Trump signs bill allowing states to defund planned parenthood

It was the insurance industry that makes doctor's expensive.

That is part of it, yes, and you supported a party who forced everyone under penalty of law to buy their product, so it's on you.

Single payer would be cheaper for everyone.

And have cheaper outcomes. There is a reason why people from other countries come here to have surgery.
So you have a problem with the Feds protecting poor people when you know that some states will defund PP if federal protection is taken away. Is that just another way of saying that you're too much of a coward to admit that you want to block poor people from having an abortion?

Nobody is stopping anybody from having an abortion. It's legal in all 50 states.
So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?

Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D

Don't change the subject. I'm waiting.............
Let me guess, is there a part about commerce in the Constitution?

So basically, you're trying to say that your against the Feds buying stuff from private companies. Like all the furniture in the White House?
Nobody is stopping anybody from having an abortion. It's legal in all 50 states.
So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?

Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D

Don't change the subject. I'm waiting.............
Let me guess, is there a part about commerce in the Constitution?

So basically, you're trying to say that your against the Feds buying stuff from private companies. Like all the furniture in the White House?

If abortions were not for " MAKING MONEY" then abortion clinics wouldn't have quotas they want and need to meet. Don't you get it abortions are loved, they use that BS OF BEING POOR to get you in there. Wake up.

According to a shocking new investigation, this was actually happening at Planned Parenthood clinics all over the nation, and workers that reached abortion sales quota goals were rewarded with pizza parties and other incentives. Every year, Planned Parenthood murders hundreds of thousands of precious little children, but that isn’t good enough for them, and so they have their workers aggressively push abortions to the vulnerable young women who come into their facilities. It is a national disgrace, and Planned Parenthood should be defunded by Congress immediately. But of course Planned Parenthood was never defunded after it was revealed that they systematically harvest baby parts and sell them off to the highest bidder, and so many observers are pessimistic that they will be defunded now.

So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?

Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D
False premise.

Planned Parenthood doesn't help poor people. They victimize poor people for money, and they use that money to support politicians who will fight to allow them to operate their baby parts industry.

Poor people use PP for their heath care needs. How is that victimizing them? Are you victimized when you use your insurance for medical care?

We send money to a private company to buy fighter jets & that company contributes to Republicans to operate their people killing military machine.,

As for your extremely ignorant baby parts comment, how do we train our doctors? How do we research diseases? We use human tissues. How the fuck does a dumbass like you think we get them? With permission , these can be donated to science. Oh wait, you people don't believe in science.
Complete and total lie.
Poor people do not use PP for their health care needs. PP takes federal funds to squat in their neighborhoods and provides a few services incrementally and incidentally to their primary purpose..which is to assist pimps and perverts abort the pregnancies that come about because of their abuse of women.

We don't need PP for fucking health care. Total lie. Poor people do NOT benefit from PP. When PP isn't there sucking all the federal funds, the counties themselves will obtain the funding and serve their patients for the specific purpose of increasing their health, rather than the specific purpose of cutting into them and harvesting them.

PP is a health care provider specialiozing in women's heaslth.

Like it or not.

If a women opts to go to another healthcare provider, are they sucking federal funds too? I did not know counties ran clinics. Do they ac ept Medicaid or Medicare?

Or are women on Medicaid not suppised to get healthcare>?

Let me know.
So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?

Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D

Don't change the subject. I'm waiting.............
Let me guess, is there a part about commerce in the Constitution?

So basically, you're trying to say that your against the Feds buying stuff from private companies. Like all the furniture in the White House?

If abortions were not for " MAKING MONEY" then abortion clinics wouldn't have quotas they want and need to meet. Don't you get it abortions are loved, they use that BS OF BEING POOR to get you in there. Wake up.


