Trump shamed into taking temperatures/ handing out masks and hand sanitizer in Tulsa!

You got to love crazy. They complain when someone wants to do things with mitigation measures in place. But when rioting, looting and destruction are around they follow around like lemmings with no mitigation measures at all then pretend that it is the right.
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

This isn't Communist China. Tulsa has every right to shut that stadium down and tell Trump to come back later. I don't know why they haven't already. The City Health Director is saying what I've been saying--not just the people inside but the people waiting all day outside to get a seat--because Trump's campaign always issues twice as many tickets as there are seats--are going to be spreading Covid as well. They'd better be handing out the masks and hand sanitizer to EVERYONE outside from the crack of dawn, and to the counter protesters too. Not that they're required, of course.
What a jerk he is being.
I guess you have been asleep for a while. All these people rioting and looting. Who is handing out masks hand sanitizer to them? When people were wanting to go back to work with mitigation measures in place mayors and governors were fining them, people were claiming that they were wanting to kill grandma. Then suddenly the riots and all that changed. Does COVID only matter if it is Republicans?
It always matters, for everyone. The protests sprang up all over the country, spontaneous grass roots organizing. The President has INVITED these fans to his giant party in a state which is seeing a spike in Covid cases. It's not a good comparison. All the time those protests were going on, everyplace they weren't, the social distancing guidelines were still being followed. At least around here they were, and are. Viruses don't take a holiday.
Yeah not a good comparison because it was spontaneous but when people were protesting draconian lockdowns. They were wanting to go back to work you and others were yelling that they were going to kill everyone.
I don't remember saying that. The only lockdown protest I remember getting worked up about was the ARMED protesters that marched into the capitol in Michigan.
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

Protecting against the blue flu is just a way for trump to keep liberals out
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

This isn't Communist China. Tulsa has every right to shut that stadium down and tell Trump to come back later. I don't know why they haven't already. The City Health Director is saying what I've been saying--not just the people inside but the people waiting all day outside to get a seat--because Trump's campaign always issues twice as many tickets as there are seats--are going to be spreading Covid as well. They'd better be handing out the masks and hand sanitizer to EVERYONE outside from the crack of dawn, and to the counter protesters too. Not that they're required, of course.
What a jerk he is being.

Duh. You going to write a ticket to each of them and tell them to go home? Get crackin', you've got some work to do.
You got to love crazy. They complain when someone wants to do things with mitigation measures in place. But when rioting, looting and destruction are around they follow around like lemmings with no mitigation measures at all then pretend that it is the right.
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

This isn't Communist China. Tulsa has every right to shut that stadium down and tell Trump to come back later. I don't know why they haven't already. The City Health Director is saying what I've been saying--not just the people inside but the people waiting all day outside to get a seat--because Trump's campaign always issues twice as many tickets as there are seats--are going to be spreading Covid as well. They'd better be handing out the masks and hand sanitizer to EVERYONE outside from the crack of dawn, and to the counter protesters too. Not that they're required, of course.
What a jerk he is being.
I guess you have been asleep for a while. All these people rioting and looting. Who is handing out masks hand sanitizer to them? When people were wanting to go back to work with mitigation measures in place mayors and governors were fining them, people were claiming that they were wanting to kill grandma. Then suddenly the riots and all that changed. Does COVID only matter if it is Republicans?
It always matters, for everyone. The protests sprang up all over the country, spontaneous grass roots organizing. The President has INVITED these fans to his giant party in a state which is seeing a spike in Covid cases. It's not a good comparison. All the time those protests were going on, everyplace they weren't, the social distancing guidelines were still being followed. At least around here they were, and are. Viruses don't take a holiday.
Yeah not a good comparison because it was spontaneous but when people were protesting draconian lockdowns. They were wanting to go back to work you and others were yelling that they were going to kill everyone.
I don't remember saying that. The only lockdown protest I remember getting worked up about was the ARMED protesters that marched into the capitol in Michigan.
And they did nothing but a peaceful protest not one person killed, hurt, no missing merchandise, nothing burned down. Most if not all had masks and stood around six foot apart. So why so worked up about them but not about the ones that are beating, killing people?
Already provided in OP - Need another?
An opinion piece by a local news media outlet isn't evidence that Trump was shamed by anyone.
Try again..... :cool:
Dr Love sounds like our friend Peter Stzrok doesn't he ? Bored since they demoted him to janitor.
dr love is this forums Dotcom....."he' used to whine in the same way that the good doctor does.....kind makes one wonder....
You got to love crazy. They complain when someone wants to do things with mitigation measures in place. But when rioting, looting and destruction are around they follow around like lemmings with no mitigation measures at all then pretend that it is the right.
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

