Trump should delay State of the Union until impeachment trial ends

I'm not surprised you defaulted to an ad hominem. Your facts are in fact opinions on the issue of impeachment. My opinion is factual, the Republican's Caucus offered no exculpatory evidence and the Democratic Caucus provided a good deal of incriminating evidence which lead to the passage of two Articles of Impeachment.

This may be news to you, but the words “I think” and “ I heard somebody say that they heard somebody else say....” are not proof. What is it with you idiot Dims and this “ you have to show exculpatory evidence” bullshit? There is no need to prove you didn’t do something. Burden of proof is on YOU and you failed miserably.


More garbage. Still no proof. Not a first hand witness, thus hearsay and inadmissible from this loser. Try again. Another loss in a life of them for you.

that's a lie. wtf are you talking about? he was in on that call AND the so called transcript donny tried peddling is edited per the testimony of the first hand direct knowledge of that phone call.

Keep telling yourself that. The transcript speaks for itself. The only “editing” is from you uninformed idiots. You still have nothing. Try again loser.

you do understand what a memorandum is, right? what verbatim means, right?


CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned t_o listen.and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the reco�d, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indifate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.

White House Ukraine Expert Sought to Correct Transcript of Trump Call
Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who heard President Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s president and was alarmed, testified that he tried and failed to add key details to the rough transcript.
White House Ukraine Expert Sought to Correct Transcript of Trump Call

projection suits you well.

I should have looked earlier
Stephanie Miller
Randi Rhodes
No wonder you're insane.

they're fun shows. sure beats hannity, tucker, laura braun & a real drunk - judge jeanine.

Got proof Judge Jeanie is a "real drunk?" or you are lying?

she slurs her words fer sure, but who knows? & hell donny's sniffing is probably 'cause he's abusing his adderall......................

So you don't know and make up crap. That is called lying, something you claim you never do.

oh dear. oh my. guess you got me.

whatever shall i do? i guess i shall forever hang my head in shame for the total whooping you just gave me!!!! :spinner:
This may be news to you, but the words “I think” and “ I heard somebody say that they heard somebody else say....” are not proof. What is it with you idiot Dims and this “ you have to show exculpatory evidence” bullshit? There is no need to prove you didn’t do something. Burden of proof is on YOU and you failed miserably.


More garbage. Still no proof. Not a first hand witness, thus hearsay and inadmissible from this loser. Try again. Another loss in a life of them for you.

that's a lie. wtf are you talking about? he was in on that call AND the so called transcript donny tried peddling is edited per the testimony of the first hand direct knowledge of that phone call.

Keep telling yourself that. The transcript speaks for itself. The only “editing” is from you uninformed idiots. You still have nothing. Try again loser.

you do understand what a memorandum is, right? what verbatim means, right?


CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned t_o listen.and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the reco�d, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indifate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.

White House Ukraine Expert Sought to Correct Transcript of Trump Call
Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who heard President Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s president and was alarmed, testified that he tried and failed to add key details to the rough transcript.
White House Ukraine Expert Sought to Correct Transcript of Trump Call


Pathetic attempt at deflection by a drunk, uneducated idiot. You’re getting your ass kicked all over here. Gee, you haven’t come up with ONE legitimate argument. No surprise there. If that’s from an official site (doubtful given the multitude of errors there, you probably typed that yourself.). Caught lying again.:ahole-1::fu:

More garbage. Still no proof. Not a first hand witness, thus hearsay and inadmissible from this loser. Try again. Another loss in a life of them for you.

that's a lie. wtf are you talking about? he was in on that call AND the so called transcript donny tried peddling is edited per the testimony of the first hand direct knowledge of that phone call.

Keep telling yourself that. The transcript speaks for itself. The only “editing” is from you uninformed idiots. You still have nothing. Try again loser.

you do understand what a memorandum is, right? what verbatim means, right?


CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned t_o listen.and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the reco�d, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indifate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.

White House Ukraine Expert Sought to Correct Transcript of Trump Call
Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who heard President Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s president and was alarmed, testified that he tried and failed to add key details to the rough transcript.
White House Ukraine Expert Sought to Correct Transcript of Trump Call


Pathetic attempt at deflection by a drunk, uneducated idiot. You’re getting your ass kicked all over here. Gee, you haven’t come up with ONE legitimate argument. No surprise there. If that’s from an official site (doubtful given the multitude of errors there, you probably typed that yourself.). Caught lying again.:ahole-1::fu:

sooooooooooooo................ the actual 'transcript' that donny released, straight from the white house site isn't good enough? yep, you have cheeto dust all over you from being that far up donny's colon.
More garbage. Still no proof. Not a first hand witness, thus hearsay and inadmissible from this loser. Try again. Another loss in a life of them for you.

that's a lie. wtf are you talking about? he was in on that call AND the so called transcript donny tried peddling is edited per the testimony of the first hand direct knowledge of that phone call.

