Trump sells out the Kurds to Erdogan

Okay whatever you say; the important thing is that your thirst for blood ultimately gets satisfied. :rolleyes:

BTW would you like a napkin to wipe the foam from your mouth?

You should get a napkin to wipe that orange stuff from YOUR
:puhleeze: You're the one that loves Donny; you talk about the prick constantly, you're obsessed with everything he does and says, you're like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction over the guy.

What's the matter Nat? Donny wouldn't grab your pussy so you're going to stalk him until he does?

Lets pull our troops out of South Korea
That's the first intelligent thing you've ever posted, figures it was by accident.
Trump has a serious business interest in Turkey, specifically a hotel and condominium complex in Istanbul reported to earn him a million dollars per year. He has no investments in Syria.
Trump says Turkey can overrun Northern Syria enclave held by America's Kurdish allies

Well, of course. Trump has sold out Syria and Iraq, too. The Kurds mean nothing to him. Nothing.

"The Kurdistan Workers' Party or PKK (Kurdish: Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê‎[a]) is a Kurdish far-left militant and political organization based in Turkey and Iraq. Since 1984 the PKK has been involved in an armed conflict with the Turkish state (with a two-year cease-fire during 2013–2015), with the initial aim of achieving an independent Kurdish state, later changing it to a demand for equal rights and Kurdish autonomy in Turkey.[16][17][18][19]

The PKK was founded in 1978 in the village of Fis (near Lice) by a group of Kurdish students led by Abdullah Öcalan[20] and 1979 it made its existence known to tthehe public.[21]The PKK's ideology was originally a fusion of revolutionary socialism and Kurdish nationalism, seeking the foundation of an independent Communist state in the region,....

Ideology Kurdish nationalism[1]
Democratic confederalism[2]
Libertarian socialism[3]
Kurdistan Workers' Party - Wikipedia

The very same things you Democrats stand for, huh?
The US has no business involving itself in Syria.

They helped us defeat ISIS.

We couldn't have done it without 'em, huh?

On December 5, 1994 the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Britain and the United States signed a memorandum to provide Ukraine with security assurances in connection with its accession to the NPT as a non-nuclear weapon state.
Nuclear weapons and Ukraine - Wikipedia › wiki › Nuclear_weapons_and_Ukraine

What did you post when Russia invaded the Ukraine,and Obama refused to live up to the deal?
The US has no business involving itself in Syria.

They helped us defeat ISIS.

We couldn't have done it without 'em, huh?

On December 5, 1994 the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Britain and the United States signed a memorandum to provide Ukraine with security assurances in connection with its accession to the NPT as a non-nuclear weapon state.
Nuclear weapons and Ukraine - Wikipedia › wiki › Nuclear_weapons_and_Ukraine

What did you post when Russia invaded the Ukraine,and Obama refused to live up to the deal?
What does Russia's invasion of Ukraine have do with Ukraine acquiring nuclear weapons or giving up their nukes?
The US has no business involving itself in Syria.

They helped us defeat ISIS.

We couldn't have done it without 'em, huh?

On December 5, 1994 the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Britain and the United States signed a memorandum to provide Ukraine with security assurances in connection with its accession to the NPT as a non-nuclear weapon state.
Nuclear weapons and Ukraine - Wikipedia › wiki › Nuclear_weapons_and_Ukraine

What did you post when Russia invaded the Ukraine,and Obama refused to live up to the deal?
What does Russia's invasion of Ukraine have do with Ukraine acquiring nuclear weapons or giving up their nukes?

It destroys the argument that we owe a debt to the Kurds beyond that which we owe to American soldiers.

America made the Ukraine, which Hussein didn't choose to fulfill, and you had no problem with his refusal.....but now you choose to support Marxists and use this move as a cudgel to beat an American President.

It is exactly what one has learned to expect from you.
The US has no business involving itself in Syria.

They helped us defeat ISIS.

We couldn't have done it without 'em, huh?

On December 5, 1994 the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Britain and the United States signed a memorandum to provide Ukraine with security assurances in connection with its accession to the NPT as a non-nuclear weapon state.
Nuclear weapons and Ukraine - Wikipedia › wiki › Nuclear_weapons_and_Ukraine

What did you post when Russia invaded the Ukraine,and Obama refused to live up to the deal?
What does Russia's invasion of Ukraine have do with Ukraine acquiring nuclear weapons or giving up their nukes?

It destroys the argument that we owe a debt to the Kurds beyond that which we owe to American soldiers.

America made the Ukraine, which Hussein didn't choose to fulfill, and you had no problem with his refusal.....but now you choose to support Marxists and use this move as a cudgel to beat an American President.

It is exactly what one has learned to expect from you.
Lame evasive response.
The US has no business involving itself in Syria.

They helped us defeat ISIS.

We couldn't have done it without 'em, huh?

