Trump says you'll let him get away with murder

The parallels between Trump supporters and the seedlings of Nazi Germany are growing stronger every day.
Blaming a group of persons religions for the ills of society is the first step.

Nobody ever answered whether or not American Muslims would be allowed back into the nation once they if they take a business trip to Vancouver or whatever. Nobody ever identified how you tell if someone is Muslim or not.

It's a long road but trump supporters have taken the first baby step.

Joking about shooting'll notice some of the supporters have "joked" it depends on who you shoot.

So it goes.

Tell me again how REpublicans or Trump fear monger.


Drawing the parallel....History's value is that it teaches mankind lessons when mankind chooses to learn from them. When you don't, you repeat the same sad mistakes under the guise of "security".
------------------------------------- Different , might be off topic QUESTION for this thread but you libs never learn from the Western Worlds History of having nothing but problems with the muslims though , do you Candy ??

Nothing but problems? Millions of Muslims come to work daily, go home daily, never break the law (just like Baptists, Catholics, Jews, Bhuddists, etc...). Did anyone decide to ban Christians when McVeigh blew up the Federal Bldg in Oklahoma, or when Koresh and his followers killed FTA agents, or when Oswald killed Kennedy, or when that guy in Cleveland kidnapped 3 women for something like 15 years, or when Kleibold and Harris decided to shoot up their schools, etc...

According to one gun nut, every day 1,500,000 times, there is a defense made with weapons that prevent a violent crime. I doubt the statistic of course and the number is (maybe) in the low thousands. But lets say it is in the low thousands or over a million. The majority of those defenses are made against people who are not muslim since they make up such a low % of the population....

Are we going to start banning them because, as you say, they are "nothing but problems" based on a very small sample size.
-------------------------------- historically muslims have been nothing but problems . See their invention in about the year 700 and then see their invasion of parts of Spain a little later . See what they do NOW in Calais France and other European countries . See the rapes and sexual assaults on woman Candy . Only posted because you mentioned learning from history but it seems that you 'libs' don't learn from history Candy !!

Libs just say stuff.

They don't mean anything by it.
Donald Trump Doubles Down on Shooting Remarks: ‘I Have People That Are So Loyal’

He seriously thinks he could shoot someone publically and you'd still vote for him. That says a lot about what he thinks about you. And none of its flattering. He is essentially announcing to the World that he thinks you are either so stupid and or so corrupt that he could publically commit coldblooded murder and you would blindly follow him.

Is that really the kind of leader we want or need? And do we really want to give power to someone who thinks he can literally get away with murder?
Of course everyone who is not a stupid motherfucker understands that his statement was meant as a humorous exaggeration.
If you're a supporter what does that tell you he thinks about you?
Seriously, I've never seen someone so full of himself be so willing to insult the integrity of his own supporters.

I don't think he insulted anyone's integrity. I think he bragged about their devotion.
Like the comforting loyalty of a good dog.

What is wrong or evil about the relationship between a man and his dog? Never mind, dont answer that, you are just an idiot.
Donald Trump Doubles Down on Shooting Remarks: ‘I Have People That Are So Loyal’

He seriously thinks he could shoot someone publically and you'd still vote for him. That says a lot about what he thinks about you. And none of its flattering. He is essentially announcing to the World that he thinks you are either so stupid and or so corrupt that he could publically commit coldblooded murder and you would blindly follow him.

Is that really the kind of leader we want or need? And do we really want to give power to someone who thinks he can literally get away with murder?

maybe he was serious

he probably does have some like that

the current prezbo indeed has his true believers that will follow him no matter what

Trump was simply using hyperbole....

A caller to a radio show claim that if Trump shot NYC Mayor de Blasio, Trump's poll numbers would go up ten points.

i was listening to glenn beck rail on against Trump over this

and from i can tell what i heard on the tape was Trump

repeating what others are saying about his supporters

not that he actually said it
If you're a supporter what does that tell you he thinks about you?
Seriously, I've never seen someone so full of himself be so willing to insult the integrity of his own supporters.

I don't think he insulted anyone's integrity. I think he bragged about their devotion.
Like the comforting loyalty of a good dog.

And you libs wonder why we are angry.
Heel, down boy.

Fuck you asshole.
Roll over, beg, play dead.
He seriously thinks he could shoot someone publically and you'd still vote for him.
Why do you claim he was "serious" when he was obviously exaggerating?
That says a lot about what he thinks about you.
No, this thread says a lot about what you think of the rest of us in this forum: that we might be dumb enough to believe the silly stuff you're saying.

Thanks a lot.
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Donald Trump Doubles Down on Shooting Remarks: ‘I Have People That Are So Loyal’

He seriously thinks he could shoot someone publically and you'd still vote for him. That says a lot about what he thinks about you. And none of its flattering. He is essentially announcing to the World that he thinks you are either so stupid and or so corrupt that he could publically commit coldblooded murder and you would blindly follow him.

