Trump Says Russia Inquiry Makes U.S. ‘Look Very Bad’

Russia's alleged interference is not a fact. In fact the investigation's lack of proof after a year is showing it is a liberal pipe dream.

So all those 16 intelligence agencies are lying?

The Trump collusion is what isn't proven. But there's no doubt that Russia meddled in our elections.

There were not 16 intelligences agencies that lied. Only one or two, and the others swore to it. Judging by the FBI, there are probably more than enough Clinton and Obama sycophants left over to lie.

The Russians meddled in our elections! Big fucking deal! What do you call what Obama did in Israel's election?

Read what you just wrote. You're saying it's no big deal that Russians messed with our elections?

How many votes were changed?

Did you answer my question regarding Obama's interference in the Israeli election? I think you intentionally ignored it in true liberal fashion.
Russia's alleged interference is not a fact. In fact the investigation's lack of proof after a year is showing it is a liberal pipe dream.

So all those 16 intelligence agencies are lying?

The Trump collusion is what isn't proven. But there's no doubt that Russia meddled in our elections.

There were not 16 intelligences agencies that lied. Only one or two, and the others swore to it. Judging by the FBI, there are probably more than enough Clinton and Obama sycophants left over to lie.

The Russians meddled in our elections! Big fucking deal! What do you call what Obama did in Israel's election?

Read what you just wrote. You're saying it's no big deal that Russians messed with our elections?

How many votes were changed?

Did you answer my question regarding Obama's interference in the Israeli election? I think you intentionally ignored it in true liberal fashion.

No said anything about votes changing. But Russia hired online bots to spread misinformation on social media sites like Twitter. I'm not going to write an essay explaining how the Russians interfered. You can google it yourself and it has been in the news cycle dozens of times.

I didn't respond to your Obama question because it's another deflection tactic by you right wingers. Anytime someone mentions something about Trump or Russia you yell Obama or Clinton.
It's a necessary investigation. Russia interfered with our elections. That's a fact. But the question is why? Why would they want to swing the election to favor Trump? It's possible they acted on their own and just wantes America to be run by clown to embarrass.

Trump and his campaign may have nothing to do with.


Trump's campaign did collude with the Russians.

We don't know. Thats why we need an investigation.

Republicans praised Mueller and said he was a fine investigator. But now that he started looking into folks finances they started this smear campaign. For a bunch of innocent people they are sure acting like guilty thugs.

How did Russia interfere with our election?

Can I get a lib to please answer this very important question that no one on the left wants to address?
I think, and I may be wrong about this, that you think interfering with the election can only be defined as some form of voter fraud or stuffing ballot boxes or undermining vote counts. I think, and I may be wrong about this, that you cannot understand how information can influence an election. Stories about campaigns and candidates can sway opinions about those campaigns and candidates. That's where the Russians and the Trump campaign officials working with them are where interference in our elections come into stark reality.

If that is the case, we need to lock up the heads of the NY Times, WAPO, Newsweek, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and a host of others whose lies influenced the election.

They are reporters. Not government organizations.
Trump did give an interview to the New York Times. He'll probably regret it.

Trump Says Russia Inquiry Makes U.S. ‘Look Very Bad’

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — President Trump said Thursday that he believes Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel in the Russia investigation, will treat him fairly, contradicting some members of his party who have waged a weekslong campaign to try to discredit Mr. Mueller and the continuing inquiry.

Further, Trump said:

“I have absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department,” he said, echoing claims by his supporters that as president he has the power to open or end an investigation. “But for purposes of hopefully thinking I’m going to be treated fairly, I’ve stayed uninvolved with this particular matter.”
Laurence Tribe @tribelaw
Retweet if you agree it’s totally crazy to suggest that the FBI — having helped sink Hillary’s campaign by revealing that she was under investigation while concealing that Trump was being investigated — has secretly been anti-Trump all along.

10:19 PM - Dec 27, 2017
Trump did give an interview to the New York Times. He'll probably regret it.

Trump Says Russia Inquiry Makes U.S. ‘Look Very Bad’

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — President Trump said Thursday that he believes Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel in the Russia investigation, will treat him fairly, contradicting some members of his party who have waged a weekslong campaign to try to discredit Mr. Mueller and the continuing inquiry.

