Trump says you'll let him get away with murder

^ Did an adult just type that?

The devolution of our public discourse to a school yard level occurred long before Trump was a part of it.
And you've jumped right into your element?


I recall once I told someone, "It would be a better world if the highest rated show on tv was Crossfire, instead it's Baywatch.".

But rational, serious, and honest discussions on the issues always get shut down by libs, one way or another.

The GOP has been behind the curve on playing street ball for a long time.

If we finally found someone who can take Political Correctness and flush it down the toilet, I want to run with him all the way.
So...your political weathervane is all about getting rid of Political Correctness....give an example of the kind of political correctness you want to flush.


The Negro Family: The Case For National Action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Negro Family: The Case For National Action (known as the Moynihan Report, 1965) was written by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, an American sociologistserving as Assistant Secretary of Labor[1] under President Lyndon B. Johnson of the United States. In 1976 Moynihan was elected to the first of several terms as U.S. Senator from New York and continued to support liberal programs to try to end poverty. His 1965 work focused on the deep roots of black poverty in the United States and concluded, controversially, that the high rate of families headed by single mothers would greatly hinder progress of African Americans toward economic and political equality.

We've known since 1965 that illegitimacy is the primary cause of the problems of the Black Population.

BUt instead of addressing that problem, we have spend 50 years trying to address it by attacking the boogey man of WHite Racism.

And any efforts to the contrary are shut down by the liberal, pun intended, use of The Race Card.

Which is the core of Political Correctness.
You don't think illegitimacy is a problem in the white community?
-------------------------- TRUE and that's the reason that I dislike moderate repubs more than dems Correl !!

Trump's a liberal RINO.

Yet you support him.

You must hate yourself.
-------------------------------- Trumps WORDS are good on guns , immigration , military , borders and other things that the other rinos are bad on so if Trump is a rino , well he is the best rino with the added benefit that he might hurt the 'gop' Toro !!


Which words? That he is going to send the troops back into the ME for the 3rd time in 25 years?

Lets see, we have 22 veterans a day committing suicide
Why suicide rate among veterans may be more than 22 a day -
....and you think it's a good idea to expose more of our best and brightest to the same environment?

Mexico will not pay for a wall; the Congress will not appropriate money for the wall, 11,000,000 people are not going to be deported...
---------------------------- as far as the war , go in and kill the enemy which is something that mrobama won't allow because of his wussy 'rules of engagement' . -------------- WALL , well Trump will have his pen and phone just like mrobama but it remains to be seen what congress will do Candy . and then , even if that takes time , well Trumps words are good on guns . --- 22 a day , well , its too bad but people make choices Candy .
Are the ROEs under Obama any different than under Bush? Do you know that Reagan's ROEs got over 200+ Marines killed in Beirut?

Tell us the problem with current ROEs and what past ROEs would be better and how.
check out the rules of engagement when old man bush went after the Iraqis as they were retreating back to Iraq from Kuwait . Its called the Road of Death and old man Bush killed the enemy , probably no survivors and the Iraqi were retreating !! Now those 'rules of engagement' were good rules Bodecea !!
-------------------------- TRUE and that's the reason that I dislike moderate repubs more than dems Correl !!

Trump's a liberal RINO.

Yet you support him.

You must hate yourself.
-------------------------------- Trumps WORDS are good on guns , immigration , military , borders and other things that the other rinos are bad on so if Trump is a rino , well he is the best rino with the added benefit that he might hurt the 'gop' Toro !!


Which words? That he is going to send the troops back into the ME for the 3rd time in 25 years?

Lets see, we have 22 veterans a day committing suicide
Why suicide rate among veterans may be more than 22 a day -
....and you think it's a good idea to expose more of our best and brightest to the same environment?

Mexico will not pay for a wall; the Congress will not appropriate money for the wall, 11,000,000 people are not going to be deported...
---------------------------- as far as the war , go in and kill the enemy which is something that mrobama won't allow because of his wussy 'rules of engagement' . -------------- WALL , well Trump will have his pen and phone just like mrobama but it remains to be seen what congress will do Candy . and then , even if that takes time , well Trumps words are good on guns . --- 22 a day , well , its too bad but people make choices Candy .
Are the ROEs under Obama any different than under Bush? Do you know that Reagan's ROEs got over 200+ Marines killed in Beirut?

