Trump Says U.S. Heading For 'Massive Recession'

Sounds pretty smart. Everybody starts buying (based on his advice), causing prices to increase. He sells his property at an inflated price, then buys it back for a fraction of what it's worth after the market collapses. Too bad you're not smart enough to be rich. :lol:
That's right, the cash rich love the GOP's Boom & Bust economic policies and hate Obama's slow and steady growth economic policies.

The question is, why do the cash poor STUPIDLY support the GOP?????
The work force has declined since Obama's been in charge, stupid. Our economy is on life support. The only one prospering are the elitists in government from borrowed money that WE have to pay back. Wise up.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
The workforce declined since Obama came in to repair all the economic damage done by the GOP largely due to demographics, not economics. Boom & Bust GOP economic policies only help the cash rich elitists only CON$ are stupid enough to worship.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about but at least you'e funny. :lol:
Sounds pretty smart. Everybody starts buying (based on his advice), causing prices to increase. He sells his property at an inflated price, then buys it back for a fraction of what it's worth after the market collapses. Too bad you're not smart enough to be rich. :lol:
That's right, the cash rich love the GOP's Boom & Bust economic policies and hate Obama's slow and steady growth economic policies.

The question is, why do the cash poor STUPIDLY support the GOP?????
The work force has declined since Obama's been in charge, stupid. Our economy is on life support. The only one prospering are the elitists in government from borrowed money that WE have to pay back. Wise up.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
The workforce declined since Obama came in to repair all the economic damage done by the GOP largely due to demographics, not economics. Boom & Bust GOP economic policies only help the cash rich elitists only CON$ are stupid enough to worship.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about but at least you'e funny. :lol:
Nervous laughter is the result of a psychological defense mechanism that people use to tell themselves that what they see is not as threatening as it appears.
Sounds pretty smart. Everybody starts buying (based on his advice), causing prices to increase. He sells his property at an inflated price, then buys it back for a fraction of what it's worth after the market collapses. Too bad you're not smart enough to be rich. :lol:
That's right, the cash rich love the GOP's Boom & Bust economic policies and hate Obama's slow and steady growth economic policies.

The question is, why do the cash poor STUPIDLY support the GOP?????
The work force has declined since Obama's been in charge, stupid. Our economy is on life support. The only one prospering are the elitists in government from borrowed money that WE have to pay back. Wise up.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
The workforce declined since Obama came in to repair all the economic damage done by the GOP largely due to demographics, not economics. Boom & Bust GOP economic policies only help the cash rich elitists only CON$ are stupid enough to worship.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about but at least you'e funny. :lol:
Nervous laughter is the result of a psychological defense mechanism that people use to tell themselves that what they see is not as threatening as it appears.
Your argument was that Obama doubled the debt in 8 years because of "demographics". That comment is not "threatening", it's funny. Please give us some more "explanations" about Obama's disastrous policies, we can all use a few laughs (nervous or otherwise). :laugh2:
Seriously, I would hate to be as blatantly stupid as you....I would contemplate suicide if I suffered from the type of stupidity that you do. You have no understanding about how anything works or the machinations behind it. You wave that little rainbow colored "demcrat" flag while posting utterly STUPID shit....and what is so sad is that you seem almost proud of it.

Aww. Does somebody need a diaper change because I understand linear time and you don't? :itsok:

Barrypuppet made a bad situation worse but of course he was just doing what he was told to do. The Fed bankers were always calling the shots. The QE programs, the Porkulus program, Barrypuppetcare.....I know more than you. Why you even bother posting your worthless spew is a mystery. Seriously, you are stupid and you have no clue on how this parasitic banking system works or the criminality and fraud behind it.
The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their propensity to lie.

Whelp -- I dunno about "most" but the post after yours certainly went out of its way to demonstrate exactly that.

I chalk it up to rampant illiteracy.
Don’t be too sure, finding ways to blame the president for the December 2007 recession – that would be a year and a month before Obama took office for nitwits on the right who are chronologically impaired – ranks high in the conservative repertoire of lies concerning the president.

