Trump signs bill allowing states to defund planned parenthood

Defunding the chop shops and human trafficking minions that make up PP will not remove any rights from women. Nor does it represent bigger government. Taking federal money from the baby killing industry is the.removal of government interference in family planning....not further intrusion.
for hating poor people so much, you sure do want them to breed uncontrollably.
You scum maintain the lives of the poor are without value. That's why you force them into prostitution and the abortion clinics. You show us what you think of the.poor every time you say their babies need to die.
stop your dramatics. If every single pregnancy in America was carried out, it would greatly increase our poverty rates. Like we're talking third world nation level.

Can we wait until they are actually suffering and poor to kill them instead of killing them preemptively?
They aren't children until they can sustain life on their own. Before 24 weeks, they can not do that. Their organs aren't even developed yet. No brain, no kidneys, no lungs. They are a cluster of developing cells, scientifically.

TRY again

The “clump of cells” argument exists to dupe the public into ignoring the brutal nature of abortion, as I wrote last year at The Week during the CMP campaign to expose it. Unfortunately, the “clump of cells” lie works, and sometimes mutates into even cruder slogans:

How is abortion brutal when the developing cells can't feel pain?
Abortions are brutal on a woman, that is why the decision should be in the hands of her and her doctors.

So you maintain it's okay to dismember as long as the person being hacked apart can't feel it?

Can I dope up my mom and hack her to pieces? She won't feel it, after all...

I maintain a collection of undeveloped cells is not a person until it is viable outside of the womb.

You do realize, don't you, that your standard includes children that have been around for a while? Think of it this way.

Take an unborn child out of the womb, lay it next to a newborn child, and next to that a child aged 4 months. Walk away and come back in a week.

Which of the children will be alive?

IOW, "viability" is not a good standard unless it is defined, and when it is defined, includes either the unborn or the already born in ways not intended.

viability when talking about pregnancy is defined by whether a fetus can sustain life outside the mother womb. Thus- children who have already been born are already excluded from the conversation.
fetus' before viability do not have the ability to keep themselves alive because they are NOT fully developed. They are developing.
fetus' after viability have developed enough of their body to live. They have brains, they have lungs, they have kidneys, they have a shot at life outside the womb. They are no longer a cluster of developing cells but they are now developed. They are a baby, a person, a child. Compared to the unviable fetus.
That is my opinion, and the opinion of our law.
Defunding the chop shops and human trafficking minions that make up PP will not remove any rights from women. Nor does it represent bigger government. Taking federal money from the baby killing industry is the.removal of government interference in family planning....not further intrusion.
for hating poor people so much, you sure do want them to breed uncontrollably.
You scum maintain the lives of the poor are without value. That's why you force them into prostitution and the abortion clinics. You show us what you think of the.poor every time you say their babies need to die.
stop your dramatics. If every single pregnancy in America was carried out, it would greatly increase our poverty rates. Like we're talking third world nation level.

Can we wait until they are actually suffering and poor to kill them instead of killing them preemptively?
Holy crap, everybody suffers! The most miserable group on the face of the earth are the child traffickers and the pimps and the lesbian lunatics who think it's cool to hold women down and rip out the contents of their uteruses, while screaming "THIS IS GOOD FOR YOU!" By their own logic, they should be the ones being offed.
Defunding the chop shops and human trafficking minions that make up PP will not remove any rights from women. Nor does it represent bigger government. Taking federal money from the baby killing industry is the.removal of government interference in family planning....not further intrusion.
for hating poor people so much, you sure do want them to breed uncontrollably.
You scum maintain the lives of the poor are without value. That's why you force them into prostitution and the abortion clinics. You show us what you think of the.poor every time you say their babies need to die.
stop your dramatics. If every single pregnancy in America was carried out, it would greatly increase our poverty rates. Like we're talking third world nation level.

Can we wait until they are actually suffering and poor to kill them instead of killing them preemptively?
Abortions aren't killings, fetus' aren't people. No matter how crudely you put it, it doesn't change science.
TRY again

The “clump of cells” argument exists to dupe the public into ignoring the brutal nature of abortion, as I wrote last year at The Week during the CMP campaign to expose it. Unfortunately, the “clump of cells” lie works, and sometimes mutates into even cruder slogans:

How is abortion brutal when the developing cells can't feel pain?
Abortions are brutal on a woman, that is why the decision should be in the hands of her and her doctors.