Tell us the problem with current ROEs and what past ROEs would be better and how.

Could you please provide the thought process you came to that makes you post BS like Reagan's ROE lead to a suicide bomber driving a truck into the barracks? Please.
here you go , road of Death video but only shows the column as it was destroyed . No gore or charred bodies but there were plenty of them Bodecea . --- iraq road of death - Bing video --- if you want to see more , well just do some GOOGLE and you will see plenty . Anyway , the results you see were caused by GOOD Rules of Engagement Bodecea !!
Trump's a liberal RINO.

Yet you support him.

You must hate yourself.
-------------------------------- Trumps WORDS are good on guns , immigration , military , borders and other things that the other rinos are bad on so if Trump is a rino , well he is the best rino with the added benefit that he might hurt the 'gop' Toro !!


Which words? That he is going to send the troops back into the ME for the 3rd time in 25 years?

Lets see, we have 22 veterans a day committing suicide
Why suicide rate among veterans may be more than 22 a day -
....and you think it's a good idea to expose more of our best and brightest to the same environment?

Mexico will not pay for a wall; the Congress will not appropriate money for the wall, 11,000,000 people are not going to be deported...
---------------------------- as far as the war , go in and kill the enemy which is something that mrobama won't allow because of his wussy 'rules of engagement' . -------------- WALL , well Trump will have his pen and phone just like mrobama but it remains to be seen what congress will do Candy . and then , even if that takes time , well Trumps words are good on guns . --- 22 a day , well , its too bad but people make choices Candy .
Are the ROEs under Obama any different than under Bush? Do you know that Reagan's ROEs got over 200+ Marines killed in Beirut?

Tell us the problem with current ROEs and what past ROEs would be better and how.

Could you please provide the thought process you came to that makes you post BS like Reagan's ROE lead to a suicide bomber driving a truck into the barracks? Please.
------------------ who are you asking Freewill ??
-------------------------- TRUE and that's the reason that I dislike moderate repubs more than dems Correl !!

Trump's a liberal RINO.

Yet you support him.

You must hate yourself.
-------------------------------- Trumps WORDS are good on guns , immigration , military , borders and other things that the other rinos are bad on so if Trump is a rino , well he is the best rino with the added benefit that he might hurt the 'gop' Toro !!


Which words? That he is going to send the troops back into the ME for the 3rd time in 25 years?

Lets see, we have 22 veterans a day committing suicide
Why suicide rate among veterans may be more than 22 a day -
....and you think it's a good idea to expose more of our best and brightest to the same environment?

Mexico will not pay for a wall; the Congress will not appropriate money for the wall, 11,000,000 people are not going to be deported...
---------------------------- as far as the war , go in and kill the enemy which is something that mrobama won't allow because of his wussy 'rules of engagement' . -------------- WALL , well Trump will have his pen and phone just like mrobama but it remains to be seen what congress will do Candy . and then , even if that takes time , well Trumps words are good on guns . --- 22 a day , well , its too bad but people make choices Candy .
Are the ROEs under Obama any different than under Bush? Do you know that Reagan's ROEs got over 200+ Marines killed in Beirut?

Tell us the problem with current ROEs and what past ROEs would be better and how.
--------------------------- so in reply , just return to practical 'RoE' like the old man Bush had Bodecea !!
-------------------------- TRUE and that's the reason that I dislike moderate repubs more than dems Correl !!

Trump's a liberal RINO.

Yet you support him.

You must hate yourself.
-------------------------------- Trumps WORDS are good on guns , immigration , military , borders and other things that the other rinos are bad on so if Trump is a rino , well he is the best rino with the added benefit that he might hurt the 'gop' Toro !!


Which words? That he is going to send the troops back into the ME for the 3rd time in 25 years?

