Trump Significantly Weakened NATO and Enabled Putin

Putin helped Trump get elected through his campaign of election interference- this was proven fact, BUT they never found evidence to connect this to the Trump campaign.

Trump gave Putin everything he wanted.

Why did Putin want Trump to win the election? Why did putin support trump??

Because Trump was a Putin puppet and Trump weakened the NATO and European alliance and embolden Russia.

This has all backfired Big TIME !! Biden has Strengthened NATO substantially, allied the world against Russia, and made Russia look stupid and weak.

Biden has beaten Trump and now he is beating Putin.

Why was Trump an ally of Putin?? Why did trump like Putin- a clear enemy- so much?? What was Trump's obsession with Russia?
What is the GOP's love affair with Russia?? Trump loves Russia, Trumpers love Russia, the GOP loves Russia?

Trumpers have openly sided with Russia over America. Trash Traitor Trumpers...
GOP traitors::
View attachment 608148

Are you really this stupid or do you get paid to promulgate propaganda? Serious question?
Link us up to exactly what Trump locked down, Dumbass.

Lock down under Trump.

Putin helped Trump get elected through his campaign of election interference- this was proven fact, BUT they never found evidence to connect this to the Trump campaign.

Trump gave Putin everything he wanted.

Why did Putin want Trump to win the election? Why did putin support trump??

Because Trump was a Putin puppet and Trump weakened the NATO and European alliance and embolden Russia.

This has all backfired Big TIME !! Biden has Strengthened NATO substantially, allied the world against Russia, and made Russia look stupid and weak.

Biden has beaten Trump and now he is beating Putin.

Why was Trump an ally of Putin?? Why did trump like Putin- a clear enemy- so much?? What was Trump's obsession with Russia?
What is the GOP's love affair with Russia?? Trump loves Russia, Trumpers love Russia, the GOP loves Russia?

Trumpers have openly sided with Russia over America. Trash Traitor Trumpers...
GOP traitors::
View attachment 608148

your gift for comedy is wonderful but trump is no longer president get woke we have old senile joe now the chaos was expected ....when you have aoc and other brainwashed dems running things it all naturally turns to shitsville
Classic example of an oxymoron.
If Putin helped Trump it was because he hated Hillary, not because he loved Trump. Trump made NATO pay more attention to their own defense needs. Perhaps Putin attacked Ukraine now because he thinks NATO isn't fully prepared to defend itself yet.
Putin attacked Ukraine because he feels Joe Biden is a weak President and will likely be replace by a stronger President in 2024. He didn’t attack when Trump was President because he viewed Trump as a strong, independent President who was unpredictable. ,
I do not like having to defend Trump but in all honesty the crap written in this thread by a select few is simply unbelievable.
The entire world outside of the Trump cult knows the thread title is a fact.
No point in engaging the crazies. There is nobody left to convince who can be convinced.
The thread is WRONG, like "always wrong" Xiden and you. The TRUTH is that Trump made NATO stronger:
I agree. Putin would have done the same no matter who Hitlery's opposition was. He hates her with a passion and who can blame him. She isn't well liked anywhere.

AS for the Ukraine?? They have an army and allies in Europe. Let them take in the refugee's, load up and assist in the war.
The media including many at FOX are on Ukraine's side. Putin is fighting this incursion with one arm tied behind his back as to not destroy a lot of cities and infrastructure. Putin was cornered by the West. Look at the TV channels. The have maps of the invasion. What the hell is that about? We have professional pundits telling us about how military people can and can or fight or do things. What bullshit! If Putin did Shock and Awe Russian style. It would look different. We keep pushing his buttons. It's a Western Social Media war. And he is not that.
The US had a 4% oil surplus when Biden took office, now its a 4% oil deficit, Xiden's answer is to beg Russia to pump more oil.

As for your "wrong facts", read and learn.

Lol 😂 the US and everyone else cut production in Trump's last year. But, the US still imported oil.
The media including many at FOX are on Ukraine's side. Putin is fighting this incursion with one arm tied behind his back as to not destroy a lot of cities and infrastructure. Putin was cornered by the West. Look at the TV channels. The have maps of the invasion. What the hell is that about? We have professional pundits telling us about how military people can and can or fight or do things. What bullshit! If Putin did Shock and Awe Russian style. It would look different. We keep pushing his buttons. It's a Western Social Media war. And he is not that.
Reagan called Russia the evil empire. Are you also defending them?
OR...NATO members could pulls their hands out of their pockets and start to support NATO,
as Donald Trump advocated, far from the claim that Trump tried to damage the organization.

Is wanting member nations to chip in their fair share of NATO's cost really advocating NATO's demise?

Or is it just the pygmies on Donald Trump's back again trying to pull him down?
Free loading is just the Democrats way. It doesn't matter if it's them and their kids, their mammas or NATO allies as long as American tax-payers are footing the bill.

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