Further, Trump said:

“I have absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department,” he said, echoing claims by his supporters that as president he has the power to open or end an investigation. “But for purposes of hopefully thinking I’m going to be treated fairly, I’ve stayed uninvolved with this particular matter.”
If Trump were to say "All I want is world peace", the media will accuse him of racism because he only focused on the human race.
"What a rotten human only loving Nazi Asshole!!!!"
Russia's alleged interference is not a fact. In fact the investigation's lack of proof after a year is showing it is a liberal pipe dream.

So all those 16 intelligence agencies are lying?

The Trump collusion is what isn't proven. But there's no doubt that Russia meddled in our elections.

There were not 16 intelligences agencies that lied. Only one or two, and the others swore to it. Judging by the FBI, there are probably more than enough Clinton and Obama sycophants left over to lie.

The Russians meddled in our elections! Big fucking deal! What do you call what Obama did in Israel's election?
Whoever made up the story must have read there are 17 but neglected to read what they that important Intel agency called the US COAST GUARD.
It's a necessary investigation. Russia interfered with our elections. That's a fact. But the question is why? Why would they want to swing the election to favor Trump? It's possible they acted on their own and just wantes America to be run by clown to embarrass.

Trump and his campaign may have nothing to do with.


Trump's campaign did collude with the Russians.

We don't know. Thats why we need an investigation.

Republicans praised Mueller and said he was a fine investigator. But now that he started looking into folks finances they started this smear campaign. For a bunch of innocent people they are sure acting like guilty thugs.

How did Russia interfere with our election?

Can I get a lib to please answer this very important question that no one on the left wants to address?
I think, and I may be wrong about this, that you think interfering with the election can only be defined as some form of voter fraud or stuffing ballot boxes or undermining vote counts. I think, and I may be wrong about this, that you cannot understand how information can influence an election. Stories about campaigns and candidates can sway opinions about those campaigns and candidates. That's where the Russians and the Trump campaign officials working with them are where interference in our elections come into stark reality.

If that is the case, we need to lock up the heads of the NY Times, WAPO, Newsweek, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and a host of others whose lies influenced the election.

They are reporters. Not government organizations.

It is the same difference if the result is the same.
I said from the beginning this was a bad decision if it was anything but on the level. If this was about protecting the big investment of Clinton donors, the former administration or looking for an excuse to undermine the Will of the American voter, it was going to be a horrible situation. As time goes on, more of the onion was going to be peeled back and the truth come out and it might embarrass and expose others who had nefarious intentions.

This isn't just bad for the American voting process and democracy, but it has allowed Putin to be viewed as a demigod in Russia as the citizens there believe the narrative that he impacted the election. He looks like the ultimate strongman, with far more power than he possesses So some are cutting off their noses to spite their face.

If there is guilt, find it, if not, admit there is nothing there. Even the Dems are telling their team to cool off on the impeachment talk, it is making look as if they have no ideas to offer but just to resist. Activism isn't leadership within government.

The fact is that Putin did interfere in our elections and there is no doubt of that. Whether it helped Trump or not we will never know. It has to be investigated. There is no evidence that anyone other than Russia interfered in our elections.
I said from the beginning this was a bad decision if it was anything but on the level. If this was about protecting the big investment of Clinton donors, the former administration or looking for an excuse to undermine the Will of the American voter, it was going to be a horrible situation. As time goes on, more of the onion was going to be peeled back and the truth come out and it might embarrass and expose others who had nefarious intentions.

This isn't just bad for the American voting process and democracy, but it has allowed Putin to be viewed as a demigod in Russia as the citizens there believe the narrative that he impacted the election. He looks like the ultimate strongman, with far more power than he possesses So some are cutting off their noses to spite their face.

If there is guilt, find it, if not, admit there is nothing there. Even the Dems are telling their team to cool off on the impeachment talk, it is making look as if they have no ideas to offer but just to resist. Activism isn't leadership within government.

The fact is that Putin did interfere in our elections and there is no doubt of that. Whether it helped Trump or not we will never know. It has to be investigated. There is no evidence that anyone other than Russia interfered in our elections.

Again, when is Obama going to jail for interfering in the Israeli election?

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