Trump Significantly Weakened NATO and Enabled Putin

Of course Putin didn't invade. Trump's been on his knees for four years while Putins had his pants down in front of him.
Putin was scared shitless of Trump. And Putin knew Barry was a wimp and Biden is a vegetable.

Want proof?

Putin took Crimea on Barry's watch, did nothing on Trump's watch, and is now taking Ukraine on your Vegetable Messiahs watch.
Well, it's a new measure on top of what we are already doing. The Biden administration had already been sending weapons to Ukraine. Unlike your boy, he didn't try to withhold them to extort Ukraine for personal gain.
Already doing as in buying their oil Vs. Being energy independent? Yeah. Great strategy.
Putin was scared shitless of Trump. And Putin knew Barry was a wimp and Biden is a vegetable.

Want proof?

Putin took Crimea on Barry's watch, did nothing on Trump's watch, and is now taking Ukraine on your Vegetable Messiahs watch.
Putin certainly eats his vegetables.
Russia? Why would they meddle in the election? Putin said they didn’t and our 11 independent and bipartisan investigations said they did. - Trump

Delaying sanctions - Trump

Undermining Ukraine by strong arming them and accusing THEM of election interference- Trump

Disparaging NATO constantly. - Trump.
They meddled to divide America. They were successful. Do I really need to explain this to you?
I know. All of those.private arms shipments to Ukraine authorized by Obama and the $350 million package authorized by Biden this week will no doubt help.

Quite a contrast, when compared to extorting Ukraine for personal gain using arms shipments, and praising the evil autocrat.
1. Obama sent MREs and blankets as recommended by Dr. Fiona Hill, no lethal weapons.

2. As for extorting Ukraine for personal gain, $86,000 a month...

You really need to fact-check your lies so you don't look so stupid.
There is no failure to blame Biden for. Trump was on his knees four years for Putin. That much we all saw. He went on numerous apology tours, weakening the U.S., and providing aid and comfort for the decisions Putin would make later on. Only a gullible lying fool wouldn't see it.

Trump wanted out of NATO, not because of larger payments. NATO was in the way of Putin? Trump personal business, like the big gas and oil deal they had cooked up in the Kara sea.

Putin didn't invade Ukraine, because Putin and Trump are business partners.

The rest of your retarded rant is noted.
You are completely unhinged and totally removed from reality.
Seems they thought the pinnacle of that plan was to get the orange pile of shit elected.

A propaganda and geopolitical victory for Putin, by every measure.
Not at all. They didn’t care who won so long as the country was divided. Only pile of shit here is you and your fellow race baiting pussies.
Putin helped Trump get elected through his campaign of election interference- this was proven fact, BUT they never found evidence to connect this to the Trump campaign.

Trump gave Putin everything he wanted.

Why did Putin want Trump to win the election? Why did putin support trump??

Because Trump was a Putin puppet and Trump weakened the NATO and European alliance and embolden Russia.

This has all backfired Big TIME !! Biden has Strengthened NATO substantially, allied the world against Russia, and made Russia look stupid and weak.

Biden has beaten Trump and now he is beating Putin.

Why was Trump an ally of Putin?? Why did trump like Putin- a clear enemy- so much?? What was Trump's obsession with Russia?
What is the GOP's love affair with Russia?? Trump loves Russia, Trumpers love Russia, the GOP loves Russia?

Trumpers have openly sided with Russia over America. Trash Traitor Trumpers...
GOP traitors::
View attachment 608148

Obama weakened NATO by scrapping the missile defense system in Poland in 2009.
Trump is still trying to undermine NATO. He is in Putin’s pocket and because he’s a racist asshole who insults libs the right doesn’t care. I hope you fuckers enjoy your gallows cuz you are hanging yourself (figuratively) attaching to Trump.
Sorry, I don't put much stock in the unhinged rantings of a moron who doesn't think how much a product costs to make has any bearing on the price it sells for.
Trump strengthened NATO, so said NATO Secretary Stoltenberg, you lie without posting any link

Xiden is in Putin's pocket, He took $3.6m from the Moscow mayor's wife, probably to shut down the US energy sector and give Putin a windfall of cash for his war machine because of $100/bbl oil. Biden is a coxucker traitor.

LOL!! November can't come fast enough to shut you lying democrats up and show you how to run a government. Who do you have that could beat Trump in 2024???
Haha, you think they took any political damage from the globally embarrassing, Mentally ill orange pile of shit?
Of course not. They're all members of the same cabal.

Why the same hateful hysteria when mentioning Trump. Remember what FDR said about fear. Of course your fear is justified by what's coming your way this November. :omg:
I know. All of those.private arms shipments to Ukraine authorized by Obama and the $350 million package authorized by Biden this week will no doubt help.

Quite a contrast, when compared to extorting Ukraine for personal gain using arms shipments, and praising the evil autocrat.
You are a lying sack of shit.

Sorry, Joe: Team Obama refused to arm Ukraine at all

Joe Biden has said that by holding up vital military aid to Ukraine, President Trump “used the power and resources of the United States to pressure a sovereign nation, a partner that is still under direct assault from Russia … to subvert the rule of law.”

That’s rich. The aid in question is lethal military assistance that the Obama-Biden administration refused to give Ukraine.

In 2014, after Russia annexed Crimea and began arming separatists in eastern Ukraine with tanks, armored vehicles and rocket launchers, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko came to Washington to plead for weapons to defend his country. In an impassioned address to a joint session of Congress — with Biden sitting directly behind him — Poroshenko said his country appreciated the nonlethal assistance he was getting, but declared “one cannot win a war with blankets.”