Booms and busts are caused by the banking oligarchs that took over receivership of USA.INC in 1912...they are the real owners. Where I find fault with both parties is that so very few will bother to stand up to this bogus system and tell the truth. James Traficant, a democrat tried and was brought up on trumped up charges. JFK tried to use their won system against them so they publically murdered him. You should see the speech Traficant gave in 1993 but the banker owned media never covered it but it is in the congressional record. They just keeping pulling the wool over the eyes of the sheeple and they had it pulled over my eyes until four years ago when I decided to dedicate thousands upon thousands of hours learning what really happened. Keep on believing these corporate officers give a flying fuck about you and I guarantee you that nothing is going to get better...not ever. Etch it in stone.
That's right, the cash rich love the GOP's Boom & Bust economic policies and hate Obama's slow and steady growth economic policies.

The question is, why do the cash poor STUPIDLY support the GOP?????
The work force has declined since Obama's been in charge, stupid. Our economy is on life support. The only one prospering are the elitists in government from borrowed money that WE have to pay back. Wise up.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
The workforce declined since Obama came in to repair all the economic damage done by the GOP largely due to demographics, not economics. Boom & Bust GOP economic policies only help the cash rich elitists only CON$ are stupid enough to worship.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about but at least you'e funny. :lol:
Nervous laughter is the result of a psychological defense mechanism that people use to tell themselves that what they see is not as threatening as it appears.
Your argument was that Obama doubled the debt in 8 years because of "demographics". That comment is not "threatening", it's funny. Please give us some more "explanations" about Obama's disastrous policies, we can all use a few laughs (nervous or otherwise). :laugh2:
And this is how the dishonest lying scum Right operates, I said NOTHING about the DEBT!!!!!!!
I challenged your LIE about the WORKFORCE.

But since you have chosen to deflect to a LIE about the GOP National Debt, First of all, the debt at the end of Bush's last fiscal year was 12 trillion, and 8 years of interest on that GOP National Debt of 12 trillion is nearly 3 trillion, so at least 15 trillion of the debt is due to the GOP. On top of that is another few trillion due to the continuing costs of Bush's wars of choice including the perpetual medical costs of our injured vets. So the GOP own at least 17 trillion of the current debt.
The work force has declined since Obama's been in charge, stupid. Our economy is on life support. The only one prospering are the elitists in government from borrowed money that WE have to pay back. Wise up.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
The workforce declined since Obama came in to repair all the economic damage done by the GOP largely due to demographics, not economics. Boom & Bust GOP economic policies only help the cash rich elitists only CON$ are stupid enough to worship.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about but at least you'e funny. :lol:
Nervous laughter is the result of a psychological defense mechanism that people use to tell themselves that what they see is not as threatening as it appears.
Your argument was that Obama doubled the debt in 8 years because of "demographics". That comment is not "threatening", it's funny. Please give us some more "explanations" about Obama's disastrous policies, we can all use a few laughs (nervous or otherwise). :laugh2:
And this is how the dishonest lying scum Right operates, I said NOTHING about the DEBT!!!!!!!
I challenged your LIE about the WORKFORCE.

But since you have chosen to deflect to a LIE about the GOP National Debt, First of all, the debt at the end of Bush's last fiscal year was 12 trillion, and 8 years of interest on that GOP National Debt of 12 trillion is nearly 3 trillion, so at least 15 trillion of the debt is due to the GOP. On top of that is another few trillion due to the continuing costs of Bush's wars of choice including the perpetual medical costs of our injured vets. So the GOP own at least 17 trillion of the current debt.
Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. And the annual deficit remained at a trillion and a half for 3 more years. It didn't drop below a trillion until 2013. It still remains at half a trillion. You're full of shit.
The work force has declined since Obama's been in charge, stupid. Our economy is on life support. The only one prospering are the elitists in government from borrowed money that WE have to pay back. Wise up.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
The workforce declined since Obama came in to repair all the economic damage done by the GOP largely due to demographics, not economics. Boom & Bust GOP economic policies only help the cash rich elitists only CON$ are stupid enough to worship.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about but at least you'e funny. :lol:
Nervous laughter is the result of a psychological defense mechanism that people use to tell themselves that what they see is not as threatening as it appears.
Your argument was that Obama doubled the debt in 8 years because of "demographics". That comment is not "threatening", it's funny. Please give us some more "explanations" about Obama's disastrous policies, we can all use a few laughs (nervous or otherwise). :laugh2:
And this is how the dishonest lying scum Right operates, I said NOTHING about the DEBT!!!!!!!
I challenged your LIE about the WORKFORCE.

