Trump says you'll let him get away with murder

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


Better than someone still cowed by Political Correctness.

Or any sort of decency or class.


That's where you're wrong...he's classy with three Ks.

And you wonder why we are angry.

You're angry because Trump acts like a racist moron? Okay.

Nope. I'm angry cause you libs seem to think it's cool to use the Race Card more often than I blink.

And Trump's popularity is showing that more people than me are getting really, really tired of it.
Better than someone still cowed by Political Correctness.

Or any sort of decency or class.


That's where you're wrong...he's classy with three Ks.

And you wonder why we are angry.

You're angry because Trump acts like a racist moron? Okay.
What makes him racist?

Same thing as the rest of US, winning an argument with a lib.
Better than someone still cowed by Political Correctness.

Or any sort of decency or class.


That's where you're wrong...he's classy with three Ks.

And you wonder why we are angry.

You're angry because Trump acts like a racist moron? Okay.
What makes him racist?

What makes White Supremacists support him as their guy?
Or any sort of decency or class.


That's where you're wrong...he's classy with three Ks.

And you wonder why we are angry.

You're angry because Trump acts like a racist moron? Okay.
What makes him racist?

What makes White Supremacists support him as their guy?
what made the black panthers support Obama?
Better than someone still cowed by Political Correctness.

Or any sort of decency or class.


That's where you're wrong...he's classy with three Ks.

And you wonder why we are angry.

You're angry because Trump acts like a racist moron? Okay.

Nope. I'm angry cause you libs seem to think it's cool to use the Race Card more often than I blink.

And Trump's popularity is showing that more people than me are getting really, really tired of it.

Trump's popularity with 40% of 28% don't you mean. :lol:

Stop being the party where racists are most comfortable.
Or any sort of decency or class.


That's where you're wrong...he's classy with three Ks.

And you wonder why we are angry.

You're angry because Trump acts like a racist moron? Okay.
What makes him racist?

What makes White Supremacists support him as their guy?
What makes Black Supremacists like the New Black Panthers & Nation of Islam support and Obama?
Donald Trump Doubles Down on Shooting Remarks: ‘I Have People That Are So Loyal’

He seriously thinks he could shoot someone publically and you'd still vote for him. That says a lot about what he thinks about you. And none of its flattering. He is essentially announcing to the World that he thinks you are either so stupid and or so corrupt that he could publically commit coldblooded murder and you would blindly follow him.

Is that really the kind of leader we want or need? And do we really want to give power to someone who thinks he can literally get away with murder?

maybe he was serious

he probably does have some like that

the current prezbo indeed has his true believers that will follow him no matter what
Better than someone still cowed by Political Correctness.

Or any sort of decency or class.


That's where you're wrong...he's classy with three Ks.

And you wonder why we are angry.

You're angry because Trump acts like a racist moron? Okay.

Nope. I'm angry cause you libs seem to think it's cool to use the Race Card more often than I blink.

And Trump's popularity is showing that more people than me are getting really, really tired of it.
There's that Race Card Card again.
Donald Trump Doubles Down on Shooting Remarks: ‘I Have People That Are So Loyal’

He seriously thinks he could shoot someone publically and you'd still vote for him. That says a lot about what he thinks about you. And none of its flattering. He is essentially announcing to the World that he thinks you are either so stupid and or so corrupt that he could publically commit coldblooded murder and you would blindly follow him.

Is that really the kind of leader we want or need? And do we really want to give power to someone who thinks he can literally get away with murder?

maybe he was serious

he probably does have some like that

the current prezbo indeed has his true believers that will follow him no matter what

Trump was simply using hyperbole....

A caller to a radio show claim that if Trump shot NYC Mayor de Blasio, Trump's poll numbers would go up ten points.
If you're a supporter what does that tell you he thinks about you?
Seriously, I've never seen someone so full of himself be so willing to insult the integrity of his own supporters.

I don't think he insulted anyone's integrity. I think he bragged about their devotion.
Like the comforting loyalty of a good dog.

