Trump says RFK JR’s beliefs on vaccines are fake


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Yaknow, I can’t really disagree with Trump on any of this.


Trump has been lashing out at RFK Jr on social media because he’s figured out that RFK is taking a good chunk of the kook vote away from him.

And RFK running was Steve Bannon’s idea!

Yaknow, I can’t really disagree with Trump on any of this.

View attachment 938400

Trump has been lashing out at RFK Jr on social media because he’s figured out that RFK is taking a good chunk of the kook vote away from him.

And RFK running was Steve Bannon’s idea!

he could take a good chunk of the kook vote from biden too.....
Of course RFK coukd hurt Trump more. Dem voters are.basically Groupthink in nature,.it is conservatives andmlibertarians,.rightfully or wrongly; who are open minded, sometimes susceptible to false claims but open minded.nonetheless. This is where a debate helps Trump, especially if.Joe doesn't attend. Trump could debate RFK and.label.him te "Democrat candidate/representative".
Of course RFK coukd hurt Trump more. Dem voters are.basically Groupthink in nature,.it is conservatives andmlibertarians,.rightfully or wrongly; who are open minded, sometimes susceptible to false claims but open minded.nonetheless. This is where a debate helps Trump, especially if.Joe doesn't attend. Trump could debate RFK and.label.him te "Democrat candidate/representative".
many conservatives are not so open minded....
Yaknow, I can’t really disagree with Trump on any of this.

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Trump has been lashing out at RFK Jr on social media because he’s figured out that RFK is taking a good chunk of the kook vote away from him.

And RFK running was Steve Bannon’s idea!

If we look at the career of Trump over say, the past decade or so, and RJKjr., one seems to have a bit more integrity.


I'm curious, does Trump have any proof that his views on vaccines are fake?


Of course RFK coukd hurt Trump more. Dem voters are.basically Groupthink in nature,.it is conservatives andmlibertarians,.rightfully or wrongly; who are open minded, sometimes susceptible to false claims but open minded.nonetheless. This is where a debate helps Trump, especially if.Joe doesn't attend. Trump could debate RFK and.label.him te "Democrat candidate/representative".
D voters are no different from R voters. Its a well know aspect of the duopoly. Maga voters are hardly open minded. Lol. Thinking otherwise reveals a bias.

RFK is exponentially more intelligent than Trump but unfortunately they both support the genocide, so they’re disqualified.
If RFK is hurting Trump more than Biden, that means Democrats are too stupid to see the harm of vaccines and the good of our ally, Israel.
RFK is exponentially more intelligent than Trump but unfortunately they both support the genocide, so they’re disqualified.
All three candidates, have, operationally the same position as each other, there is no difference between them. It is the position of the Deep State.

i.e. Iran is the real threat, the bread-basket of that region of the world, whom they all depend on for food and sustenance, and the power that has designs on regional hegemony. i.e. recreating a caliphate. (or so they tell us.)

To folks that powerful? Both the Palestinian, the Israelis, and all the other players out there, are. . . pawns. This is nothing new.

But yeah, I agree, while his campaign manager is a former company gal, his policy on this will be dictated by the Deep State.

". . . Mr. Kucinich’s departure came as a surprise even to Mr. Kennedy’s press secretary, who was informed of it on Friday afternoon by a New York Times reporter. In a subsequent news release, Mr. Kennedy said his campaign had “benefited enormously from the political experience of Dennis Kucinich.” Mr. Kucinich was not quoted in the release.

Mr. Kennedy’s new campaign manager is Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, a former C.I.A. agent, memoirist and documentarian who in 2018 married Mr. Kennedy’s son, Robert F. Kennedy III.

“Amaryllis is a woman of extraordinary intelligence and drive who I am confident will take this campaign to the next level,” Mr. Kennedy said in the news release. . . "

". . . She writes in her book that on Sept. 11, 2001, she was at home in Washington, D.C., visiting her mother and sisters before starting her final year at Oxford. She decided to pursue a master’s degree in conflict and terrorism at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University.

As part of the program, Ms. Fox designed an algorithm (“ratio of hookah bars to madrassas and percentage beneath livable wage a border guard gets paid”) to identify likely terrorist safe havens. The C.I.A. headquarters in Langley, Va., heard about “the algo” and recruited Ms. Fox, who at 22 became one of the youngest female officers.

The agency assigned her to “nonofficial cover,” meaning an agent must live abroad “in the most dangerous places the planet has to offer” under a false identity with no diplomatic protections or official passport, Ms. Fox writes. . . "

ON Middle Eastern issues, and keeping Israel happy, I am afraid that the Deep State is calling the shots, regardless of what Americans desire.

And this isn't our first mass murder. . . I just hope they don't decide to make us. . next.

If we look at the career of Trump over say, the past decade or so, and RJKjr., one seems to have a bit more integrity.


I'm curious, does Trump have any proof that his views on vaccines are fake?


