Trump should be banned from politics

It occurred. There is a percentage of the population who cannot even read or write a little and somehow their names and so many others were sent into the mailboxes. There is massive cheating in urban areas when needed. The Repubs know it. But they must not say much or be accused of things. Trump knows it well. But he has to be careful in this Prog coup environment.
And you're gonna prove it by Stardate 98812.6.
I don't think Trump should be banned from politics. I think he should be banned from the Republican Party and sent back to the Democrats where he came from. And all his sucklings and tard herd can go with him. Good riddance.
Oh no ya don't. Fuck that shit.
Trump should be PRAISED. America under President Trump:


But that was too good for the Left who insisted on making America like this:


Then installed their puppet Biden who made America THIS practically on his FIRST DAY:

Biden America.jpg

biden laughing.gif
It occurred. There is a percentage of the population who cannot even read or write a little and somehow their names and so many others were sent into the mailboxes. There is massive cheating in urban areas when needed. The Repubs know it. But they must not say much or be accused of things. Trump knows it well. But he has to be careful in this Prog coup environment.
There is no law against helping an illiterate hillbilly fill out their ballot.

Again, you have no evidence any laws were violated. No fraud.

It's all just manufactured bullshit from Traitor Trump. Just like his manufactured bullshit that 5 million illegal Mexicans voted in 2016.

This "stolen election" bullshit is so the rubes keep sending disgraced unemployed Donald Trump more of their hard-earned money.

Trump should be indicted for at least six crimes and banned from politics: legal experts​

Donald Trump should be facing prosecution for a half dozen crimes, according to a pair of legal experts, but instead he's preparing for another presidential run that he just might win.

The twice-impeached president has raised $122 million, more than twice the amount of the Republican National Committee, ahead of the 2024 presidential campaign that he shouldn't even be eligible to take part in, argued former White House ethics attorney Richard Painter in a new column for MSNBC.
"The 14th Amendment, Section 3, disqualifies from public office anyone who took an oath of loyalty to the United States and shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof," Painter argued in a forthcoming law review article with Claire Finkelstein, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
Painter, who served under former president George W. Bush, suspects Trump is assembling a coalition that includes Russian president Vladimir Putin and other foreign backers, and he said the ex-president's corruption runs deep.
READ: Slur-spewing firefighters caught on hot mic mocking 8-year-old Black girl killed by police

“[C]rimes for which Trump could be indicted include but are not limited to," Painter and Finkelstein wrote, "(1) obstructing justice as identified in the Mueller investigation, (2) bribing and/or extorting Ukraine with military aid to investigate his political opponent Joe Biden and conduct another investigation undermining the Mueller investigation, (3) coercing cabinet members and other federal employees to engage in partisan political activity in violation of the criminal political coercion provisions of the Hatch Act, (4) soliciting election fraud in a phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State in November 2020, (5) criminal sedition in authorizing preparation of the unsigned draft Executive Order dated December 16, 2020 pursuant to which President Trump would have ordered the Secretary of Defense to seize voting machines in certain states to look for evidence of election fraud, and (6) inciting insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. These alleged politically-related crimes are over and above the financial crimes being investigated by the Manhattan DA, who has already indicted the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer."
Trump has always managed to stay one step ahead of the law, and Painter said the next two election cycles would give him a chance to sidestep the multitude of criminal investigations of his business and political activities -- with devastating consequences for American democracy.
"A republic doesn’t just become a dictatorship overnight," Painter said. "Voters choose for it to be that way. Voters get what they vote for."
"Americans will go to the polls this November and decide whether to return Trump loyalists in the GOP to Congress," he concluded. "Then we will go to the polls again in 2024. We know that Trump’s insurrectionists will have a lot of money to spend in both election cycles. If we do not make wise decisions in those elections in spite of this knowledge, 2025 could bring an entirely new chapter in American history, and not one that our founders, or most of us, would hope for."
whatever you say.......comrade. All hail the one party state....not.
Republicans wouldn't dare do the right thing Scared shitless of Trump What a bunch of cowards

The right thing is stamping out America destroying leftism wherever it rears it’s ugly head.
The cowards are the ones who can’t think for themselves and rely on politicians to do it for them. The cowards are the ones that can’t overcome their feelings to make difficult decisions for the great good of all.

To see a coward, look in the mirror or bust Colin or Joe.
There is no law against helping an illiterate hillbilly fill out their ballot.

Again, you have no evidence any laws were violated. No fraud.

It's all just manufactured bullshit from Traitor Trump. Just like his manufactured bullshit that 5 million illegal Mexicans voted in 2016.