But since you have chosen to deflect to a LIE about the GOP National Debt, First of all, the debt at the end of Bush's last fiscal year was 12 trillion, and 8 years of interest on that GOP National Debt of 12 trillion is nearly 3 trillion, so at least 15 trillion of the debt is due to the GOP. On top of that is another few trillion due to the continuing costs of Bush's wars of choice including the perpetual medical costs of our injured vets. So the GOP own at least 17 trillion of the current debt.

Bushpuppet being a POS doesn't excuse Barrypuppet for being a bought off POS. USA.INC has TRILLIONS of dollars tucked away starting at the local, county, state that are ALL subsidiaries of USA.INC whose federal headquarters are in Washington, D.C. Ever heard of the CAFR? Comprehensive Annual Financial Report? Not many will take the time to look through the thousands of pages but some did...and the amount of skimming that was used to invest makes the mafia seem like pikers by comparison.

Source link here

If the quote wasnt from 2006 you might have something...
There are plenty of economic experts predicting the same thing.
The workforce declined since Obama came in to repair all the economic damage done by the GOP largely due to demographics, not economics. Boom & Bust GOP economic policies only help the cash rich elitists only CON$ are stupid enough to worship.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about but at least you'e funny. :lol:
Nervous laughter is the result of a psychological defense mechanism that people use to tell themselves that what they see is not as threatening as it appears.
Your argument was that Obama doubled the debt in 8 years because of "demographics". That comment is not "threatening", it's funny. Please give us some more "explanations" about Obama's disastrous policies, we can all use a few laughs (nervous or otherwise). :laugh2:
And this is how the dishonest lying scum Right operates, I said NOTHING about the DEBT!!!!!!!
I challenged your LIE about the WORKFORCE.

But since you have chosen to deflect to a LIE about the GOP National Debt, First of all, the debt at the end of Bush's last fiscal year was 12 trillion, and 8 years of interest on that GOP National Debt of 12 trillion is nearly 3 trillion, so at least 15 trillion of the debt is due to the GOP. On top of that is another few trillion due to the continuing costs of Bush's wars of choice including the perpetual medical costs of our injured vets. So the GOP own at least 17 trillion of the current debt.
Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. And the annual deficit remained at a trillion and a half for 3 more years. It didn't drop below a trillion until 2013. It still remains at half a trillion. You're full of shit.
The last Bush FISCAL year ended Sep 30, 2009, not the day Obama took office, with the GOP National Debt at 11.9 trillion, but dishonest lying scum that you are you knew that already.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about but at least you'e funny. :lol:
Nervous laughter is the result of a psychological defense mechanism that people use to tell themselves that what they see is not as threatening as it appears.
Your argument was that Obama doubled the debt in 8 years because of "demographics". That comment is not "threatening", it's funny. Please give us some more "explanations" about Obama's disastrous policies, we can all use a few laughs (nervous or otherwise). :laugh2:
And this is how the dishonest lying scum Right operates, I said NOTHING about the DEBT!!!!!!!
I challenged your LIE about the WORKFORCE.

But since you have chosen to deflect to a LIE about the GOP National Debt, First of all, the debt at the end of Bush's last fiscal year was 12 trillion, and 8 years of interest on that GOP National Debt of 12 trillion is nearly 3 trillion, so at least 15 trillion of the debt is due to the GOP. On top of that is another few trillion due to the continuing costs of Bush's wars of choice including the perpetual medical costs of our injured vets. So the GOP own at least 17 trillion of the current debt.
Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. And the annual deficit remained at a trillion and a half for 3 more years. It didn't drop below a trillion until 2013. It still remains at half a trillion. You're full of shit.
The last Bush FISCAL year ended Sep 30, 2009, not the day Obama took office, with the GOP National Debt at 11.9 trillion, but dishonest lying scum that you are you knew that already.
Excuse me....but wasn't the leftards controlling the purse strings starting in January of 2007? But have no fear...USA.INC made a hefty profit in 2007 according to the CAF was a banner year and they reported higher earnings than the entire GDP of the private sector....of course USA.INC simply reports on it's collections and weighs it against what they owe. They collect the profits....we are responsible for their bills.
Nervous laughter is the result of a psychological defense mechanism that people use to tell themselves that what they see is not as threatening as it appears.
Your argument was that Obama doubled the debt in 8 years because of "demographics". That comment is not "threatening", it's funny. Please give us some more "explanations" about Obama's disastrous policies, we can all use a few laughs (nervous or otherwise). :laugh2:
And this is how the dishonest lying scum Right operates, I said NOTHING about the DEBT!!!!!!!
I challenged your LIE about the WORKFORCE.