Keep telling yourself that. The transcript speaks for itself. The only “editing” is from you uninformed idiots. You still have nothing. Try again loser.

you do understand what a memorandum is, right? what verbatim means, right?


CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned t_o listen.and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the reco�d, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indifate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.

White House Ukraine Expert Sought to Correct Transcript of Trump Call
Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who heard President Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s president and was alarmed, testified that he tried and failed to add key details to the rough transcript.
White House Ukraine Expert Sought to Correct Transcript of Trump Call


Pathetic attempt at deflection by a drunk, uneducated idiot. You’re getting your ass kicked all over here. Gee, you haven’t come up with ONE legitimate argument. No surprise there. If that’s from an official site (doubtful given the multitude of errors there, you probably typed that yourself.). Caught lying again.:ahole-1::fu:

sooooooooooooo................ the actual 'transcript' that donny released, straight from the white house site isn't good enough? yep, you have cheeto dust all over you from being that far up donny's colon.

Remove yourself from Michael Obozo’s ass, the echo is confusing people. Try again, you’re failing badly and being laughed at by all. Your pathetic deflection because, as always, you have NOTHING, is noted. Perhaps I’ll let my 3 year old slap you around. She knows more than you do.
Did you vote for him?
Yep. That means I am a “worshipper”

You will vote for him again?

Still waiting for you to find one post where I “worship” Trump. You cannot because it doesn’t exist. You’re a typical Leftist and I enjoy the fact that he triggers you. I hope he wins again so that you and people like Lone Leftist have four more years of misery.

haaaaaaaa.............. listen to you................... you spiral in yer own little way.... bless yer heart.

If you cannot find one post then it is proof that you're a liar. Stop trolling.
I'm not surprised you defaulted to an ad hominem. Your facts are in fact opinions on the issue of impeachment. My opinion is factual, the Republican's Caucus offered no exculpatory evidence and the Democratic Caucus provided a good deal of incriminating evidence which lead to the passage of two Articles of Impeachment.

This may be news to you, but the words “I think” and “ I heard somebody say that they heard somebody else say....” are not proof. What is it with you idiot Dims and this “ you have to show exculpatory evidence” bullshit? There is no need to prove you didn’t do something. Burden of proof is on YOU and you failed miserably.


More garbage. Still no proof. Not a first hand witness, thus hearsay and inadmissible from this loser. Try again. Another loss in a life of them for you.

that's a lie. wtf are you talking about? he was in on that call AND the so called transcript donny tried peddling is edited per the testimony of the first hand direct knowledge of that phone call.

Keep telling yourself that. The transcript speaks for itself. The only “editing” is from you uninformed idiots. You still have nothing. Try again loser.

Once again another response lacking any substance, and defaulting to an ad hominem.
Show a post...just one

Did you vote for him?
Yep. That means I am a “worshipper”

You will vote for him again?
Well I was considering Tulsi Gabbard but now 100% yes. So if I vote for someone it makes me a “worshipper”? So were you a Barack Obama worshipper? LOL.

It’s a clue. He’s such a shitty president that anyone who STILL supports him has a 25% chance of being a worshipper of his.

Let’s find out? A few questions.

Do you think he lies more than any president in the history of this nation?

Hold on. You are biased based on you first statement. I stated before that people like you are ruining this country and no one triggers you more than Trump. I disagree with him on his policy regarding debt and of course our healthcare is a mess. I like his policies regarding fewer regulations, lower corporate tax rate, fewer tax loopholes, stronger military, ardent Israel support, self reliance in terms of energy and fair trade deals. What really puts him over the top however, is that he triggers you. I have no idea who lied more or less. I assume Clinton lied more as he was impeached for lying. Trump is also highly hyperbolic. You consider those lies, I do not. But Trump would agree with me that biological males should not play contact sport vs biological females at age 13 in an all girls basketball league. You disagree. I find that abhorrent. I find you to be an uniformed and fat loser. Does that make me a Trump worshipper? If so, explain how.
Still waiting for you to find one post where I “worship” Trump. You cannot because it doesn’t exist. You’re a typical Leftist and I enjoy the fact that he triggers you. I hope he wins again so that you and people like Lone Leftist have four more years of misery.

haaaaaaaa.............. listen to you................... you spiral in yer own little way.... bless yer heart.
Still waiting...nice try in changing the subject. Deflection will not work. You’ve been exposed as a liar.

prove i drink.