According to a shocking new investigation, this was actually happening at Planned Parenthood clinics all over the nation, and workers that reached abortion sales quota goals were rewarded with pizza parties and other incentives. Every year, Planned Parenthood murders hundreds of thousands of precious little children, but that isn’t good enough for them, and so they have their workers aggressively push abortions to the vulnerable young women who come into their facilities. It is a national disgrace, and Planned Parenthood should be defunded by Congress immediately. But of course Planned Parenthood was never defunded after it was revealed that they systematically harvest baby parts and sell them off to the highest bidder, and so many observers are pessimistic that they will be defunded now.

In this video, women that used to work for Planned Parenthood explain how the abortion sales quotas worked. This is evil that is on a level that is hard to put into words…

As you can see in the video, former Planned Parenthood center manager Sue Thayer says that if the number of abortions got too low pressure was really put on the workers to get the number back up to an acceptable level…

“It was on this big grid, and if we hit our goal, our line was green. If we were 5 percent under it was yellow, if we were 10 percent under it was red. That’s when we needed to have a corrective action plan – why we didn’t hit the goal, what we’re going to do differently next time,” she said.

“So we were really very goal-oriented. I trained my staff the way that I was trained, which was to really encourage women to choose abortion, to have it at Planned Parenthood, because that counts toward our goal.”

Thayer’s testimony was corroborated by former Planned Parenthood nurse Marianne Anderson. According to Anderson, she often felt like “more of a salesman” than a nurse while she was working for the organization…
According to the CDC, there were 664,435 abortions total
Although black Americans make up 13.3% of the U.S. population, they comprised 35% of the total abortions “reported” – 128,682 babies killed — in 2013, according to the latest Abortion Surveillance report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

That number, 128,682 black abortions, comes from only 29 reporting areas, according to the CDC. It does not include black abortions from the following states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Those states “did not report, did not report by race/ethnicity, or did not meet reporting standards,” said the CDC in Table 12 of its report. The header for Table 12 reads, “Reported abortions, by known race/ethnicity of women who obtained an abortion and reporting area of occurrence — selected reporting areas, United States, 2013.”

Read more
Abortion for Profit
Abortion is a lucrative business. Those who defend it the most ardently often have a financial interest in keeping it legal and commonplace. Couple this with the abortion industry's consistent opposition to measures requiring more full patient disclosure, and there is good reason to wonder if they care more about profits than they do about women.
The Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI), the research arm of Planned Parenthood, estimates that there were 1.21 million abortions performed in the U.S. in the year 2005. Of the 1.21 million annual abortions, approximately 88% (1.06 million) are performed during the first trimester. The other 12% (150,000) are performed during the second and third trimester. In 2005, the average cost of a nonhospital abortion with local anesthesia at 10 weeks of gestation was $413. The Women's Medical Center estimates that a 2nd trimester abortion costs up to $3000 (with the price increasing the further along the pregnancy goes). If we take the $413 average for 1st trimester abortions and use a $3000 average for 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions, here's what we get: $438 million is spent each year on first trimester abortions and $393 million is spent on late term abortions. That means that each year in the U.S., the abortion industry brings in approximately $831 million through their abortion services alone. If you add in the $337 million (or more) that Planned Parenthood (America's largest abortion provider) receives annually in government grants and contracts for, the annual dollar amount moves well past 1 billion.

Abortion for Profit
So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?

Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D

Don't change the subject. I'm waiting.............
Let me guess, is there a part about commerce in the Constitution?

So basically, you're trying to say that your against the Feds buying stuff from private companies. Like all the furniture in the White House?

If abortions were not for " MAKING MONEY" then abortion clinics wouldn't have quotas they want and need to meet. Don't you get it abortions are loved, they use that BS OF BEING POOR to get you in there. Wake up.


According to a shocking new investigation, this was actually happening at Planned Parenthood clinics all over the nation, and workers that reached abortion sales quota goals were rewarded with pizza parties and other incentives. Every year, Planned Parenthood murders hundreds of thousands of precious little children, but that isn’t good enough for them, and so they have their workers aggressively push abortions to the vulnerable young women who come into their facilities. It is a national disgrace, and Planned Parenthood should be defunded by Congress immediately. But of course Planned Parenthood was never defunded after it was revealed that they systematically harvest baby parts and sell them off to the highest bidder, and so many observers are pessimistic that they will be defunded now.

