Trump: Shock and awe in Alabama baby!

How cool is this? No matter how you feel about Trump politically, you have to admit he's got fire in the belly and he is electrifying crowds that are flocking to see him.

I love it! Only two days notice! Check it out!

"The turnout was all the more impressive given that it materialized on just two days' notice. The billionaire candidate arranged for free shuttle buses to ferry locals who didn't want to pay the $5 stadium parking fee, the Mobile Press-Register reported.

Mallory Hayden, who carried a cardboard facsimile of one of her tweets that Trump re-tweeted, said she was raised a Republican in Texas but never cared much for politics until Trump got involved.

A shortstop on the Southern Mississippi softball team, Hayden is planning to cast her first presidential vote next year. She said she likes Trump's business background, his seal-the-border policy and the fact he "won't back down.""

The Trump Bowl: Republican Front-Runner Packs 'Em In For Friday Night Rally

Apparently the attendance was less than 30k according to CNN!
How cool is this? No matter how you feel about Trump politically, you have to admit he's got fire in the belly and he is electrifying crowds that are flocking to see him.

I love it! Only two days notice! Check it out!

"The turnout was all the more impressive given that it materialized on just two days' notice. The billionaire candidate arranged for free shuttle buses to ferry locals who didn't want to pay the $5 stadium parking fee, the Mobile Press-Register reported.

Mallory Hayden, who carried a cardboard facsimile of one of her tweets that Trump re-tweeted, said she was raised a Republican in Texas but never cared much for politics until Trump got involved.

A shortstop on the Southern Mississippi softball team, Hayden is planning to cast her first presidential vote next year. She said she likes Trump's business background, his seal-the-border policy and the fact he "won't back down.""

The Trump Bowl: Republican Front-Runner Packs 'Em In For Friday Night Rally

Apparently the attendance was less than 30k according to CNN!

CNN would say that, as Berman was delighted at the prospect that maybe less than 20K turned out, based on Bermans' pre-speech narrative.
Anything greater than 25K plus is spectacular this early in the season, combined with the fact the temps were around 90 with a humidity factor well over 50 per cent.
Your narrative is akin to Bermans'.........are you related, somehow?
TRUMP represents my views better than any of the mainstream 'rino' ,

Do you have any idea how sad that makes you look?

No, I don't think you do.

T-Rump is a successful con artist. He is selling you snake oil that he can't deliver because he really doesn't have a clue. That much is patently obvious from his pandering.
Apparently the attendance was less than 30k according to CNN!
Maybe the others had a previous engagement that night?

Or babysitter issues...
TRUMP represents my views better than any of the mainstream 'rino' ,

Do you have any idea how sad that makes you look?

No, I don't think you do.

T-Rump is a successful con artist. He is selling you snake oil that he can't deliver because he really doesn't have a clue. That much is patently obvious from his pandering.

Trump has a speedy 757, a Sikorsky helicopter, and you still wash your clothes in a laundromat. Who doesn't have a clue?.......(I can't hear you.........)..........:muahaha:.
he sounds like a person that might also be living in his parents basement B.Kidd !!
How cool is this? No matter how you feel about Trump politically, you have to admit he's got fire in the belly and he is electrifying crowds that are flocking to see him.

I love it! Only two days notice! Check it out!

"The turnout was all the more impressive given that it materialized on just two days' notice. The billionaire candidate arranged for free shuttle buses to ferry locals who didn't want to pay the $5 stadium parking fee, the Mobile Press-Register reported.

Mallory Hayden, who carried a cardboard facsimile of one of her tweets that Trump re-tweeted, said she was raised a Republican in Texas but never cared much for politics until Trump got involved.

A shortstop on the Southern Mississippi softball team, Hayden is planning to cast her first presidential vote next year. She said she likes Trump's business background, his seal-the-border policy and the fact he "won't back down.""

The Trump Bowl: Republican Front-Runner Packs 'Em In For Friday Night Rally

Apparently the attendance was less than 30k according to CNN!

They had to move the venue because they realized the original site would not work.
Anytime you get almost 30k people to get up off thier ass and show up someplace that has to mean something.
How cool is this? No matter how you feel about Trump politically, you have to admit he's got fire in the belly and he is electrifying crowds that are flocking to see him.

I love it! Only two days notice! Check it out!

"The turnout was all the more impressive given that it materialized on just two days' notice. The billionaire candidate arranged for free shuttle buses to ferry locals who didn't want to pay the $5 stadium parking fee, the Mobile Press-Register reported.

Mallory Hayden, who carried a cardboard facsimile of one of her tweets that Trump re-tweeted, said she was raised a Republican in Texas but never cared much for politics until Trump got involved.

A shortstop on the Southern Mississippi softball team, Hayden is planning to cast her first presidential vote next year. She said she likes Trump's business background, his seal-the-border policy and the fact he "won't back down.""

The Trump Bowl: Republican Front-Runner Packs 'Em In For Friday Night Rally
And he won't back down. I feel the guy means what he says. I'm through with politicians who say the right things but their main objective is their bank account.
Shock and awe in Alabama?

lol, GW Bush's shock and awe in Iraq is what got Barack Obama elected.
Think you might be right. Lord knows it wasn't his qualifications. Trump has successes in dealing with people. That just might transcend the doors of Congress!
It's kind of frightening that we become so enamored of Celebrities that we will flock to a guy only because he is famous, not because he has any real qualifications for the job.

