Trump Sent a Memo to TV Producers BLACKBALLING Individuals BY NAME


Trump is trampling the 1st Amendment again.


The asshole sent this memo out to the networks and cable channels attempting to black ball commentators and politicians invited to these programs.

First he got the Roy Cohn he was bitching about not having anymore (AG Barr) and now he's wearing his Joe McCarthy dress and panties again:

Jonathan Swan on Twitter

Anyone who couldn't see this happening in 2105 wasn't paying attention.

THAT FASCIST SCUM! Calling out the networks and people who BLATANTLY perpetrated political smears and defamation with no evidence, no facts, they ought to be sued and prosecuted! OH THE HORROR: Democrats may soon be going to jail for their lies! How will they EVER run a campaign again if held to the verifiable truth?! YOU could be next, 2020!

Trump U graduate?
Trump doesn't have the power to blackball anyone and neither did Joe McCarthy. Lefties cheered when Obama called out Fox and named Hannity and tried to arrest Ed Henry but they whine when it happens to lying liberal scum

Ask those people who couldn't get a job because of McCarthy.
And that's a lie about Obama.
He never tried to have any reporter arrested.
Resorting to lies to defend your Dear Leader.

Trump is trampling the 1st Amendment again.


The asshole sent this memo out to the networks and cable channels attempting to black ball commentators and politicians invited to these programs.

First he got the Roy Cohn he was bitching about not having anymore (AG Barr) and now he's wearing his Joe McCarthy dress and panties again:

Jonathan Swan on Twitter

Anyone who couldn't see this happening in 2105 wasn't paying attention.
So I read your memo. Where is the blackballing part?

Might help your argument if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective.
I didn’t make an argument! Dumbass! I asked the question ‘where is the blackballing part?” Now ewe tell me the difference between a noun and an adjective and tell me where the blackballing part is? Can ewe dew it?
I didn't make a claim that the 1st Amendment covers making suggestions to the press.
Let's look at what you said in the OP.


Trump is trampling the 1st Amendment again.
Now, let's review what the memo said:

Moving forward, we ask that you employ basic journalistic standards when booking such guests to appear anywhere in your universe of productions.

You should begin by asking the basic question: “Does this guest warrant further appearances in our programming, given the outrageous and unsupported claims made in the past?” At a minimum, if these guests do reappear, you should replay the prior statements and challenge them to provide the evidence which prompted them to make the wild claims in the first place.
So, where is the government action limiting free speech or press?

You dumbass Trumpanzees won't read the memo or even refer to it.
That's because you're too scared to read it.
Stick your heads back up Trump's colon where they've been for the last three years.
I read it.

He is doing nothing but suggesting that they do a better job vetting the shit they allow to be aired on their networks. They put out false information, or statements made with a reckless disregard for the truth. He is asking them to stop defaming him.

Government is not abridging the freedom of speech or press.

Learn the distinction.


Did you happen to see anybody on that list who appears regularly or infrequently on Fox?
Fucking hypocrite.
I bet you thought it was great when Hannity said Obama was born in Kenya and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, didn't you, pond scum?
The government is NOT in the business of setting journalistic standards, you fucking freak.
That's called STATE RUN media.
Ask those people who couldn't get a job because of McCarthy.
McCarthy is a different issue all together.

We're still talking about the 1st Amendment.

When you can give me a case where a court interpreted suggestions or requests to the press to not put on a bunch of lies or false information with a willful disregard for the truth, I will be persuaded.

Otherwise, you are talking out of your ass.


Trump is trampling the 1st Amendment again.


The asshole sent this memo out to the networks and cable channels attempting to black ball commentators and politicians invited to these programs.

First he got the Roy Cohn he was bitching about not having anymore (AG Barr) and now he's wearing his Joe McCarthy dress and panties again:

Jonathan Swan on Twitter

Anyone who couldn't see this happening in 2105 wasn't paying attention.

THAT FASCIST SCUM! Calling out the networks and people who BLATANTLY perpetrated political smears and defamation with no evidence, no facts, they ought to be sued and prosecuted! OH THE HORROR: Democrats may soon be going to jail for their lies! How will they EVER run a campaign again if held to the verifiable truth?! YOU could be next, 2020!

Trump U graduate?

DIPSHIT GRADUATE? Can't even debate the topic as usual.
I didn't make a claim that the 1st Amendment covers making suggestions to the press.
Let's look at what you said in the OP.


Trump is trampling the 1st Amendment again.
Now, let's review what the memo said:

Moving forward, we ask that you employ basic journalistic standards when booking such guests to appear anywhere in your universe of productions.

You should begin by asking the basic question: “Does this guest warrant further appearances in our programming, given the outrageous and unsupported claims made in the past?” At a minimum, if these guests do reappear, you should replay the prior statements and challenge them to provide the evidence which prompted them to make the wild claims in the first place.
So, where is the government action limiting free speech or press?


It's the second step from Trump's first step: "Fake news, folks. It's all fake news".

Trump: "Don't Believe The Crap You See From These People On Fake News"

It's really too bad you're so fucking dense that you can't see the forest for the trees.

Trump is trampling the 1st Amendment again.


The asshole sent this memo out to the networks and cable channels attempting to black ball commentators and politicians invited to these programs.

First he got the Roy Cohn he was bitching about not having anymore (AG Barr) and now he's wearing his Joe McCarthy dress and panties again:

Jonathan Swan on Twitter

Anyone who couldn't see this happening in 2105 wasn't paying attention.
/——/ Do you understand what black balling means? Trump doesn’t run Hollywood or TV.
Did you happen to see anybody on that list who appears regularly or infrequently on Fox?
Who cares?