So you maintain it's okay to dismember as long as the person being hacked apart can't feel it?

Can I dope up my mom and hack her to pieces? She won't feel it, after all...

I maintain a collection of undeveloped cells is not a person until it is viable outside of the womb.

You do realize, don't you, that your standard includes children that have been around for a while? Think of it this way.

Take an unborn child out of the womb, lay it next to a newborn child, and next to that a child aged 4 months. Walk away and come back in a week.

Which of the children will be alive?

IOW, "viability" is not a good standard unless it is defined, and when it is defined, includes either the unborn or the already born in ways not intended.

viability when talking about pregnancy is defined by whether a fetus can sustain life outside the mother womb. Thus- children who have already been born are already excluded from the conversation.
fetus' before viability do not have the ability to keep themselves alive because they are NOT fully developed. They are developing.
fetus' after viability have developed enough of their body to live. They have brains, they have lungs, they have kidneys, they have a shot at life outside the womb. They are no longer a cluster of developing cells but they are now developed. They are a baby, a person, a child. Compared to the unviable fetus.
That is my opinion, and the opinion of our law.

The law is always wrong when it's justifying human rights violations, murder and depravity. History shows us that. And we are obliged to overthrow such laws, and hold accountable the monsters who thrust them upon us.
Defunding the chop shops and human trafficking minions that make up PP will not remove any rights from women. Nor does it represent bigger government. Taking federal money from the baby killing industry is the.removal of government interference in family planning....not further intrusion.
for hating poor people so much, you sure do want them to breed uncontrollably.
You scum maintain the lives of the poor are without value. That's why you force them into prostitution and the abortion clinics. You show us what you think of the.poor every time you say their babies need to die.
stop your dramatics. If every single pregnancy in America was carried out, it would greatly increase our poverty rates. Like we're talking third world nation level.

Can we wait until they are actually suffering and poor to kill them instead of killing them preemptively?
Holy crap, everybody suffers! The most miserable group on the face of the earth are the child traffickers and the pimps and the lesbian lunatics who think it's cool to hold women down and rip out the contents of their uteruses, while screaming "THIS IS GOOD FOR YOU!" By their own logic, they should be the ones being offed.
nothing is ripped. There is no screaming, forcing, or coercion. With our current laws- if you are religiously against abortion then good for you, you never have to get one. If you're not a religious nut and are in need of one, you can get one safely. Choice. Good for everyone. Stay out of other peoples business. And please do learn more about female anatomy, you're embarrassing yourself!
TRY again

The “clump of cells” argument exists to dupe the public into ignoring the brutal nature of abortion, as I wrote last year at The Week during the CMP campaign to expose it. Unfortunately, the “clump of cells” lie works, and sometimes mutates into even cruder slogans:

How is abortion brutal when the developing cells can't feel pain?
Abortions are brutal on a woman, that is why the decision should be in the hands of her and her doctors.

So you maintain it's okay to dismember as long as the person being hacked apart can't feel it?

Can I dope up my mom and hack her to pieces? She won't feel it, after all...

I maintain a collection of undeveloped cells is not a person until it is viable outside of the womb.

You do realize, don't you, that your standard includes children that have been around for a while? Think of it this way.

Take an unborn child out of the womb, lay it next to a newborn child, and next to that a child aged 4 months. Walk away and come back in a week.

Which of the children will be alive?

IOW, "viability" is not a good standard unless it is defined, and when it is defined, includes either the unborn or the already born in ways not intended.

viability when talking about pregnancy is defined by whether a fetus can sustain life outside the mother womb. Thus- children who have already been born are already excluded from the conversation.
fetus' before viability do not have the ability to keep themselves alive because they are NOT fully developed. They are developing.
fetus' after viability have developed enough of their body to live. They have brains, they have lungs, they have kidneys, they have a shot at life outside the womb. They are no longer a cluster of developing cells but they are now developed. They are a baby, a person, a child. Compared to the unviable fetus.
That is my opinion, and the opinion of our law.

Okay. A preemie can sustain life outside the womb when born a few weeks early. Are you thus willing to protect all the unborn within a few weeks of delivery, or do you hold to the arbitrary line of birth?
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UOTE="Aries, post: 17028683, member: 62577"]
Defunding the chop shops and human trafficking minions that make up PP will not remove any rights from women. Nor does it represent bigger government. Taking federal money from the baby killing industry is the.removal of government interference in family planning....not further intrusion.
for hating poor people so much, you sure do want them to breed uncontrollably.
You scum maintain the lives of the poor are without value. That's why you force them into prostitution and the abortion clinics. You show us what you think of the.poor every time you say their babies need to die.
stop your dramatics. If every single pregnancy in America was carried out, it would greatly increase our poverty rates. Like we're talking third world nation level.