Lets see, we have 22 veterans a day committing suicide
Why suicide rate among veterans may be more than 22 a day -
....and you think it's a good idea to expose more of our best and brightest to the same environment?

Mexico will not pay for a wall; the Congress will not appropriate money for the wall, 11,000,000 people are not going to be deported...
---------------------------- as far as the war , go in and kill the enemy which is something that mrobama won't allow because of his wussy 'rules of engagement' . -------------- WALL , well Trump will have his pen and phone just like mrobama but it remains to be seen what congress will do Candy . and then , even if that takes time , well Trumps words are good on guns . --- 22 a day , well , its too bad but people make choices Candy .
Are the ROEs under Obama any different than under Bush? Do you know that Reagan's ROEs got over 200+ Marines killed in Beirut?

Tell us the problem with current ROEs and what past ROEs would be better and how.
-------------------------- I showed the good results of good RoE in my example , what do you think Bodecea ??
So you find that you cannot discuss "real issues" without mocking those with birth defects?
------------------------------- not a big deal , in the same category as the old pirate McCain getting his azz captured Candy . Just stop your emotional whining ehh as no one is impressed !!

He'll be mocking the kids (the ones he likes) that come back from the ME with PTSD too. It's not something he just broke out or started doing. Those who get captured will be hated.


McCain started it.

How exactly did he "start" anything that made trump criticize dislike combat men and women who get captured?
-------------------------- mccain is a wusse that has used his captured status for years and years and has made lots of money and power on his capture Candy !!

You can provide 0.00 examples of that but a trump supporter nobody expects you to be honest, correct, or remotely civil
agree , but let people call her names , no big deal and its her and Teds problem Candy !!

Not sure what is more callus...the fact that you're wanting the rest of the world to sink to the level to where a man's wife's medical issue is fair game in his candidacy or that you would think it just "his problem" for loving a woman who happens to have some medical issues (hopefully for her) in her past.

I swear, at times, it seems like the GOP has become little better than the Crips or Bloods in terms of what they see as right and wrong.
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
The Germans of the 1930s were rather pissed off too.

Ah...but if you really knew history of Germany in the early wasn't just the Nazis that the Germans grasped towards. But. I'm not surprised your mind jumps right to that. It's probably quite comfortable.

Wow. You make a reference to Germany in the 30s and ridicule me for concluding that it was a Nazi reference?

ANd in doing so, actually again allude with a Godwin.


You are so full of crap.
The devolution of our public discourse to a school yard level occurred long before Trump was a part of it.
And you've jumped right into your element?


I recall once I told someone, "It would be a better world if the highest rated show on tv was Crossfire, instead it's Baywatch.".

But rational, serious, and honest discussions on the issues always get shut down by libs, one way or another.

The GOP has been behind the curve on playing street ball for a long time.

If we finally found someone who can take Political Correctness and flush it down the toilet, I want to run with him all the way.
So...your political weathervane is all about getting rid of Political Correctness....give an example of the kind of political correctness you want to flush.


The Negro Family: The Case For National Action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Negro Family: The Case For National Action (known as the Moynihan Report, 1965) was written by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, an American sociologistserving as Assistant Secretary of Labor[1] under President Lyndon B. Johnson of the United States. In 1976 Moynihan was elected to the first of several terms as U.S. Senator from New York and continued to support liberal programs to try to end poverty. His 1965 work focused on the deep roots of black poverty in the United States and concluded, controversially, that the high rate of families headed by single mothers would greatly hinder progress of African Americans toward economic and political equality.

We've known since 1965 that illegitimacy is the primary cause of the problems of the Black Population.

BUt instead of addressing that problem, we have spend 50 years trying to address it by attacking the boogey man of WHite Racism.

And any efforts to the contrary are shut down by the liberal, pun intended, use of The Race Card.

Which is the core of Political Correctness.
You don't think illegitimacy is a problem in the white community?

I challenge you to show anything I said to give you any hint of that.

