Trump Significantly Weakened NATO and Enabled Putin

Requesting members of NATO to belly up to the bar and live by their financial obligations is not undermining or weakening NATO. Still having nightmares about the Donald?
Obama did that. Trump is preening as usual.

1. I agree with Condi. Biden may have united NATO to oppose Russia's invasion of Ukraine, that is a good thing, ONE, he is coordinating NATO sanctions on Russia and support for Ukraine. A day late and a dollar short.

2. BUT, that does NOT excuse Xiden's moronic financial support for Putin. WE, THE USA, STILL BUY OIL FROM RUSSIA because "always wrong" Xiden shut down too much of the US oil and gas production, so at $100/bbl the US and EU are buying oil & gas from Russia and begging him to pump more?!

The best sanction on Putin is to NOT buy so much OIL & GAS from Russia, so the US needs to pump more!!

Going green should mean in a well planned transition, not begging Russia and the ME for more oil, duh.
He didn't tell NATO that. Liar.

The orange pile of shit is a sniveling coward. He only said that behind closed doors, because he was testing the waters for if he actually pulled the plug, as his puppet master Putin requested.
Trump will lie and take credit every day. Watch how he sets it up. He's claiming that he told Saudi Arabia to cut production. If a mob was chasing Trump out of town, he'd claim he was leading a parade.
Putin helped Trump get elected through his campaign of election interference- this was proven fact, BUT they never found evidence to connect this to the Trump campaign.

Trump gave Putin everything he wanted.

Why did Putin want Trump to win the election? Why did putin support trump??

Because Trump was a Putin puppet and Trump weakened the NATO and European alliance and embolden Russia.

This has all backfired Big TIME !! Biden has Strengthened NATO substantially, allied the world against Russia, and made Russia look stupid and weak.

Biden has beaten Trump and now he is beating Putin.

Why was Trump an ally of Putin?? Why did trump like Putin- a clear enemy- so much?? What was Trump's obsession with Russia?
What is the GOP's love affair with Russia?? Trump loves Russia, Trumpers love Russia, the GOP loves Russia?

Trumpers have openly sided with Russia over America. Trash Traitor Trumpers...
GOP traitors::
View attachment 608148

^ fucking whiny loser says what?
1. I agree with Condi. Biden may have united NATO to oppose Russia's invasion of Ukraine, that is a good thing, ONE, he is coordinating NATO sanctions on Russia and support for Ukraine. A day late and a dollar short.

2. BUT, that does NOT excuse Xiden's moronic financial support for Putin. WE, THE USA, STILL BUY OIL FROM RUSSIA because "always wrong" Xiden shut down too much of the US oil and gas production, so at $100/bbl the US and EU are buying oil & gas from Russia and begging him to pump more?!

The best sanction on Putin is to NOT buy so much OIL & GAS from Russia, so the US needs to pump more!!

Going green should mean in a well planned transition, not begging Russia and the ME for more oil, duh.
What a load of crap. We started buying oil from Russia after Trump put sanctions on Venezuela. He didn't beg. .. and Biden didn't shut down any US production.
1. I agree with Condi. Biden may have united NATO to oppose Russia's invasion of Ukraine, that is a good thing, ONE, he is coordinating NATO sanctions on Russia and support for Ukraine. A day late and a dollar short.

2. BUT, that does NOT excuse Xiden's moronic financial support for Putin. WE, THE USA, STILL BUY OIL FROM RUSSIA because "always wrong" Xiden shut down too much of the US oil and gas production, so at $100/bbl the US and EU are buying oil & gas from Russia and begging him to pump more?!

The best sanction on Putin is to NOT buy so much OIL & GAS from Russia, so the US needs to pump more!!

Going green should mean in a well planned transition, not begging Russia and the ME for more oil, duh.
Show me the data of US production being down. It’s higher than demand. We export dummy.
What a load of crap. We started buying oil from Russia after Trump put sanctions on Venezuela. He didn't beg. .. and Biden didn't shut down any US production.
The US had a 4% oil surplus when Biden took office, now its a 4% oil deficit, Xiden's answer is to beg Russia to pump more oil.

As for your "wrong facts", read and learn.

:rolleyes: And of course you're simply lying to the USMB forum again, as usual.

Why do you base all of your political opinions on the stupid lies you tell yourself rather than reality and facts?
Because Democrats suck Donkey Dick.
I will refresh the memories of all those that said Trump never tired to weaken NATO.

"President Donald Trump has long criticized the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, frequently bellyaching that the international military partnership has been “very unfair” to the United States, and castigating American allies as deadbeats for, in his eyes, failing to pull their weight. However, it appears Trump’s attacks on NATO are more than bluster. Citing senior administration officials, The New York Times reported late Monday that at several points in 2018, Trump discussed withdrawing the U.S. from the international organization, a move that would effectively doom the 29-nation alliance and empower Russia, which has spent years seeking to weaken it."

The only reason Trump failed in his plans to abandon NATO was because there were GOP and Democratic congress members that rebuffed Trump.

If not for them, Trump would have sold our the NATO alliance to Putin in a heartbeat.

Vanity Fair and the NY Slimes. Find some actual sources, not left wing propaganda.
And yet the entire world knows he tried to weaken NATO and even discussed withdrawing from it.

Well, the entire world outside of the Trump cult, anyway.
More crybaby lying and whining from one of the residents retards who gets his ass handed to him daily. Pay what you’re obligated to, it’s really simple. Well, for the entire world outside your cult.
Because they both got reelected

The mentally ill orange pile of shit was tossed out on his fat ass after his first, historically and globally embarrassing term.

Else this would be happening during the second Trump term.
Oh look, another fallacy put forth by a proven liar. Your knees must be sore from being on them to suck that Xiden dick.
And you drawing a conclusion of causality from that alone is an embarrassing and retarded fallacy.

Let me guess: "Life is your evidence".


If your orange lard and master had not been thrown out on his fat ass, this would be happening during the second Trump term.
Now who’s drawing a retarded fallacy of a conclusion dumbfuck? Let’s tell the truth. Your raging TDS causes you to lie and bend over for Barry and Joe.
The entire world outside of the Trump cult knows the thread title is a fact.

No point in engaging the crazies. There is nobody left to convince who can be convinced.
Shall I go on?

Fuckwit has no meaning. I posted a zillion links of Trump disrupting NATO and weakening support for Ukraine. As usual you just post BS afterwards. You are fucktarded.
You did no such thing, Halfwit.

Aall you did was show what a moron you are.
The entire world outside of the Trump cult knows the thread title is a fact.

No point in engaging the crazies. There is nobody left to convince who can be convinced.
Putin has invaded countries on the watch of the last two Dimtard Presidents, and did nothing on Trumps watch.

Suck it, Veggie Joe nut nuzzler.
Read my post #207, it shows that Trump left with a 4% oil surplus, and now Xiden made it a 4% deficit and begged Putin to pump more.

You should research before you post stupid talking points like Psaki, dummy.
I asked about production dipshit. More people are driving cuz we are out of the Trump lockdown and we didnt run a deficit in 2021.

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