Trump Significantly Weakened NATO and Enabled Putin

Nope…. But I was quoting Trump who weakened our position. Thanks for accidentally agreeing with me.
How did Trump weaken our position. Be specific and give us actual actions by Trump, not some lefttard spin.
Not at all. They didn’t care who won so long as the country was divided.
Desperate cult nonsense, as determined by the unanimous American intelligence community.

Oh, and by common sense and gut feelings. I know how much more compelling that is to you than mountains of evidence, haha.
How did Trump weaken our position. Be specific and give us actual actions by Trump, not some lefttard spin.

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

Shall I go on?
Teach history. It is getting repulsive watching all of the African American videos and commercials of how much they have suffered. No one else has suffered but they have. Endless amounts of resources spent, and it seems like an agreement made with the devil. Cut the cord.
Lol, all the shit going on and your upset there are blacks in commercials.

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

Shall I go on?
Hmmmmm...........hey fuckwit, I asked for actual actions that weakened NATO. The only thing related to NATO you posted was Trump calling out other nations who were not paying 2% of their GDP towards defense, as NATO members agreed to. Even the NATO Secretary later said it helped NATO.

You are a Class A moron, and prove it daily.
Putin helped Trump get elected through his campaign of election interference- this was proven fact, BUT they never found evidence to connect this to the Trump campaign.

Trump gave Putin everything he wanted.

Why did Putin want Trump to win the election? Why did putin support trump??

Because Trump was a Putin puppet and Trump weakened the NATO and European alliance and embolden Russia.

This has all backfired Big TIME !! Biden has Strengthened NATO substantially, allied the world against Russia, and made Russia look stupid and weak.

Biden has beaten Trump and now he is beating Putin.

Why was Trump an ally of Putin?? Why did trump like Putin- a clear enemy- so much?? What was Trump's obsession with Russia?
What is the GOP's love affair with Russia?? Trump loves Russia, Trumpers love Russia, the GOP loves Russia?

Trumpers have openly sided with Russia over America. Trash Traitor Trumpers...
GOP traitors::
View attachment 608148

Trump supporters are quick to blame Biden for Putin's invasion without looking at the failings of their own Republican party. I am a Democrat, but I don't blame the Democrats or the Republicans. The only person I blame for Putin's invasion is Putin himself. If you study the history of Putin you quickly learn based on his past behavior this is no shocker. He was bound to invade Ukraine regardless who was president, it just is in the man's blood and his personality.
That won't stop him from looking stupid.
That debunked old lie about Biden flying into Ukraine and getting the prosecutor there fired...after threatening
to illegally withhold aid money sent from congress if the guy trying to investigate the coke snorting, whore chasing son of Joe Depends wasn't immediately fired is false! And it's a classic leftist urban myth.
We have the video of Joe bragging about witholding $1b unless the prosecutor is fired:
We have the video of Joe bragging about witholding $1b unless the prosecutor is fired:

Thanks. That's a classic of Joe Biden bragging about how he broke federal law by
inserting himself into the affairs of Ukraine and potentially nullified an act of

That Joe is about as smart as a shoebox filled with dog turds!

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

Shall I go on?
1. Trump put more sanctions on Russia than anyone else.

2. The Mueller Commission proved there was no "collusion"

3. Garbage link, proves nothing about Trump.

4. Trump strengthened NATO, he was mad that we budget 4% to defense while most NATO countries budget about 1%, plus we pay about $24b a year to keep US troops in the EU, Trump is right to tell the deadbeats to pay up. It actually strengthened NATO.

5. So trump got testy with NATO, Biden was held "in contempt" formally by the Brits and most of NATO for his catastrophic retreat from AFG, leaving $86b in US equipment that could have been used in Ukraine.

Trump was about 1,000,000x better a US president than the senile POS we have now.
Is every thing really about money?
Trump made it clear, belly up to the bar or were out, America was done playing the
Roll of the loan financial ranger, and backbone of NATO, time for all members to pay their fair share as a percentage of GDP. Love the word “reportedly” did you get that from CNN or directly from the DNC?

Trump privately said he wants to withdraw US from NATO: report​

Shall I go on?
Hmmmmm...........hey fuckwit, I asked for actual actions that weakened NATO. The only thing related to NATO you posted was Trump calling out other nations who were not paying 2% of their GDP towards defense, as NATO members agreed to. Even the NATO Secretary later said it helped NATO.

You are a Class A moron, and prove it daily.
Fuckwit has no meaning. I posted a zillion links of Trump disrupting NATO and weakening support for Ukraine. As usual you just post BS afterwards. You are fucktarded.
1. Trump put more sanctions on Russia than anyone else.

2. The Mueller Commission proved there was no "collusion"

3. Garbage link, proves nothing about Trump.

4. Trump strengthened NATO, he was mad that we budget 4% to defense while most NATO countries budget about 1%, plus we pay about $24b a year to keep US troops in the EU, Trump is right to tell the deadbeats to pay up. It actually strengthened NATO.

5. So trump got testy with NATO, Biden was held "in contempt" formally by the Brits and most of NATO for his catastrophic retreat from AFG, leaving $86b in US equipment that could have been used in Ukraine.

Trump was about 1,000,000x better a US president than the senile POS we have now.

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