Trump Sent a Memo to TV Producers BLACKBALLING Individuals BY NAME

What a load of horse shit.

The Op is grasping at any straw he can get his grubby hands on.

A whole lot of nuthin.

Trump is trampling the 1st Amendment again.


The asshole sent this memo out to the networks and cable channels attempting to black ball commentators and politicians invited to these programs.

First he got the Roy Cohn he was bitching about not having anymore (AG Barr) and now he's wearing his Joe McCarthy dress and panties again:

Jonathan Swan on Twitter

Anyone who couldn't see this happening in 2105 wasn't paying attention.
And the Russian Hoax proved him right.....look man you're not gonna get Don.......wont happen....move on....he already survived an attack by establishment republicans, democrats, the media, deepstate, intelligence industries and bent them over.....they don't like he wont bend to them....
So again.....fuck those tv people, we KNOW they are liars........they really fucked themselves on this Russian Hoax

so WHY did Lindsay Graham tell John McCain, after reading the dossier that the right thing to do, and only thing to do, was to turn it over to the FBI?

AND, McCain did this in December of 2016... how can you claim the dossier was used to spy on Cater Paige in a late October FISA warrant on him, AFTER he had already LEFT the campaign btw, when McCain turned it over in December?

Did the FBI already have the dossier before McCain got his copy, to turn over??? Why was Trump blaming and trashing McCain for it?
Graham is just defending McCain......
As for Page, why did they suveil him at all, and why not tell Trump he might have had a Russian Agent, just like they did for Feinstein?

Trump is trampling the 1st Amendment again.


The asshole sent this memo out to the networks and cable channels attempting to black ball commentators and politicians invited to these programs.

First he got the Roy Cohn he was bitching about not having anymore (AG Barr) and now he's wearing his Joe McCarthy dress and panties again:

Jonathan Swan on Twitter

Anyone who couldn't see this happening in 2105 wasn't paying attention.

So you have no problem listening to purveyors of propaganda that confirm you biases. GOT IT!
BTW pointing out people that continuously lied to push the collusion delusion does not infringe on any rights.

2105? ok ever hear of proof reading?

Referring to a typo is the best you can do?
No excuse for Trump trying to turn cable into state television????
Can you point out the blackballing part?

These people are being called liars, you fucking idiot, by someone who has no business interfering with the press.
Jesus, you're too stupid to see what's right in front of your fat face.
I guess if some of them end up being mysteriously poisoned, as Putin does, or dismembered, as Mohammad Bin Salman does, you'll find a way to dodge that, too.
In the first place, they ARE LIARS.
In the second place, Trump never says do not have these people on.
No Blackballing.

Trump is trampling the 1st Amendment again.


The asshole sent this memo out to the networks and cable channels attempting to black ball commentators and politicians invited to these programs.

First he got the Roy Cohn he was bitching about not having anymore (AG Barr) and now he's wearing his Joe McCarthy dress and panties again:

Jonathan Swan on Twitter

Anyone who couldn't see this happening in 2105 wasn't paying attention.
What's wrong with that memo?

He is only ASKING that they employ basic journalistic integrity. It's now illegal for the president to ask people to behave with integrity?

But of course he is.

I might have 1st amendment concerns if the list referenced journalist. However, looking at the memo those listed are all associated with the government or political parties so for me it's a non-issue unworthy of my concern.
Even if it were about journalists, Trump has not taken government action to limit free speech or the press, nor threatened to do so. He has asked for journalistic integrity and fair coverage by replaying the defamatory, false statements made by guests. He could have easily asked for the same with journalists. They get no special treatment. The first amendment applies equally to everyone.

And, they are free to ignore his memo.

Alan Dershowitz was banned from CNN because he wouldn't toe the CNN Company line.


And he voted for Ubercunt and is still a committed liberal.

And they've done it to at least a half-dozen reporters. ALL of them liberals.

Trump is trampling the 1st Amendment again.


The asshole sent this memo out to the networks and cable channels attempting to black ball commentators and politicians invited to these programs.

First he got the Roy Cohn he was bitching about not having anymore (AG Barr) and now he's wearing his Joe McCarthy dress and panties again:

Jonathan Swan on Twitter

Anyone who couldn't see this happening in 2105 wasn't paying attention.

You understand a private citizen can’t trample the first amendment right?

Do you know what blacklisting is?

At what point did the president have the power to blacklist anyone?

And why on earth would you link to a an article no one can read without a subscription?

Trump is trampling the 1st Amendment again.


The asshole sent this memo out to the networks and cable channels attempting to black ball commentators and politicians invited to these programs.

First he got the Roy Cohn he was bitching about not having anymore (AG Barr) and now he's wearing his Joe McCarthy dress and panties again:

Jonathan Swan on Twitter

Anyone who couldn't see this happening in 2105 wasn't paying attention.
What's wrong with that memo?

He is only ASKING that they employ basic journalistic integrity. It's now illegal for the president to ask people to behave with integrity?


You pinheads are fucking amazing.

""""Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ..."

What the memo says:

""""Moving forward, we ask that you employ basic journalistic standards when booking such guests to appear anywhere in your universe of productions.

You should begin by asking the basic question: “Does this guest warrant further appearances in our programming, given the outrageous and unsupported claims made in the past?” At a minimum, if these guests do reappear, you should replay the prior statements and challenge them to provide the evidence which prompted them to make the wild claims in the first place.""

1. The government is not in the business of telling the press what "basic journalistic standards" are.
2. They are interfering when telling the press WHO to interview and HOW to question their interviewees.
3. It's sad that this has to be explained to supposedly a bunch of grown ups who went to high school.
He did not order the arrest of anyone involved in the perpetration of the hoax.

The Mueller report has not been released.
We have "Roy Cohn's" Cliff Notes.

Read the 1st Amendment. If you really know how to read in the first place.
You don't you only know how to read through the democrat filter. The first amendment permits lies. It does not mandate the lies be believed. It does not prohibit punishment for the lies.
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ..."
we ask that you employ basic journalistic standards
...WE ASK...

...WE ASK...


Please explain how "WE ASK" is prohibiting or abridging speech or press.

You should begin by asking the basic question: “Does this guest warrant further appearances in our programming, given the outrageous and unsupported claims made in the past?”


You and constitutional law do not mix, pal.

He did not order the arrest of anyone involved in the perpetration of the hoax.

The Mueller report has not been released.
We have "Roy Cohn's" Cliff Notes.

Read the 1st Amendment. If you really know how to read in the first place.
You don't you only know how to read through the democrat filter. The first amendment permits lies. It does not mandate the lies be believed. It does not prohibit punishment for the lies.

Stop making an ass of yourself while you're way behind.
The 1st Amendment is easy enough to understand without filters.
Even for mouse-dropping brains like yours.
2105? ok ever hear of proof reading?

Referring to a typo is the best you can do?
No excuse for Trump trying to turn cable into state television????
Can you point out the blackballing part?

These people are being called liars, you fucking idiot, by someone who has no business interfering with the press.
Jesus, you're too stupid to see what's right in front of your fat face.
I guess if some of them end up being mysteriously poisoned, as Putin does, or dismembered, as Mohammad Bin Salman does, you'll find a way to dodge that, too.

He is the President and Lincoln did it all the time

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