Trump says you'll let him get away with murder


He mocked a reporter's disability.

To-mA-toe, TO-ma-toe.

He mocked his disabilities.
If he had a problem with what the reporter alleged, he should point out what the issue was.

If the reporter was black or Hispanic, should Trump result to racial slurs?
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.

He mocked a reporter's disability.

To-mA-toe, TO-ma-toe.

He mocked his disabilities.
If he had a problem with what the reporter alleged, he should point out what the issue was.

If the reporter was black or Hispanic, should Trump result to racial slurs?
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
The Germans of the 1930s were rather pissed off too.
To-mA-toe, TO-ma-toe.

He mocked his disabilities.
If he had a problem with what the reporter alleged, he should point out what the issue was.

If the reporter was black or Hispanic, should Trump result to racial slurs?
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
To-mA-toe, TO-ma-toe.

He mocked his disabilities.
If he had a problem with what the reporter alleged, he should point out what the issue was.

If the reporter was black or Hispanic, should Trump result to racial slurs?
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
The Germans of the 1930s were rather pissed off too.

He'll be mocking the kids (the ones he likes) that come back from the ME with PTSD too. It's not something he just broke out or started doing. Those who get captured will be hated.


McCain started it.
^ Did an adult just type that?

The devolution of our public discourse to a school yard level occurred long before Trump was a part of it.
And you've jumped right into your element?


I recall once I told someone, "It would be a better world if the highest rated show on tv was Crossfire, instead it's Baywatch.".

But rational, serious, and honest discussions on the issues always get shut down by libs, one way or another.

The GOP has been behind the curve on playing street ball for a long time.

If we finally found someone who can take Political Correctness and flush it down the toilet, I want to run with him all the way.
So...your political weathervane is all about getting rid of Political Correctness....give an example of the kind of political correctness you want to flush.
He mocked his disabilities.
If he had a problem with what the reporter alleged, he should point out what the issue was.

If the reporter was black or Hispanic, should Trump result to racial slurs?
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
He mocked his disabilities.
If he had a problem with what the reporter alleged, he should point out what the issue was.

If the reporter was black or Hispanic, should Trump result to racial slurs?
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
The Germans of the 1930s were rather pissed off too.

Ah...but if you really knew history of Germany in the early wasn't just the Nazis that the Germans grasped towards. But. I'm not surprised your mind jumps right to that. It's probably quite comfortable.
Oh...that's so much better. Justification....or is it an excuse?

Neither is required.

I don't care if you are offended.
I'm never offended by you.....but you sure seem to want to justify......something.

You ask me a question and then imply it is odd that I answer?

Fairly normal lib tactic. The old attack/you seem defensive game.

YOu got anything new?
Still working on that justification of elementary school yard behavior being ok in adults, I see.

Mmm, no, that has nothing to do with anything I said.

It's exactly what you are justifying.....and your "voices in your head" comments are excellent examples. Bravo.
He mocked his disabilities.
If he had a problem with what the reporter alleged, he should point out what the issue was.

If the reporter was black or Hispanic, should Trump result to racial slurs?
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
He mocked his disabilities.
If he had a problem with what the reporter alleged, he should point out what the issue was.

If the reporter was black or Hispanic, should Trump result to racial slurs?
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
The Germans of the 1930s were rather pissed off too.

The LibProgs are scared shitless by Trump, they know they're about to lose power after eight years, and they have no clue how to stop it, so they resort to this shit.

Unfortunately for them, most Americans can see right through such juvenile tactics, and are ignoring such attacks much more effectively than in times past.
McCain started it.
^ Did an adult just type that?

The devolution of our public discourse to a school yard level occurred long before Trump was a part of it.
And you've jumped right into your element?


I recall once I told someone, "It would be a better world if the highest rated show on tv was Crossfire, instead it's Baywatch.".

But rational, serious, and honest discussions on the issues always get shut down by libs, one way or another.

The GOP has been behind the curve on playing street ball for a long time.

If we finally found someone who can take Political Correctness and flush it down the toilet, I want to run with him all the way.
So...your political weathervane is all about getting rid of Political Correctness....give an example of the kind of political correctness you want to flush.