On December 5, 1994 the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Britain and the United States signed a memorandum to provide Ukraine with security assurances in connection with its accession to the NPT as a non-nuclear weapon state.
Nuclear weapons and Ukraine - Wikipedia › wiki › Nuclear_weapons_and_Ukraine

What did you post when Russia invaded the Ukraine,and Obama refused to live up to the deal?
What does Russia's invasion of Ukraine have do with Ukraine acquiring nuclear weapons or giving up their nukes?

It destroys the argument that we owe a debt to the Kurds beyond that which we owe to American soldiers.

America made the Ukraine, which Hussein didn't choose to fulfill, and you had no problem with his refusal.....but now you choose to support Marxists and use this move as a cudgel to beat an American President.

It is exactly what one has learned to expect from you.
Lame evasive response.

...that you can't dispute.

The typical 'Oh, yeah....sez you!' post from an inveterate Leftist liar.
Muhammed was another con artist starting a religion for power and riches like L. Ron Joseph Paul.
Muhammed is Islam, Muhammad is the Muslim god...

Not true. You should have not slept through your world civilizations class in middle school.
Their behavior says different, we have Centuries of proof...

You have obviously never learned that the Koran is loosely based on the Torah and Bible.
Except it replaces love with hate... Islam preaches hate

You obviously have never read the Old Testament.
These people have stood by us in our fight against Saddam and later ISIS. I simply do not understand this betrayal.
Trump’s decision to make way for Turkey in Syria seen by critics as a Kurds betrayal
Yeah, how did toppling Hussein work out?

You're wishing Saddam were still in power?
Yes-I don't see where WE are better off-our damn intel groups are dirty as Hell.
Our intel agencies are great.

Lying fuck politicians like GW Bush who cherry pick their reports are dirty as Hell.
Last edited:
These people have stood by us in our fight against Saddam and later ISIS. I simply do not understand this betrayal.
Trump’s decision to make way for Turkey in Syria seen by critics as a Kurds betrayal
Another bad decision by trump

The bad decision was that worthless asshole Obama screwing it up in the first place.
Oh please. Stop it. We could do this all day. Bush lied us into Iraq. That's the number one problem we have. If he would have just stayed in Afganistan this domino effect wouldn't be happening.

Trump and you can't keep blaming Obama. Especially when Trump said he knows more than the Generals and that he would fix the middle east quickly. Did he lie?

We told you so. These are now Trump's wars, not Obama's wars. You guys wanted to play that shit on Obama's watch well now it's your turn.

Remember Trump said "leadership, whatever happens, you're responsible"? Well he's responsible.

And listen asshole. This is a classic mistake Reagan made. Ever watch Charlie Wilson's war? He warned Reagan not to abandon the taliban in Afganistan. Reagan created Bin Ladin. Now Trump is going to abandon the Kurds who have been helping us? And you think this is a good decision? He's just going to make more terrorists out of former allies.

Trump's decisions today can't be blamed on Obama, you fucking idiot. Stop it.

America is abandoning Kurdish allies who stood on the front line in the years-long fight against ISIS.

Ankara considers many of the Kurds to be terrorists who are allied with Kurdish separatists inside Turkey. However, U.S. forces on the ground in Syria recruited and trained the Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, which bore the brunt of the fighting on the ground against Islamic State fighters, assisted by U.S. airstrikes.

Wait a minute. You mean Trump armed and partnered with terrorists? Didn't Republicans fault Obama for doing this?

In December, Trump abruptly announced that U.S. troops would be withdrawn from Syria — a move that elicited praise from Turkey but sparked criticism among Washington's allies and within the president's own Cabinet, where the move prompted the resignation of then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

Erdogan has threatened for months to launch an assault against Kurds in Northern Syria. But U.S. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have warned that allowing Ankara a free hand against the Kurds would send a troubling message about U.S. commitment to its allies.

Kurdish forces, not the U.S., have kept ISIS fighters, sympathizers and family members in makeshift camps in Northern Syria.

The White House statement said, "Turkey will now be responsible for all ISIS fighters in the area captured over the past two years in the wake of the defeat of the territorial 'Caliphate' by the United States."

So in other words the ISIS fighters will get set free. Got it.

The only way I'll be happy is if Turkey kills them all.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Obama was a fucking idiot that screwed up everything he touched and Middle East foreign policy was no exception. That asshole is the one that enabled ISIS, fucked up the victory in Iraq, bombed Libya for no fucking reason, created the mess in Syria and gave billions of dollars to the Iranian regime that has fostered terrorism all over the Middle East. We will be cleaning up Obama's mess for years.

Trump is getting us out of an entanglement that we had no business being in. However, you stupid Moon Bats are so afflicted with the mental illness Trump Derangement Syndrome that you can't give Trump credit for non interventionism.

Of course you are are the same turkeys that said Trump was a war monger when he was elected so it is hard for you to admit you were wrong, isn't it?