Can we wait until they are actually suffering and poor to kill them instead of killing them preemptively?
Abortions aren't killings, fetus' aren't people. No matter how crudely you put it, it doesn't change science.[/QUOTE]

Definition of killing
  1. 1: the act of one that kills
Definition of KILLING

Definition of abortion

  1. 1: the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus Definition of ABORTION
Defunding the chop shops and human trafficking minions that make up PP will not remove any rights from women. Nor does it represent bigger government. Taking federal money from the baby killing industry is the.removal of government interference in family planning....not further intrusion.
for hating poor people so much, you sure do want them to breed uncontrollably.
You scum maintain the lives of the poor are without value. That's why you force them into prostitution and the abortion clinics. You show us what you think of the.poor every time you say their babies need to die.
stop your dramatics. If every single pregnancy in America was carried out, it would greatly increase our poverty rates. Like we're talking third world nation level.

Can we wait until they are actually suffering and poor to kill them instead of killing them preemptively?
Abortions aren't killings, fetus' aren't people. No matter how crudely you put it, it doesn't change science.
Science doesn't convey personhood. That's a legal construct, not a biological one.
Defunding the chop shops and human trafficking minions that make up PP will not remove any rights from women. Nor does it represent bigger government. Taking federal money from the baby killing industry is the.removal of government interference in family planning....not further intrusion.
for hating poor people so much, you sure do want them to breed uncontrollably.
You scum maintain the lives of the poor are without value. That's why you force them into prostitution and the abortion clinics. You show us what you think of the.poor every time you say their babies need to die.
stop your dramatics. If every single pregnancy in America was carried out, it would greatly increase our poverty rates. Like we're talking third world nation level.

Can we wait until they are actually suffering and poor to kill them instead of killing them preemptively?
Abortions aren't killings, fetus' aren't people. No matter how crudely you put it, it doesn't change science.

If a child in the fetal stage of their life are not actually human beings / persons.... then you should have no problem at all - overturning the MURDER convictions of those already in PRISON for killing children in the womb during a criminal act.

So far, the Supreme Court has upheld those MURDER convictions and in doing so has helped establish the LEGAL recognition of the personhood status of the children killed.

Now the Defunding of Planned Parenthood is under way... your denials and ignorance is being defeated step by step.

And I am loving it.
for hating poor people so much, you sure do want them to breed uncontrollably.
You scum maintain the lives of the poor are without value. That's why you force them into prostitution and the abortion clinics. You show us what you think of the.poor every time you say their babies need to die.
stop your dramatics. If every single pregnancy in America was carried out, it would greatly increase our poverty rates. Like we're talking third world nation level.

Can we wait until they are actually suffering and poor to kill them instead of killing them preemptively?
Holy crap, everybody suffers! The most miserable group on the face of the earth are the child traffickers and the pimps and the lesbian lunatics who think it's cool to hold women down and rip out the contents of their uteruses, while screaming "THIS IS GOOD FOR YOU!" By their own logic, they should be the ones being offed.
nothing is ripped. There is no screaming, forcing, or coercion. With our current laws- if you are religiously against abortion then good for you, you never have to get one. If you're not a religious nut and are in need of one, you can get one safely. Choice. Good for everyone. Stay out of other peoples business. And please do learn more about female anatomy, you're embarrassing yourself!

You should try actually protecting women, instead of taking the side of pimps, perverts and traffickers. Abortion is their insurance....they power that industry, and in return, they get light prison sentences, and the politicians advocate depraved lifestyles that keep pimps and traffickers and pedos in business, and out of jail.

How Many Women Are Pressured Into Abortions?
How is abortion brutal when the developing cells can't feel pain?
Abortions are brutal on a woman, that is why the decision should be in the hands of her and her doctors.

So you maintain it's okay to dismember as long as the person being hacked apart can't feel it?

Can I dope up my mom and hack her to pieces? She won't feel it, after all...
I maintain a collection of undeveloped cells is not a person until it is viable outside of the womb.
You do realize, don't you, that your standard includes children that have been around for a while? Think of it this way.

