Trump signs bill allowing states to defund planned parenthood

When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."
Lots of people cannot sustain life on their own, and often they cannot sustain life on their own for a portion of time, and then they regain that ability. People who suffer cardiac arrest, for example. Or people who are paralyzed. Children up to the age of .. I dunno, about how old is the youngest a kid can survive without adults? 4? If there's food laying around and no open bodies of water or buckets?
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells”

Today, national pro-life organization Live Action released video testimonials from a former Planned Parenthood manager and nurse describing in detail what happens immediately following abortions in the “products of conception” lab where abortionists sift through the dismembered body parts of the babies they just killed.

The gruesome process these women describe exposes not only the barbarism of abortion, but also that Planned Parenthood isn’t aborting “clumps of cells” or “products of conception” – euphemisms the abortion industry often uses to mislead women about how developed their babies are – but rather children with beating hearts at just three and a half weeks old.

Sue Thaye

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells” - Hot Air

They aren't children until they can sustain life on their own. Before 24 weeks, they can not do that. Their organs aren't even developed yet. No brain, no kidneys, no lungs. They are a cluster of developing cells, scientifically.

TRY again

The “clump of cells” argument exists to dupe the public into ignoring the brutal nature of abortion, as I wrote last year at The Week during the CMP campaign to expose it. Unfortunately, the “clump of cells” lie works, and sometimes mutates into even cruder slogans:

How is abortion brutal when the developing cells can't feel pain?
Abortions are brutal on a woman, that is why the decision should be in the hands of her and her doctors.

So you maintain it's okay to dismember as long as the person being hacked apart can't feel it?

Can I dope up my mom and hack her to pieces? She won't feel it, after all...
the epitome of republican hypocrisy.

"I am for small federal government. I am for cutting regulations. BUT I really want the federal government to regulate wombs."
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Bull shit. You have clearly never been in that situation. Have you.
I have been in similar family situations.

Then you have no excuse for your ignorance of the fact that no doctor would remove life support from a comatose patient who has even a fraction of the prognosis that a typical prenatal child has.
On Thursday, President Donald Trump signed a bill into law allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood and entities that commit abortions from receiving family planning funding under Title X. The new law reverses former President Barack Obama’s 11th hour parting gift to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, which contributed heavily to his campaigns.
BREAKING: President Trump signs bill allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood

Good, too bad so many are under the Democratic control though, they'd rather rake in that money for themselves. But at least the option is there for states who say screw you we will not be part of your CULT.

True. Make it a campaign issue that they won't be able to wiggle out of if elected. Trump just gave churches the right to have an opinion again. Make it count.
We have a RINOcrat in office in Ohio and he is UN rep to the bone.
If the majority of Ohio citizens want abortion abolished in their state, then make sure the governor's opponent knows that.

If churches are going to weigh in on political issues, they should pay tax on the land they own.

But then, they should pay tax on their land - Period.

And wtf is wrong with you fake christians that you want to give big bucks to drumpf's 1% cronies but want poor men, women and children to shut up and die?

Have "christians" always been a front for hate groups? That's all they are now but has it always been so?

And don't pretend that this is about abortion or that you give a flying fuck about fetuses. Its not and you don't.

Just once, have the balls to admit that you just like hurting the poor.

Are you saying there are no poor Christians, or that poor Christians are masochists.
the epitome of republican hypocrisy.

"I am for small federal government. I am for cutting regulations. BUT I really want the federal government to regulate wombs."

