Trump says there are terrorists attacks happening all over Europe

Much of the Islamic terrorism in Europe is aimed against the women and children of the host counties via rape, and yes, this IS being buried. .

You obviously care about neither the women nor children who have been victims. It's much easier to be politically correct and feel virtuous for it than show any concerns.

So prove it's not being reported.
Rotherham child abuse: The background to the scandal - BBC News
Textbook fearmongering demagoguery.

You should tell that to the 1400 children who were sacrificed as victims to Rape Jihad in Rotherham, England by those with attitudes just like yours.

Here is an especially good article that describes the leftists who work this forum to promote the same climate of intimidation in order to defend this behavior.

Islamophobia-phobia and the Rotherham Rapes - Crisis Magazine

This is not about terrorist attacks. It's about child sex trafficking which is worldwide.
The Shitmeister just keeps churning it out.

Trump Claims Media Is Not Reporting on Attacks in Europe
In remarks to military, president cites no examples of terrorism incidents he believes went unreported or under-reported
“All over Europe it’s happening,” Mr. Trump said. “It’s gotten to a point where it’s not even being reported. And in many cases the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it. They have their reasons, and you understand that.”

Mr. Trump cited no examples of terrorism incidents he believes went unreported or under-reported. Mr. Trump has regularly tweeted his disapproval of media outlets, dubbing stories critical of the White House as “fake news.”""

Trump Claims Media Is Not Reporting on Attacks in Europe

and we wonder why trumpsters don't know anything. *shakes head*

difficult for the subliterates to know anything when the orange sociopath is a compulsive liar...

oh wait... an "alternative fact" teller.
/--- LIke you LiIbtards told us for 8 years, the President has access to information we don't and he may be bound not to release details that could hurt efforts to find the terrorists.

Terrorist attacks are infamous for people dying in public places like airports and restaurants. You are saying there is a massive conspiracy in Europe to cover up these attacks and that is simply impossible. Sort of like your president
A day doesn't seem to go by without our mentally ill President telling a lie, saying something really stupid and bragging about himself.
Surely I don't have to explain it to you. These rapes were done by muslims there. I guess it doesn't count when it is a rape, in your lala world. Well,wonder how you would react when it is your child it happens to. 1400 children.

Officials in Germany were so concerned about ignorant religious fanatic Islamic refugees disrespecting women that they posted signs near beaches indicating that women wearing bikini bathing suits were not inviting sexual assault. Maybe idiotic lefties can argue about the difference between sexual assault and knife wielding maniacs and fanatics driving vehicles into crowds of people but it does go on all over Europe.

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