Trump Says U.S. Heading For 'Massive Recession'

Your argument was that Obama doubled the debt in 8 years because of "demographics". That comment is not "threatening", it's funny. Please give us some more "explanations" about Obama's disastrous policies, we can all use a few laughs (nervous or otherwise). :laugh2:
And this is how the dishonest lying scum Right operates, I said NOTHING about the DEBT!!!!!!!
I challenged your LIE about the WORKFORCE.

But since you have chosen to deflect to a LIE about the GOP National Debt, First of all, the debt at the end of Bush's last fiscal year was 12 trillion, and 8 years of interest on that GOP National Debt of 12 trillion is nearly 3 trillion, so at least 15 trillion of the debt is due to the GOP. On top of that is another few trillion due to the continuing costs of Bush's wars of choice including the perpetual medical costs of our injured vets. So the GOP own at least 17 trillion of the current debt.
Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. And the annual deficit remained at a trillion and a half for 3 more years. It didn't drop below a trillion until 2013. It still remains at half a trillion. You're full of shit.
The last Bush FISCAL year ended Sep 30, 2009, not the day Obama took office, with the GOP National Debt at 11.9 trillion, but dishonest lying scum that you are you knew that already.
You talking about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. That one? The one Obama signed into law in FEBRUARY of 2009? That one, scumbag?
No, :asshole:
Very little of the Stimulus was spent in Bush's fiscal 2009 budget a max of only 240 billion, a major complaint of the Right about the Stimulus, but again you knew that already.
Look at the hack dancing and dodging. In other words, you have nothing.

An Exclusive With Ron Paul

Goofy Ron Paul beat goofy Donald Trump to the goofy punch...
Trump has predicted 23 of the last 0 recessions.

"I have a 100 percent accuracy rate, bleev me."

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