Your incoherent posts. Unless you mean them to be that way, in that case you're a 57 year old woman acting like she is 13. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you were a drunk.
This may be news to you, but the words “I think” and “ I heard somebody say that they heard somebody else say....” are not proof. What is it with you idiot Dims and this “ you have to show exculpatory evidence” bullshit? There is no need to prove you didn’t do something. Burden of proof is on YOU and you failed miserably.


More garbage. Still no proof. Not a first hand witness, thus hearsay and inadmissible from this loser. Try again. Another loss in a life of them for you.

that's a lie. wtf are you talking about? he was in on that call AND the so called transcript donny tried peddling is edited per the testimony of the first hand direct knowledge of that phone call.

Keep telling yourself that. The transcript speaks for itself. The only “editing” is from you uninformed idiots. You still have nothing. Try again loser.

Once again another response lacking any substance, and defaulting to an ad hominem.

Yes, you lack any and all substance, as does the idiot you’re white knighting for. Realizing you have a problem is the first step to getting the treatment.
Did you vote for him?
Yep. That means I am a “worshipper”

You will vote for him again?
Well I was considering Tulsi Gabbard but now 100% yes. So if I vote for someone it makes me a “worshipper”? So were you a Barack Obama worshipper? LOL.

It’s a clue. He’s such a shitty president that anyone who STILL supports him has a 25% chance of being a worshipper of his.

Let’s find out? A few questions.

Do you think he lies more than any president in the history of this nation?

Hold on. You are biased based on you first statement. I stated before that people like you are ruining this country and no one triggers you more than Trump. I disagree with him on his policy regarding debt and of course our healthcare is a mess. I like his policies regarding fewer regulations, lower corporate tax rate, fewer tax loopholes, stronger military, ardent Israel support, self reliance in terms of energy and fair trade deals. What really puts him over the top however, is that he triggers you. I have no idea who lied more or less. I assume Clinton lied more as he was impeached for lying. Trump is also highly hyperbolic. You consider those lies, I do not. But Trump would agree with me that biological males should not play contact sport vs biological females at age 13 in an all girls basketball league. You disagree. I find that abhorrent. I find you to be an uniformed and fat loser. Does that make me a Trump worshipper? If so, explain how.

You are a Trump worshipper. You will not acknowledge that he is the most prolific liar to ever serve as this nations leader. That means that you cannot see him for what he is. You worship him.

Thanks for playing.
Yep. That means I am a “worshipper”

You will vote for him again?
Well I was considering Tulsi Gabbard but now 100% yes. So if I vote for someone it makes me a “worshipper”? So were you a Barack Obama worshipper? LOL.

It’s a clue. He’s such a shitty president that anyone who STILL supports him has a 25% chance of being a worshipper of his.

Let’s find out? A few questions.

Do you think he lies more than any president in the history of this nation?

Hold on. You are biased based on you first statement. I stated before that people like you are ruining this country and no one triggers you more than Trump. I disagree with him on his policy regarding debt and of course our healthcare is a mess. I like his policies regarding fewer regulations, lower corporate tax rate, fewer tax loopholes, stronger military, ardent Israel support, self reliance in terms of energy and fair trade deals. What really puts him over the top however, is that he triggers you. I have no idea who lied more or less. I assume Clinton lied more as he was impeached for lying. Trump is also highly hyperbolic. You consider those lies, I do not. But Trump would agree with me that biological males should not play contact sport vs biological females at age 13 in an all girls basketball league. You disagree. I find that abhorrent. I find you to be an uniformed and fat loser. Does that make me a Trump worshipper? If so, explain how.

You are a Trump worshipper. You will not acknowledge that he is the most prolific liar to ever serve as this nations leader. That means that you cannot see him for what he is. You worship him.

Thanks for playing.
Bullshit. Listen, Leftist, your opinion doesn't equal fact. It is just an opinion. I am glad he triggers you because people like you are ruining this country. Funny how you never acknowledge that comment. You're a primitive fool. When you evolve, ping me.
lantern2814, can you state honestly that you knew who Soleimani was before the day he was killed?

I won’t ask for evidence. I will take your word for it. Just asking.

Yes I did. As did most of us who read actual news articles.

That’s awesome. Had you ever referenced him here at USMB?

Why does that matter? You called me a Trump worshiper and you cannot find one post to prove that. Odd. Why should he know the ethnic name of every terrorist? You're such a fat waste of space.
You will vote for him again?
Well I was considering Tulsi Gabbard but now 100% yes. So if I vote for someone it makes me a “worshipper”? So were you a Barack Obama worshipper? LOL.