The Negro Family: The Case For National Action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Negro Family: The Case For National Action (known as the Moynihan Report, 1965) was written by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, an American sociologistserving as Assistant Secretary of Labor[1] under President Lyndon B. Johnson of the United States. In 1976 Moynihan was elected to the first of several terms as U.S. Senator from New York and continued to support liberal programs to try to end poverty. His 1965 work focused on the deep roots of black poverty in the United States and concluded, controversially, that the high rate of families headed by single mothers would greatly hinder progress of African Americans toward economic and political equality.

We've known since 1965 that illegitimacy is the primary cause of the problems of the Black Population.

BUt instead of addressing that problem, we have spend 50 years trying to address it by attacking the boogey man of WHite Racism.

And any efforts to the contrary are shut down by the liberal, pun intended, use of The Race Card.

Which is the core of Political Correctness.
...The Germans of the 1930s were rather pissed off too.
If you think your fellow countrymen are Nazi Seeds, then you should probably begin looking for another place to live. think it couldn't happen here? We've had several demogogues in the past....but not of this national level yet.
Never said any such thing... I merely hold that LIbProg over-reaching in the past eight years has led up to this... America is pissed at you (collectively) at the moment.

What you're saying out-and-about in the Real World is beginning to fall upon deaf ears.
-------------------------- TRUE and that's the reason that I dislike moderate repubs more than dems Correl !!

Trump's a liberal RINO.

Yet you support him.

You must hate yourself.
-------------------------------- Trumps WORDS are good on guns , immigration , military , borders and other things that the other rinos are bad on so if Trump is a rino , well he is the best rino with the added benefit that he might hurt the 'gop' Toro !!


Which words? That he is going to send the troops back into the ME for the 3rd time in 25 years?

Lets see, we have 22 veterans a day committing suicide
Why suicide rate among veterans may be more than 22 a day -
....and you think it's a good idea to expose more of our best and brightest to the same environment?

Mexico will not pay for a wall; the Congress will not appropriate money for the wall, 11,000,000 people are not going to be deported...
---------------------------- as far as the war , go in and kill the enemy which is something that mrobama won't allow because of his wussy 'rules of engagement' . -------------- WALL , well Trump will have his pen and phone just like mrobama but it remains to be seen what congress will do Candy . and then , even if that takes time , well Trumps words are good on guns . --- 22 a day , well , its too bad but people make choices Candy .
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
The Germans of the 1930s were rather pissed off too.

The LibProgs are scared shitless by Trump, they know they're about to lose power after eight years, and they have no clue how to stop it, so they resort to this shit.

Unfortunately for them, most Americans can see right through such juvenile tactics, and are ignoring such attacks much more effectively than in times past.

I pray you are correct.
Because we have real issues and real harm that is occurring that needs to be addressed.

Avoiding discussing real issues because it might hurt someones' "feelings" is fucking bullshit.

So you find that you cannot discuss "real issues" without mocking those with birth defects?
------------------------------- not a big deal , in the same category as the old pirate McCain getting his azz captured Candy . Just stop your emotional whining ehh as no one is impressed !!

He'll be mocking the kids (the ones he likes) that come back from the ME with PTSD too. It's not something he just broke out or started doing. Those who get captured will be hated.


McCain started it.

How exactly did he "start" anything that made trump criticize dislike combat men and women who get captured?
-------------------------- mccain is a wusse that has used his captured status for years and years and has made lots of money and power on his capture Candy !!
Tip toeing around everyone's "feelings" is part of the problem.

You want to talk about Decency when Bill Clinton won re-election?

Trump mocked one person, not a segment of society.

THat is not being divisive.

Why would taking someone's feelings into account be "part of the problem"?

Because we have real issues and real harm that is occurring that needs to be addressed.

Avoiding discussing real issues because it might hurt someones' "feelings" is fucking bullshit.

So you find that you cannot discuss "real issues" without mocking those with birth defects?

It was obviously a more general statement.

Sorry if that was hard for you to follow.

Just trying to see how deep your idiocy goes....its seems bottomless.