The Obama-Biden administration was unmoved. The Wall Street Journal reported at the time that “President Barack Obama stuck to his refusal to provide weapons or other lethal military gear to Ukraine.” Why?

Team Obama feared that lethal aid would provoke Moscow.

So what did the administration give him? Instead of rocket-propelled grenades, we provided food rations. As one frustrated former Pentagon official put it at the time, “What kind of message does that send anyway?”

Answer: a message of weakness.

When Trump took office, he delivered a message of strength. In December 2017, the new administration announced that the United States would send the lethal aid to Ukraine that Poroshenko requested and Obama and Biden refused — the sale of $47 million worth of Javelin antitank missiles.

In May 2018, after Ukraine tested its new Javelin missiles, Poroshenko exulted on Twitter “Finally this day has come!” and personally thanked Trump “for supporting Ukraine and adopting a decision to provide Javelin antitank missile systems.”

For Biden to now attack Trump for a temporary delay in a new round of lethal military aid reeks of hypocrisy. It was on Biden’s watch that the United States refused to deliver military aid at all. Yet the same vice president who sat there impassively while Ukraine’s president begged for weapons now dares to cite the Russian threat to Ukraine in castigating Trump?


Trump Significantly Weakened NATO and Enabled Putin​


The converse is true, of course. Putin wasn’t feeling “enabled” when Trump was President. He waited until Brandon was the one nominally at the helm before he started laying the groundwork to move against the Ukraine.

Plus, it is quite clear that after Trump staked out a position that NATO nations were not meeting benchmarks for supporting NATO, only then did they begin to start upping their antes (at the butt end of Obumbler’s time in Office). And they continued, thereafter, to do so. Trump clearly strengthened NATO.
Worth another look. Prior to being elected, then candidate Trump started criticizing NATO on two main points. He said they were “obsolete” (apparently referring to NATO’s very existence being tied to defending against the already defunct Soviet Union) and that other NATO member nations were not paying their fair share of the costs. A guide to Trump's past comments about NATO

Prior to his election, those views received some positive feedback and probably influence some of the NATO member nations to up their expenditures on the NATO budgeting. Therefore, it was only at the butt end of the Obumbler Administration, we see the first increases in how much of their GDP’s they started spending on NATO. The increased levels kept going up during the Trump years and have lasted so far apparently in Brandon’s term.
1. Obama sent MREs and blankets as recommended by Dr. Fiona Hill, no lethal weapons.

2. As for extorting Ukraine for personal gain, $86,000 a month...

You really need to fact-check your lies so you don't look so stupid.
That won't stop him from looking stupid.

That debunked old lie about Biden flying into Ukraine and getting the prosecutor there fired...after threatening
to illegally withhold aid money sent from congress if the guy trying to investigate the coke snorting, whore chasing son of Joe Depends wasn't immediately fired is false! And it's a classic leftist urban myth.
They meddled to divide America. They were successful. Do I really need to explain this to you?
Nope…. But I was quoting Trump who weakened our position. Thanks for accidentally agreeing with me.
You are a lying sack of shit.

Sorry, Joe: Team Obama refused to arm Ukraine at all

Joe Biden has said that by holding up vital military aid to Ukraine, President Trump “used the power and resources of the United States to pressure a sovereign nation, a partner that is still under direct assault from Russia … to subvert the rule of law.”

That’s rich. The aid in question is lethal military assistance that the Obama-Biden administration refused to give Ukraine.

In 2014, after Russia annexed Crimea and began arming separatists in eastern Ukraine with tanks, armored vehicles and rocket launchers, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko came to Washington to plead for weapons to defend his country. In an impassioned address to a joint session of Congress — with Biden sitting directly behind him — Poroshenko said his country appreciated the nonlethal assistance he was getting, but declared “one cannot win a war with blankets.”

The Obama-Biden administration was unmoved. The Wall Street Journal reported at the time that “President Barack Obama stuck to his refusal to provide weapons or other lethal military gear to Ukraine.” Why?

Team Obama feared that lethal aid would provoke Moscow.

So what did the administration give him? Instead of rocket-propelled grenades, we provided food rations. As one frustrated former Pentagon official put it at the time, “What kind of message does that send anyway?”

Answer: a message of weakness.

When Trump took office, he delivered a message of strength. In December 2017, the new administration announced that the United States would send the lethal aid to Ukraine that Poroshenko requested and Obama and Biden refused — the sale of $47 million worth of Javelin antitank missiles.

In May 2018, after Ukraine tested its new Javelin missiles, Poroshenko exulted on Twitter “Finally this day has come!” and personally thanked Trump “for supporting Ukraine and adopting a decision to provide Javelin antitank missile systems.”

For Biden to now attack Trump for a temporary delay in a new round of lethal military aid reeks of hypocrisy. It was on Biden’s watch that the United States refused to deliver military aid at all. Yet the same vice president who sat there impassively while Ukraine’s president begged for weapons now dares to cite the Russian threat to Ukraine in castigating Trump?

To be fair to Old Joe Depends, when he accused Trump of not sending military aid to Ukraine on time
he was likely not aware of any of the facts involved and had completely forgotten that Trump sent
Poroshenko the anti tank missiles that Obama and Joe himself refused to send.

Not hard to believe for a guy who can't even remember the names of the people in his own administration.

Who was Ukraine's friend and not Russia's? Not Obama. Not Joe Depends!

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