Trump set to roll back Obama's clean water rule

The Hussein rule had nothing to do with clean water. That was a slick politically acceptable name the administration gave and it didn't produce any more clean water than we already had. It was a federal takeover of virtually every lake, river, pond and wet spot in the United States. If a property owner was reported for an alleged violation no matter how trivial he would be caught in a bureaucratic nightmare that he could never afford to get out of and if push came to shove the federal government could take his property at the point of a gun. That's the way democrat/socialist regimes work..
So the clean water act had nothing to do with clean water. Only tards could believe something so ridiculous.
wanting clean water totally escapes me - I mean WHY? Thats got to be the biggest nightmare on the planet.


Back to the good old days...that that is what the regressives want.

Trump set to roll back Obama's clean water rule

Clean water rule??? Dem cities routinely spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of raw toxic sewage into public waterways during the Obama regime. So fouling the water swimming was banned and beaches closed.
Trump set to roll back Obama's clean water rule

Clean water rule??? Dem cities routinely spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of raw toxic sewage into public waterways during the Obama regime. So fouling the water swimming was banned and beaches closed.

That's true. Obama's EPA had a horrible record of doing what they were supposed to prevent.
Trump set to roll back Obama's clean water rule

Clean water rule??? Dem cities routinely spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of raw toxic sewage into public waterways during the Obama regime. So fouling the water swimming was banned and beaches closed.

That's true. Obama's EPA had a horrible record of doing what they were supposed to prevent.
Republican scum prevented them
What the hell does that have to do with Obama polluting a river? Anyway Obama gave Iran the resources and time to build a nuclear weapon.
but they weren't building until the moron tore up the agreement Don't you ah's get it ?? Obama made trump look like the scumbag he is and trump the bully will tear down all the good obama did in retaliation
your just detached from reality.
Reality ? You a trump supporter talk about reality? My reality is that trump brought America down, that all who respected us now laugh at us and our stupidity
After Obama's world wide apology tour, we weren't respected for the weakness of a president. Now, finally with Trump. We are respected for our strength.
It never happened. But I do feel bad that Republicans tricked the country and the world into helping invade Iraq for no reason we could figure out.
All these years later and we still can’t figure out why Republicans invaded Iraq. Even they don’t know. Trump calls it a terrible horrible disaster.
Watch videos your guy apologized to the world. The Iraq war, Obama promised to end it in his first year in office. What happened? Oh, and to close gitmo, another lie.
Trump set to roll back Obama's clean water rule

Clean water rule??? Dem cities routinely spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of raw toxic sewage into public waterways during the Obama regime. So fouling the water swimming was banned and beaches closed.

That's true. Obama's EPA had a horrible record of doing what they were supposed to prevent.
Republican scum prevented them

Prevented them from accidentally dumping 3 million Gallons of contaminated waste into a Colorado river?
Trump set to roll back Obama's clean water rule

Clean water rule??? Dem cities routinely spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of raw toxic sewage into public waterways during the Obama regime. So fouling the water swimming was banned and beaches closed.
The beer you drink comes from those waters Keep drinking
Yes, and your guy Obama, has the record on polluting a river.
Trump set to roll back Obama's clean water rule

Clean water rule??? Dem cities routinely spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of raw toxic sewage into public waterways during the Obama regime. So fouling the water swimming was banned and beaches closed.
Blah blah blah, Democrats Democrats Democrats. In the meantime North Carolina is completely covered in pig shit from the last two hurricanes. And Appalachia is incredibly polluted and filled with extremely poor white people.
Republicans need to stop worrying about Democrats and blue states and worry about their own mess and disaster that is in their front and back yards
Trump set to roll back Obama's clean water rule

Clean water rule??? Dem cities routinely spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of raw toxic sewage into public waterways during the Obama regime. So fouling the water swimming was banned and beaches closed.
The beer you drink comes from those waters Keep drinking
Yes, and your guy Obama, has the record on polluting a river.
Oh yeah, that’s right, Obama polluted a river. Republicans pollute the world. But they’re crying about Obama putting a river. Which I never even heard about.
Trump set to roll back Obama's clean water rule

Clean water rule??? Dem cities routinely spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of raw toxic sewage into public waterways during the Obama regime. So fouling the water swimming was banned and beaches closed.
The beer you drink comes from those waters Keep drinking
Yes, and your guy Obama, has the record on polluting a river.

