Trump signs bill allowing states to defund planned parenthood

and when you see men promoting abortion for girls and women, remember what motivates them:

"The prevalence of forced abortions is an especially disturbing trend in sex trafficking."- Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department."


It is now estimated that there are more people enslaved today than in any other period of human history.

"Reports like these have drawn much attention to the plight of girls and boys as young as 14 who are forced to serve as prostitutes in major cities all over the country. A number of high profile documentaries and the blockbuster film Taken have drawn public attention to the increasing epidemic of forced prostitution.

"However, what has often been ignored by the media is the link between forced prostitution and forced abortion.

"Kayla was thirteen when she found herself in the forced prostitution that led to her forced abortion. Rather than being an extreme example, Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department, says it is “typical of women and girls trafficked for commercial sex in the United States.”

"In their groundbreaking study The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities, Laura J. Lederer and Christopher A. Wetzel examined the stories of sixty-six victims of sex trafficking. They found that fifty-five percent of these women had undergone at least one abortion while being trafficked and more than thirty percent underwent multiple abortions."

Researchers Uncover Disturbing Link Between Sex Trafficking and Abortion
Go fuck yourself. I support the right for women to chose a legal procedure.

It doers not mean anything beyond that.

The phrase “a woman’s right to choose” is thrown out by pro-choice proponents as if it’s some sort of magic trump card. But when did we start putting the decisions of pregnant mothers in a moral vacuum as if the motives for those decisions are unquestionable, unassailable, or infallible?

When someone attacks a pregnant mother who wants to keep her baby, and both the pregnant mother and the child in her womb die as a result of that attack, double homicide charges are brought against the assailant.
So, instead, you get to decide what is moral?
keep your laws off my body!
Ya, you wouldn't want to help poor people. :rolleyes:

Depends on one's definition of "help."
Plan their families, you know, like in the name, planned parenthood. Rich people can pay for their own doctors, poor families can use some help... with legal health care. You want to change some on abortion, fight it at the Supreme Court, don't beat up on poor people because they're an easier target, that's cowardly at best.

Can poor people afford a rubber? bc pills? morning after pill? If they can't figure that out, then they shouldn't be breeding in the first place. Stop Planned Parenthood from going to class rooms, telling these children how easy abortion is, and start telling them how easy it is not to get pregnant. Women have a lot of choices these days. Taking a life shouldn't be one of them.
And for the record. Pulling an infants leg off in utero, is as painful as ripping your leg off right now.
Rethink this grotesque ritual. It truly is savage.
PP is not going into classrooms telling kids that.

You people are just so fucking stupid.

A fetus can not "feel pain" until the third trimester. These late term abortions are for medical reasons.
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
Abortion is legal. What we are looking at is the federal government passing laws that are targeted to affect a private institution in order to try to run them out of business partly because they donate to the other party.

Where are all you " OMG OMG Government interference" people? Where are you?

PP is doing nothing illegal.

What's next? Passing a law stating no Medicaid/Medicare reimbursements for any prescriptions for drugs manufactured by any pharmaceutical company that makes any drug that can cause an abortion? Any doctor, nurse, facility that has ever did an abortion be blocked from Medicaid & Medicare>?

This is ridiculous.

The Walton family donations heavily favor Republicans, so you would have no problems if Democrats passed laws that said Walmart could not process food Stamps?

I don't see how you right wingers think this is OK for the government to single out certain entities when they do nothing illegal.

Doing so just points out what a pack of hypocrite dicks you all are.

A year ago, this was no problem. Why is it a problem now? This EO that has been undone has only been in place for a few months. It was fine for Barry for 7.8 years. PP has been profitable without it so doesn't need it. It was a "parting gift" to contributors and it has been undone, having only been in effect for months.
and when you see men promoting abortion for girls and women, remember what motivates them:

"The prevalence of forced abortions is an especially disturbing trend in sex trafficking."- Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department."


It is now estimated that there are more people enslaved today than in any other period of human history.

"Reports like these have drawn much attention to the plight of girls and boys as young as 14 who are forced to serve as prostitutes in major cities all over the country. A number of high profile documentaries and the blockbuster film Taken have drawn public attention to the increasing epidemic of forced prostitution.