You never answered....would it be okay to start calling Ted Cruz's wife names based on her mental health issues? I mean, if we need to stop worrying about feelings, can we have a President who may be distracted?
------------------------- sure , go ahead , call her names Candy , wouldn't bother me , might bother Cruz so that's his problem and I like Cruz but still his concern !!
If you're a supporter what does that tell you he thinks about you?
Seriously, I've never seen someone so full of himself be so willing to insult the integrity of his own supporters.

Hyperbole for sure. I think he sees how there are still democrats supporting Mrs. Clinton and realizes that no matter what she has done there are those who still support her lying ass.
Last edited:
She is a failure.
Failure as a wife.
Failure as first lady.
Had to move to a state that would give her a senate seat.
Failure as a president candidate in 2008.
Failure as secretary of state.

Fascinating cartoonish version of history you have. Represented the nation very well in all of her multiple federal level postings. Calling her a "failure as a wife"....pretty sick but hey, you're a conservative so that you're saying sick repulsive things is second nature.

So by definition; you guys nominated 2 failures the last two times out?

As I said, liberals are smarter than conservatives; you guys prove it every day.
I you can't keep your husband from fucking anything that walks. Your a failure as a wife, or a complete dumbass for letting it happen over and over again. Either way it doesn't look good.
and this has to do w/ Politics exactly how hack boi? You are one of the primary culprits on this forum "dumbing it down". Thanks for nothing.

As to the OP (thats what we're supposed to address jknowgood ;) ) Trump knows his followers are fueled by hate and fear so they won't leave his side regardless of his remarks AND the fact he has no plans on how he is going to accomplish his lofty goals
Yes, Trump was just running his mouth to make liberals shit themselves and he was successful once again. Nothing like Joy Behar saying she would vote for a rapist if he had a d beside his name. Now that's just sick.
Actually she didn't say that.... she was much clearer and precise, and didn't mention D's/democrats at all...

You get the idiot of the day award!!!!!
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
The Germans of the 1930s were rather pissed off too.

The LibProgs are scared shitless by Trump, they know they're about to lose power after eight years, and they have no clue how to stop it, so they resort to this shit.

Unfortunately for them, most Americans can see right through such juvenile tactics, and are ignoring such attacks much more effectively than in times past.
yep , they sure seem scared , I hope Trump can pull it off from iowa , new Hampshire and then runs the rest in the general .
And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


But, like Babe Ruth, if the guy consistently hits homers, his faults will be overlooked.

And, when it comes to saying what needs to be said, about Illegals, about Syrians, etc., then, he's hitting homers.

Pity, you've pissed off America soooooo much that it's willing to take a chance on Attila the Hun, rather than (a) your corrupt Queen Bee or (b) reincarnation of Karl Marx.
The Germans of the 1930s were rather pissed off too.

The LibProgs are scared shitless by Trump, they know they're about to lose power after eight years, and they have no clue how to stop it, so they resort to this shit.

Unfortunately for them, most Americans can see right through such juvenile tactics, and are ignoring such attacks much more effectively than in times past.
yep , they sure seem scared , I hope Trump can pull it off from iowa , new Hampshire and then runs the rest in the general .

Me too for a variety of reasons. It will make the establishment Republicans start wearing depends. And it will show the whole damn Washington machine that an outsider can win even with both sides predicting and trying to bring his demise.
Why would taking someone's feelings into account be "part of the problem"?

Because we have real issues and real harm that is occurring that needs to be addressed.

Avoiding discussing real issues because it might hurt someones' "feelings" is fucking bullshit.

So you find that you cannot discuss "real issues" without mocking those with birth defects?

It was obviously a more general statement.

Sorry if that was hard for you to follow.

Just trying to see how deep your idiocy goes....its seems bottomless.

You never answered....would it be okay to start calling Ted Cruz's wife names based on her mental health issues? I mean, if we need to stop worrying about feelings, can we have a President who may be distracted?
------------------------- sure , go ahead , call her names Candy , wouldn't bother me , might bother Cruz so that's his problem and I like Cruz but still his concern !!

There is no reason to call her names. You'll notice few (if any) here have.
It's the ply and trade of the GOP.

There is no need to call her names from my standpoint. Civility is cast aside only as an excuse for people who were raised poorly.
agree , but let people call her names , no big deal and its her and Teds problem Candy !!

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