Trump says Pelosi is responsible for January 6 debacle, J6 committee wouldn't question her

The Sgt.'s at Arms of the House and the Senate were partially in control of whether or not National Guard troops would be called up.

The Office of Sergeant At Arms for both the Senate and House of Representatives has no authority over the D.C. National Guard. On 01-06, the Secretary of Army had the authority to call out the D.C. Guard and he did not.
The Sgt.'s at Arms of the House and the Senate were partially in control of whether or not National Guard troops would be called up. The President can offer them but those two need to accept the offer. How is it Trump's fault when he offered and the Sgt at Arms for the House didn't accept? How is it Trump's fault when the Capitol Police Chief calls the House Sgt. at Arms 30 times in a little more than an hour on Jan. 6th, begging for National Guard troops and is told that the Sgt at Arms needed to get permission from Nancy Pelosi before he would OK that request?
Did Trump offer? I haven’t seen any evidence he ever did. The Republican governor of MD was waiting for a call to send in their units, but it never came! He wasn’t waiting for Pelosi or anyone else, but Trump, to call.
Well there is no question that a stronger "police" presence would have prevented anyone from getting into the Capitol. And Pelosi definitely had the power to do that.
Nancey Pelosi is a shrewd politician. I believe she on purpose allowed lax security on Jan 6th in the hopes that something would happen so that it could be pinned on Trump.
Nancey Pelosi is a shrewd politician. I believe she on purpose allowed lax security on Jan 6th in the hopes that something would happen so that it could be pinned on Trump.
Why would the Capitol need so much security? They had hundreds of officers that day. Never had a problem in the past.
Nancey Pelosi is a shrewd politician. I believe she on purpose allowed lax security on Jan 6th in the hopes that something would happen so that it could be pinned on Trump.
Instead of the person who called the people to DC?
Shouldn't the person who invited the guest, be responsible for security?
Did Trump offer? I haven’t seen any evidence he ever did. The Republican governor of MD was waiting for a call to send in their units, but it never came! He wasn’t waiting for Pelosi or anyone else, but Trump, to call.

P01135809 made such offer. He sat in the WH, watching the Inssurection and would hit the reverse button on his remote to watch his favorite parts again.
Protests often get out of hand.. so yes it was predictable.
No they don’t. Very few protests turn into riots.

People knew it was going to turn into a riot because it was planned. That was the point.
That should have been done by a bipartisan commission set up like the 9-11 commission. With both sides having equal representation and both sides having subpoena power. Why did Trumps GOP balk at that type of fact finding commission?
They "balked" at it because Nancy Pelosi wouldn't let the House minority leader name the people he wanted on the committee, Blind! She refused to seat two GOP members because she thought they were too biased. Which is rich since she had no problem seating Adam Schiff.
No they don’t. Very few protests turn into riots.

People knew it was going to turn into a riot because it was planned. That was the point.
I agree that it was a riot. I disagree that it was an insurrection.
I agree that it was a riot. I disagree that it was an insurrection.
You can’t say it was just a protest that got out of hand and simultaneously say they knew it was going to turn into a riot.

If law enforcement knew it was going to turn into a riot, then the violence wasn’t spontaneous. If it wasn’t spontaneous, it wasn’t something that just “got out of hand”.
PolitiFact and other fact checkers have debunked numerous claims contending Pelosi alone was responsible for Capitol security. Davis’ claim pointed to the speaker’s role in directing Capitol security leaders, rather than all of Capitol security. But it’s still highly misleading.

Pelosi no more responsible for Capitol security decisions than McConnell​

The House and Senate sergeants-at-arms, who are nominated by each chamber’s leader and elected by chamber members, serve as the Capitol’s chief law enforcement officers for their respective chambers. Each makes decisions for the Capitol Police Board, which oversees the Capitol’s police force in concert with several House and Senate committees, including one on which Davis sits.

The House sergeant-at-arms reports to the House speaker just as the Senate sergeant-at-arms reports to the Senate majority leader, but there is no indication Pelosi controls day-to-day security operations. So we reached out to Davis’ office to ask what he was talking about.
Citing a Feb. 1 letter from Sund to Pelosi, Davis spokesman Aaron DeGroot responded in an email that the former police chief "alone could not request National Guard support because he ‘had no authority to do so without an Emergency Declaration by the Capitol Police Board.’ Requesting National Guard support is a major security decision, and it’s one that even the Speaker’s office admits they were involved in."

That description is accurate. According to a bipartisan Senate report on the Jan. 6 attack, the Capitol police chief "has no unilateral authority to request assistance from the National Guard" and "must submit a request for assistance to the Capitol Police Board for approval." Likewise, as DeGroot noted, Pelosi’s office has said Irving did request the speaker’s permission to call on the National Guard.
However, those facts do not prove Pelosi made all the calls on how Sund, Irving, and the other members of the Capitol Police Board responded to the crisis — most notably because then-Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Stenger, who reported to then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at the time, also played an active role.

As Sund noted in his letter to Pelosi, the police chief "notified the two Sergeant at Arms" around 1 p.m. on Jan. 6 that he "urgently needed support." Despite confusion over the statutory process for requesting National Guard assistance, both Irving and Stenger eventually approved Sund’s request to call for backup at 2:10 p.m., according to the Senate report.

Prior to that approval being granted, the New York Times reported, aides to both congressional leaders "were perplexed to learn that the two sergeants-at-arms had not yet approved the request for troops, according to spokesmen for Mr. McConnell and Ms. Pelosi."
"The speaker expects security professionals to make security decisions and to be informed of those decisions," Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill told the Times.

Davis said "we know that the speaker’s office was calling the shots on all of" the actions taken by the officials in charge of Capitol security on Jan. 6.
As evidence, his office highlighted the fact that then-House Sergeant-at-Arms Irving requested approval from Pelosi before greenlighting the Capitol police chief’s request to call in the National Guard.

But Davis and his spokesman ignored a critical detail: the decision to approve that request and call for backup was not Irving’s call alone. It was made in conjunction with the Senate sergeant-at-arms, who reports to the Senate majority leader. At the time, that was McConnell.

We rate Davis’ claim Mostly False.


Get a grip.
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