Trump sheds nationalist coat, as Bannon wing chastened


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
China abuses? NATO? The Wall? NAFTA? Border tariff? Appears Trump might be looking to become a more central president. If true, this leaves a massive void in those who were Independents or who switched parties and voted for him to avoid establishment policies. California and New York will never vote Republican, so he can reach out all he wants but politically abandoning his core promises will ensure a four year presidency for he and the GOP.

Again time will tell, but there have been some sharp turns in a short period of time. Even I am surprised.

Trump sheds nationalist coat, as Bannon wing chastened

Candidate Donald Trump was going to fire Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen, bench the Export-Import Bank, diminish NATO, stay out of the Middle East – and, of course, take on China, which he called “the No. 1 abuser of this country.”

President Trump has read from a different script.

The hard-line, populist tenor that dominated Trump’s insurgent candidacy has given way to a more centrist governing philosophy and, as Trump nears the end of his first 100 days looking to rack up accomplishments, he's edging away from some of the nationalist stances that endeared him to his base.

Trump, in a series of tweets, on Wednesday disputed the notion he’s veered from the course he set on the campaign trail.

“One by one we are keeping our promises – on the border, on energy, on jobs, on regulations. Big changes are happening!” Trump wrote. “Jobs are returning, illegal immigration is plummeting, law, order and justice are being restored. We are truly making America great again!”

Trump's administration indeed continues to focus foremost on the economy and immigration enforcement. But he's also moved to build, not burn, bridges on the global stage.

Just on Wednesday, Trump embraced NATO, backed down from calling China a currency manipulator, said he supported the Ex-Im bank and spoke highly of Yellen.

He praised NATO after meeting Wednesday with Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, backing off his pre-inauguration criticism of the defense alliance. “I said [NATO] was obsolete. It’s no longer obsolete,” he said.

And in a Wall Street Journal interview, Trump said he would no longer label China a currency manipulator, after meeting last week with President Xi Jinping. In the same interview, he spoke of filling vacancies on the Ex-Im Bank, which gives loans to foreign firms to buy U.S. products, among other services -- and which Trump slammed during the campaign.

Trump and his supporters contend that while he's flexible, he's only modulating his position because he's getting what he truly wants. He suggested Wednesday he's warming to NATO because allies are cooperating more on fighting terror.

But as Trump also moved last week to bomb the Syrian military -- shifting focus overseas after failing to get a vote on an ObamaCare replacement -- the changes and other factors are seen as a setback for the Steve Bannon branch of the White House.

Bannon, Trump’s controversial chief strategist, has been repeatedly undermined in recent days, first by his boss in interviews with The New York Post and Wall Street Journal and then, Thursday morning, with anonymously-sourced articles in The New York Times and Washington Post asserting Bannon’s influence is waning and his days at Trump’s side may be numbered.

Bannon, who previously led fiery, right-wing Breitbart News, is seen by many as the keeper of the populist flame inside the West Wing. But as Bannon-favored agenda items have been blunted in the early going – the stalling of the ObamaCare replacement bill, the travel ban fiasco – Trump appears to have turned for now toward more conventional policy favored by so-called Washington insiders whom he railed about on the campaign trail.

The visibility of other key White House conservatives, such as senior adviser Stephen Miller, also has been noticeably reduced. Meanwhile, Trump’s son-in-law and senior aide Jared Kushner, a longtime Democrat, has been ascendant in the administration. Trump’s more moderate daughter, Ivanka, has also been a key voice.

David Bossie, a former Trump deputy campaign manager and a Fox News contributor, told “Fox & Friends” on Thursday the divisions within the Trump team are overblown.

“What all these folks are doing is working toward what they believe is the president’s agenda, not their own,” Bossie said. Fox News reported earlier this week that Bannon and Kushner have been working in recent days to make peace.

And Trump, to his point on Twitter, has certainly not abandoned some of the most significant positions that won him the White House.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a Bannon ally, recently visited the U.S.-Mexico border to announce a series of tough actions aimed at curbing illegal immigration and imposing tougher penalties on those who harbor illegal immigrants in America. In doing so, he invoked the name of the man who still vows to build a “big, beautiful” border wall and, in some fashion, make Mexico foot the bill.

