Special Counsel Asks Supreme Court To Rule Quickly Whether Trump Can Be Prosecuted

Weepy sleepy cryfacing “He almost took over the country”
Such absurd, impossible childishness
It sounds absurd to you because you refuse to acknowledge what Trump was trying to do.

You ignore it because you can’t defend it.
  1. He is manifestly unfit for the job, if temperament, intelligence, knowledge, empathy, decency, curiosity, honesty, maturity and mental stability are priorities.
  2. His election lies has caused this country great harm, and that in itself is disqualifying.
  3. He is mentally ill, regularly displaying virtually all of the behaviors associated with Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
  4. He represents the very worst of America with his childish behaviors, and he has emboldened millions of Americans to follow suit.
  5. His instability is dangerous, both domestically and on the world stage. If he returns, our one-time allies will literally no longer trust us.
  6. He has made many comments that make me wonder if he indeed wants to ignore the Constitution and remain in power, with the help of his behaviors.
  7. His authoritarian instincts are abundantly clear, and he regularly praises people like Putin, Xi, Kim, Orban and others for "ruling with an iron fist". His words.
  8. His second term would include loyalty tests, and he would surround himself with other authoritarians far more dangerous than even he is.
  9. His astonishingly juvenile middle school bully behaviors have metastasized throughout the GQP, spreading to many other legislators.
  10. His mental illness creates a fantasy world around him that defies reality, and that is another of his dangerous characteristics that have spread through the GQP.
I know that's all "fake news" to you. I know those aren't good reasons for you. But they're damn good reasons for me.
You're unfit to be an American
And that’s why we say you’re in a cult.

Half of the country does not think like you. They’re rational.
Open borders are rational? Paying for a war is rational?. You have 0 problems with that? How about shoving crap about genders into a child's head? GFY.
I'm sorry, but that is insane. It is simply disconnected from reality.

You asked, I appreciate that you bothered to ask, but this will go nowhere.
For you not to understand how much worse Joe Biden is is simply insane! Biden is a leech that has been grifting the American Public for 50 or 60 years. For you to believe he is better than Trump makes no sense in any universe. He is a bigger scumbag than you could ever make trump out to be. Trump secured the border, Biden has no control over anything including the border, what is going on down there, should have that rat bastard impeached and in chains, Mayorkas and the rest of the admin right beside him. He is allowing an invasion of military aged men to just waltz right in! So you are butthurt by his demeanor get over it, pull up your big girl panties, and get on the right side of History you ninny.
For you not to understand how much worse Joe Biden is is simply insane! Biden is a leech that has been grifting the American Public for 50 or 60 years. For you to believe he is better than Trump makes no sense in any universe. He is a bigger scumbag than you could ever make trump out to be. Trump secured the border, Biden has no control over anything including the border, what is going on down there, should have that rat bastard impeached and in chains, Mayorkas and the rest of the admin right beside him. He is allowing an invasion of military aged men to just waltz right in! So you are butthurt by his demeanor get over it, pull up your big girl panties, and get on the right side of History you ninny.
This isn't about Biden. This isn't about Trump.

I tried to explain it to you, but you just don't get it.

Since all you can do is attack, please play with someone else.
You're unfit to be an American
This isn't about Biden. This isn't about Trump.

I tried to explain it to you, but you just don't get it.

Since all you can do is attack, please play with someone else.
It's about what is best for America, and choosing between these two men is easy, Trump has his faults but he truly cares for America.
Go tell your wife, slash sister, to slap you you ignorant tool
yeah. yeah. trying to insult family + incest accusation. the true sign of a scumbag, or as the scumbag would interpret the scumbaggery: "truly caring for America".
For you not to understand how much worse Joe Biden is is simply insane! Biden is a leech that has been grifting the American Public for 50 or 60 years. For you to believe he is better than Trump makes no sense in any universe. He is a bigger scumbag than you could ever make trump out to be. Trump secured the border, Biden has no control over anything including the border, what is going on down there, should have that rat bastard impeached and in chains, Mayorkas and the rest of the admin right beside him. He is allowing an invasion of military aged men to just waltz right in! So you are butthurt by his demeanor get over it, pull up your big girl panties, and get on the right side of History you ninny.

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