As small as anyone wants the government to be... it comes with the recognition that it has a legitimate role to play in the defense of basic human rights.
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."
Lots of people cannot sustain life on their own, and often they cannot sustain life on their own for a portion of time, and then they regain that ability. People who suffer cardiac arrest, for example. Or people who are paralyzed. Children up to the age of .. I dunno, about how old is the youngest a kid can survive without adults? 4? If there's food laying around and no open bodies of water or buckets?
A child is already its own human being. If you bring a child into the world you feed them until they can feed themselves. Fetal cells never fully developed into a life. The "potential" for life isn't in desperate need of federal protections as the woman's body fertilizes hundreds of eggs throughout their lifetime that on their own, never develop into a fetus. It would literally be impossible to do. Do you understand the reproductive system at all?
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."
Lots of people cannot sustain life on their own, and often they cannot sustain life on their own for a portion of time, and then they regain that ability. People who suffer cardiac arrest, for example. Or people who are paralyzed. Children up to the age of .. I dunno, about how old is the youngest a kid can survive without adults? 4? If there's food laying around and no open bodies of water or buckets?
A child is already its own human being. If you bring a child into the world you feed them until they can feed themselves. Fetal cells never fully developed into a life. The "potential" for life isn't in desperate need of federal protections as the woman's body fertilizes hundreds of eggs throughout their lifetime that on their own, never develop into a fetus. It would literally be impossible to do. Do you understand the reproductive system at all?

Look up the phrase "with child"

Then, take some time to examine the LEGAL definitions of our nation's Fetal HOMICIDE laws.

Then get back to me with your denials again.

This will be interesting.
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."
Lots of people cannot sustain life on their own, and often they cannot sustain life on their own for a portion of time, and then they regain that ability. People who suffer cardiac arrest, for example. Or people who are paralyzed. Children up to the age of .. I dunno, about how old is the youngest a kid can survive without adults? 4? If there's food laying around and no open bodies of water or buckets?
A child is already its own human being. If you bring a child into the world you feed them until they can feed themselves. Fetal cells never fully developed into a life. The "potential" for life isn't in desperate need of federal protections as the woman's body fertilizes hundreds of eggs throughout their lifetime that on their own, never develop into a fetus. It would literally be impossible to do. Do you understand the reproductive system at all?

Look up the phrase "with child"

Then, take some time to examine the LEGAL definitions of our nation's Fetal HOMICIDE laws.

Then get back to me with your denials again.

This will be interesting.

Interesting if they bother to even do it. To often pro abortionist , only read what they want to , and don't bother to read the other side of the coin. They fear it might make them wrong. Or maybe that light bulb will go off and they actually connect the dots to the scam all scams we've seen these past few years.
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells”

Today, national pro-life organization Live Action released video testimonials from a former Planned Parenthood manager and nurse describing in detail what happens immediately following abortions in the “products of conception” lab where abortionists sift through the dismembered body parts of the babies they just killed.

The gruesome process these women describe exposes not only the barbarism of abortion, but also that Planned Parenthood isn’t aborting “clumps of cells” or “products of conception” – euphemisms the abortion industry often uses to mislead women about how developed their babies are – but rather children with beating hearts at just three and a half weeks old.

Sue Thaye

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells” - Hot Air

They aren't children until they can sustain life on their own. Before 24 weeks, they can not do that. Their organs aren't even developed yet. No brain, no kidneys, no lungs. They are a cluster of developing cells, scientifically.

TRY again

The “clump of cells” argument exists to dupe the public into ignoring the brutal nature of abortion, as I wrote last year at The Week during the CMP campaign to expose it. Unfortunately, the “clump of cells” lie works, and sometimes mutates into even cruder slogans:

How is abortion brutal when the developing cells can't feel pain?
Abortions are brutal on a woman, that is why the decision should be in the hands of her and her doctors.


On May 12, 2015, David A. Prentice, Ph.D., Vice President and Research Director of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, was invited to speak on the science of fetal pain on Point of View radio talk show. On May 13, 2015 the United States House of Representatives passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

The full transcript is below:

Ms. Penna Dexter:

We want to talk about fetal pain […] because this bill is so much stronger. It actually bans abortions after twenty weeks, and that’s because – I don’t think there’s a doubt now that a fetus can feel pain at 20 weeks?

