Trump should call for a recount

He didn't just win, he won by a lot. Sure liberals get a participation trophy, which is ironic. Meanwhile, they believe the "best attitude" award equates to a champion. Because it doesn't, they cry about it. That's ironic as well. WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

Popular vote has no meaning unless you're truly butt hurt. Even then it's a mere consolation prize. Perhaps if Hillary had the brains and bronze Trump does, she'd have campaigned to win.
Hillary won more votes for president than any white man. Ever. If all the rigged votes were tossed out, she would have at least a million more votes than now.
guess that makes the suckage even greater that the whore is sitting at home crying and drunk while the Honorable Donald Trump is gathering his team that he will take to the White House with him. President Trump. Really does have a nice ring to it, and speaking of rings, do you think bill still wears his?
What it means is that:

Donald will probably not change the climate accords from the US perspective.

Donald will not build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Donald will not get approval for enhanced interrogation techniques.

Donald will not mass deport eleven million illegals.

Donald will not get a Muslim ban and registry.

Donald will not prosecute Clinton.

And a load of other things the far right thought they were getting.

But . . . if he can create millions of decent paying jobs, all will be forgiven.
This "in California I would say fraud and illegal voting would be the greatest" is the stupidest statement of the day.

There is no way that you have any evidence to suggest 100 votes were illegal or fraudulent in CA.

Trot along to your safe space.
He didn't just win, he won by a lot. Sure liberals get a participation trophy, which is ironic. Meanwhile, they believe the "best attitude" award equates to a champion. Because it doesn't, they cry about it. That's ironic as well. WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

Popular vote has no meaning unless you're truly butt hurt. Even then it's a mere consolation prize. Perhaps if Hillary had the brains and bronze Trump does, she'd have campaigned to win.
Hillary won more votes for president than any white man. Ever. If all the rigged votes were tossed out, she would have at least a million more votes than now.
guess that makes the suckage even greater that the whore is sitting at home crying and drunk while the Honorable Donald Trump is gathering his team that he will take to the White House with him. President Trump. Really does have a nice ring to it, and speaking of rings, do you think bill still wears his?
What it means is that:

Donald will probably not change the climate accords from the US perspective.

Donald will not build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Donald will not get approval for enhanced interrogation techniques.

Donald will not mass deport eleven million illegals.

Donald will not get a Muslim ban and registry.

Donald will not prosecute Clinton.

And a load of other things the far right thought they were getting.

But . . . if he can create millions of decent paying jobs, all will be forgiven.
Well you have been dead on with your predictions for the election these last few months so I have no reason to think you might be wrong now.
He won the EV solidly.

He lost the PV solidly. If all the illegal votes and the rigging were tossed, though, Clinton would have won both.

What a loon. The illegals and felons supported hiLIARy.
They supported Donald, boie.

Yes, I understand that is the Fake News you are trying to spin. But Terry McAulliffe didn't robosign pardons which enabled 60,000 felons to vote in VA to benefit Trump, bub.

Obabble has a New Theory for you to use: Clinton's campaign was hurt by the news about her Goldman Sachs Speeeches:

In his latest analysis found in the next issue of The New Yorker, Obama appears to have let a bit more of his true feelings about Hillary Clinton and her campaign show than he has up to this point.

“Hillary may have been more vulnerable because she was viewed as an insider. And the reporting around the Goldman speeches”—speeches given to Goldman Sachs executives—“might have reduced her advantage, the normal Democratic advantage, in the eyes of working people, that we were standing for them. I don’t think it was fair, but that’s how it played itself out.”...

Obama goes ‘Full Bernie’: Goldman-Sachs speeches killed millionaire Hillary’s campaign - Hot Air

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