Take an unborn child out of the womb, lay it next to a newborn child, and next to that a child aged 4 months. Walk away and come back in a week.

Which of the children will be alive?

IOW, "viability" is not a good standard unless it is defined, and when it is defined, includes either the unborn or the already born in ways not intended.
viability when talking about pregnancy is defined by whether a fetus can sustain life outside the mother womb. Thus- children who have already been born are already excluded from the conversation.
fetus' before viability do not have the ability to keep themselves alive because they are NOT fully developed. They are developing.
fetus' after viability have developed enough of their body to live. They have brains, they have lungs, they have kidneys, they have a shot at life outside the womb. They are no longer a cluster of developing cells but they are now developed. They are a baby, a person, a child. Compared to the unviable fetus.
That is my opinion, and the opinion of our law.
Okay. A preemie can sustain life outside the womb when born a few weeks early. Are you thus willing to protect all the unborn within a few weeks of delivery?
I believe after viability(around 24 weeks) the child should be protected, except for at the expense of the pregnant woman.
For example, after 25 weeks woman decides to change her mind and wants an abortion.. No, you had months to decide.
After 25 weeks the doctors tell the woman carrying to full term could be severely detrimental to her health for some reason and she wants an abortion. Yes, women should not be forced to carry out a dangerous pregnancy.
But to answer your question, a baby who a few weeks premature is a baby not a fetus and should be protected.
"...even the pro-choice side is beginning to wake up to the issue. An article in The Daily Beast is headlined, “Coerced Abortions: A New Study Shows They’re Common.” The article is based largely on information from the Guttmacher Institute (a pro-abortion research center) but raises the topic of “reproductive coercion.” This is an interesting twist on the concept. Rather than looking at women who are coerced into having an abortion, it looks at women who are coerced or tricked first into getting pregnant, then also coerced into aborting the baby, identified as “reproductive control.”
A Twisted Form of Domestic Abuse
How Many Women Are Pressured Into Abortions?
So you maintain it's okay to dismember as long as the person being hacked apart can't feel it?

Can I dope up my mom and hack her to pieces? She won't feel it, after all...
I maintain a collection of undeveloped cells is not a person until it is viable outside of the womb.
You do realize, don't you, that your standard includes children that have been around for a while? Think of it this way.

Take an unborn child out of the womb, lay it next to a newborn child, and next to that a child aged 4 months. Walk away and come back in a week.

Which of the children will be alive?

IOW, "viability" is not a good standard unless it is defined, and when it is defined, includes either the unborn or the already born in ways not intended.
viability when talking about pregnancy is defined by whether a fetus can sustain life outside the mother womb. Thus- children who have already been born are already excluded from the conversation.
fetus' before viability do not have the ability to keep themselves alive because they are NOT fully developed. They are developing.
fetus' after viability have developed enough of their body to live. They have brains, they have lungs, they have kidneys, they have a shot at life outside the womb. They are no longer a cluster of developing cells but they are now developed. They are a baby, a person, a child. Compared to the unviable fetus.
That is my opinion, and the opinion of our law.
Okay. A preemie can sustain life outside the womb when born a few weeks early. Are you thus willing to protect all the unborn within a few weeks of delivery?
I believe after viability(around 24 weeks) the child should be protected, except for at the expense of the pregnant woman.
For example, after 25 weeks woman decides to change her mind and wants an abortion.. No, you had months to decide.
After 25 weeks the doctors tell the woman carrying to full term could be severely detrimental to her health for some reason and she wants an abortion. Yes, women should not be forced to carry out a dangerous pregnancy.
So to answer your question, a baby who a few weeks premature is a baby not a fetus and should be protected.
That is a consistent view.
So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?

Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D

Don't change the subject. I'm waiting.............
Let me guess, is there a part about commerce in the Constitution?

So basically, you're trying to say that your against the Feds buying stuff from private companies. Like all the furniture in the White House?

If abortions were not for " MAKING MONEY" then abortion clinics wouldn't have quotas they want and need to meet. Don't you get it abortions are loved, they use that BS OF BEING POOR to get you in there. Wake up.