You might want to note that only the right wing is flocking to him. That level of reasoning is why they have no chance at the white house.
It's kind of frightening that we become so enamored of Celebrities that we will flock to a guy only because he is famous, not because he has any real qualifications for the job.

You might want to note that only the right wing is flocking to him. That level of reasoning is why they have no chance at the white house.
Now I don't know how many Democrats are fed up with politicians and turn to Trump, but there are Independents and that might be the ball game.
he was a billionaire real estate entrepreneur running multiple businesses, PROVIDING JOBS, meeting BUDGETS and payroll obligations for thousands of employees LONG before he made any television shows...keep swinging...
How cool is this? No matter how you feel about Trump politically, you have to admit he's got fire in the belly and he is electrifying crowds that are flocking to see him.

I love it! Only two days notice! Check it out!

"The turnout was all the more impressive given that it materialized on just two days' notice. The billionaire candidate arranged for free shuttle buses to ferry locals who didn't want to pay the $5 stadium parking fee, the Mobile Press-Register reported.

Mallory Hayden, who carried a cardboard facsimile of one of her tweets that Trump re-tweeted, said she was raised a Republican in Texas but never cared much for politics until Trump got involved.

A shortstop on the Southern Mississippi softball team, Hayden is planning to cast her first presidential vote next year. She said she likes Trump's business background, his seal-the-border policy and the fact he "won't back down.""

The Trump Bowl: Republican Front-Runner Packs 'Em In For Friday Night Rally
If he is serious he needs to be putting a ground game together in each state...dont know that you can rely on on just public sentiment...political machine of GOP is probably working furiously to freeze him out

Finally found this quote for you!

More telling is the quite serious staff Trump has assembled in Iowa (campaign co-chair Tana Goertz, a LOSER from “The Apprentice,” notwithstanding), to lead a quite serious, and terrifically clever, ground game:

The Trump campaign is targeting voters who may not have participated in a caucus before, modeling its strategy on Barack Obama’s 2008 Iowa campaign, which mobilized tens of thousands of new caucusgoers.

That is some smart strategizing, the kind you wouldn’t expect from a candidate unless he actually intended to win. Which is why his rivals and their strategists are getting nervous about the whole thing:

“I see them as a major threat to all the other campaigns because of the aggressiveness of their ground game,” said Sam Clovis, a prominent Iowa conservative who leads former Texas governor Rick Perry’s campaign.

“You cannot swing a dead cat in Iowa and not hit a Trump person,” Clovis continued.

“It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. . . . Every event we go to — the Boone County Eisenhower Social, the Black Hawk County Lincoln Dinner, the Boots and Barbecue down in Denison — the Trump people are everywhere with literature and T-shirts and signing people up.”

and apologies in advance to the link :) sorries. but it's the quote I was looking for.

We Are Sorry, Mr. Trump, We Really Thought You Were Joking

And Cruz is very grateful for the gift that trump is preparing for him.
Here Paint My House. This author is just absolutely devastated that Hispanics identify as white.

I love it. He's in a full fledged metal jacket meltdown. One more time for fun .......

Why are Hispanics identifying as white?
By Eric Liu

Opinion: Why are Hispanics identifying as white? -
They can call themselves purple for all I care, to you they are darkies, and you want them deported, all of them.

Oh for crying out loud, stop playing the race card. It's old.

I personally only want them deported because of one thing. They have committed the crime of being in America illegally.

Hence, they should be removed from the country.
"Shock and awe in Alabama?"

Yes – again, it's childish and inane.

It represents the vacuous nature of republican politics, devoid of substance, facts, or merit; it's all appeal to emotion, appeal to ignorance, a political regime hostile critical thinking, objective truth, and pragmatism.

Americans suffered through eight years of this nonsense from 2001 to 2009 – two failed, illegal wars, the creation of a massive Federal budget deficit, and an unwarranted increase in the size and authority of government – the American people have no desire to return to those years, and understandably so.
How cool is this? No matter how you feel about Trump politically, you have to admit he's got fire in the belly and he is electrifying crowds that are flocking to see him.

I love it! Only two days notice! Check it out!

"The turnout was all the more impressive given that it materialized on just two days' notice. The billionaire candidate arranged for free shuttle buses to ferry locals who didn't want to pay the $5 stadium parking fee, the Mobile Press-Register reported.

Mallory Hayden, who carried a cardboard facsimile of one of her tweets that Trump re-tweeted, said she was raised a Republican in Texas but never cared much for politics until Trump got involved.

A shortstop on the Southern Mississippi softball team, Hayden is planning to cast her first presidential vote next year. She said she likes Trump's business background, his seal-the-border policy and the fact he "won't back down.""

The Trump Bowl: Republican Front-Runner Packs 'Em In For Friday Night Rally

Bernie Sanders got 20,000 at his last speech, too. But he doesn't have cartoons about him like this going around in Mexico.


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My problem with spending is it goes to the rich man and not to the country. We should spend more on infrastructure, science, r&d and education!!!!! We should spend more on our children!

Less on the fucking banks and the middle east.

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