And you libs wonder why we are angry.
Heel, down boy.
Why would taking someone's feelings into account be "part of the problem"?

Because we have real issues and real harm that is occurring that needs to be addressed.

Avoiding discussing real issues because it might hurt someones' "feelings" is fucking bullshit.

So you find that you cannot discuss "real issues" without mocking those with birth defects?

It was obviously a more general statement.

Sorry if that was hard for you to follow.

Just trying to see how deep your idiocy goes....its seems bottomless.

You never answered....would it be okay to start calling Ted Cruz's wife names based on her mental health issues? I mean, if we need to stop worrying about feelings, can we have a President who may be distracted?

I have stopped expecting gentlemanly or ladylike behavior from libs a long time ago.

Daily I see nothing from you libs but the worse sort of personal attacks and vicious slander and lies.
correll It's not nice getting the same behavior repubs have been dealing out for years back in your face?
If you're a supporter what does that tell you he thinks about you?
Seriously, I've never seen someone so full of himself be so willing to insult the integrity of his own supporters.

I don't think he insulted anyone's integrity. I think he bragged about their devotion.
Like the comforting loyalty of a good dog.

And you libs wonder why we are angry.
Trump: "Sit! Good dog!"
Why would taking someone's feelings into account be "part of the problem"?

Because we have real issues and real harm that is occurring that needs to be addressed.

Avoiding discussing real issues because it might hurt someones' "feelings" is fucking bullshit.

So you find that you cannot discuss "real issues" without mocking those with birth defects?

It was obviously a more general statement.

Sorry if that was hard for you to follow.

Just trying to see how deep your idiocy goes....its seems bottomless.

You never answered....would it be okay to start calling Ted Cruz's wife names based on her mental health issues? I mean, if we need to stop worrying about feelings, can we have a President who may be distracted?

I have stopped expecting gentlemanly or ladylike behavior from libs a long time ago.

Daily I see nothing from you libs but the worse sort of personal attacks and vicious slander and lies.
So you want us to be PC.
Because we have real issues and real harm that is occurring that needs to be addressed.

Avoiding discussing real issues because it might hurt someones' "feelings" is fucking bullshit.

So you find that you cannot discuss "real issues" without mocking those with birth defects?

It was obviously a more general statement.

Sorry if that was hard for you to follow.

Just trying to see how deep your idiocy goes....its seems bottomless.

You never answered....would it be okay to start calling Ted Cruz's wife names based on her mental health issues? I mean, if we need to stop worrying about feelings, can we have a President who may be distracted?

I have stopped expecting gentlemanly or ladylike behavior from libs a long time ago.

Daily I see nothing from you libs but the worse sort of personal attacks and vicious slander and lies.
correll It's not nice getting the same behavior repubs have been dealing out for years back in your face?

eddie, it behooves you to give examples of "the same behavior repubs...."
Like this:

October 2008 Paul Begala, on CNN, referred to President Bush as “ a barely functioning moron.”

But Matthews was a softie compared to left-wing radio talk-show host Mike Malloy, who outrageously said of Bachmann: "She's a hatemonger. She's the type of person that would have gladly rounded up the Jews in Germany and shipped them off to death camps. She's the type of person who would have had no problem sending typhoid-smeared blankets to Native American families awaiting deportation to reservations. ... This is an evil bitch from hell. I mean, just an absolute evil woman."

November 4, 1994 episode of the PBS talk show, To the Contrary, Julianne Malveaux summed up her feelings regarding Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas: "The man is on the Court. You know, I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early, like many black men do, of heart disease. Well, that’s how I feel. He is an absolutely reprehensible person."

Gore once accused his political enemies of possessing "an extra chromosome," a remark that infuriated the families of persons with Down Syndrome, which is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome.

Stenny Hoyer called Michael Steele the Republican lawn jockey

Alec Baldwin "if we were in another country... we would stone Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families, for what they're doing to this country."