That, and these other Obama-era EPA scandals..

44 Obama Era EPA Scandals the Media Ignored
Trump set to roll back Obama's clean water rule

Clean water rule??? Dem cities routinely spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of raw toxic sewage into public waterways during the Obama regime. So fouling the water swimming was banned and beaches closed.
Blah blah blah, Democrats Democrats Democrats. In the meantime North Carolina is completely covered in pig shit from the last two hurricanes. And Appalachia is incredibly polluted and filled with extremely poor white people.
Republicans need to stop worrying about Democrats and blue states and worry about their own mess and disaster that is in their front and back yards

Why would you care about Appalachia? They're only "white people" and Republicans.

Oh wait. Still butthurt from the North Carolina election, right? get over it, mang.
Trump set to roll back Obama's clean water rule

Clean water rule??? Dem cities routinely spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of raw toxic sewage into public waterways during the Obama regime. So fouling the water swimming was banned and beaches closed.
The beer you drink comes from those waters Keep drinking
Yes, and your guy Obama, has the record on polluting a river.
Oh yeah, that’s right, Obama polluted a river. Republicans pollute the world. But they’re crying about Obama putting a river. Which I never even heard about.
Lol, republicans don't rule the world, but dictators you respect rule most and destroy the land. Remember it was a Republican that started the epa.
Trump set to roll back Obama's clean water rule

Clean water rule??? Dem cities routinely spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of raw toxic sewage into public waterways during the Obama regime. So fouling the water swimming was banned and beaches closed.
The beer you drink comes from those waters Keep drinking
Yes, and your guy Obama, has the record on polluting a river.
Oh yeah, that’s right, Obama polluted a river. Republicans pollute the world. But they’re crying about Obama putting a river. Which I never even heard about.

There are a shitload of things you're never seen or heard about. Maybe it's time to use that little button on the remote, that changes the channel, eh? Maybe broaden your narrow, one-dimensional, and simplistic view of this world a little, eh?
The Hussein rule had nothing to do with clean water. That was a slick politically acceptable name the administration gave and it didn't produce any more clean water than we already had. It was a federal takeover of virtually every lake, river, pond and wet spot in the United States. If a property owner was reported for an alleged violation no matter how trivial he would be caught in a bureaucratic nightmare that he could never afford to get out of and if push came to shove the federal government could take his property at the point of a gun. That's the way democrat/socialist regimes work..
So the clean water act had nothing to do with clean water. Only tards could believe something so ridiculous. was all about clean water.
GO FUKE YOURSELF ya pathetic fascist.
EPA settles with Wyoming farmer over man-made pond
Trump set to roll back Obama's clean water rule

Clean water rule??? Dem cities routinely spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of raw toxic sewage into public waterways during the Obama regime. So fouling the water swimming was banned and beaches closed.

That's true. Obama's EPA had a horrible record of doing what they were supposed to prevent.
Republican scum prevented them

What does Trump care about people drinking clean water?
Trump set to roll back Obama's clean water rule

Clean water rule??? Dem cities routinely spilled hundreds of millions of gallons of raw toxic sewage into public waterways during the Obama regime. So fouling the water swimming was banned and beaches closed.
The beer you drink comes from those waters Keep drinking
Yes, and your guy Obama, has the record on polluting a river.
Oh yeah, that’s right, Obama polluted a river. Republicans pollute the world. But they’re crying about Obama putting a river. Which I never even heard about.

LOL okay, "Republicans pollute the world" right. Who runs the big Dem pollution factory cities?? Oh wait, Dem's.

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