Trump shamed into taking temperatures/ handing out masks and hand sanitizer in Tulsa!

Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

I'll take my chances against Fat Billy ;)
You're part of the swamp Trump is draining.
Howard Cunningham is the man.

At some point you'll figure out that Trump IS the swamp.
And most of his corrupt buddies resigned in shame, are being investigated, have been indicted, are in jail, or are HEADED to jail!

Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

This isn't Communist China. Tulsa has every right to shut that stadium down and tell Trump to come back later. I don't know why they haven't already. The City Health Director is saying what I've been saying--not just the people inside but the people waiting all day outside to get a seat--because Trump's campaign always issues twice as many tickets as there are seats--are going to be spreading Covid as well. They'd better be handing out the masks and hand sanitizer to EVERYONE outside from the crack of dawn, and to the counter protesters too. Not that they're required, of course.
What a jerk he is being.
You got to love crazy. They complain when someone wants to do things with mitigation measures in place. But when rioting, looting and destruction are around they follow around like lemmings with no mitigation measures at all then pretend that it is the right.
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

This isn't Communist China. Tulsa has every right to shut that stadium down and tell Trump to come back later. I don't know why they haven't already. The City Health Director is saying what I've been saying--not just the people inside but the people waiting all day outside to get a seat--because Trump's campaign always issues twice as many tickets as there are seats--are going to be spreading Covid as well. They'd better be handing out the masks and hand sanitizer to EVERYONE outside from the crack of dawn, and to the counter protesters too. Not that they're required, of course.
What a jerk he is being.

That herd could use some thinning anyway.
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

This isn't Communist China. Tulsa has every right to shut that stadium down and tell Trump to come back later. I don't know why they haven't already. The City Health Director is saying what I've been saying--not just the people inside but the people waiting all day outside to get a seat--because Trump's campaign always issues twice as many tickets as there are seats--are going to be spreading Covid as well. They'd better be handing out the masks and hand sanitizer to EVERYONE outside from the crack of dawn, and to the counter protesters too. Not that they're required, of course.
What a jerk he is being.
I guess you have been asleep for a while. All these people rioting and looting. Who is handing out masks hand sanitizer to them? When people were wanting to go back to work with mitigation measures in place mayors and governors were fining them, people were claiming that they were wanting to kill grandma. Then suddenly the riots and all that changed. Does COVID only matter if it is Republicans?
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

This isn't Communist China. Tulsa has every right to shut that stadium down and tell Trump to come back later. I don't know why they haven't already. The City Health Director is saying what I've been saying--not just the people inside but the people waiting all day outside to get a seat--because Trump's campaign always issues twice as many tickets as there are seats--are going to be spreading Covid as well. They'd better be handing out the masks and hand sanitizer to EVERYONE outside from the crack of dawn, and to the counter protesters too. Not that they're required, of course.
What a jerk he is being.
I guess you have been asleep for a while. All these people rioting and looting. Who is handing out masks hand sanitizer to them? When people were wanting to go back to work with mitigation measures in place mayors and governors were fining them, people were claiming that they were wanting to kill grandma. Then suddenly the riots and all that changed. Does COVID only matter if it is Republicans?

And another herd that could use some thinning.
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

This isn't Communist China. Tulsa has every right to shut that stadium down and tell Trump to come back later. I don't know why they haven't already. The City Health Director is saying what I've been saying--not just the people inside but the people waiting all day outside to get a seat--because Trump's campaign always issues twice as many tickets as there are seats--are going to be spreading Covid as well. They'd better be handing out the masks and hand sanitizer to EVERYONE outside from the crack of dawn, and to the counter protesters too. Not that they're required, of course.
What a jerk he is being.
I guess you have been asleep for a while. All these people rioting and looting. Who is handing out masks hand sanitizer to them? When people were wanting to go back to work with mitigation measures in place mayors and governors were fining them, people were claiming that they were wanting to kill grandma. Then suddenly the riots and all that changed. Does COVID only matter if it is Republicans?
It always matters, for everyone. The protests sprang up all over the country, spontaneous grass roots organizing. The President has INVITED these fans to his giant party in a state which is seeing a spike in Covid cases. It's not a good comparison. All the time those protests were going on, everyplace they weren't, the social distancing guidelines were still being followed. At least around here they were, and are. Viruses don't take a holiday.
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

This isn't Communist China. Tulsa has every right to shut that stadium down and tell Trump to come back later. I don't know why they haven't already. The City Health Director is saying what I've been saying--not just the people inside but the people waiting all day outside to get a seat--because Trump's campaign always issues twice as many tickets as there are seats--are going to be spreading Covid as well. They'd better be handing out the masks and hand sanitizer to EVERYONE outside from the crack of dawn, and to the counter protesters too. Not that they're required, of course.
What a jerk he is being.
I guess you have been asleep for a while. All these people rioting and looting. Who is handing out masks hand sanitizer to them? When people were wanting to go back to work with mitigation measures in place mayors and governors were fining them, people were claiming that they were wanting to kill grandma. Then suddenly the riots and all that changed. Does COVID only matter if it is Republicans?
How'd you expect authorities to do anything about hundreds or thousands of protesters gathered together without masks on? Be my guest, if you think you could have handed everyone of them a ticket and insisted they go home. What a stupid argument. Try being real.
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

What is happening in Tulsa with the virus is terrible. I was in that city in 2015. Wow what a mess. Maybe they've cleaned things up and gotten their act somewhat together.

