Trump Says Russia Inquiry Makes U.S. ‘Look Very Bad’

N o F U Z Z.

COMEY: Yes, sir. There should be no fuzz on this whatsoever. The Russians interfered in our election during the 2016 cycle. They did with purpose. They did it with sophistication. They did it with overwhelming technical efforts. It was an active measures campaign driven from the top of that government.

There is no fuzz on that.It is a high confidence judgment of the entire intelligence community and the members of this committee have seen the intelligence. It's not a close call. That happened. That's about as unfake as you can possibly get. It is very, very serious, which is why it's so refreshing to see a bipartisan focus on that. This is about America, not about a particular party.

HEINRICH: That is a hostile act by the Russian government against this country?

COMEY: Yes, sir.

N O - F U Z Z.
Lol, yeah, right , like Comey is the neutral arbitrator in all this after he gave Hillary a total pass when she obviously broke secure data storage laws.

roflmao, Paperview, you are a partisan hack,
does anybody know what the hell the health care "associations" that Trump talked about in the NYT are?
Trump did give an interview to the New York Times. He'll probably regret it.

Further, Trump said:

“I have absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department,” he said, echoing claims by his supporters that as president he has the power to open or end an investigation. “But for purposes of hopefully thinking I’m going to be treated fairly, I’ve stayed uninvolved with this particular matter.”

1. In the face of evidence of crimes committed by Mueller, Holder, Hillary, Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen, and Obama himself, the Democrats continue to conduct their witch hunt that had produced not one sliver of a piece of evidence against the President after numerous investigations over the span of more than a year.

In the face of evidence that Russia conned snowflakes into organizing and marching for them... In the face of evidence that Russian paid LIBERAL groups like Antifa / Black Lives Matter / The Black Fist to spread fictional racial division and violence across the US... In the face of evidence showing FBI Director James Comey and President Obama KNEW Russia was attempting to hack Senior US Politician computers and was running a Social Media PsyOp operation against the US to interfere in the 2016 US election BUT NEVER DID ANYTHING ABOUT IT so as not to anger Putin while Obama worked to get Putin's permission to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria ... Mueller continues his witch hunt BASED ON A FAKE REPORT FILLED WITH RUSSIA PROPAGANDA OBTAINED FROM AN EX-UK SPY THROUGH A COMPANY WORKING FOR THE RUSSIANS.

Yeah....the rest of the world sees how the Russians so easily manipulated hate-driven snowflakes / Democrats that they got them to organize, march, spread hate and division, and got them to wage an extension of their PsyOp program by carrying out this BS witch hunt for them ... and the hate-driven Russian-puppet Democrats / snowflakes are making this country look like a bunch of butt-hurt clowns who refuse to accept the outcome of the 2016 election because they 'religiously' biasedly supported their proven criminal candidate.

2. “I have absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department,”
The FACT is Trump is absolutely, positively, 100% correct in saying this...AND THAT IS WHAT ABSOLUTELY CHAPS SNOWFLAKES' ASS!
does anybody know what the hell the health care "associations" that Trump talked about in the NYT are?
Doesnt matter as it was obviously stupid, ignorant, uninformed, racist, neoNazi and reveals Trumps Inner Hitler.

Why do you question your bettors?
"Another reason that I’m going to win another four years is because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there because without me, their ratings are going down the tubes."
Russia's alleged interference is not a fact. In fact the investigation's lack of proof after a year is showing it is a liberal pipe dream.

So all those 16 intelligence agencies are lying?

The Trump collusion is what isn't proven. But there's no doubt that Russia meddled in our elections.

There were not 16 intelligences agencies that lied. Only one or two, and the others swore to it. Judging by the FBI, there are probably more than enough Clinton and Obama sycophants left over to lie.

The Russians meddled in our elections! Big fucking deal! What do you call what Obama did in Israel's election?
It's a necessary investigation. Russia interfered with our elections. That's a fact.

Oh you are so full of beans it stinks through the internet.

EVERY NATION interferes with EVERY OTHER NATIONS politics through advertising and internet operated head games A.K.A astroturfing farms.

And if you dont think we dont do it as well then you are more of a simpleton than I originally thought.

Really? Every nation? Listen to yourself. It's as if your defending the Russian interference.
Trump messes with the media, and the media can't even see know that Trump is messing with them. It's a lot of fun to watch.
Russia's alleged interference is not a fact. In fact the investigation's lack of proof after a year is showing it is a liberal pipe dream.

So all those 16 intelligence agencies are lying?

The Trump collusion is what isn't proven. But there's no doubt that Russia meddled in our elections.

There were not 16 intelligences agencies that lied. Only one or two, and the others swore to it. Judging by the FBI, there are probably more than enough Clinton and Obama sycophants left over to lie.

The Russians meddled in our elections! Big fucking deal! What do you call what Obama did in Israel's election?