Andrew Wakefield's 1998 research paper in the Lancet that alleged a causal relationship between the mmr vaccine and autism was thoroughly debunked a long time ago. It was fraudulent. He just made up the data. The Lancet retracted the article. However, that did not prevent Wakefield and RFK Jr. from getting rich off of the fraud.
Yaknow, I can’t really disagree with Trump on any of this.

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Trump has been lashing out at RFK Jr on social media because he’s figured out that RFK is taking a good chunk of the kook vote away from him.

And RFK running was Steve Bannon’s idea!

It finally registered on the tRump campaign that RFKjr is stealing more tRumpling votes than Democratic.
It finally registered on the tRump campaign that RFKjr is stealing more tRumpling votes than Democratic.
In the end this isn't guaranteed. Trump is able to call out RFK and advise voters not to support him, I don't think Biden has mentioned this name. This isn't by accident.
All three candidates, have, operationally the same position as each other, there is no difference between them. It is the position of the Deep State.

i.e. Iran is the real threat, the bread-basket of that region of the world, whom they all depend on for food and sustenance, and the power that has designs on regional hegemony. i.e. recreating a caliphate. (or so they tell us.)

To folks that powerful? Both the Palestinian, the Israelis, and all the other players out there, are. . . pawns. This is nothing new.

But yeah, I agree, while his campaign manager is a former company gal, his policy on this will be dictated by the Deep State.

". . . Mr. Kucinich’s departure came as a surprise even to Mr. Kennedy’s press secretary, who was informed of it on Friday afternoon by a New York Times reporter. In a subsequent news release, Mr. Kennedy said his campaign had “benefited enormously from the political experience of Dennis Kucinich.” Mr. Kucinich was not quoted in the release.

Mr. Kennedy’s new campaign manager is Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, a former C.I.A. agent, memoirist and documentarian who in 2018 married Mr. Kennedy’s son, Robert F. Kennedy III.

“Amaryllis is a woman of extraordinary intelligence and drive who I am confident will take this campaign to the next level,” Mr. Kennedy said in the news release. . . "

". . . She writes in her book that on Sept. 11, 2001, she was at home in Washington, D.C., visiting her mother and sisters before starting her final year at Oxford. She decided to pursue a master’s degree in conflict and terrorism at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University.

As part of the program, Ms. Fox designed an algorithm (“ratio of hookah bars to madrassas and percentage beneath livable wage a border guard gets paid”) to identify likely terrorist safe havens. The C.I.A. headquarters in Langley, Va., heard about “the algo” and recruited Ms. Fox, who at 22 became one of the youngest female officers.

The agency assigned her to “nonofficial cover,” meaning an agent must live abroad “in the most dangerous places the planet has to offer” under a false identity with no diplomatic protections or official passport, Ms. Fox writes. . . "

ON Middle Eastern issues, and keeping Israel happy, I am afraid that the Deep State is calling the shots, regardless of what Americans desire.

And this isn't our first mass murder. . . I just hope they don't decide to make us. . next.

Yeah RFK has surrounded himself with DS actors. It’s so disgusting. He is unfortunately just another fraudulent politician. I had high hopes initially.

When he picked Dennis K I thought he might be the real deal. Dennis dumped his ass when he realized what a fraud he is.

His VP pick also reveals he’s just another elitist controlled by the DS.

Andrew Wakefield's 1998 research paper in the Lancet that alleged a causal relationship between the mmr vaccine and autism was thoroughly debunked a long time ago. It was fraudulent. He just made up the data. The Lancet retracted the article. However, that did not prevent Wakefield and RFK Jr. from getting rich off of the fraud.

". . . As a research microbiologist involved with the collection and examination of colonic biopsy samples, I do not believe that Dr. Wakefield intentionally misinterpreted the grading sheets as evidence of “non-specific colitis.” Dhillon indicated “non-specific” in a box associated, in some cases, with other forms of colitis. In addition, if Anthony’s grading sheets are similar to ones he completed for the Lancet article, they suggest that he diagnosed “colitis” in a number of the children."

The Evisceration Of Dr Andrew Wakefield – What Can We Learn From It?​

It is smart for Trump to pick a fight with RFK.

Trump wants his voters to reject RFK.

RFK also benefits. He gains exposure as the alternative to Trump.

Both candidates are flawed, but at least they didn’t abet a genocide like Biden.

Yaknow, I can’t really disagree with Trump on any of this.

View attachment 938400

Trump has been lashing out at RFK Jr on social media because he’s figured out that RFK is taking a good chunk of the kook vote away from him.

And RFK running was Steve Bannon’s idea!


Trumps life long democrat ways keep seeping through his Republican disguise.
Yeah RFK has surrounded himself with DS actors. It’s so disgusting. He is unfortunately just another fraudulent politician. I had high hopes initially.

When he picked Dennis K I thought he might be the real deal. Dennis dumped his ass when he realized what a fraud he is.

His VP pick also reveals he’s just another elitist controlled by the DS.

Yeah, it's very strange. You can always tell the frauds or sellouts by their cabinet picks and those they choose to associate with.

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