An unproven tale told by a disgruntled anti-abortion employee.
Now Planned Parenthood has a CHOICE to make. Stop performing abortions and receive government money again so they can continue to "help the poor." Or continue killing children and use their own blood soaked profits to do so.
Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D

Don't change the subject. I'm waiting.............
Let me guess, is there a part about commerce in the Constitution?

So basically, you're trying to say that your against the Feds buying stuff from private companies. Like all the furniture in the White House?

If abortions were not for " MAKING MONEY" then abortion clinics wouldn't have quotas they want and need to meet. Don't you get it abortions are loved, they use that BS OF BEING POOR to get you in there. Wake up.


According to a shocking new investigation, this was actually happening at Planned Parenthood clinics all over the nation, and workers that reached abortion sales quota goals were rewarded with pizza parties and other incentives. Every year, Planned Parenthood murders hundreds of thousands of precious little children, but that isn’t good enough for them, and so they have their workers aggressively push abortions to the vulnerable young women who come into their facilities. It is a national disgrace, and Planned Parenthood should be defunded by Congress immediately. But of course Planned Parenthood was never defunded after it was revealed that they systematically harvest baby parts and sell them off to the highest bidder, and so many observers are pessimistic that they will be defunded now.

An unproven tale told by a disgruntled anti-abortion employee.

Abortion is often sold as a means of avoiding financial stress. For a few hundred bucks you can free yourself from the cost of raising a child, while also freeing yourself from the eventual care and support of a grown son or daughter. In the process, you free society from the long-term production and influence of an utterly unique human being.

For Oskar Schindler, the financial cost of preserving human life was very high. It cost him his entire fortune, and yet at the end of it all, he wasn't lamenting the cost, but rather the fact that he hadn't given up more for the sake of a few extra people. We look at his example and applaud. He understood the unique value of individual human beings. He understood that the value of life far exceeds the value of gold pins and luxury automobiles. He understood that financial sacrifice was the only appropriate response to the "cost of life." Abortion proponents, however, have turned Schindler's equation on its head. They argue that, in many cases, the value of a new baby is less than the value of the money it will take to feed and clothe that baby. This is utilitarianism at its ugly extreme, and the reasoning is no more honest than any of the other arguments people use to justify abortion. Babies aren't any less expensive after they're born, but very few people dare cite "extreme financial burden" as a legitimate reason for terminating their lives after birth. A possible exception to this rule would be Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger who once argued that, "The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."2

The Cost of Life

DECODE THE BS YOU ARE SOLD >..................gawd dam.
Abortion for Profit
Abortion is a lucrative business. Those who defend it the most ardently often have a financial interest in keeping it legal and commonplace. Couple this with the abortion industry's consistent opposition to measures requiring more full patient disclosure, and there is good reason to wonder if they care more about profits than they do about women.
The Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI), the research arm of Planned Parenthood, estimates that there were 1.21 million abortions performed in the U.S. in the year 2005. Of the 1.21 million annual abortions, approximately 88% (1.06 million) are performed during the first trimester. The other 12% (150,000) are performed during the second and third trimester. In 2005, the average cost of a nonhospital abortion with local anesthesia at 10 weeks of gestation was $413. The Women's Medical Center estimates that a 2nd trimester abortion costs up to $3000 (with the price increasing the further along the pregnancy goes). If we take the $413 average for 1st trimester abortions and use a $3000 average for 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions, here's what we get: $438 million is spent each year on first trimester abortions and $393 million is spent on late term abortions. That means that each year in the U.S., the abortion industry brings in approximately $831 million through their abortion services alone. If you add in the $337 million (or more) that Planned Parenthood (America's largest abortion provider) receives annually in government grants and contracts for, the annual dollar amount moves well past 1 billion.