“This is a new era,” Sessions said Tuesday. “This is the Trump era.”
China abuses? NATO? The Wall? NAFTA? Border tariff? Appears Trump might be looking to become a more central president. If true, this leaves a massive void in those who were Independents or who switched parties and voted for him to avoid establishment policies. California and New York will never vote Republican, so he can reach out all he wants but politically abandoning his core promises will ensure a four year presidency for he and the GOP.

Again time will tell, but there have been some sharp turns in a short period of time. Even I am surprised.

Trump sheds nationalist coat, as Bannon wing chastened

Candidate Donald Trump was going to fire Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen, bench the Export-Import Bank, diminish NATO, stay out of the Middle East – and, of course, take on China, which he called “the No. 1 abuser of this country.”

President Trump has read from a different script.

The hard-line, populist tenor that dominated Trump’s insurgent candidacy has given way to a more centrist governing philosophy and, as Trump nears the end of his first 100 days looking to rack up accomplishments, he's edging away from some of the nationalist stances that endeared him to his base.

Trump, in a series of tweets, on Wednesday disputed the notion he’s veered from the course he set on the campaign trail.

“One by one we are keeping our promises – on the border, on energy, on jobs, on regulations. Big changes are happening!” Trump wrote. “Jobs are returning, illegal immigration is plummeting, law, order and justice are being restored. We are truly making America great again!”

Trump's administration indeed continues to focus foremost on the economy and immigration enforcement. But he's also moved to build, not burn, bridges on the global stage.

Just on Wednesday, Trump embraced NATO, backed down from calling China a currency manipulator, said he supported the Ex-Im bank and spoke highly of Yellen.

He praised NATO after meeting Wednesday with Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, backing off his pre-inauguration criticism of the defense alliance. “I said [NATO] was obsolete. It’s no longer obsolete,” he said.

And in a Wall Street Journal interview, Trump said he would no longer label China a currency manipulator, after meeting last week with President Xi Jinping. In the same interview, he spoke of filling vacancies on the Ex-Im Bank, which gives loans to foreign firms to buy U.S. products, among other services -- and which Trump slammed during the campaign.

Trump and his supporters contend that while he's flexible, he's only modulating his position because he's getting what he truly wants. He suggested Wednesday he's warming to NATO because allies are cooperating more on fighting terror.

But as Trump also moved last week to bomb the Syrian military -- shifting focus overseas after failing to get a vote on an ObamaCare replacement -- the changes and other factors are seen as a setback for the Steve Bannon branch of the White House.

Bannon, Trump’s controversial chief strategist, has been repeatedly undermined in recent days, first by his boss in interviews with The New York Post and Wall Street Journal and then, Thursday morning, with anonymously-sourced articles in The New York Times and Washington Post asserting Bannon’s influence is waning and his days at Trump’s side may be numbered.

Bannon, who previously led fiery, right-wing Breitbart News, is seen by many as the keeper of the populist flame inside the West Wing. But as Bannon-favored agenda items have been blunted in the early going – the stalling of the ObamaCare replacement bill, the travel ban fiasco – Trump appears to have turned for now toward more conventional policy favored by so-called Washington insiders whom he railed about on the campaign trail.

The visibility of other key White House conservatives, such as senior adviser Stephen Miller, also has been noticeably reduced. Meanwhile, Trump’s son-in-law and senior aide Jared Kushner, a longtime Democrat, has been ascendant in the administration. Trump’s more moderate daughter, Ivanka, has also been a key voice.

David Bossie, a former Trump deputy campaign manager and a Fox News contributor, told “Fox & Friends” on Thursday the divisions within the Trump team are overblown.

“What all these folks are doing is working toward what they believe is the president’s agenda, not their own,” Bossie said. Fox News reported earlier this week that Bannon and Kushner have been working in recent days to make peace.

And Trump, to his point on Twitter, has certainly not abandoned some of the most significant positions that won him the White House.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a Bannon ally, recently visited the U.S.-Mexico border to announce a series of tough actions aimed at curbing illegal immigration and imposing tougher penalties on those who harbor illegal immigrants in America. In doing so, he invoked the name of the man who still vows to build a “big, beautiful” border wall and, in some fashion, make Mexico foot the bill.