Those people stated to the world information that was false, and both those guests and the network had a WILLFUL disregard for the truth.

I don't give a rat fuck WHAT network put them on. They spread false information and the network allowed it to happen.

I bet you thought it was great when Hannity said Obama was born in Kenya and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, didn't you, pond scum?
No, I did not, but you are getting off topic.

Did Obama send Fox a memo asking them to use journalistic integrety and vet Hannity's material before he airs it?

If so....STILL no a 1st Amendment violation.


This is not a partisan issue. We have facts. We have specific statements. We have words used by all parties.

What we DO NOT have is government action.

You know the 1st Amendment only applies to government action, right?

It's the second step from Trump's first step: "Fake news, folks. It's all fake news".
Still not government action to abridge free speech or press.

Free speech by Trump. NOT government action.

It's really too bad you're so fucking dense that you can't see the forest for the trees.
It's really too bad you decided you were a legal scholar today and started this retarded OP, showing how motherfucking ignorant you are when it comes to constitutional law.


Ask those people who couldn't get a job because of McCarthy.
McCarthy is a different issue all together.

We're still talking about the 1st Amendment.

When you can give me a case where a court interpreted suggestions or requests to the press to not put on a bunch of lies or false information with a willful disregard for the truth, I will be persuaded.

Otherwise, you are talking out of your ass.


McCarthy IS NOT a different issue.
He was a U.S. Senator who abused and subverted his power you fucking freak, just like Trump is doing with his now.
McCarthy IS NOT a different issue.
He was a U.S. Senator who abused and subverted his power you fucking freak, just like Trump is doing with his now.
Still not a 1st Amendment issue.

And, how is Trump abusing and"subverting" his power?

He has a right to free speech, just like everyone else.

Ask those people who couldn't get a job because of McCarthy.
McCarthy is a different issue all together.

We're still talking about the 1st Amendment.

When you can give me a case where a court interpreted suggestions or requests to the press to not put on a bunch of lies or false information with a willful disregard for the truth, I will be persuaded.

Otherwise, you are talking out of your ass.


McCarthy IS NOT a different issue.
He was a U.S. Senator who abused and subverted his power you fucking freak, just like Trump is doing with his now.

How did he abuse or subvert power by asking people if they were communists?
2105? ok ever hear of proof reading?

Referring to a typo is the best you can do?
No excuse for Trump trying to turn cable into state television????
Can you point out the blackballing part?

These people are being called liars, you fucking idiot, by someone who has no business interfering with the press.
Jesus, you're too stupid to see what's right in front of your fat face.
I guess if some of them end up being mysteriously poisoned, as Putin does, or dismembered, as Mohammad Bin Salman does, you'll find a way to dodge that, too.

He is the President and Lincoln did it all the time

More zoo noises.


You really hate facts don't ya?

Trump is trampling the 1st Amendment again.


The asshole sent this memo out to the networks and cable channels attempting to black ball commentators and politicians invited to these programs.

First he got the Roy Cohn he was bitching about not having anymore (AG Barr) and now he's wearing his Joe McCarthy dress and panties again:

Jonathan Swan on Twitter

Anyone who couldn't see this happening in 2105 wasn't paying attention.
/——/ Do you understand what black balling means? Trump doesn’t run Hollywood or TV.

He's going to try.
Joe McCarthy didn't ruin people's lives with his blacklist overnight either.
It took him four years to go from getting elected to holding those hearings calling actors and writers communists.
And it's not even illegal to be a communist in this country.
But idiots fell in line anyway.
He was good at instilling fear.
Just like Trump.
2105? ok ever hear of proof reading?

Referring to a typo is the best you can do?
No excuse for Trump trying to turn cable into state television????
It already is Progressive Socialist State Television. You biatch about the Bible, the Bible has nothing on Cable TV.

Trump is not a progressive socialist.
Your other statement is pure babble.
Trump is not a conservative. He made promises as a candidate that in reality had most all groups involved and that is his agenda. Cable TV has replaced the Bible. The Bible is spiritual with rules. Cable TV is a medium of propaganda. And Cable TV is massively tilted towards Progressive Socialist agendas. Whether subtle or in your face.
How did he abuse or subvert power by asking people if they were communists?
Simply using the power of the subpoena and asking private citizens who are not in government the question raises serious concerns for me. I think McCarthy was right about who the commies were, but did he have the right to demand (under penalty of perjury) that private, non-government individuals must tell the world their beliefs?

That's thought police.

Even commies technically have the right to believe in stupid shit. That is not government's business. It made the communist shit twinkle-toed little cocksuckers go into hiding, rather than espousing their dumbass beliefs to the world and letting the world judge them for their dumbfuckery.

Freedom is the ultimate purveyor of truth.

But, he did name the commies correctly.
Ask those people who couldn't get a job because of McCarthy.
McCarthy is a different issue all together.

We're still talking about the 1st Amendment.

When you can give me a case where a court interpreted suggestions or requests to the press to not put on a bunch of lies or false information with a willful disregard for the truth, I will be persuaded.

Otherwise, you are talking out of your ass.


McCarthy IS NOT a different issue.
He was a U.S. Senator who abused and subverted his power you fucking freak, just like Trump is doing with his now.

How did he abuse or subvert power by asking people if they were communists?

I don't believe this.
Just look him up.
When he started going after people in the U.S. Army, the Senate finally censured him.


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