Abortion for Profit

Now Planned Parenthood has a CHOICE to make. Stop performing abortions and receive government money again so they can continue to "help the poor." Or continue killing children and use their own blood soaked profits to do so.

The Abortion and Eugenics Policies of Nazi Germany

This paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Interdisciplinary Research in Values and Social Change, June 2001, at Charlotte, North Carolina. Professor Hunt received his Ph.D. from Georgetown University in 1966. Since 1965 he has taught history at St. Joseph College, West Hartford, Connecticut. His primary field of study has been modern European history and he is currently interested in the subjects of human rights, definitions of humanity and truth in academe and media.

Most people know by now, the twenty-first century, what abortion is, even if not all the details. Not so many, however, might be familiar with eugenics. The dictionary defines eugenics as "...a science concerned with improving...the human species, by such means as influencing or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have desirable genetic traits."(1) Another definition of eugenics is "well born."(2) The term was first coined in 1883 by an Englishman, Sir Frances Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin.(3)

This paper concerns abortion and eugenics in Nazi Germany but it is first necessary to explore abortion and eugenics in the United States, and in Weimar Germany, the democracy Germany had for fourteen years (1918-1933) prior to Hitler's coming to power. This paper will discuss birth control and sterilization also, particularly sterilization; these cannot be separated from discussions of eugenics and abortion.

First, let us briefly look at the United States. It was in this country that the eugenics movement really became established. In 1910, the first major eugenic research institution, the Eugenics Records Office, was founded and in 1923, the American Eugenics Society was formed, with branches in 29 states by the end of the decade. By 1928 there were 376 college courses on eugenics, and the subject found its way into high school texts by the mid-1930's.(4) While the movement was international, by far the most work surrounding it occurred in the United States.(5) Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, did not draw a distinction between "fit" and "unfit" along racial lines, as Nazi Germany would later do. She still believed there were "tinfit" (the poor, epileptics, alcoholics, criminals, those physically and mentally disabled) who should be prevented from reproducing, by force if necessary.(6) In her Birth Control Review (October 1921, p. 5) she said, "Possibly drastic and Spartan methods may be forced upon society if it continues complacently to encourage the chance and chaotic breeding that has resulted from our stupidly cruel sentimentalism."(7)

upload_2017-4-14_10-48-54.png | The Abortion and Eugenics Policies of Nazi Germany
On Thursday, President Donald Trump signed a bill into law allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood and entities that commit abortions from receiving family planning funding under Title X. The new law reverses former President Barack Obama’s 11th hour parting gift to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, which contributed heavily to his campaigns.
BREAKING: President Trump signs bill allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood

Good, too bad so many are under the Democratic control though, they'd rather rake in that money for themselves. But at least the option is there for states who say screw you we will not be part of your CULT.

Hope you enjoy the ensuing baby boom amongst people that won't be able to afford an illegal abortion or access to the free birth control that PP provides. The children from these broken homes will cause your taxes to go through the roof taking care of them until they turn 18 and they steal your car and break into your homes looking for money and drugs. Great move, Trump. Nice post, asshole.

Abortion rates have been trending downward for several years now... yet there has been no boom in the birthrate.

Imagine that.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D

Don't change the subject. I'm waiting.............
Let me guess, is there a part about commerce in the Constitution?

So basically, you're trying to say that your against the Feds buying stuff from private companies. Like all the furniture in the White House?

If abortions were not for " MAKING MONEY" then abortion clinics wouldn't have quotas they want and need to meet. Don't you get it abortions are loved, they use that BS OF BEING POOR to get you in there. Wake up.