"However, what has often been ignored by the media is the link between forced prostitution and forced abortion.

"Kayla was thirteen when she found herself in the forced prostitution that led to her forced abortion. Rather than being an extreme example, Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department, says it is “typical of women and girls trafficked for commercial sex in the United States.”

"In their groundbreaking study The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities, Laura J. Lederer and Christopher A. Wetzel examined the stories of sixty-six victims of sex trafficking. They found that fifty-five percent of these women had undergone at least one abortion while being trafficked and more than thirty percent underwent multiple abortions."

Researchers Uncover Disturbing Link Between Sex Trafficking and Abortion
Go fuck yourself. I support the right for women to chose a legal procedure.

It doers not mean anything beyond that.

Fuck the children and their rights though...

Now you're talking like a true Republican.

As for the unborn, when does "life" begin? When it drawing the first breath, when it can survive outside the womb on its own? When the heart starts? At conception?
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."
and when you see men promoting abortion for girls and women, remember what motivates them:

"The prevalence of forced abortions is an especially disturbing trend in sex trafficking."- Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department."


It is now estimated that there are more people enslaved today than in any other period of human history.

"Reports like these have drawn much attention to the plight of girls and boys as young as 14 who are forced to serve as prostitutes in major cities all over the country. A number of high profile documentaries and the blockbuster film Taken have drawn public attention to the increasing epidemic of forced prostitution.

"However, what has often been ignored by the media is the link between forced prostitution and forced abortion.

"Kayla was thirteen when she found herself in the forced prostitution that led to her forced abortion. Rather than being an extreme example, Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department, says it is “typical of women and girls trafficked for commercial sex in the United States.”

"In their groundbreaking study The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities, Laura J. Lederer and Christopher A. Wetzel examined the stories of sixty-six victims of sex trafficking. They found that fifty-five percent of these women had undergone at least one abortion while being trafficked and more than thirty percent underwent multiple abortions."

Researchers Uncover Disturbing Link Between Sex Trafficking and Abortion
Go fuck yourself. I support the right for women to chose a legal procedure.

It doers not mean anything beyond that.

The phrase “a woman’s right to choose” is thrown out by pro-choice proponents as if it’s some sort of magic trump card. But when did we start putting the decisions of pregnant mothers in a moral vacuum as if the motives for those decisions are unquestionable, unassailable, or infallible?

When someone attacks a pregnant mother who wants to keep her baby, and both the pregnant mother and the child in her womb die as a result of that attack, double homicide charges are brought against the assailant.
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."


When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells”

Today, national pro-life organization Live Action released video testimonials from a former Planned Parenthood manager and nurse describing in detail what happens immediately following abortions in the “products of conception” lab where abortionists sift through the dismembered body parts of the babies they just killed.

The gruesome process these women describe exposes not only the barbarism of abortion, but also that Planned Parenthood isn’t aborting “clumps of cells” or “products of conception” – euphemisms the abortion industry often uses to mislead women about how developed their babies are – but rather children with beating hearts at just three and a half weeks old.

Sue Thaye

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells” - Hot Air
and when you see men promoting abortion for girls and women, remember what motivates them:

"The prevalence of forced abortions is an especially disturbing trend in sex trafficking."- Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department."


It is now estimated that there are more people enslaved today than in any other period of human history.

"Reports like these have drawn much attention to the plight of girls and boys as young as 14 who are forced to serve as prostitutes in major cities all over the country. A number of high profile documentaries and the blockbuster film Taken have drawn public attention to the increasing epidemic of forced prostitution.

"However, what has often been ignored by the media is the link between forced prostitution and forced abortion.

"Kayla was thirteen when she found herself in the forced prostitution that led to her forced abortion. Rather than being an extreme example, Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department, says it is “typical of women and girls trafficked for commercial sex in the United States.”

"In their groundbreaking study The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities, Laura J. Lederer and Christopher A. Wetzel examined the stories of sixty-six victims of sex trafficking. They found that fifty-five percent of these women had undergone at least one abortion while being trafficked and more than thirty percent underwent multiple abortions."