But since you have chosen to deflect to a LIE about the GOP National Debt, First of all, the debt at the end of Bush's last fiscal year was 12 trillion, and 8 years of interest on that GOP National Debt of 12 trillion is nearly 3 trillion, so at least 15 trillion of the debt is due to the GOP. On top of that is another few trillion due to the continuing costs of Bush's wars of choice including the perpetual medical costs of our injured vets. So the GOP own at least 17 trillion of the current debt.
Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. And the annual deficit remained at a trillion and a half for 3 more years. It didn't drop below a trillion until 2013. It still remains at half a trillion. You're full of shit.
The last Bush FISCAL year ended Sep 30, 2009, not the day Obama took office, with the GOP National Debt at 11.9 trillion, but dishonest lying scum that you are you knew that already.
Excuse me....but wasn't the leftards controlling the purse strings starting in January of 2007? But have no fear...USA.INC made a hefty profit in 2007 according to the CAF was a banner year and they reported higher earnings than the entire GDP of the private sector....of course USA.INC simply reports on it's collections and weighs it against what they owe. They collect the profits....we are responsible for their bills.
Well, the GOP control both houses and yet the Right claims the President is getting his way with the budget.
Are you saying that the "limp wristed" Obama is a much stronger and more forceful President than the previous GOP President????
Your argument was that Obama doubled the debt in 8 years because of "demographics". That comment is not "threatening", it's funny. Please give us some more "explanations" about Obama's disastrous policies, we can all use a few laughs (nervous or otherwise). :laugh2:
And this is how the dishonest lying scum Right operates, I said NOTHING about the DEBT!!!!!!!
I challenged your LIE about the WORKFORCE.

But since you have chosen to deflect to a LIE about the GOP National Debt, First of all, the debt at the end of Bush's last fiscal year was 12 trillion, and 8 years of interest on that GOP National Debt of 12 trillion is nearly 3 trillion, so at least 15 trillion of the debt is due to the GOP. On top of that is another few trillion due to the continuing costs of Bush's wars of choice including the perpetual medical costs of our injured vets. So the GOP own at least 17 trillion of the current debt.
Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. And the annual deficit remained at a trillion and a half for 3 more years. It didn't drop below a trillion until 2013. It still remains at half a trillion. You're full of shit.
The last Bush FISCAL year ended Sep 30, 2009, not the day Obama took office, with the GOP National Debt at 11.9 trillion, but dishonest lying scum that you are you knew that already.
Excuse me....but wasn't the leftards controlling the purse strings starting in January of 2007? But have no fear...USA.INC made a hefty profit in 2007 according to the CAF was a banner year and they reported higher earnings than the entire GDP of the private sector....of course USA.INC simply reports on it's collections and weighs it against what they owe. They collect the profits....we are responsible for their bills.
Well, the GOP control both houses and yet the Right claims the President is getting his way with the budget.
Are you saying that the "limp wristed" Obama is a much stronger and more forceful President than the previous GOP President????
What I am saying is that USA.INC is a corporation and all it has is corporate offices that take up the 435 seats in the House and Senate and at the end of the day, the CEO of USA.INC works in conjunction with his corporate officers to make a profit....the rest is just theater. Neither party gives a shit about you and never will until people wake up to this fraudulent system because it certainly isn't going to get any better....guarantee you on that.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about but at least you'e funny. :lol:
Nervous laughter is the result of a psychological defense mechanism that people use to tell themselves that what they see is not as threatening as it appears.
Your argument was that Obama doubled the debt in 8 years because of "demographics". That comment is not "threatening", it's funny. Please give us some more "explanations" about Obama's disastrous policies, we can all use a few laughs (nervous or otherwise). :laugh2:
And this is how the dishonest lying scum Right operates, I said NOTHING about the DEBT!!!!!!!
I challenged your LIE about the WORKFORCE.