This isn't Communist China. Tulsa has every right to shut that stadium down and tell Trump to come back later. I don't know why they haven't already. The City Health Director is saying what I've been saying--not just the people inside but the people waiting all day outside to get a seat--because Trump's campaign always issues twice as many tickets as there are seats--are going to be spreading Covid as well. They'd better be handing out the masks and hand sanitizer to EVERYONE outside from the crack of dawn, and to the counter protesters too. Not that they're required, of course.
What a jerk he is being.
I guess you have been asleep for a while. All these people rioting and looting. Who is handing out masks hand sanitizer to them? When people were wanting to go back to work with mitigation measures in place mayors and governors were fining them, people were claiming that they were wanting to kill grandma. Then suddenly the riots and all that changed. Does COVID only matter if it is Republicans?
It always matters, for everyone. The protests sprang up all over the country, spontaneous grass roots organizing. The President has INVITED these fans to his giant party in a state which is seeing a spike in Covid cases. It's not a good comparison. All the time those protests were going on, everyplace they weren't, the social distancing guidelines were still being followed. At least around here they were, and are. Viruses don't take a holiday.
Yeah not a good comparison because it was spontaneous but when people were protesting draconian lockdowns. They were wanting to go back to work you and others were yelling that they were going to kill everyone.
I don't remember saying that. The only lockdown protest I remember getting worked up about was the ARMED protesters that marched into the capitol in Michigan.
And they did nothing but a peaceful protest not one person killed, hurt, no missing merchandise, nothing burned down. Most if not all had masks and stood around six foot apart. So why so worked up about them but not about the ones that are beating, killing people?
I came to this thread to talk about the OP, Trump's rally and the threat of Covid. You seem intent on turning it into a discussion about the riots. Get back on topic or badger someone else into arguing about it.
Awesome social distancing !!!

I think it's a fabulous idea. I wish they had room for all 3 million GOPhers who have requested tickets. Pack them in, shoulder to shoulder, screaming together in fury and rage, spitting all over each other.

It's a liberal's wet dream.
You guys have the gall to point fingers at ONE Trump rally, after you guys have been participating or approving of scenes like this, day after day all around the fucking world for weeks now !

I think it's a fabulous idea. I wish they had room for all 3 million GOPhers who have requested tickets. Pack them in, shoulder to shoulder, screaming together in fury and rage, spitting all over each other.

It's a liberal's wet dream.

I'll be damned !!! You just described to a "T" what you guys have been doing in the streets day after day for weeks now !!!
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

april-fool_clown traitor.jpg
Funny how Trump was saying just a couple of months ago how this thing would go away like a "miracle", or that it was a Democrat hoax, yet at his rally, he is handing out masks, hand sanitizer and taking temps. Guess he was wrong on the first 2 counts, because it didn't go away, and if it is such a hoax, why is he spending the money on masks and sanitizer for the attendees?