I hope those trump people use those masks and hand sanitizers. They have a right to go to that rally and not end up dead or sick or someone they love end up sick or dead.

Yes they made the choice to go but that choice shouldn't include putting their lives or someone else's life in jeopardy.

I hope that no one gets sick from any of his rallies or his conventions.

I wish we could get a reliable and safe vaccine for this virus soon.

Wow, the nerve you have !
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

This isn't Communist China. Tulsa has every right to shut that stadium down and tell Trump to come back later. I don't know why they haven't already. The City Health Director is saying what I've been saying--not just the people inside but the people waiting all day outside to get a seat--because Trump's campaign always issues twice as many tickets as there are seats--are going to be spreading Covid as well. They'd better be handing out the masks and hand sanitizer to EVERYONE outside from the crack of dawn, and to the counter protesters too. Not that they're required, of course.
What a jerk he is being.

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:
Speaking of hot spots, when Trump saved hundreds of thousands of lives by imposing the China ban, you all called him a racist and went on with your parades .

Uh huh sure, Donnie made us the 27th country to impose a China travel ban full of loopholes that let tens of thousands in AFTERWARD. COVID didn't come here directly from China anyway. It came from EUROPE where he dithered another month and became one of the LAST because Creepy Steve Munchkin told him that would tank the stock market.

You people are losing your minds - And I'm dead serious about that.
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

This isn't Communist China. Tulsa has every right to shut that stadium down and tell Trump to come back later. I don't know why they haven't already. The City Health Director is saying what I've been saying--not just the people inside but the people waiting all day outside to get a seat--because Trump's campaign always issues twice as many tickets as there are seats--are going to be spreading Covid as well. They'd better be handing out the masks and hand sanitizer to EVERYONE outside from the crack of dawn, and to the counter protesters too. Not that they're required, of course.
What a jerk he is being.
I guess you have been asleep for a while. All these people rioting and looting. Who is handing out masks hand sanitizer to them? When people were wanting to go back to work with mitigation measures in place mayors and governors were fining them, people were claiming that they were wanting to kill grandma. Then suddenly the riots and all that changed. Does COVID only matter if it is Republicans?
It always matters, for everyone. The protests sprang up all over the country, spontaneous grass roots organizing. The President has INVITED these fans to his giant party in a state which is seeing a spike in Covid cases. It's not a good comparison. All the time those protests were going on, everyplace they weren't, the social distancing guidelines were still being followed. At least around here they were, and are. Viruses don't take a holiday.
Yeah not a good comparison because it was spontaneous but when people were protesting draconian lockdowns. They were wanting to go back to work you and others were yelling that they were going to kill everyone.
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

This isn't Communist China. Tulsa has every right to shut that stadium down and tell Trump to come back later. I don't know why they haven't already. The City Health Director is saying what I've been saying--not just the people inside but the people waiting all day outside to get a seat--because Trump's campaign always issues twice as many tickets as there are seats--are going to be spreading Covid as well. They'd better be handing out the masks and hand sanitizer to EVERYONE outside from the crack of dawn, and to the counter protesters too. Not that they're required, of course.
What a jerk he is being.
I guess you have been asleep for a while. All these people rioting and looting. Who is handing out masks hand sanitizer to them? When people were wanting to go back to work with mitigation measures in place mayors and governors were fining them, people were claiming that they were wanting to kill grandma. Then suddenly the riots and all that changed. Does COVID only matter if it is Republicans?
How'd you expect authorities to do anything about hundreds or thousands of protesters gathered together without masks on? Be my guest, if you think you could have handed everyone of them a ticket and insisted they go home. What a stupid argument. Try being real.
Why are you and the rest all screaming that they are going to kill grandma like you were when people were protesting about lockdowns and wanting to go back to work? Oh I get it because you think it is ok but it was not ok to do it before.
Man, that's gonna make the faithful look WEAK (not that they'll wear 'em ;-)

Supporters of President Donald Trump will receive temperature checks, masks and hand sanitizer before entering his rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump’s campaign manager said Monday.​

F'n IDIOTS - Tulsa is already a hotspot. Wait and see what happens in around three weeks. :icon_rolleyes:

This isn't Communist China. Tulsa has every right to shut that stadium down and tell Trump to come back later. I don't know why they haven't already. The City Health Director is saying what I've been saying--not just the people inside but the people waiting all day outside to get a seat--because Trump's campaign always issues twice as many tickets as there are seats--are going to be spreading Covid as well. They'd better be handing out the masks and hand sanitizer to EVERYONE outside from the crack of dawn, and to the counter protesters too. Not that they're required, of course.
What a jerk he is being.

That herd could use some thinning anyway.

No these are people.

Just because they are trump supporters doesn't mean they should die or their life be put in jeopardy for going to a rally.

These are people who are loved. Who are needed. Who matter.

I know I'm different from most people but I thought most people don't say or think what you posted above. I guess I'm wrong.

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