Read what you just wrote. You're saying it's no big deal that Russians messed with our elections?
Russia's alleged interference is not a fact. In fact the investigation's lack of proof after a year is showing it is a liberal pipe dream.

So all those 16 intelligence agencies are lying?

The Trump collusion is what isn't proven. But there's no doubt that Russia meddled in our elections.

There were not 16 intelligences agencies that lied. Only one or two, and the others swore to it. Judging by the FBI, there are probably more than enough Clinton and Obama sycophants left over to lie.

The Russians meddled in our elections! Big fucking deal! What do you call what Obama did in Israel's election?
It's a necessary investigation. Russia interfered with our elections. That's a fact.

Oh you are so full of beans it stinks through the internet.

EVERY NATION interferes with EVERY OTHER NATIONS politics through advertising and internet operated head games A.K.A astroturfing farms.

And if you dont think we dont do it as well then you are more of a simpleton than I originally thought.

Really? Every nation? Listen to yourself. It's as if your defending the Russian interference.

You still can't tell me what they did and what the impact was? How many votes were changed as a result?

No impact means no interference.
Russia's alleged interference is not a fact. In fact the investigation's lack of proof after a year is showing it is a liberal pipe dream.

So all those 16 intelligence agencies are lying?

The Trump collusion is what isn't proven. But there's no doubt that Russia meddled in our elections.

There were not 16 intelligences agencies that lied. Only one or two, and the others swore to it. Judging by the FBI, there are probably more than enough Clinton and Obama sycophants left over to lie.

The Russians meddled in our elections! Big fucking deal! What do you call what Obama did in Israel's election?

Read what you just wrote. You're saying it's no big deal that Russians messed with our elections?

How many votes were changed?

Did you answer my question regarding Obama's interference in the Israeli election? I think you intentionally ignored it in true liberal fashion.
Russia's alleged interference is not a fact. In fact the investigation's lack of proof after a year is showing it is a liberal pipe dream.

The investigation isn't being conducted to findout if Russia interfered with our elections. It has been established they did. Only Trumpsters deny that Russia did.

The investigation is to find out if Trump's campaign knew about it and colluded with Vladimir. It's also investigating whether Trump committed obstruction of justice.

Thank you for providing the lies we have all heard before. Collusion is not illegal, even though no one has provided any proof.

If it was, it looks like Hillary would be wearing an orange pantsuit the rest of her life. If her campaign paid a foreign national to provide the "Trump dossier" she is guilty of campaign finance laws and may go to jail for that!

I still want to know what the Russians did!

It is like you liberals are two little kids fighting in the backseat of a car. "Mommy, Russia went "annnnhhh" at me and caused Hillary to lose an election she should have easily won and now I need someone to blame for my incompetence."
More traitors. I guess we now know at least some of the Russian tools on this board. Glad to meet you, Comrade. LOL Amazing to see the American Far Right lining up to kiss a Communist's ass. For Putin is still and unabashed Communist, still regretting the glory days of the old Soviet Union has ended.
I am amazed at how many assholes here are bending over backwards to back a treasonous asshole that the Russians and the lowest common denominator of people in this nation put into the White House. I did not realize that we had that many traitors to this nation and its ideals here.
Russia's alleged interference is not a fact. In fact the investigation's lack of proof after a year is showing it is a liberal pipe dream.

So all those 16 intelligence agencies are lying?

The Trump collusion is what isn't proven. But there's no doubt that Russia meddled in our elections.

There were not 16 intelligences agencies that lied. Only one or two, and the others swore to it. Judging by the FBI, there are probably more than enough Clinton and Obama sycophants left over to lie.

The Russians meddled in our elections! Big fucking deal! What do you call what Obama did in Israel's election?
It's a necessary investigation. Russia interfered with our elections. That's a fact.

Oh you are so full of beans it stinks through the internet.

EVERY NATION interferes with EVERY OTHER NATIONS politics through advertising and internet operated head games A.K.A astroturfing farms.

And if you dont think we dont do it as well then you are more of a simpleton than I originally thought.

Really? Every nation? Listen to yourself. It's as if your defending the Russian interference.

You still can't tell me what they did and what the impact was? How many votes were changed as a result?

No impact means no interference.
The other night on MSNBC an 'expert' was still claiming the russians were able to change the votes in the voting machines.
The fucking idiot Trump hating 'host' just nodded and agreed. That's how fucked up the LIB MSM is.
It's a necessary investigation. Russia interfered with our elections. That's a fact. But the question is why? Why would they want to swing the election to favor Trump? It's possible they acted on their own and just wantes America to be run by clown to embarrass.

Trump and his campaign may have nothing to do with.


Trump's campaign did collude with the Russians.

We don't know. Thats why we need an investigation.

Republicans praised Mueller and said he was a fine investigator. But now that he started looking into folks finances they started this smear campaign. For a bunch of innocent people they are sure acting like guilty thugs.

How did Russia interfere with our election?