I'm guessing that when they show the footage of his rally the next day, only about 25 percent (if that) will be wearing masks.
Funny how Trump was saying just a couple of months ago how this thing would go away like a "miracle", or that it was a Democrat hoax, yet at his rally, he is handing out masks, hand sanitizer and taking temps. Guess he was wrong on the first 2 counts, because it didn't go away, and if it is such a hoax, why is he spending the money on masks and sanitizer for the attendees?

I'm guessing that when they show the footage of his rally the next day, only about 25 percent (if that) will be wearing masks.
Unfortunately for all that attend, you're probably right.
You got to love crazy. They complain when someone wants to do things with mitigation measures in place. But when rioting, looting and destruction are around they follow around like lemmings with no mitigation measures at all then pretend that it is the right.
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

This isn't Communist China. Tulsa has every right to shut that stadium down and tell Trump to come back later. I don't know why they haven't already. The City Health Director is saying what I've been saying--not just the people inside but the people waiting all day outside to get a seat--because Trump's campaign always issues twice as many tickets as there are seats--are going to be spreading Covid as well. They'd better be handing out the masks and hand sanitizer to EVERYONE outside from the crack of dawn, and to the counter protesters too. Not that they're required, of course.
What a jerk he is being.
I guess you have been asleep for a while. All these people rioting and looting. Who is handing out masks hand sanitizer to them? When people were wanting to go back to work with mitigation measures in place mayors and governors were fining them, people were claiming that they were wanting to kill grandma. Then suddenly the riots and all that changed. Does COVID only matter if it is Republicans?
It always matters, for everyone. The protests sprang up all over the country, spontaneous grass roots organizing. The President has INVITED these fans to his giant party in a state which is seeing a spike in Covid cases. It's not a good comparison. All the time those protests were going on, everyplace they weren't, the social distancing guidelines were still being followed. At least around here they were, and are. Viruses don't take a holiday.
Yeah not a good comparison because it was spontaneous but when people were protesting draconian lockdowns. They were wanting to go back to work you and others were yelling that they were going to kill everyone.
I don't remember saying that. The only lockdown protest I remember getting worked up about was the ARMED protesters that marched into the capitol in Michigan.
And they did nothing but a peaceful protest not one person killed, hurt, no missing merchandise, nothing burned down. Most if not all had masks and stood around six foot apart. So why so worked up about them but not about the ones that are beating, killing people?
I came to this thread to talk about the OP, Trump's rally and the threat of Covid. You seem intent on turning it into a discussion about the riots. Get back on topic or badger someone else into arguing about it.
Oh but you were so upset that Trump was having a rally. You were upset about other peaceful protests. Both of those using mitigation. But you remain silent on the riots. Shows a lot.
You guys have the gall to point fingers at ONE Trump rally, after you guys have been participating or approving of scenes like this, day after day all around the fucking world for weeks now !

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Trump has mailed how many tickets to attend his rally? In the midst of a Covid spike? It is entirely irresponsible.

I didn't say it wasn't irresponsible. But then, I didn't go to any of your irresponsible protests either.
I think it's a fabulous idea. I wish they had room for all 3 million GOPhers who have requested tickets. Pack them in, shoulder to shoulder, screaming together in fury and rage, spitting all over each other.

It's a liberal's wet dream.

I'll be damned !!! You just described to a "T" what you guys have been doing in the streets day after day for weeks now !!!
Not me. I am protecting a loved one. And I've been to concerts at BOK center in Tulsa. It is a completely enclosed arena. All that Covid-19 trapped in there, with nowhere to go but inside someone's mouth.

At least outside you have something of a chance. Inside with angry, raging, haters.....well, it couldn't happen to nastier people!
I think it's a fabulous idea. I wish they had room for all 3 million GOPhers who have requested tickets. Pack them in, shoulder to shoulder, screaming together in fury and rage, spitting all over each other.

It's a liberal's wet dream.

No I heard it was TWELVE million as of this morning! :D
I'd like your idea except that they'd go home and kill their progressive Grannie.
Not good, she was a Biden voter.

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