“This is a new era,” Sessions said Tuesday. “This is the Trump era.”
Bannon will destroy that traitor bastard Trump and it will be fucking glorious to watch! Trump is a traitor and a hypocrite and a liar....I prefer Bannon to just fucking resign if he can't get Trump to listen to reason and what he WON ON. Thank goodness Bannon has a HUGE media empire to bring down that bastard because he won't win in 2020......good riddance.
China abuses? NATO? The Wall? NAFTA? Border tariff? Appears Trump might be looking to become a more central president. If true, this leaves a massive void in those who were Independents or who switched parties and voted for him to avoid establishment policies. California and New York will never vote Republican, so he can reach out all he wants but politically abandoning his core promises will ensure a four year presidency for he and the GOP.

Again time will tell, but there have been some sharp turns in a short period of time. Even I am surprised.

Trump sheds nationalist coat, as Bannon wing chastened

Candidate Donald Trump was going to fire Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen, bench the Export-Import Bank, diminish NATO, stay out of the Middle East – and, of course, take on China, which he called “the No. 1 abuser of this country.”

President Trump has read from a different script.

The hard-line, populist tenor that dominated Trump’s insurgent candidacy has given way to a more centrist governing philosophy and, as Trump nears the end of his first 100 days looking to rack up accomplishments, he's edging away from some of the nationalist stances that endeared him to his base.

Trump, in a series of tweets, on Wednesday disputed the notion he’s veered from the course he set on the campaign trail.

“One by one we are keeping our promises – on the border, on energy, on jobs, on regulations. Big changes are happening!” Trump wrote. “Jobs are returning, illegal immigration is plummeting, law, order and justice are being restored. We are truly making America great again!”

Trump's administration indeed continues to focus foremost on the economy and immigration enforcement. But he's also moved to build, not burn, bridges on the global stage.

Just on Wednesday, Trump embraced NATO, backed down from calling China a currency manipulator, said he supported the Ex-Im bank and spoke highly of Yellen.

He praised NATO after meeting Wednesday with Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, backing off his pre-inauguration criticism of the defense alliance. “I said [NATO] was obsolete. It’s no longer obsolete,” he said.

And in a Wall Street Journal interview, Trump said he would no longer label China a currency manipulator, after meeting last week with President Xi Jinping. In the same interview, he spoke of filling vacancies on the Ex-Im Bank, which gives loans to foreign firms to buy U.S. products, among other services -- and which Trump slammed during the campaign.

Trump and his supporters contend that while he's flexible, he's only modulating his position because he's getting what he truly wants. He suggested Wednesday he's warming to NATO because allies are cooperating more on fighting terror.

But as Trump also moved last week to bomb the Syrian military -- shifting focus overseas after failing to get a vote on an ObamaCare replacement -- the changes and other factors are seen as a setback for the Steve Bannon branch of the White House.

Bannon, Trump’s controversial chief strategist, has been repeatedly undermined in recent days, first by his boss in interviews with The New York Post and Wall Street Journal and then, Thursday morning, with anonymously-sourced articles in The New York Times and Washington Post asserting Bannon’s influence is waning and his days at Trump’s side may be numbered.

Bannon, who previously led fiery, right-wing Breitbart News, is seen by many as the keeper of the populist flame inside the West Wing. But as Bannon-favored agenda items have been blunted in the early going – the stalling of the ObamaCare replacement bill, the travel ban fiasco – Trump appears to have turned for now toward more conventional policy favored by so-called Washington insiders whom he railed about on the campaign trail.

The visibility of other key White House conservatives, such as senior adviser Stephen Miller, also has been noticeably reduced. Meanwhile, Trump’s son-in-law and senior aide Jared Kushner, a longtime Democrat, has been ascendant in the administration. Trump’s more moderate daughter, Ivanka, has also been a key voice.

David Bossie, a former Trump deputy campaign manager and a Fox News contributor, told “Fox & Friends” on Thursday the divisions within the Trump team are overblown.

“What all these folks are doing is working toward what they believe is the president’s agenda, not their own,” Bossie said. Fox News reported earlier this week that Bannon and Kushner have been working in recent days to make peace.

And Trump, to his point on Twitter, has certainly not abandoned some of the most significant positions that won him the White House.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a Bannon ally, recently visited the U.S.-Mexico border to announce a series of tough actions aimed at curbing illegal immigration and imposing tougher penalties on those who harbor illegal immigrants in America. In doing so, he invoked the name of the man who still vows to build a “big, beautiful” border wall and, in some fashion, make Mexico foot the bill.

