Trump Sent a Memo to TV Producers BLACKBALLING Individuals BY NAME

Now I will address this dumbassery:

1. The government is not in the business of telling the press what "basic journalistic standards" are.
2. They are interfering when telling the press how to question their interviewees.
3. It's sad that this has to be explained to supposedly a bunch of grown ups who went to high school.
1. That's still not a 1st Amendment issue.
2. Interfering by asking for integrity and making suggestions? Do you have any SCOTUS opinions supporting your bullshit, tortured interpretation?
3. It's sad that you think you know constitutional law.

or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ..."
we ask that you employ basic journalistic standards
...WE ASK...

...WE ASK...


Please explain how "WE ASK" is prohibiting or abridging speech or press.

You should begin by asking the basic question: “Does this guest warrant further appearances in our programming, given the outrageous and unsupported claims made in the past?”


You and constitutional law do not mix, pal.


They shouldn't be asking in the first place, you fucking idiot.
Read the memo and see who's on the hit list.
Trump is trying to intimidate the press.
That's against the Constitution.
Now I will address this dumbassery:

1. The government is not in the business of telling the press what "basic journalistic standards" are.
2. They are interfering when telling the press how to question their interviewees.
3. It's sad that this has to be explained to supposedly a bunch of grown ups who went to high school.
1. That's still not a 1st Amendment issue.
2. Interfering by asking for integrity and making suggestions? Do you have any SCOTUS opinions supporting your bullshit, tortured interpretation?
3. It's sad that you think you know constitutional law.


You are wrong.
It doesn't take a constitutional scholar to understand the 1st Amendment.
This is McCarthyism.
I don't expect you to know what THAT is either.
Stop making an ass of yourself while you're way behind.
The 1st Amendment is easy enough to understand without filters.
Even for mouse-dropping brains like yours.
Why don't you stop making up law and quote someone with some actual legal the SCOTUS?

SCOTUS abides by the 1st Amendment, clown.
Stop defending a despot.

2105? ok ever hear of proof reading?

Referring to a typo is the best you can do?
No excuse for Trump trying to turn cable into state television????
Can you point out the blackballing part?

These people are being called liars, you fucking idiot, by someone who has no business interfering with the press.
Jesus, you're too stupid to see what's right in front of your fat face.
I guess if some of them end up being mysteriously poisoned, as Putin does, or dismembered, as Mohammad Bin Salman does, you'll find a way to dodge that, too.

He is the President and Lincoln did it all the time

More zoo noises.

They shouldn't be asking in the first place, you fucking idiot.
Show me a Supreme Court Case (fuck, show me ANY case) where a court interprets the Constitution in that tortured, fucked up way.

You are not a legal scholar. You are not a judge. You are a lay-idiot acting like you know something.

You are the one looking like a fucktard.


You dumbass Trumpanzees won't read the memo or even refer to it.
That's because you're too scared to read it.
Stick your heads back up Trump's colon where they've been for the last three years.
SCOTUS abides by the 1st Amendment, clown.
Stop defending a despot.
You made a claim that the 1st Amendment covers making suggestions to the press.

YOU made that claim.

Back it up with legal authority. Show me where ANY court has interpreted the 1st the way you suggest.

Maybe you don't understand how this works.

Trump is trampling the 1st Amendment again.


The asshole sent this memo out to the networks and cable channels attempting to black ball commentators and politicians invited to these programs.

First he got the Roy Cohn he was bitching about not having anymore (AG Barr) and now he's wearing his Joe McCarthy dress and panties again:

Jonathan Swan on Twitter

Anyone who couldn't see this happening in 2105 wasn't paying attention.

Russian collusion was proven false so I guess this is next. No one gives a shit about your lies. LOL
You dumbass Trumpanzees won't read the memo or even refer to it.
That's because you're too scared to read it.
Stick your heads back up Trump's colon where they've been for the last three years.
I read it.

He is doing nothing but suggesting that they do a better job vetting the shit they allow to be aired on their networks. They put out false information, or statements made with a reckless disregard for the truth. He is asking them to stop defaming him.

Government is not abridging the freedom of speech or press.

Learn the distinction.

They shouldn't be asking in the first place, you fucking idiot.
Show me a Supreme Court Case (fuck, show me ANY case) where a court interprets the Constitution in that tortured, fucked up way.

You are not a legal scholar. You are not a judge. You are a lay-idiot acting like you know something.

You are the one looking like a fucktard.



You'll go to any length to avoid reading the memo.
Cluck-cluck, chicken.
Attack the messenger because you can't defend the message.
Trump doesn't have the power to blackball anyone and neither did Joe McCarthy. McCarthyism is a myth created by democrats when Harry Truman's war on Communists soured. Lefties cheered when it was learned that Barry Hussein's A.G. violated the 1st Amendment by intercepting Fox reporter James Rosen's private e mail and placed him under illegal surveillance but they whine when President Trump turns over the rocks and exposes lying left wing liberal scum.
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You'll go to any length to avoid reading the memo.
Bitch, I read the fucking memo.


Attack the messenger because you can't defend the message.
You can't defend your BULLSHIT interpretation that making suggestions constitutions Government action abridging the freedom of speech or press.

SCOTUS abides by the 1st Amendment, clown.
Stop defending a despot.
You made a claim that the 1st Amendment covers making suggestions to the press.

YOU made that claim.

Back it up with legal authority. Show me where ANY court has interpreted the 1st the way you suggest.

Maybe you don't understand how this works.

I didn't make a claim that the 1st Amendment covers making suggestions to the press.
That's nonsensical.
You're an overly emotional moron who doesn't even know what you're talking about.

The 1st Amendment prohibits the interference of the press by the government.
Trump is the government, he's not a fucking king or monarch, which is obviously what you want.

Trump is trampling the 1st Amendment again.


The asshole sent this memo out to the networks and cable channels attempting to black ball commentators and politicians invited to these programs.

First he got the Roy Cohn he was bitching about not having anymore (AG Barr) and now he's wearing his Joe McCarthy dress and panties again:

Jonathan Swan on Twitter

Anyone who couldn't see this happening in 2105 wasn't paying attention.
So I read your memo. Where is the blackballing part?

Might help your argument if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective.

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