I note that you gave no thought to the damage caused by ignoring the real cause of the various problems afflicting the black community for 50 Fucking years, which would include tens of thousands of deaths, millennium of prison time, hundreds of billions of dollars and untold suffering....

in order to imply that I was being racist.

I wonder if you have the self awareness to realize you just proved my point on so many levels, not the least of which is that Political Correctness needs to be destroyed.

Rhetorical Question.

I know that as lib you do NOT have that required level of self awareness.

Libs. All the self awareness of a turnip.
Trump's a liberal RINO.

Yet you support him.

You must hate yourself.
-------------------------------- Trumps WORDS are good on guns , immigration , military , borders and other things that the other rinos are bad on so if Trump is a rino , well he is the best rino with the added benefit that he might hurt the 'gop' Toro !!


Which words? That he is going to send the troops back into the ME for the 3rd time in 25 years?

Lets see, we have 22 veterans a day committing suicide
Why suicide rate among veterans may be more than 22 a day -
....and you think it's a good idea to expose more of our best and brightest to the same environment?

Mexico will not pay for a wall; the Congress will not appropriate money for the wall, 11,000,000 people are not going to be deported...
---------------------------- as far as the war , go in and kill the enemy which is something that mrobama won't allow because of his wussy 'rules of engagement' . -------------- WALL , well Trump will have his pen and phone just like mrobama but it remains to be seen what congress will do Candy . and then , even if that takes time , well Trumps words are good on guns . --- 22 a day , well , its too bad but people make choices Candy .
Are the ROEs under Obama any different than under Bush? Do you know that Reagan's ROEs got over 200+ Marines killed in Beirut?

Tell us the problem with current ROEs and what past ROEs would be better and how.

Could you please provide the thought process you came to that makes you post BS like Reagan's ROE lead to a suicide bomber driving a truck into the barracks? Please.
The guards at the gates had unloaded weapons per the ROE and could not have stopped the driver unless they threw their M-16s at him.
And you've jumped right into your element?


I recall once I told someone, "It would be a better world if the highest rated show on tv was Crossfire, instead it's Baywatch.".

But rational, serious, and honest discussions on the issues always get shut down by libs, one way or another.

The GOP has been behind the curve on playing street ball for a long time.

If we finally found someone who can take Political Correctness and flush it down the toilet, I want to run with him all the way.
So...your political weathervane is all about getting rid of Political Correctness....give an example of the kind of political correctness you want to flush.


The Negro Family: The Case For National Action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Negro Family: The Case For National Action (known as the Moynihan Report, 1965) was written by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, an American sociologistserving as Assistant Secretary of Labor[1] under President Lyndon B. Johnson of the United States. In 1976 Moynihan was elected to the first of several terms as U.S. Senator from New York and continued to support liberal programs to try to end poverty. His 1965 work focused on the deep roots of black poverty in the United States and concluded, controversially, that the high rate of families headed by single mothers would greatly hinder progress of African Americans toward economic and political equality.

We've known since 1965 that illegitimacy is the primary cause of the problems of the Black Population.

BUt instead of addressing that problem, we have spend 50 years trying to address it by attacking the boogey man of WHite Racism.

And any efforts to the contrary are shut down by the liberal, pun intended, use of The Race Card.

Which is the core of Political Correctness.
You don't think illegitimacy is a problem in the white community?

I challenge you to show anything I said to give you any hint of that.

I note that you gave no thought to the damage caused by ignoring the real cause of the various problems afflicting the black community for 50 Fucking years, which would include tens of thousands of deaths, millennium of prison time, hundreds of billions of dollars and untold suffering....

in order to imply that I was being racist.

I wonder if you have the self awareness to realize you just proved my point on so many levels, not the least of which is that Political Correctness needs to be destroyed.

Rhetorical Question.

I know that as lib you do NOT have that required level of self awareness.

Libs. All the self awareness of a turnip.
I find it fascinating for someone who complains about the "Race Card" how you want to turn a thread about Trump mocking his followers into a thread about black people.
It's worse than the Trumpbots being willing to let him get away with murder.

They obviously let him get away with accepting Sarah Palin's endorsement.
And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
The Germans of the 1930s were rather pissed off too.