It’s a clue. He’s such a shitty president that anyone who STILL supports him has a 25% chance of being a worshipper of his.

Let’s find out? A few questions.

Do you think he lies more than any president in the history of this nation?

Hold on. You are biased based on you first statement. I stated before that people like you are ruining this country and no one triggers you more than Trump. I disagree with him on his policy regarding debt and of course our healthcare is a mess. I like his policies regarding fewer regulations, lower corporate tax rate, fewer tax loopholes, stronger military, ardent Israel support, self reliance in terms of energy and fair trade deals. What really puts him over the top however, is that he triggers you. I have no idea who lied more or less. I assume Clinton lied more as he was impeached for lying. Trump is also highly hyperbolic. You consider those lies, I do not. But Trump would agree with me that biological males should not play contact sport vs biological females at age 13 in an all girls basketball league. You disagree. I find that abhorrent. I find you to be an uniformed and fat loser. Does that make me a Trump worshipper? If so, explain how.

You are a Trump worshipper. You will not acknowledge that he is the most prolific liar to ever serve as this nations leader. That means that you cannot see him for what he is. You worship him.

Thanks for playing.
Bullshit. Listen, Leftist, your opinion doesn't equal fact. It is just an opinion. I am glad he triggers you because people like you are ruining this country. Funny how you never acknowledge that comment. You're a primitive fool. When you evolve, ping me.

Wanna talk on our show this weekend? I’ll talk with ya. You can try to trigger me. 7:00 Friday evening. Let’s discuss your worship of the liar. It will be fun. Shorty.
lantern2814, can you state honestly that you knew who Soleimani was before the day he was killed?

I won’t ask for evidence. I will take your word for it. Just asking.

Yes I did. As did most of us who read actual news articles.

That’s awesome. Had you ever referenced him here at USMB?

Why does that matter? You called me a Trump worshiper and you cannot find one post to prove that. Odd. Why should he know the ethnic name of every terrorist? You're such a fat waste of space.

Dude. He and I are having a discussion. I know that you are needy, but that question was not for you.

I appreciate, however, that you have acknowledged that you didn’t know who Soleimani was before he was killed either. Honesty is always appreciated.
Well I was considering Tulsi Gabbard but now 100% yes. So if I vote for someone it makes me a “worshipper”? So were you a Barack Obama worshipper? LOL.

It’s a clue. He’s such a shitty president that anyone who STILL supports him has a 25% chance of being a worshipper of his.

Let’s find out? A few questions.

Do you think he lies more than any president in the history of this nation?

Hold on. You are biased based on you first statement. I stated before that people like you are ruining this country and no one triggers you more than Trump. I disagree with him on his policy regarding debt and of course our healthcare is a mess. I like his policies regarding fewer regulations, lower corporate tax rate, fewer tax loopholes, stronger military, ardent Israel support, self reliance in terms of energy and fair trade deals. What really puts him over the top however, is that he triggers you. I have no idea who lied more or less. I assume Clinton lied more as he was impeached for lying. Trump is also highly hyperbolic. You consider those lies, I do not. But Trump would agree with me that biological males should not play contact sport vs biological females at age 13 in an all girls basketball league. You disagree. I find that abhorrent. I find you to be an uniformed and fat loser. Does that make me a Trump worshipper? If so, explain how.

You are a Trump worshipper. You will not acknowledge that he is the most prolific liar to ever serve as this nations leader. That means that you cannot see him for what he is. You worship him.

Thanks for playing.
Bullshit. Listen, Leftist, your opinion doesn't equal fact. It is just an opinion. I am glad he triggers you because people like you are ruining this country. Funny how you never acknowledge that comment. You're a primitive fool. When you evolve, ping me.

Wanna talk on our show this weekend? I’ll talk with ya. You can try to trigger me. 7:00 Friday evening. Let’s discuss your worship of the liar. It will be fun. Shorty.

I am 6'3. LOL

Nice try but you won't get my phone # so you can doxx me. I am not that stupid, Lone Leftist.
lantern2814, can you state honestly that you knew who Soleimani was before the day he was killed?

I won’t ask for evidence. I will take your word for it. Just asking.

Yes I did. As did most of us who read actual news articles.

That’s awesome. Had you ever referenced him here at USMB?

Why does that matter? You called me a Trump worshiper and you cannot find one post to prove that. Odd. Why should he know the ethnic name of every terrorist? You're such a fat waste of space.

Dude. He and I are having a discussion. I know that you are needy, but that question was not for you.

I appreciate, however, that you have acknowledged that you didn’t know who Soleimani was before he was killed either. Honesty is always appreciated.

I was having a discussion with the witch and you butted in. It is a free messageboard. Dude, you're a tool.

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