Trump Sent a Memo to TV Producers BLACKBALLING Individuals BY NAME

How did he abuse or subvert power by asking people if they were communists?
Simply using the power of the subpoena and asking private citizens who are not in government the question raises serious concerns for me. I think McCarthy was right about who the commies were, but did he have the right to demand (under penalty of perjury) that private, non-government individuals must tell the world their beliefs?

That's thought police.

Even commies technically have the right to believe in stupid shit. That is not government's business. It made the communist shit twinkle-toed little cocksuckers go into hiding, rather than espousing their dumbass beliefs to the world and letting the world judge them for their dumbfuckery.

Freedom is the ultimate purveyor of truth.

But, he did named the commies correctly.

You just make shit up,

"""The Wisconsin Republican claimed to have a list of known Communists still working in the Department of State. A special subcommittee investigated McCarthy's charges and rejected them as “a fraud and a hoax,” but the outbreak of the Korean War and the highly publicized conviction of Alger Hiss lent credibility to the charges."""

U.S. Senate: Joseph R. McCarthy: A Featured Biography

Now go fuck yourself, liar.
You just make shit up,

"""The Wisconsin Republican claimed to have a list of known Communists still working in the Department of State. A special subcommittee investigated McCarthy's charges and rejected them as “a fraud and a hoax,” but the outbreak of the Korean War and the highly publicized conviction of Alger Hiss lent credibility to the charges."""

Now go fuck yourself, liar.
Wait. I was agreeing with you that McCarthy abused his power.

What the fuck is this?

How did he abuse or subvert power by asking people if they were communists?
Simply using the power of the subpoena and asking private citizens who are not in government the question raises serious concerns for me. I think McCarthy was right about who the commies were, but did he have the right to demand (under penalty of perjury) that private, non-government individuals must tell the world their beliefs?

That's thought police.

Even commies technically have the right to believe in stupid shit. That is not government's business. It made the communist shit twinkle-toed little cocksuckers go into hiding, rather than espousing their dumbass beliefs to the world and letting the world judge them for their dumbfuckery.

Freedom is the ultimate purveyor of truth.

But, he did named the commies correctly.

You just make shit up,

"""The Wisconsin Republican claimed to have a list of known Communists still working in the Department of State. A special subcommittee investigated McCarthy's charges and rejected them as “a fraud and a hoax,” but the outbreak of the Korean War and the highly publicized conviction of Alger Hiss lent credibility to the charges."""

U.S. Senate: Joseph R. McCarthy: A Featured Biography

Now go fuck yourself, liar.
How come you don’t care when they black ball trump and his supporters?

"An adequate history of the McCarthy/Truman period, one that gives proper attention to the class, ethnic, religious and cultural antagonisms of those times, has not yet been written. But enough new information has come to light about the communists in the U.S. government that we may now say that point by point Joe McCarthy got it all wrong and yet was still closer to the truth than those who ridiculed him."

Trump is trampling the 1st Amendment again.


The asshole sent this memo out to the networks and cable channels attempting to black ball commentators and politicians invited to these programs.

First he got the Roy Cohn he was bitching about not having anymore (AG Barr) and now he's wearing his Joe McCarthy dress and panties again:

Jonathan Swan on Twitter

Anyone who couldn't see this happening in 2105 wasn't paying attention.

I read the memo and it hardly rises to the level of dictatorship. Stop being a queen
I read the memo and it hardly rises to the level of dictatorship. Stop being a queen

Bullshit. A President telling the free press who is and isn't "acceptable" is something Putin would do...and has done.

Of course those that don't listen end up dead...

I HOPE we aren't going there.

Oh and by the way...they die in "street violence" incidents. Nothing to do with Putin of course
I read the memo and it hardly rises to the level of dictatorship. Stop being a queen

Bullshit. A President telling the free press who is and isn't "acceptable" is something Putin would do...and has done.

Of course those that don't listen end up dead... ?

I HOPE we aren't going there.

Oh and by the way...they die in "street violence" incidents. Nothing to do with Putin of course

Now you just sound like an over dramatic wuss.


If he threatened them, you'd have a point, but since he didn't, you don't. I hardly see anything wrong with requesting they employ some standard of journalism, which is clearly lacking in our press these days

There is nothing "Putinesque" about saying "At a minimum, if these guests do reappear, you should replay the prior statements and challenge them to provide the evidence which prompted them to make the wild claims in the first place."
Bullshit. A President telling the free press who is and isn't "acceptable" is something Putin would do...and has done.
But, it's still not a 1st Amendment violation.

It may be "wrong"...but not illegal. On the other hand, defamation is illegal (but non-criminal). The illegal activity rests with the people who Trump listed.

I read the memo and it hardly rises to the level of dictatorship. Stop being a queen

Bullshit. A President telling the free press who is and isn't "acceptable" is something Putin would do...and has done.

Of course those that don't listen end up dead...

I HOPE we aren't going there.

Oh and by the way...they die in "street violence" incidents. Nothing to do with Putin of course
You call that the press! We do not even get real news that much from them. Its just political bashing 24 hours a day.
Oh my goodness, what a bogus OP. If you actually read the memo, you find out that the memo makes perfectly valid points about the unreliability of a number of politicians and talking heads who frequently appear in TV interviews and discussions. This is the liberal idea of "fascism" and "trampling on the First Amendment"--pointing out how unreliable so many politicians and talking heads have proven to be.

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