But since you have chosen to deflect to a LIE about the GOP National Debt, First of all, the debt at the end of Bush's last fiscal year was 12 trillion, and 8 years of interest on that GOP National Debt of 12 trillion is nearly 3 trillion, so at least 15 trillion of the debt is due to the GOP. On top of that is another few trillion due to the continuing costs of Bush's wars of choice including the perpetual medical costs of our injured vets. So the GOP own at least 17 trillion of the current debt.
Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. And the annual deficit remained at a trillion and a half for 3 more years. It didn't drop below a trillion until 2013. It still remains at half a trillion. You're full of shit.
The last Bush FISCAL year ended Sep 30, 2009, not the day Obama took office, with the GOP National Debt at 11.9 trillion, but dishonest lying scum that you are you knew that already.
You talking about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. That one? The one Obama signed into law in FEBRUARY of 2009? That one, scumbag?
Sounds pretty smart. Everybody starts buying (based on his advice), causing prices to increase. He sells his property at an inflated price, then buys it back for a fraction of what it's worth after the market collapses. Too bad you're not smart enough to be rich. :lol:
That's right, the cash rich love the GOP's Boom & Bust economic policies and hate Obama's slow and steady growth economic policies.

The question is, why do the cash poor STUPIDLY support the GOP?????

its slow allright. Too slow- slowest in history.
Nervous laughter is the result of a psychological defense mechanism that people use to tell themselves that what they see is not as threatening as it appears.
Your argument was that Obama doubled the debt in 8 years because of "demographics". That comment is not "threatening", it's funny. Please give us some more "explanations" about Obama's disastrous policies, we can all use a few laughs (nervous or otherwise). :laugh2:
And this is how the dishonest lying scum Right operates, I said NOTHING about the DEBT!!!!!!!
I challenged your LIE about the WORKFORCE.

But since you have chosen to deflect to a LIE about the GOP National Debt, First of all, the debt at the end of Bush's last fiscal year was 12 trillion, and 8 years of interest on that GOP National Debt of 12 trillion is nearly 3 trillion, so at least 15 trillion of the debt is due to the GOP. On top of that is another few trillion due to the continuing costs of Bush's wars of choice including the perpetual medical costs of our injured vets. So the GOP own at least 17 trillion of the current debt.
Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. And the annual deficit remained at a trillion and a half for 3 more years. It didn't drop below a trillion until 2013. It still remains at half a trillion. You're full of shit.
The last Bush FISCAL year ended Sep 30, 2009, not the day Obama took office, with the GOP National Debt at 11.9 trillion, but dishonest lying scum that you are you knew that already.
You talking about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. That one? The one Obama signed into law in FEBRUARY of 2009? That one, scumbag?
No, :asshole:
Very little of the Stimulus was spent in Bush's fiscal 2009 budget a max of only 240 billion, a major complaint of the Right about the Stimulus, but again you knew that already.
Sounds pretty smart. Everybody starts buying (based on his advice), causing prices to increase. He sells his property at an inflated price, then buys it back for a fraction of what it's worth after the market collapses. Too bad you're not smart enough to be rich. :lol:
That's right, the cash rich love the GOP's Boom & Bust economic policies and hate Obama's slow and steady growth economic policies.

The question is, why do the cash poor STUPIDLY support the GOP?????

its slow allright. Too slow- slowest in history.
It's steady alright. Steadiest in history. Too steady for the Boom & Bust wing-nuts.
Sounds pretty smart. Everybody starts buying (based on his advice), causing prices to increase. He sells his property at an inflated price, then buys it back for a fraction of what it's worth after the market collapses. Too bad you're not smart enough to be rich. :lol:
That's right, the cash rich love the GOP's Boom & Bust economic policies and hate Obama's slow and steady growth economic policies.

The question is, why do the cash poor STUPIDLY support the GOP?????

its slow allright. Too slow- slowest in history.
It's steady alright. Steadiest in history. Too steady for the Boom & Bust wing-nuts.

keep eating what the lib media tells you. UE 5%? ha! More like 10%.
Sounds pretty smart. Everybody starts buying (based on his advice), causing prices to increase. He sells his property at an inflated price, then buys it back for a fraction of what it's worth after the market collapses. Too bad you're not smart enough to be rich. :lol:
That's right, the cash rich love the GOP's Boom & Bust economic policies and hate Obama's slow and steady growth economic policies.

The question is, why do the cash poor STUPIDLY support the GOP?????

its slow allright. Too slow- slowest in history.
It's steady alright. Steadiest in history. Too steady for the Boom & Bust wing-nuts.

keep eating what the lib media tells you. UE 5%? ha! More like 10%.
Well then the UE rate for all Republican presidents was more like triple what was reported.

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