By the way, speaking of Iraq, since you brought it up. Just remember that Crooked Hillary, John Kerry and most of the Democrats that you stupid Moon Bats support backed the invasion of Iraq so you can take your partisan bullshit and cram it.
Wow, you assfucks think your party does nothing wrong & blame their mistakes on Democrats.

Obama inherited two quagmire wars.

He pulled out of Iraq when Iraq refused to sign the agreement to protect US troops.

The US did not start Syria.

We bombed Libya in support of NATO who were preventing the slaughter of civilians

You assfucks do nothing but lie.
These people have stood by us in our fight against Saddam and later ISIS. I simply do not understand this betrayal.
Trump’s decision to make way for Turkey in Syria seen by critics as a Kurds betrayal
Another bad decision by trump

The bad decision was that worthless asshole Obama screwing it up in the first place.
Oh please. Stop it. We could do this all day. Bush lied us into Iraq. That's the number one problem we have. If he would have just stayed in Afganistan this domino effect wouldn't be happening.

Trump and you can't keep blaming Obama. Especially when Trump said he knows more than the Generals and that he would fix the middle east quickly. Did he lie?

We told you so. These are now Trump's wars, not Obama's wars. You guys wanted to play that shit on Obama's watch well now it's your turn.

Remember Trump said "leadership, whatever happens, you're responsible"? Well he's responsible.

And listen asshole. This is a classic mistake Reagan made. Ever watch Charlie Wilson's war? He warned Reagan not to abandon the taliban in Afganistan. Reagan created Bin Ladin. Now Trump is going to abandon the Kurds who have been helping us? And you think this is a good decision? He's just going to make more terrorists out of former allies.

Trump's decisions today can't be blamed on Obama, you fucking idiot. Stop it.

America is abandoning Kurdish allies who stood on the front line in the years-long fight against ISIS.

Ankara considers many of the Kurds to be terrorists who are allied with Kurdish separatists inside Turkey. However, U.S. forces on the ground in Syria recruited and trained the Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, which bore the brunt of the fighting on the ground against Islamic State fighters, assisted by U.S. airstrikes.

Wait a minute. You mean Trump armed and partnered with terrorists? Didn't Republicans fault Obama for doing this?

In December, Trump abruptly announced that U.S. troops would be withdrawn from Syria — a move that elicited praise from Turkey but sparked criticism among Washington's allies and within the president's own Cabinet, where the move prompted the resignation of then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

Erdogan has threatened for months to launch an assault against Kurds in Northern Syria. But U.S. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have warned that allowing Ankara a free hand against the Kurds would send a troubling message about U.S. commitment to its allies.

Kurdish forces, not the U.S., have kept ISIS fighters, sympathizers and family members in makeshift camps in Northern Syria.

The White House statement said, "Turkey will now be responsible for all ISIS fighters in the area captured over the past two years in the wake of the defeat of the territorial 'Caliphate' by the United States."

So in other words the ISIS fighters will get set free. Got it.

The only way I'll be happy is if Turkey kills them all.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Obama was a fucking idiot that screwed up everything he touched and Middle East foreign policy was no exception. That asshole is the one that enabled ISIS, fucked up the victory in Iraq, bombed Libya for no fucking reason, created the mess in Syria and gave billions of dollars to the Iranian regime that has fostered terrorism all over the Middle East. We will be cleaning up Obama's mess for years.

Trump is getting us out of an entanglement that we had no business being in. However, you stupid Moon Bats are so afflicted with the mental illness Trump Derangement Syndrome that you can't give Trump credit for non interventionism.

Of course you are are the same turkeys that said Trump was a war monger when he was elected so it is hard for you to admit you were wrong, isn't it?

By the way, speaking of Iraq, since you brought it up. Just remember that Crooked Hillary, John Kerry and most of the Democrats that you stupid Moon Bats support backed the invasion of Iraq so you can take your partisan bullshit and cram it.
Wow, you assfucks think your party does nothing wrong & blame their mistakes on Democrats.

Obama inherited two quagmire wars.

He pulled out of Iraq when Iraq refused to sign the agreement to protect US troops.

The US did not start Syria.

We bombed Libya in support of NATO who were preventing the slaughter of civilians

You assfucks do nothing but lie.

We did not leave Iraq. We did draw down but then quickly put troops back. Obama was a horrible foreign policy president. He did the opposite of what he promised.

People need to quit making excuses for the lies of politicians .
We bombed Libya in support of NATO who were preventing the slaughter of civilians

You assfucks do nothing but lie.
We had to bomb the shit out of Libya to save Libya? Brilliant!
Who are the Libyan Freedom Fighters and Their Patrons? - Global Research
We bombed LIbya in order to help "rebels" (jihadist Islamic fighters) seize control of Libya.

It was part of Obama's "Arab Spring" installing Islamist regimes in Tunisia, Egypt and he hoped, Libya.
Why are you so oblivious to reality? Dumb ass.
Thee backlash has been swift and severe. Even Trump's political allies are not impressed.

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