Can I get a lib to please answer this very important question that no one on the left wants to address?
I think, and I may be wrong about this, that you think interfering with the election can only be defined as some form of voter fraud or stuffing ballot boxes or undermining vote counts. I think, and I may be wrong about this, that you cannot understand how information can influence an election. Stories about campaigns and candidates can sway opinions about those campaigns and candidates. That's where the Russians and the Trump campaign officials working with them are where interference in our elections come into stark reality.
It's a necessary investigation. Russia interfered with our elections. That's a fact. But the question is why? Why would they want to swing the election to favor Trump? It's possible they acted on their own and just wantes America to be run by clown to embarrass.

Trump and his campaign may have nothing to do with.


Trump's campaign did collude with the Russians.

We don't know. Thats why we need an investigation.

Republicans praised Mueller and said he was a fine investigator. But now that he started looking into folks finances they started this smear campaign. For a bunch of innocent people they are sure acting like guilty thugs.

How did Russia interfere with our election?

Can I get a lib to please answer this very important question that no one on the left wants to address?
I think, and I may be wrong about this, that you think interfering with the election can only be defined as some form of voter fraud or stuffing ballot boxes or undermining vote counts. I think, and I may be wrong about this, that you cannot understand how information can influence an election. Stories about campaigns and candidates can sway opinions about those campaigns and candidates. That's where the Russians and the Trump campaign officials working with them are where interference in our elections come into stark reality.

If that is the case, we need to lock up the heads of the NY Times, WAPO, Newsweek, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and a host of others whose lies influenced the election.
Read what you just wrote. You're saying it's no big deal that Russians messed with our elections?


Meanwhile, back in the real world....
It's a necessary investigation. Russia interfered with our elections. That's a fact. But the question is why? Why would they want to swing the election to favor Trump? It's possible they acted on their own and just wantes America to be run by clown to embarrass.

Trump and his campaign may have nothing to do with.


Trump's campaign did collude with the Russians.

We don't know. Thats why we need an investigation.

Republicans praised Mueller and said he was a fine investigator. But now that he started looking into folks finances they started this smear campaign. For a bunch of innocent people they are sure acting like guilty thugs.

How did Russia interfere with our election?

Can I get a lib to please answer this very important question that no one on the left wants to address?
I think, and I may be wrong about this, that you think interfering with the election can only be defined as some form of voter fraud or stuffing ballot boxes or undermining vote counts. I think, and I may be wrong about this, that you cannot understand how information can influence an election. Stories about campaigns and candidates can sway opinions about those campaigns and candidates. That's where the Russians and the Trump campaign officials working with them are where interference in our elections come into stark reality.

If that is the case, we need to lock up the heads of the NY Times, WAPO, Newsweek, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and a host of others whose lies influenced the election.
Do you understand the difference between foreign governments and American media outlets? Have you ever heard of the constitution of the United States? It's the owner's manual for our democracy. In it it has several amendments. Among them is the first amendment guaranteeing a free press. Journalism is the only profession mentioned in the constitution.
Trump did give an interview to the New York Times. He'll probably regret it.

Further, Trump said:

“I have absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department,” he said, echoing claims by his supporters that as president he has the power to open or end an investigation. “But for purposes of hopefully thinking I’m going to be treated fairly, I’ve stayed uninvolved with this particular matter.”

1. In the face of evidence of crimes committed by Mueller, Holder, Hillary, Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen, and Obama himself, the Democrats continue to conduct their witch hunt that had produced not one sliver of a piece of evidence against the President after numerous investigations over the span of more than a year.

In the face of evidence that Russia conned snowflakes into organizing and marching for them... In the face of evidence that Russian paid LIBERAL groups like Antifa / Black Lives Matter / The Black Fist to spread fictional racial division and violence across the US... In the face of evidence showing FBI Director James Comey and President Obama KNEW Russia was attempting to hack Senior US Politician computers and was running a Social Media PsyOp operation against the US to interfere in the 2016 US election BUT NEVER DID ANYTHING ABOUT IT so as not to anger Putin while Obama worked to get Putin's permission to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria ... Mueller continues his witch hunt BASED ON A FAKE REPORT FILLED WITH RUSSIA PROPAGANDA OBTAINED FROM AN EX-UK SPY THROUGH A COMPANY WORKING FOR THE RUSSIANS.

Yeah....the rest of the world sees how the Russians so easily manipulated hate-driven snowflakes / Democrats that they got them to organize, march, spread hate and division, and got them to wage an extension of their PsyOp program by carrying out this BS witch hunt for them ... and the hate-driven Russian-puppet Democrats / snowflakes are making this country look like a bunch of butt-hurt clowns who refuse to accept the outcome of the 2016 election because they 'religiously' biasedly supported their proven criminal candidate.

2. “I have absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department,”
The FACT is Trump is absolutely, positively, 100% correct in saying this...AND THAT IS WHAT ABSOLUTELY CHAPS SNOWFLAKES' ASS!
You have no clue as to what Mueller has come up with, since they don't leak.

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