Is that really the kind of leader we want or need? And do we really want to give power to someone who thinks he can literally get away with murder?
Of course everyone who is not a stupid motherfucker understands that his statement was meant as a humorous exaggeration.
It certainly was a good joke about his followers.......I like the way Trump mocks and despises his potential constituency as unthinking easily manipulated dimwits.
Donald Trump Doubles Down on Shooting Remarks: ‘I Have People That Are So Loyal’

He seriously thinks he could shoot someone publically and you'd still vote for him. That says a lot about what he thinks about you. And none of its flattering. He is essentially announcing to the World that he thinks you are either so stupid and or so corrupt that he could publically commit coldblooded murder and you would blindly follow him.

Is that really the kind of leader we want or need? And do we really want to give power to someone who thinks he can literally get away with murder?

It's about time Trump insulted his supporters, they're the ones that most deserve it.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

He seriously thinks he could shoot someone publically and you'd still vote for him.
Why do you claim he was "serious" when he was obviously exaggerating?
That says a lot about what he thinks about you.
No, this thread says a lot about what you think of the rest of us in this forum: that we might be dumb enough to believe the silly stuff you're saying.

Thanks a lot.

A Trump supporter just got slammed dunked by Trump. He insulted not only your intelligence but your integrity also, with that comment. And you still don't get it--LOL. Why doesn't that surprise me?

Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

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Donald Trump Doubles Down on Shooting Remarks: ‘I Have People That Are So Loyal’

He seriously thinks he could shoot someone publically and you'd still vote for him. That says a lot about what he thinks about you. And none of its flattering. He is essentially announcing to the World that he thinks you are either so stupid and or so corrupt that he could publically commit coldblooded murder and you would blindly follow him.

Is that really the kind of leader we want or need? And do we really want to give power to someone who thinks he can literally get away with murder?
Of course everyone who is not a stupid motherfucker understands that his statement was meant as a humorous exaggeration.
It certainly was a good joke about his followers.......I like the way Trump mocks and despises his potential constituency as unthinking easily manipulated dimwits.
I'm laughing at you, dumbass.
Donald Trump Doubles Down on Shooting Remarks: ‘I Have People That Are So Loyal’

He seriously thinks he could shoot someone publically and you'd still vote for him. That says a lot about what he thinks about you. And none of its flattering. He is essentially announcing to the World that he thinks you are either so stupid and or so corrupt that he could publically commit coldblooded murder and you would blindly follow him.

Is that really the kind of leader we want or need? And do we really want to give power to someone who thinks he can literally get away with murder?
Of course everyone who is not a stupid motherfucker understands that his statement was meant as a humorous exaggeration.
It certainly was a good joke about his followers.......I like the way Trump mocks and despises his potential constituency as unthinking easily manipulated dimwits.
I'm laughing at you, dumbass.
If you are a Trump follower then you're probably just a little too stupid to even know what you're laughing about.
Donald Trump Doubles Down on Shooting Remarks: ‘I Have People That Are So Loyal’

He seriously thinks he could shoot someone publically and you'd still vote for him. That says a lot about what he thinks about you. And none of its flattering. He is essentially announcing to the World that he thinks you are either so stupid and or so corrupt that he could publically commit coldblooded murder and you would blindly follow him.

Is that really the kind of leader we want or need? And do we really want to give power to someone who thinks he can literally get away with murder?
Of course everyone who is not a stupid motherfucker understands that his statement was meant as a humorous exaggeration.
It certainly was a good joke about his followers.......I like the way Trump mocks and despises his potential constituency as unthinking easily manipulated dimwits.
I'm laughing at you, dumbass.
If you are a Trump follower then you're probably just a little too stupid to even know what you're laughing about.
See post #402, dumbass.
Donald Trump Doubles Down on Shooting Remarks: ‘I Have People That Are So Loyal’

He seriously thinks he could shoot someone publically and you'd still vote for him. That says a lot about what he thinks about you. And none of its flattering. He is essentially announcing to the World that he thinks you are either so stupid and or so corrupt that he could publically commit coldblooded murder and you would blindly follow him.

Is that really the kind of leader we want or need? And do we really want to give power to someone who thinks he can literally get away with murder?
Of course everyone who is not a stupid motherfucker understands that his statement was meant as a humorous exaggeration.
Looks just like more of the same nothing.
Donald Trump Doubles Down on Shooting Remarks: ‘I Have People That Are So Loyal’

He seriously thinks he could shoot someone publically and you'd still vote for him. That says a lot about what he thinks about you. And none of its flattering. He is essentially announcing to the World that he thinks you are either so stupid and or so corrupt that he could publically commit coldblooded murder and you would blindly follow him.

Is that really the kind of leader we want or need? And do we really want to give power to someone who thinks he can literally get away with murder?

he's probably right about his loons.

and this is who your party is going to nominate. good luck with that.

People in glass houses. At least he isn't being investigated by the FBI and facing an indictment for leaking top secret information. He may be arrogant and condescending but there is no evidence he has committed a crime yet

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