Researchers Uncover Disturbing Link Between Sex Trafficking and Abortion
Go fuck yourself. I support the right for women to chose a legal procedure.

It doers not mean anything beyond that.

Fuck the children and their rights though...

Now you're talking like a true Republican.

As for the unborn, when does "life" begin? When it drawing the first breath, when it can survive outside the womb on its own? When the heart starts? At conception?

You can answer that question for yourself... but I recommend you get a thorough understanding of what the word "begin" actually means, what it's synonyms are (including the word conception).
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells”

Today, national pro-life organization Live Action released video testimonials from a former Planned Parenthood manager and nurse describing in detail what happens immediately following abortions in the “products of conception” lab where abortionists sift through the dismembered body parts of the babies they just killed.

The gruesome process these women describe exposes not only the barbarism of abortion, but also that Planned Parenthood isn’t aborting “clumps of cells” or “products of conception” – euphemisms the abortion industry often uses to mislead women about how developed their babies are – but rather children with beating hearts at just three and a half weeks old.

Sue Thaye

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells” - Hot Air

They aren't children until they can sustain life on their own. Before 24 weeks, they can not do that. Their organs aren't even developed yet. No brain, no kidneys, no lungs. They are a cluster of developing cells, scientifically.
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells”

Today, national pro-life organization Live Action released video testimonials from a former Planned Parenthood manager and nurse describing in detail what happens immediately following abortions in the “products of conception” lab where abortionists sift through the dismembered body parts of the babies they just killed.

The gruesome process these women describe exposes not only the barbarism of abortion, but also that Planned Parenthood isn’t aborting “clumps of cells” or “products of conception” – euphemisms the abortion industry often uses to mislead women about how developed their babies are – but rather children with beating hearts at just three and a half weeks old.

Sue Thaye

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells” - Hot Air

They aren't children until they can sustain life on their own. Before 24 weeks, they can not do that. Their organs aren't even developed yet. No brain, no kidneys, no lungs. They are a cluster of developing cells, scientifically.

Now there is the denial I was talking about!

Liberal (lack of ) logic on display for all to see.

"A child is not a child until it lives too fucking long and looks too much like a child for me to be able to stomach my own fucking ability to DENY they are a child anymore "
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When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells”

Today, national pro-life organization Live Action released video testimonials from a former Planned Parenthood manager and nurse describing in detail what happens immediately following abortions in the “products of conception” lab where abortionists sift through the dismembered body parts of the babies they just killed.

The gruesome process these women describe exposes not only the barbarism of abortion, but also that Planned Parenthood isn’t aborting “clumps of cells” or “products of conception” – euphemisms the abortion industry often uses to mislead women about how developed their babies are – but rather children with beating hearts at just three and a half weeks old.

Sue Thaye

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells” - Hot Air

They aren't children until they can sustain life on their own. Before 24 weeks, they can not do that. Their organs aren't even developed yet. No brain, no kidneys, no lungs. They are a cluster of developing cells, scientifically.

TRY again

The “clump of cells” argument exists to dupe the public into ignoring the brutal nature of abortion, as I wrote last year at The Week during the CMP campaign to expose it. Unfortunately, the “clump of cells” lie works, and sometimes mutates into even cruder slogans:
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells”

Today, national pro-life organization Live Action released video testimonials from a former Planned Parenthood manager and nurse describing in detail what happens immediately following abortions in the “products of conception” lab where abortionists sift through the dismembered body parts of the babies they just killed.

The gruesome process these women describe exposes not only the barbarism of abortion, but also that Planned Parenthood isn’t aborting “clumps of cells” or “products of conception” – euphemisms the abortion industry often uses to mislead women about how developed their babies are – but rather children with beating hearts at just three and a half weeks old.

Sue Thaye

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells” - Hot Air

They aren't children until they can sustain life on their own. Before 24 weeks, they can not do that. Their organs aren't even developed yet. No brain, no kidneys, no lungs. They are a cluster of developing cells, scientifically.