This "stolen election" bullshit is so the rubes keep sending disgraced unemployed Donald Trump more of their hard-earned money.

The leftists filled out ballots for the illiterate but hillbilly’s were not their target.

Trump should be indicted for at least six crimes and banned from politics: legal experts​

Donald Trump should be facing prosecution for a half dozen crimes, according to a pair of legal experts, but instead he's preparing for another presidential run that he just might win.

The twice-impeached president has raised $122 million, more than twice the amount of the Republican National Committee, ahead of the 2024 presidential campaign that he shouldn't even be eligible to take part in, argued former White House ethics attorney Richard Painter in a new column for MSNBC.
"The 14th Amendment, Section 3, disqualifies from public office anyone who took an oath of loyalty to the United States and shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof," Painter argued in a forthcoming law review article with Claire Finkelstein, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
Painter, who served under former president George W. Bush, suspects Trump is assembling a coalition that includes Russian president Vladimir Putin and other foreign backers, and he said the ex-president's corruption runs deep.
READ: Slur-spewing firefighters caught on hot mic mocking 8-year-old Black girl killed by police

“[C]rimes for which Trump could be indicted include but are not limited to," Painter and Finkelstein wrote, "(1) obstructing justice as identified in the Mueller investigation, (2) bribing and/or extorting Ukraine with military aid to investigate his political opponent Joe Biden and conduct another investigation undermining the Mueller investigation, (3) coercing cabinet members and other federal employees to engage in partisan political activity in violation of the criminal political coercion provisions of the Hatch Act, (4) soliciting election fraud in a phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State in November 2020, (5) criminal sedition in authorizing preparation of the unsigned draft Executive Order dated December 16, 2020 pursuant to which President Trump would have ordered the Secretary of Defense to seize voting machines in certain states to look for evidence of election fraud, and (6) inciting insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. These alleged politically-related crimes are over and above the financial crimes being investigated by the Manhattan DA, who has already indicted the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer."
Trump has always managed to stay one step ahead of the law, and Painter said the next two election cycles would give him a chance to sidestep the multitude of criminal investigations of his business and political activities -- with devastating consequences for American democracy.
"A republic doesn’t just become a dictatorship overnight," Painter said. "Voters choose for it to be that way. Voters get what they vote for."
"Americans will go to the polls this November and decide whether to return Trump loyalists in the GOP to Congress," he concluded. "Then we will go to the polls again in 2024. We know that Trump’s insurrectionists will have a lot of money to spend in both election cycles. If we do not make wise decisions in those elections in spite of this knowledge, 2025 could bring an entirely new chapter in American history, and not one that our founders, or most of us, would hope for."

If the Trumpster could be indicted over all these supposed crimes, why hasn't Biden's hand picked Attorney General Merrick Garland done it?

Painter and Finkelstein should be petitioning Brandon over this.
Are you Republicans ever going to get serious about Americas fate?? Throw this POS in jail and come up with another

I suppose that the Republicans could just support Brandon in 2024, but I don't see how Sleepy Joe is seen as so wonderful with you guys.

Trump should be indicted for at least six crimes and banned from politics: legal experts​

Donald Trump should be facing prosecution for a half dozen crimes, according to a pair of legal experts, but instead he's preparing for another presidential run that he just might win.

The twice-impeached president has raised $122 million, more than twice the amount of the Republican National Committee, ahead of the 2024 presidential campaign that he shouldn't even be eligible to take part in, argued former White House ethics attorney Richard Painter in a new column for MSNBC.
"The 14th Amendment, Section 3, disqualifies from public office anyone who took an oath of loyalty to the United States and shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof," Painter argued in a forthcoming law review article with Claire Finkelstein, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
Painter, who served under former president George W. Bush, suspects Trump is assembling a coalition that includes Russian president Vladimir Putin and other foreign backers, and he said the ex-president's corruption runs deep.
READ: Slur-spewing firefighters caught on hot mic mocking 8-year-old Black girl killed by police