“This is a new era,” Sessions said Tuesday. “This is the Trump era.”
Bannon will destroy that traitor bastard Trump and it will be fucking glorious to watch! Trump is a traitor and a hypocrite and a liar....I prefer Bannon to just fucking resign if he can't get Trump to listen to reason and what he WON ON. Thank goodness Bannon has a HUGE media empire to bring down that bastard because he won't win in 2020......good riddance.

I doubt it would come to that. From what I've read, and I don't know much about Bannon admittingly; it appears that Trump realizes how vital Bannon was to his base and even some of his big donors. I just think Trump is being pulled in too many directions and maybe even worrying about so-called ratings rather than his policy promises.

As far as I am concerned, if he went through with every one of his promises pre-election, he wouldn't lose a single vote. Regardless of the outcome, voters will respect him for keeping his word, and Americans know that China in particular has been taking advantage of America (they are far from the only nation doing so).
Trump said whatever to get elected . Now that he is in, it's reboot time ! FU voters !
We are now seeing Trump 3.2 emerging on foreign policy.

He still stuck at 1.3 on national and economic policy.
China abuses? NATO? The Wall? NAFTA? Border tariff? Appears Trump might be looking to become a more central president. If true, this leaves a massive void in those who were Independents or who switched parties and voted for him to avoid establishment policies. California and New York will never vote Republican, so he can reach out all he wants but politically abandoning his core promises will ensure a four year presidency for he and the GOP.

Again time will tell, but there have been some sharp turns in a short period of time. Even I am surprised.

Trump sheds nationalist coat, as Bannon wing chastened

Candidate Donald Trump was going to fire Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen, bench the Export-Import Bank, diminish NATO, stay out of the Middle East – and, of course, take on China, which he called “the No. 1 abuser of this country.”

President Trump has read from a different script.

The hard-line, populist tenor that dominated Trump’s insurgent candidacy has given way to a more centrist governing philosophy and, as Trump nears the end of his first 100 days looking to rack up accomplishments, he's edging away from some of the nationalist stances that endeared him to his base.

Trump, in a series of tweets, on Wednesday disputed the notion he’s veered from the course he set on the campaign trail.

“One by one we are keeping our promises – on the border, on energy, on jobs, on regulations. Big changes are happening!” Trump wrote. “Jobs are returning, illegal immigration is plummeting, law, order and justice are being restored. We are truly making America great again!”

Trump's administration indeed continues to focus foremost on the economy and immigration enforcement. But he's also moved to build, not burn, bridges on the global stage.

Just on Wednesday, Trump embraced NATO, backed down from calling China a currency manipulator, said he supported the Ex-Im bank and spoke highly of Yellen.

He praised NATO after meeting Wednesday with Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, backing off his pre-inauguration criticism of the defense alliance. “I said [NATO] was obsolete. It’s no longer obsolete,” he said.

And in a Wall Street Journal interview, Trump said he would no longer label China a currency manipulator, after meeting last week with President Xi Jinping. In the same interview, he spoke of filling vacancies on the Ex-Im Bank, which gives loans to foreign firms to buy U.S. products, among other services -- and which Trump slammed during the campaign.

Trump and his supporters contend that while he's flexible, he's only modulating his position because he's getting what he truly wants. He suggested Wednesday he's warming to NATO because allies are cooperating more on fighting terror.

But as Trump also moved last week to bomb the Syrian military -- shifting focus overseas after failing to get a vote on an ObamaCare replacement -- the changes and other factors are seen as a setback for the Steve Bannon branch of the White House.

Bannon, Trump’s controversial chief strategist, has been repeatedly undermined in recent days, first by his boss in interviews with The New York Post and Wall Street Journal and then, Thursday morning, with anonymously-sourced articles in The New York Times and Washington Post asserting Bannon’s influence is waning and his days at Trump’s side may be numbered.

Bannon, who previously led fiery, right-wing Breitbart News, is seen by many as the keeper of the populist flame inside the West Wing. But as Bannon-favored agenda items have been blunted in the early going – the stalling of the ObamaCare replacement bill, the travel ban fiasco – Trump appears to have turned for now toward more conventional policy favored by so-called Washington insiders whom he railed about on the campaign trail.

The visibility of other key White House conservatives, such as senior adviser Stephen Miller, also has been noticeably reduced. Meanwhile, Trump’s son-in-law and senior aide Jared Kushner, a longtime Democrat, has been ascendant in the administration. Trump’s more moderate daughter, Ivanka, has also been a key voice.

