they knew it was going to be a riot. There is a difference in knowing something will happen and knowing there is a probability something will happen.

Some say there were Feds involved on instigating the riot. I've seen others post what they believe to be evidence of such. That said, I'm to lazy to go find that evidence myself are repost it.
Some people are idiots and will say dumb stuff about the “feds” because they’ll do anything to shift blame from their own party.

You don’t deploy 10,000 national guard because there is a possibility of violence. You do it when you know it’s going to happen.
Once it went stupid, MIlley should have said to hell with it and called in the Marines to "secure" the Capitol.

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