Abortion defenders claim that the procedure does not terminate life, and that it has no more moral meaning than excising a tumor or a cyst, a “clump of cells” in the most common construction. On Twitter, a young actor in Hollywood offered a more crude assessment this week. “A pile of goop should not have more rights than a human being,” Lucas Neff tweeted, “period.”
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells”

Today, national pro-life organization Live Action released video testimonials from a former Planned Parenthood manager and nurse describing in detail what happens immediately following abortions in the “products of conception” lab where abortionists sift through the dismembered body parts of the babies they just killed.

The gruesome process these women describe exposes not only the barbarism of abortion, but also that Planned Parenthood isn’t aborting “clumps of cells” or “products of conception” – euphemisms the abortion industry often uses to mislead women about how developed their babies are – but rather children with beating hearts at just three and a half weeks old.

Sue Thaye

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells” - Hot Air

They aren't children until they can sustain life on their own. Before 24 weeks, they can not do that. Their organs aren't even developed yet. No brain, no kidneys, no lungs. They are a cluster of developing cells, scientifically.

So then you must also support this and anyone else who thinks " It's a woman's choice" her right and all the other BS lies they've indoctrinated the NON CRITICAL THINKERS into

In Planned Parenthood facilities across the country, clinicians advised Live Action investigators, whom they believed were underage, how to experiment with dangerous sexual practices and illegally visit sex shops. Videos document the abortion chain’s questionable and risky sexual advice for boys and girls, funded by American taxpayers.

Planned Parenthood consistently fights any law requiring parental consent or parental involvement for minors seeking sexual counseling and reproductive services, including abortions. Research has uncovered cases where minors were taken for abortions by their sexual abusers.
Disturbing Advice on Sex - Live Action

THEY"VE been caught NOT reporting these issues..
Well, excuse me Mr Constitutional expert.

If you but something in this country, you are expected to pay for it. Now you say that is unconstitutional.

My God.

If you but something? :hmpf: You want to give that another shot?
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Bull shit. You have clearly never been in that situation. Have you.
I have been in similar family situations.
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells”

Today, national pro-life organization Live Action released video testimonials from a former Planned Parenthood manager and nurse describing in detail what happens immediately following abortions in the “products of conception” lab where abortionists sift through the dismembered body parts of the babies they just killed.

The gruesome process these women describe exposes not only the barbarism of abortion, but also that Planned Parenthood isn’t aborting “clumps of cells” or “products of conception” – euphemisms the abortion industry often uses to mislead women about how developed their babies are – but rather children with beating hearts at just three and a half weeks old.

Sue Thaye

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells” - Hot Air

They aren't children until they can sustain life on their own. Before 24 weeks, they can not do that. Their organs aren't even developed yet. No brain, no kidneys, no lungs. They are a cluster of developing cells, scientifically.

TRY again

The “clump of cells” argument exists to dupe the public into ignoring the brutal nature of abortion, as I wrote last year at The Week during the CMP campaign to expose it. Unfortunately, the “clump of cells” lie works, and sometimes mutates into even cruder slogans:

How is abortion brutal when the developing cells can't feel pain?
Abortions are brutal on a woman, that is why the decision should be in the hands of her and her doctors.
When my wife was in her coma, she couldn't feel any pain either. Would still be murder if someone killed her though... Wouldn't it.
not if she was a vegetable. Meaning she could not sustain life on her own. Much like the clumps of fetal tissues you guys are calling "babies."

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells”

Today, national pro-life organization Live Action released video testimonials from a former Planned Parenthood manager and nurse describing in detail what happens immediately following abortions in the “products of conception” lab where abortionists sift through the dismembered body parts of the babies they just killed.

The gruesome process these women describe exposes not only the barbarism of abortion, but also that Planned Parenthood isn’t aborting “clumps of cells” or “products of conception” – euphemisms the abortion industry often uses to mislead women about how developed their babies are – but rather children with beating hearts at just three and a half weeks old.

Sue Thaye

Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells” - Hot Air

They aren't children until they can sustain life on their own. Before 24 weeks, they can not do that. Their organs aren't even developed yet. No brain, no kidneys, no lungs. They are a cluster of developing cells, scientifically.

Too bad you made it to 24.

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