Huffington Post on Tony Snow- “The growth in his abdomen is his head stuck up his a**. F**k him!! He is pure lying scum and should die ASAP!!”

American Thinker: Those Mean-Spirited Liberals

RJ Eskow: Vicious Liberals Disgrace America - With Shameless Media Support
"Sarah, I'm calling you a liar. And not even a good one. Trig Paxson Van Palin is not your son. He is your grandson. The sooner you come forward with this revelation to the public, the better." -- Daily Kos ArcXIX

As, I think it was Cosmopolitan magazine, referred to me and [*06 Ohio and Pennsylvania Republican gubernatorial candidates] Ken Blackwell and Lynn Swann-'well, they're the lawn jockeys of the Republican Party.'"McCain's Veepstakes: Michael Steele | Human Events

Columnist Ann Coulter should probably not sign up to be a guest on Bill Maher’s HBO show anytime soon. Maher writer Chris Kelly took her column on the death and funeral of her father, John Vincent Coulter, and mocked her and the dead man relentlessly on The Huffington Post. He even compared her dead father to Hitler. Remember, in our Special Report, we recalled Arianna Huffington proclaimed her site wouldn’t be known for "flame-throwing, name-calling, and simplistic attack dog rhetoric." (What a pile of souvlaki that boast was.)Jan 2009 John Vincent Coulter was of the old school, a man of few words, the un-Oprah, no crying or wearing your heart on your sleeve, and reacting to moments of great sentiment with a joke. Or as we used to call them:

Wanda Sykes on Limbaugh: I hope his kidneys fail Obama Likes Wanda Sykes Joke About Rush Limbaugh — ‘I Hope His Kidneys Fail’

In June, 2009 Dave Letterman makes a joke about the statutory rape of Sarah Palin’s 14 year old.

VH1 comedian Chuck Nice appeared on Tuesday's "Today" show and compared Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to the sexually transmitted disease herpes. He mocked, "But, Sarah Palin to the GOP, this is what I've got to say, she is very much like herpes, she's not going away." [Audio available here]
The "Best Week Ever" contributor amazingly preceded his comments by instructing the show's hosts and his fellow guests, who were there to discuss news events in the 10am hour of the show, "...Please don't take it the way it sounds." Amazingly, no one on the program really challenged Nice on his ugly remark. NBC News chief legal analyst Dan Abrams mildly observed, "That's the advantage of being Chuck Nice. You can say that and there's no repercussions." Nia-Malika Henderson, the White House reporter for Politico, said nothing.
Comedian on 'Today' Show Trashes Sarah Palin: She's 'Very Much Like Herpes' |

Most surprisingly given the liberal Jewish tradition in the United States, Democrats were more likely to blame Jews [for the financial crisis] than Republicans:
"...while 32 percent of Democrats accorded at least moderate blame, only 18.4 percent of Republicans did so (a statistically significant difference)."

One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews - The Lid

Be sure to let me know if you need a dozen of so more examples of Liberal's empathy.
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He makes a valid point. He's probably right. Look at the loony Obamabots for instance. Hussein could murder someone rght in front of em, and they'd still be loyal Bootlickers.

Most people are very susceptible to propaganda brainwashing. Hitler and the Nazis understand that well. Most want to be led. Subconsciously, they want to be controlled. Now of course most would deny that, but it is the case with most people.
Donald Trump Doubles Down on Shooting Remarks: ‘I Have People That Are So Loyal’

He seriously thinks he could shoot someone publically and you'd still vote for him. That says a lot about what he thinks about you. And none of its flattering. He is essentially announcing to the World that he thinks you are either so stupid and or so corrupt that he could publically commit coldblooded murder and you would blindly follow him.

Is that really the kind of leader we want or need? And do we really want to give power to someone who thinks he can literally get away with murder?

Blah Blah blah

Actually, Hillary supporters have already proven that she could get away with murder (Benghazi) and they would still vote for her and her dark master.

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