Dr. David Prentice:

But even in terms of viability, the New York Times of all places reported last week on a new scientific study out in the New England Journal of Medicine and their focus was on survival of these little ones. Very, very premature babies, some as early as, yes five months after conception, lining up just exactly with what these bills are going for, twenty weeks after conception. They are talking about how a number of these little ones even that early survive, and – lo and behold – if you actually intervene, care for them, and try to keep them alive many many, more of them survive.

Medical Expert Confirms Unborn Children Feel Excruciating Pain During Abortions |
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells”

Today, national pro-life organization Live Action released video testimonials from a former Planned Parenthood manager and nurse describing in detail what happens immediately following abortions in the “products of conception” lab where abortionists sift through the dismembered body parts of the babies they just killed.

The gruesome process these women describe exposes not only the barbarism of abortion, but also that Planned Parenthood isn’t aborting “clumps of cells” or “products of conception” – euphemisms the abortion industry often uses to mislead women about how developed their babies are – but rather children with beating hearts at just three and a half weeks old.

Sue Thaye

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells” - Hot Air

They aren't children until they can sustain life on their own. Before 24 weeks, they can not do that. Their organs aren't even developed yet. No brain, no kidneys, no lungs. They are a cluster of developing cells, scientifically.

TRY again

The “clump of cells” argument exists to dupe the public into ignoring the brutal nature of abortion, as I wrote last year at The Week during the CMP campaign to expose it. Unfortunately, the “clump of cells” lie works, and sometimes mutates into even cruder slogans:

How is abortion brutal when the developing cells can't feel pain?
Abortions are brutal on a woman, that is why the decision should be in the hands of her and her doctors.

View attachment 121709

On May 12, 2015, David A. Prentice, Ph.D., Vice President and Research Director of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, was invited to speak on the science of fetal pain on Point of View radio talk show. On May 13, 2015 the United States House of Representatives passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

The full transcript is below:

Ms. Penna Dexter:

We want to talk about fetal pain […] because this bill is so much stronger. It actually bans abortions after twenty weeks, and that’s because – I don’t think there’s a doubt now that a fetus can feel pain at 20 weeks?

Dr. David Prentice:

But even in terms of viability, the New York Times of all places reported last week on a new scientific study out in the New England Journal of Medicine and their focus was on survival of these little ones. Very, very premature babies, some as early as, yes five months after conception, lining up just exactly with what these bills are going for, twenty weeks after conception. They are talking about how a number of these little ones even that early survive, and – lo and behold – if you actually intervene, care for them, and try to keep them alive many many, more of them survive.

Medical Expert Confirms Unborn Children Feel Excruciating Pain During Abortions |

But the real science – and there’s some new things in fact, that have come out in the last few months – but the science pretty conclusively demonstrates: Young babies still in the womb at 20 weeks after conception, and probably even earlier, do indeed feel pain, and in fact, may feel more intense pain than a newborn or an adult

Ms. Dexter:

And that is because [of] their development?

Dr. Prentice:

Exactly, they have a higher density of nerve receptors. Like you said, your skin is not very thick at that point, but there is another aspect.

There are certain pathways that sort of tone down pain. If I hit my thumb with a hammer, I’m going to feel it because the pain sensation goes up to my brain, but there is also a return path to try and tone that down. That doesn’t even start to develop until about the time that you’re born, so you don’t get this dampening of the pain.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells”

Today, national pro-life organization Live Action released video testimonials from a former Planned Parenthood manager and nurse describing in detail what happens immediately following abortions in the “products of conception” lab where abortionists sift through the dismembered body parts of the babies they just killed.

The gruesome process these women describe exposes not only the barbarism of abortion, but also that Planned Parenthood isn’t aborting “clumps of cells” or “products of conception” – euphemisms the abortion industry often uses to mislead women about how developed their babies are – but rather children with beating hearts at just three and a half weeks old.

Sue Thaye

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells” - Hot Air

They aren't children until they can sustain life on their own. Before 24 weeks, they can not do that. Their organs aren't even developed yet. No brain, no kidneys, no lungs. They are a cluster of developing cells, scientifically.