David Bossie, a former Trump deputy campaign manager and a Fox News contributor, told “Fox & Friends” on Thursday the divisions within the Trump team are overblown.

“What all these folks are doing is working toward what they believe is the president’s agenda, not their own,” Bossie said. Fox News reported earlier this week that Bannon and Kushner have been working in recent days to make peace.

And Trump, to his point on Twitter, has certainly not abandoned some of the most significant positions that won him the White House.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a Bannon ally, recently visited the U.S.-Mexico border to announce a series of tough actions aimed at curbing illegal immigration and imposing tougher penalties on those who harbor illegal immigrants in America. In doing so, he invoked the name of the man who still vows to build a “big, beautiful” border wall and, in some fashion, make Mexico foot the bill.

“This is a new era,” Sessions said Tuesday. “This is the Trump era.”
Bannon will destroy that traitor bastard Trump and it will be fucking glorious to watch! Trump is a traitor and a hypocrite and a liar....I prefer Bannon to just fucking resign if he can't get Trump to listen to reason and what he WON ON. Thank goodness Bannon has a HUGE media empire to bring down that bastard because he won't win in 2020......good riddance.

I doubt it would come to that. From what I've read, and I don't know much about Bannon admittingly; it appears that Trump realizes how vital Bannon was to his base and even some of his big donors. I just think Trump is being pulled in too many directions and maybe even worrying about so-called ratings rather than his policy promises.

As far as I am concerned, if he went through with every one of his promises pre-election, he wouldn't lose a single vote. Regardless of the outcome, voters will respect him for keeping his word, and Americans know that China in particular has been taking advantage of America (they are far from the only nation doing so).
Trump is an idiot he is literally telling his base FUCK YOU. He won democrats in Pa,Michigan,Wisconsin,Ohio BECAUSE of his America First Anti NAFTA talk he is pushing the one man who can get him reelected OUT of the inner circle. Good riddance. I have jumped of the Trump train completely the man is a liar 100%. Bannon needs to get out take back Breitbart and destroy Trump's presidency.
Appears Trump might be looking to become a more central president

Central? Well that is one way of framing it. I prefer lying piece of shit who deserves to die in a car fire...but 'Central' or 'Centrist' IS less effort and muuuuuuch more polite. Really though, isn't a little more politeness what we need in this country? If everyone uses the correct phrases and are more polite to each other...the giant ass fucking from .gov, goes so much easier. Wouldn't you agree?

The hard-line, populist tenor that dominated Trump’s insurgent candidacy has given way to a more centrist governing philosophy

Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen-Globalist
stay out of the Middle East – Globalist supported foreign policy
China-Globalist trade

Agreed...very 'centrist'
Here it comes! B======D UUUUUHHH! That's a good boy Donnie.

Washington insiders

Ahem.. 'cough' Globalists! 'cough'

Bannon and Kushner have been working in recent days to make peace.

Yeah...that seems not really. Bannon and Kushner are never going to get along and one of them has to exit...Bannon will be returning to the civilian sector very soon me thinks.
Kushner is a liberal, Manhattan, Jew and Bannon is a conservative news editor...make peace...fuck outa here, lol!

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a Bannon ally, recently visited the U.S.-Mexico border to announce a series of tough actions aimed at curbing illegal immigration and imposing tougher penalties on those who harbor illegal immigrants in America. In doing so, he invoked the name of the man who still vows to build a “big, beautiful” border wall and, in some fashion, make Mexico foot the bill.

Which 'centrist' Republicans are not going to fund and 'centrist' Democrats are fighting tooth and nail.

Good write up.
Trump said whatever to get elected . Now that he is in, it's reboot time ! FU voters !
Pretty much what EVERY damn politician has done....he was damn good at it too! He suckered in desperate people who are HURTING from BOTH parties horrible policies and he used them to get elected...why I don't know. He won't get rich being president so....I don't know. The only thing I give him credit for is defeating that bitch Clinton.
Well the right wing racists are pretty easy to fool. But don't fret, you can occupy your time blaming his Jewish son in law .
You voted for that old dumb bitch who had NO campaign message who only WHINED that half of Trumps supporters were wacists! Take your asinine and VERY childish responses and shove them snowflake.
Well the right wing racists are pretty easy to fool. But don't fret, you can occupy your time blaming his Jewish son in law .
Trump is returning to his Democratic roots. He was a Democrat for 45 years before he started the birther movement in order to build his base of rightwing sheep who baaaaaaa-ed all the way to the polls for him. LMAO!
You voted for that old dumb bitch who had NO campaign message who only WHINED that half of Trumps supporters were wacists! Take your asinine and VERY childish responses and shove them snowflake.
Well the right wing racists are pretty easy to fool. But don't fret, you can occupy your time blaming his Jewish son in law .