“[C]rimes for which Trump could be indicted include but are not limited to," Painter and Finkelstein wrote, "(1) obstructing justice as identified in the Mueller investigation, (2) bribing and/or extorting Ukraine with military aid to investigate his political opponent Joe Biden and conduct another investigation undermining the Mueller investigation, (3) coercing cabinet members and other federal employees to engage in partisan political activity in violation of the criminal political coercion provisions of the Hatch Act, (4) soliciting election fraud in a phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State in November 2020, (5) criminal sedition in authorizing preparation of the unsigned draft Executive Order dated December 16, 2020 pursuant to which President Trump would have ordered the Secretary of Defense to seize voting machines in certain states to look for evidence of election fraud, and (6) inciting insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. These alleged politically-related crimes are over and above the financial crimes being investigated by the Manhattan DA, who has already indicted the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer."
Trump has always managed to stay one step ahead of the law, and Painter said the next two election cycles would give him a chance to sidestep the multitude of criminal investigations of his business and political activities -- with devastating consequences for American democracy.
"A republic doesn’t just become a dictatorship overnight," Painter said. "Voters choose for it to be that way. Voters get what they vote for."
"Americans will go to the polls this November and decide whether to return Trump loyalists in the GOP to Congress," he concluded. "Then we will go to the polls again in 2024. We know that Trump’s insurrectionists will have a lot of money to spend in both election cycles. If we do not make wise decisions in those elections in spite of this knowledge, 2025 could bring an entirely new chapter in American history, and not one that our founders, or most of us, would hope for."
Meh, let him get convicted.

That sorta takes care of the whole runing for President stuff.

Trump should be indicted for at least six crimes and banned from politics: legal experts​

Donald Trump should be facing prosecution for a half dozen crimes, according to a pair of legal experts, but instead he's preparing for another presidential run that he just might win.

The twice-impeached president has raised $122 million, more than twice the amount of the Republican National Committee, ahead of the 2024 presidential campaign that he shouldn't even be eligible to take part in, argued former White House ethics attorney Richard Painter in a new column for MSNBC.
"The 14th Amendment, Section 3, disqualifies from public office anyone who took an oath of loyalty to the United States and shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof," Painter argued in a forthcoming law review article with Claire Finkelstein, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
Painter, who served under former president George W. Bush, suspects Trump is assembling a coalition that includes Russian president Vladimir Putin and other foreign backers, and he said the ex-president's corruption runs deep.
READ: Slur-spewing firefighters caught on hot mic mocking 8-year-old Black girl killed by police

“[C]rimes for which Trump could be indicted include but are not limited to," Painter and Finkelstein wrote, "(1) obstructing justice as identified in the Mueller investigation, (2) bribing and/or extorting Ukraine with military aid to investigate his political opponent Joe Biden and conduct another investigation undermining the Mueller investigation, (3) coercing cabinet members and other federal employees to engage in partisan political activity in violation of the criminal political coercion provisions of the Hatch Act, (4) soliciting election fraud in a phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State in November 2020, (5) criminal sedition in authorizing preparation of the unsigned draft Executive Order dated December 16, 2020 pursuant to which President Trump would have ordered the Secretary of Defense to seize voting machines in certain states to look for evidence of election fraud, and (6) inciting insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. These alleged politically-related crimes are over and above the financial crimes being investigated by the Manhattan DA, who has already indicted the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer."
Trump has always managed to stay one step ahead of the law, and Painter said the next two election cycles would give him a chance to sidestep the multitude of criminal investigations of his business and political activities -- with devastating consequences for American democracy.
"A republic doesn’t just become a dictatorship overnight," Painter said. "Voters choose for it to be that way. Voters get what they vote for."
"Americans will go to the polls this November and decide whether to return Trump loyalists in the GOP to Congress," he concluded. "Then we will go to the polls again in 2024. We know that Trump’s insurrectionists will have a lot of money to spend in both election cycles. If we do not make wise decisions in those elections in spite of this knowledge, 2025 could bring an entirely new chapter in American history, and not one that our founders, or most of us, would hope for."

How about the Democrat filth being banned from politics for stealing an election from the American people and trying to overthrow a President with fake dossiers?

High crimes and treason against the country.
".....banned from politics for stealing an election from the American people...."

How's your investigation on that theft going, good poster Flash?
Any cases pending?
Indictments filed?
Suspects arrested?
Hell, are there even any suspects publicly identified?

I don't mean to put you on the spot, poster Flash, but......but you do know you've been diligently investigating this widespread/multi-state/many perps theft for, what?........15? 16 months?

Give us some hope that your investigation wasn't just all smoke and mirrors, all bread, no meat.
We'd be disappointed if it is all hat.....and no cows.

Whatcha got that you can share with the forum?
People have gone to jail for destroying a lot less documents. There are clearly grounds for barring him from public office for life.
People have gone to jail for destroying a lot less documents. There are clearly grounds for barring him from public office for life.

An accusation of wrongdoing isn't the same as a conviction.

I guess for the likes of Brandon-apologists waiting to receive their free crack pipes in the mail, any port in the storm will do.

But in America, we don't disenfranchise 74 million Little Trumpsters just because someone dreams up accusations.

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