TRY again

The “clump of cells” argument exists to dupe the public into ignoring the brutal nature of abortion, as I wrote last year at The Week during the CMP campaign to expose it. Unfortunately, the “clump of cells” lie works, and sometimes mutates into even cruder slogans:

How is abortion brutal when the developing cells can't feel pain?
Abortions are brutal on a woman, that is why the decision should be in the hands of her and her doctors.

So you maintain it's okay to dismember as long as the person being hacked apart can't feel it?

Can I dope up my mom and hack her to pieces? She won't feel it, after all...

I maintain a collection of undeveloped cells is not a person until it is viable outside of the womb.
the epitome of republican hypocrisy.

"I am for small federal government. I am for cutting regulations. BUT I really want the federal government to regulate wombs."

Another false narrative.
so you're not for small government of your're not for the government controlling the womb?
which is it?
Look dumbfuck...

Nobody seriously wants government to be so small that it can not or does not do anything to protect the rights of the most vulnerable members of a society.
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells”

Today, national pro-life organization Live Action released video testimonials from a former Planned Parenthood manager and nurse describing in detail what happens immediately following abortions in the “products of conception” lab where abortionists sift through the dismembered body parts of the babies they just killed.

The gruesome process these women describe exposes not only the barbarism of abortion, but also that Planned Parenthood isn’t aborting “clumps of cells” or “products of conception” – euphemisms the abortion industry often uses to mislead women about how developed their babies are – but rather children with beating hearts at just three and a half weeks old.

Sue Thaye

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells” - Hot Air

They aren't children until they can sustain life on their own. Before 24 weeks, they can not do that. Their organs aren't even developed yet. No brain, no kidneys, no lungs. They are a cluster of developing cells, scientifically.

TRY again

The “clump of cells” argument exists to dupe the public into ignoring the brutal nature of abortion, as I wrote last year at The Week during the CMP campaign to expose it. Unfortunately, the “clump of cells” lie works, and sometimes mutates into even cruder slogans:

How is abortion brutal when the developing cells can't feel pain?
Abortions are brutal on a woman, that is why the decision should be in the hands of her and her doctors.

Here is one more fact on PAIN

Fact #13: The 8 week+ unborn baby feels real physical pain during an abortion.
Yes, every abortion kills an innocent human being. Even more alarming is the fact that beginning at the 8th week of development, an unborn baby that is aborted feels pain during the abortion. The baby feels both psychological and real physical, organic pain. Let that sink in. Of course, whether or not abortion is a painful experience to the unborn child being aborted, the child is left no less dead as a result. In talking about the question of fetal pain, we must remember that it ultimately has no bearing on the morality of abortion.

Abortion kills babies. Wait, it actually gets worse. Abortion painfully kills babies.
Abortion is difficult and painful for the unborn child. Surgeon Robert P. N. Shearin states that: [1]
Fact #13: The 8 week+ unborn baby feels real physical pain during an abortion.


Ya, you wouldn't want to help poor people. :rolleyes:

Depends on one's definition of "help."
Plan their families, you know, like in the name, planned parenthood. Rich people can pay for their own doctors, poor families can use some help... with legal health care. You want to change some on abortion, fight it at the Supreme Court, don't beat up on poor people because they're an easier target, that's cowardly at best.

Nothing entitles Planned Parenthood, a private organization, to anyone's tax dollars. If states feel they need to provide funding to them to "help" the poor then so be it, but when the federal government oversteps its bounds and tells you you have to, that's the problem.

You moron, they are not talking about funding PP by giving them money, they are talking about reimbursements from Medicaid & such for medical services rendered.
Who do you think is paying for those reimbursements?
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells”

Today, national pro-life organization Live Action released video testimonials from a former Planned Parenthood manager and nurse describing in detail what happens immediately following abortions in the “products of conception” lab where abortionists sift through the dismembered body parts of the babies they just killed.