Everyone knew he was lying, and telling gullible fools like yourself what you wanted to hear, and then doing the same shit Republicans have always done once elected. It's a longstanding Republican tradition.

But when the MSM told you this, you called them partisan and in the pockets of the DNC.

All indications and past history indicated the Trump was lying and you CHOSE to believe him anyway. You have no one to blame but yourself.
You regressive Alt Right racists and neo-fascists were told Trump would turn on you.

Don't act all surprised, you rubes. You were warned.
You voted for that old dumb bitch who had NO campaign message who only WHINED that half of Trumps supporters were wacists! Take your asinine and VERY childish responses and shove them snowflake.
Well the right wing racists are pretty easy to fool. But don't fret, you can occupy your time blaming his Jewish son in law .

You don't know who Timmy voted for. You're making assumptions. Assumptions are what got us ALL in this big mess with Trump in the first place. I didn't vote for Hillary, I voted for Bernie. And if Rand Paul had been nominated instead of your Big Orange Cheetoh, I would have voted for him.
You regressive Alt Right racists and neo-fascists were told Trump would turn on you.

Don't act all surprised, you rubes. You were warned.

Spot on, Jake. We told them he was a self-serving narcissist who was into power and money and didn't give a shit about them. But they wouldn't listen.
Gary Cohen and Dina Powell are helping Jared Kushner kick the neo-fascists out of the WH.
You voted for that old dumb bitch who had NO campaign message who only WHINED that half of Trumps supporters were wacists! Take your asinine and VERY childish responses and shove them snowflake.
Well the right wing racists are pretty easy to fool. But don't fret, you can occupy your time blaming his Jewish son in law .

Everyone knew he was lying, and telling gullible fools like yourself what you wanted to hear, and then doing the same shit Republicans have always done once elected. It's a longstanding Republican tradition.

But when the MSM told you this, you called them partisan and in the pockets of the DNC.

All indications and past history indicated the Trump was lying and you CHOSE to believe him anyway. You have no one to blame but yourself.

You voted for that old dumb bitch who had NO campaign message who only WHINED that half of Trumps supporters were wacists! Take your asinine and VERY childish responses and shove them snowflake.
Well the right wing racists are pretty easy to fool. But don't fret, you can occupy your time blaming his Jewish son in law .

You don't know who Timmy voted for. You're making assumptions. Assumptions are what got us ALL in this big mess with Trump in the first place. I didn't vote for Hillary, I voted for Bernie. And if Rand Paul had been nominated instead of your Big Orange Cheetoh, I would have voted for him.

He kept that hag bitch out of the WH. That accomplishment is worth THOUSANDS of promises for sure but it still wont make me vote for him in 2020. I probably won't vote. I despise establishment globalist neo con clowns.
You voted for that old dumb bitch who had NO campaign message who only WHINED that half of Trumps supporters were wacists! Take your asinine and VERY childish responses and shove them snowflake.
Well the right wing racists are pretty easy to fool. But don't fret, you can occupy your time blaming his Jewish son in law .

Everyone knew he was lying, and telling gullible fools like yourself what you wanted to hear, and then doing the same shit Republicans have always done once elected. It's a longstanding Republican tradition.

But when the MSM told you this, you called them partisan and in the pockets of the DNC.

All indications and past history indicated the Trump was lying and you CHOSE to believe him anyway. You have no one to blame but yourself.

You voted for that old dumb bitch who had NO campaign message who only WHINED that half of Trumps supporters were wacists! Take your asinine and VERY childish responses and shove them snowflake.
Well the right wing racists are pretty easy to fool. But don't fret, you can occupy your time blaming his Jewish son in law .