According to a shocking new investigation, this was actually happening at Planned Parenthood clinics all over the nation, and workers that reached abortion sales quota goals were rewarded with pizza parties and other incentives. Every year, Planned Parenthood murders hundreds of thousands of precious little children, but that isn’t good enough for them, and so they have their workers aggressively push abortions to the vulnerable young women who come into their facilities. It is a national disgrace, and Planned Parenthood should be defunded by Congress immediately. But of course Planned Parenthood was never defunded after it was revealed that they systematically harvest baby parts and sell them off to the highest bidder, and so many observers are pessimistic that they will be defunded now.

So because there might be problems at PP, we should shut it down? I'd prefer to fix the problems.
So you maintain it's okay to dismember as long as the person being hacked apart can't feel it?

Can I dope up my mom and hack her to pieces? She won't feel it, after all...
I maintain a collection of undeveloped cells is not a person until it is viable outside of the womb.
You do realize, don't you, that your standard includes children that have been around for a while? Think of it this way.

Take an unborn child out of the womb, lay it next to a newborn child, and next to that a child aged 4 months. Walk away and come back in a week.

Which of the children will be alive?

IOW, "viability" is not a good standard unless it is defined, and when it is defined, includes either the unborn or the already born in ways not intended.
viability when talking about pregnancy is defined by whether a fetus can sustain life outside the mother womb. Thus- children who have already been born are already excluded from the conversation.
fetus' before viability do not have the ability to keep themselves alive because they are NOT fully developed. They are developing.
fetus' after viability have developed enough of their body to live. They have brains, they have lungs, they have kidneys, they have a shot at life outside the womb. They are no longer a cluster of developing cells but they are now developed. They are a baby, a person, a child. Compared to the unviable fetus.
That is my opinion, and the opinion of our law.
Okay. A preemie can sustain life outside the womb when born a few weeks early. Are you thus willing to protect all the unborn within a few weeks of delivery?
I believe after viability(around 24 weeks) the child should be protected, except for at the expense of the pregnant woman.
For example, after 25 weeks woman decides to change her mind and wants an abortion.. No, you had months to decide.
After 25 weeks the doctors tell the woman carrying to full term could be severely detrimental to her health for some reason and she wants an abortion. Yes, women should not be forced to carry out a dangerous pregnancy.
So to answer your question, a baby who a few weeks premature is a baby not a fetus and should be protected.

Can you quote the language of the Constitution that says only "viable" persons have a right to the equal protections of our laws? I can only find the part where it says ALL persons have that right.
for hating poor people so much, you sure do want them to breed uncontrollably.
You scum maintain the lives of the poor are without value. That's why you force them into prostitution and the abortion clinics. You show us what you think of the.poor every time you say their babies need to die.
stop your dramatics. If every single pregnancy in America was carried out, it would greatly increase our poverty rates. Like we're talking third world nation level.

Can we wait until they are actually suffering and poor to kill them instead of killing them preemptively?
Abortions aren't killings, fetus' aren't people. No matter how crudely you put it, it doesn't change science.
Science doesn't convey personhood. That's a legal construct, not a biological one.
Now Planned Parenthood has a CHOICE to make. Stop performing abortions and receive government money again so they can continue to "help the poor." Or continue killing children and use their own blood soaked profits to do so.
Why should they stop a legal procedure? If you want to make that procedure illegal, go to the Supreme Court. Don't try to beat up poor women because they're an easier target, that's cowardly.
You scum maintain the lives of the poor are without value. That's why you force them into prostitution and the abortion clinics. You show us what you think of the.poor every time you say their babies need to die.
stop your dramatics. If every single pregnancy in America was carried out, it would greatly increase our poverty rates. Like we're talking third world nation level.

Can we wait until they are actually suffering and poor to kill them instead of killing them preemptively?
Abortions aren't killings, fetus' aren't people. No matter how crudely you put it, it doesn't change science.
Science doesn't convey personhood. That's a legal construct, not a biological one.
Personhood is a fucking made up thing that permitted the baby killers to pretend they don't do what they do for a while.

It means exactly nothing. It's a made up term that will allow them to kill babies and abuse the most vulnerable people there are...those who are dependent upon others and who cannot defend themselves, for whatever reason, and at whatever age.
Now Planned Parenthood has a CHOICE to make. Stop performing abortions and receive government money again so they can continue to "help the poor." Or continue killing children and use their own blood soaked profits to do so.
Why should they stop a legal procedure? If you want to make that procedure illegal, go to the Supreme Court. Don't try to beat up poor women because they're an easier target, that's cowardly.
The Supreme Court doesn't make law.

That's why RvW is not legal in the first place.

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