Ah...but if you really knew history of Germany in the early wasn't just the Nazis that the Germans grasped towards. But. I'm not surprised your mind jumps right to that. It's probably quite comfortable.

Wow. You make a reference to Germany in the 30s and ridicule me for concluding that it was a Nazi reference?

ANd in doing so, actually again allude with a Godwin.


You are so full of crap.
I said Germans, not Nazis. Apparently you simply (yes, simply) equate the two as if they are one and the same.
And you've jumped right into your element?


I recall once I told someone, "It would be a better world if the highest rated show on tv was Crossfire, instead it's Baywatch.".

But rational, serious, and honest discussions on the issues always get shut down by libs, one way or another.

The GOP has been behind the curve on playing street ball for a long time.

If we finally found someone who can take Political Correctness and flush it down the toilet, I want to run with him all the way.
So...your political weathervane is all about getting rid of Political Correctness....give an example of the kind of political correctness you want to flush.


The Negro Family: The Case For National Action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Negro Family: The Case For National Action (known as the Moynihan Report, 1965) was written by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, an American sociologistserving as Assistant Secretary of Labor[1] under President Lyndon B. Johnson of the United States. In 1976 Moynihan was elected to the first of several terms as U.S. Senator from New York and continued to support liberal programs to try to end poverty. His 1965 work focused on the deep roots of black poverty in the United States and concluded, controversially, that the high rate of families headed by single mothers would greatly hinder progress of African Americans toward economic and political equality.

We've known since 1965 that illegitimacy is the primary cause of the problems of the Black Population.

BUt instead of addressing that problem, we have spend 50 years trying to address it by attacking the boogey man of WHite Racism.

And any efforts to the contrary are shut down by the liberal, pun intended, use of The Race Card.

Which is the core of Political Correctness.
You don't think illegitimacy is a problem in the white community?

I challenge you to show anything I said to give you any hint of that.

I note that you gave no thought to the damage caused by ignoring the real cause of the various problems afflicting the black community for 50 Fucking years, which would include tens of thousands of deaths, millennium of prison time, hundreds of billions of dollars and untold suffering....

in order to imply that I was being racist.

I wonder if you have the self awareness to realize you just proved my point on so many levels, not the least of which is that Political Correctness needs to be destroyed.

Rhetorical Question.

I know that as lib you do NOT have that required level of self awareness.

Libs. All the self awareness of a turnip.

You're racist if you believe that race causes black crime, black illegitimacy. That's what racism is, pointing to the race of someone as the cause of a particular behaviour.
And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
The Germans of the 1930s were rather pissed off too.

Ah...but if you really knew history of Germany in the early wasn't just the Nazis that the Germans grasped towards. But. I'm not surprised your mind jumps right to that. It's probably quite comfortable.

Wow. You make a reference to Germany in the 30s and ridicule me for concluding that it was a Nazi reference?

ANd in doing so, actually again allude with a Godwin.


You are so full of crap.

The parallels between Trump supporters and the seedlings of Nazi Germany are growing stronger every day.
Blaming a group of persons religions for the ills of society is the first step.

Nobody ever answered whether or not American Muslims would be allowed back into the nation once they if they take a business trip to Vancouver or whatever. Nobody ever identified how you tell if someone is Muslim or not.

It's a long road but trump supporters have taken the first baby step.

Joking about shooting'll notice some of the supporters have "joked" it depends on who you shoot.

So it goes.
Donald Trump Doubles Down on Shooting Remarks: ‘I Have People That Are So Loyal’

He seriously thinks he could shoot someone publically and you'd still vote for him. That says a lot about what he thinks about you. And none of its flattering. He is essentially announcing to the World that he thinks you are either so stupid and or so corrupt that he could publically commit coldblooded murder and you would blindly follow him.

Is that really the kind of leader we want or need? And do we really want to give power to someone who thinks he can literally get away with murder?

Trump's supporters are pretty much morally bankrupt; they would support him no matter what. This is why Hillary wins.
Oh WOW :lol:

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