The gruesome process these women describe exposes not only the barbarism of abortion, but also that Planned Parenthood isn’t aborting “clumps of cells” or “products of conception” – euphemisms the abortion industry often uses to mislead women about how developed their babies are – but rather children with beating hearts at just three and a half weeks old.

Sue Thaye

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells” - Hot Air

They aren't children until they can sustain life on their own. Before 24 weeks, they can not do that. Their organs aren't even developed yet. No brain, no kidneys, no lungs. They are a cluster of developing cells, scientifically.

TRY again

The “clump of cells” argument exists to dupe the public into ignoring the brutal nature of abortion, as I wrote last year at The Week during the CMP campaign to expose it. Unfortunately, the “clump of cells” lie works, and sometimes mutates into even cruder slogans:

How is abortion brutal when the developing cells can't feel pain?
Abortions are brutal on a woman, that is why the decision should be in the hands of her and her doctors.

Fact #5: The right to not be killed supersedes the right to not be pregnant.
The comparison between a baby's rights and a mother's rights is unequal. What is at stake in abortion is the mother's lifestyle, as opposed to the baby's life. Therefore, it is reasonable for society to expect an adult to live temporarily with an inconvenience if the only alternative is killing a child.

Of course a child does not have more rights than her mother. Any two people are equal, and any two people have equal rights. Hence, a mother has every bit as much right to live as any child. But in nearly all abortions, the woman's right to live is not an issue, because her life is not in danger.

The mother has not only the right to live, but also the right to the lifestyle of her choice—as long as that choice does not rob other people of even more fundamental rights, the most basic of which is the right to live. The right to a certain lifestyle is never absolute and unconditional. It is always governed by its effects on others.

Planned Parenthood states: [1]

The desire to complete school or to continue working are common reasons women give for choosing to abort an unplanned pregnancy.
Completing school and working are desirable things in many cases, and pregnancy can make them difficult. But a woman normally can continue school and work during pregnancy. If she gives up a child for adoption, she need not give up school or work. If she chooses to raise the child herself, there are childcare options available if she must work outside the home. I am not suggesting this is ideal, nor do I say it callously. I have worked with single mothers and know their difficulties. I am simply pointing out there are alternatives, any one of which is preferable to an innocent child's death.

Regardless of the challenges, one person's right to a preferred lifestyle is not greater than another person's right to a life.
Rebutting Judith Jarvis Thomson's "A Defense of Abortion"
I maintain a collection of undeveloped cells is not a person until it is viable outside of the womb.


"A child is not a child until it lives too fucking long and looks too much like a child for me to be able to stomach my own fucking ability to DENY they are a child anymore "
Last edited:
On Thursday, President Donald Trump signed a bill into law allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood and entities that commit abortions from receiving family planning funding under Title X. The new law reverses former President Barack Obama’s 11th hour parting gift to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, which contributed heavily to his campaigns.
BREAKING: President Trump signs bill allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood

Good, too bad so many are under the Democratic control though, they'd rather rake in that money for themselves. But at least the option is there for states who say screw you we will not be part of your CULT.

True. Make it a campaign issue that they won't be able to wiggle out of if elected. Trump just gave churches the right to have an opinion again. Make it count.
We have a RINOcrat in office in Ohio and he is UN rep to the bone.
If the majority of Ohio citizens want abortion abolished in their state, then make sure the governor's opponent knows that.

If churches are going to weigh in on political issues, they should pay tax on the land they own.

But then, they should pay tax on their land - Period.

And wtf is wrong with you fake christians that you want to give big bucks to drumpf's 1% cronies but want poor men, women and children to shut up and die?

Have "christians" always been a front for hate groups? That's all they are now but has it always been so?

And don't pretend that this is about abortion or that you give a flying fuck about fetuses. Its not and you don't.

Just once, have the balls to admit that you just like hurting the poor.

That's a really stupid thing to believe.

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