You don't know who Timmy voted for. You're making assumptions. Assumptions are what got us ALL in this big mess with Trump in the first place. I didn't vote for Hillary, I voted for Bernie. And if Rand Paul had been nominated instead of your Big Orange Cheetoh, I would have voted for him.

He kept that hag bitch out of the WH. That accomplishment is worth THOUSANDS of promises for sure but it still wont make me vote for him in 2020. I probably won't vote. I despise establishment globalist neo con clowns.

No you don't. You voted for one, knowing full well he was one. You wanted to stick to liberals. You have made it possible that the Republican Party will completely destroy itself before Trump is gone. Not a bad outcome to be sure. But one which guarantees no Republican will ever be elected again.
You voted for that old dumb bitch who had NO campaign message who only WHINED that half of Trumps supporters were wacists! Take your asinine and VERY childish responses and shove them snowflake.
Well the right wing racists are pretty easy to fool. But don't fret, you can occupy your time blaming his Jewish son in law .

Everyone knew he was lying, and telling gullible fools like yourself what you wanted to hear, and then doing the same shit Republicans have always done once elected. It's a longstanding Republican tradition.

But when the MSM told you this, you called them partisan and in the pockets of the DNC.

All indications and past history indicated the Trump was lying and you CHOSE to believe him anyway. You have no one to blame but yourself.

You voted for that old dumb bitch who had NO campaign message who only WHINED that half of Trumps supporters were wacists! Take your asinine and VERY childish responses and shove them snowflake.
Well the right wing racists are pretty easy to fool. But don't fret, you can occupy your time blaming his Jewish son in law .

You don't know who Timmy voted for. You're making assumptions. Assumptions are what got us ALL in this big mess with Trump in the first place. I didn't vote for Hillary, I voted for Bernie. And if Rand Paul had been nominated instead of your Big Orange Cheetoh, I would have voted for him.

He kept that hag bitch out of the WH. That accomplishment is worth THOUSANDS of promises for sure but it still wont make me vote for him in 2020. I probably won't vote. I despise establishment globalist neo con clowns.
I told my wife when the Orange Clown won that "at least we won't have to hear Hillary's investigations for 4 years. I never suspected he was stupid enough to let his guys have direct contacts with the KGB
You voted for that old dumb bitch who had NO campaign message who only WHINED that half of Trumps supporters were wacists! Take your asinine and VERY childish responses and shove them snowflake.
Well the right wing racists are pretty easy to fool. But don't fret, you can occupy your time blaming his Jewish son in law .

Everyone knew he was lying, and telling gullible fools like yourself what you wanted to hear, and then doing the same shit Republicans have always done once elected. It's a longstanding Republican tradition.

But when the MSM told you this, you called them partisan and in the pockets of the DNC.

All indications and past history indicated the Trump was lying and you CHOSE to believe him anyway. You have no one to blame but yourself.

You voted for that old dumb bitch who had NO campaign message who only WHINED that half of Trumps supporters were wacists! Take your asinine and VERY childish responses and shove them snowflake.
Well the right wing racists are pretty easy to fool. But don't fret, you can occupy your time blaming his Jewish son in law .

You don't know who Timmy voted for. You're making assumptions. Assumptions are what got us ALL in this big mess with Trump in the first place. I didn't vote for Hillary, I voted for Bernie. And if Rand Paul had been nominated instead of your Big Orange Cheetoh, I would have voted for him.

He kept that hag bitch out of the WH. That accomplishment is worth THOUSANDS of promises for sure but it still wont make me vote for him in 2020. I probably won't vote. I despise establishment globalist neo con clowns.

No you don't. You voted for one, knowing full well he was one. You wanted to stick to liberals. You have made it possible that the Republican Party will completely destroy itself before Trump is gone. Not a bad outcome to be sure. But one which guarantees no Republican will ever be elected again.
Sure thing snowflake. I voted for an America First Nationalist Populist. I had ZERO plans to vote in 2016 I knew who was running before Trump got in and I had no plans to vote for any of them. Should have stuck to that and let the 2 globalist neo con pieces of shit tear each other apart. Oh and no its not a bad outcome. I would rather have NO republican party vs having a globalist neo con zionist loving republican party.Dumbocrats won't win if they put up more idiots like Clinton in 2018 or 2020 so why worry about it. MAYBE if Trump can kill the GOP and democrats commit suicide the people will start electing people not based on an R or D but based on what they can do for AMERICA and AMERICANS.

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