According to a shocking new investigation, this was actually happening at Planned Parenthood clinics all over the nation, and workers that reached abortion sales quota goals were rewarded with pizza parties and other incentives. Every year, Planned Parenthood murders hundreds of thousands of precious little children, but that isn’t good enough for them, and so they have their workers aggressively push abortions to the vulnerable young women who come into their facilities. It is a national disgrace, and Planned Parenthood should be defunded by Congress immediately. But of course Planned Parenthood was never defunded after it was revealed that they systematically harvest baby parts and sell them off to the highest bidder, and so many observers are pessimistic that they will be defunded now.

An unproven tale told by a disgruntled anti-abortion employee.

Abortion is often sold as a means of avoiding financial stress. For a few hundred bucks you can free yourself from the cost of raising a child, while also freeing yourself from the eventual care and support of a grown son or daughter. In the process, you free society from the long-term production and influence of an utterly unique human being.

For Oskar Schindler, the financial cost of preserving human life was very high. It cost him his entire fortune, and yet at the end of it all, he wasn't lamenting the cost, but rather the fact that he hadn't given up more for the sake of a few extra people. We look at his example and applaud. He understood the unique value of individual human beings. He understood that the value of life far exceeds the value of gold pins and luxury automobiles. He understood that financial sacrifice was the only appropriate response to the "cost of life." Abortion proponents, however, have turned Schindler's equation on its head. They argue that, in many cases, the value of a new baby is less than the value of the money it will take to feed and clothe that baby. This is utilitarianism at its ugly extreme, and the reasoning is no more honest than any of the other arguments people use to justify abortion. Babies aren't any less expensive after they're born, but very few people dare cite "extreme financial burden" as a legitimate reason for terminating their lives after birth. A possible exception to this rule would be Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger who once argued that, "The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."2

The Cost of Life

DECODE THE BS YOU ARE SOLD >..................gawd dam.

I get it. I think you whackos need to decide here.

1) Women should not have abortions if they get pregnant & can't afford to raise the child.

2) OMG OMG OMG Food Stamps,WIC, Welfare

3) OMG OMG OMG Birth Control.

You assholes know these things are all related, right?
Now Planned Parenthood has a CHOICE to make. Stop performing abortions and receive government money again so they can continue to "help the poor." Or continue killing children and use their own blood soaked profits to do so.

The Abortion and Eugenics Policies of Nazi Germany

This paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Interdisciplinary Research in Values and Social Change, June 2001, at Charlotte, North Carolina. Professor Hunt received his Ph.D. from Georgetown University in 1966. Since 1965 he has taught history at St. Joseph College, West Hartford, Connecticut. His primary field of study has been modern European history and he is currently interested in the subjects of human rights, definitions of humanity and truth in academe and media.

Most people know by now, the twenty-first century, what abortion is, even if not all the details. Not so many, however, might be familiar with eugenics. The dictionary defines eugenics as "...a science concerned with improving...the human species, by such means as influencing or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have desirable genetic traits."(1) Another definition of eugenics is "well born."(2) The term was first coined in 1883 by an Englishman, Sir Frances Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin.(3)

This paper concerns abortion and eugenics in Nazi Germany but it is first necessary to explore abortion and eugenics in the United States, and in Weimar Germany, the democracy Germany had for fourteen years (1918-1933) prior to Hitler's coming to power. This paper will discuss birth control and sterilization also, particularly sterilization; these cannot be separated from discussions of eugenics and abortion.

First, let us briefly look at the United States. It was in this country that the eugenics movement really became established. In 1910, the first major eugenic research institution, the Eugenics Records Office, was founded and in 1923, the American Eugenics Society was formed, with branches in 29 states by the end of the decade. By 1928 there were 376 college courses on eugenics, and the subject found its way into high school texts by the mid-1930's.(4) While the movement was international, by far the most work surrounding it occurred in the United States.(5) Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, did not draw a distinction between "fit" and "unfit" along racial lines, as Nazi Germany would later do. She still believed there were "tinfit" (the poor, epileptics, alcoholics, criminals, those physically and mentally disabled) who should be prevented from reproducing, by force if necessary.(6) In her Birth Control Review (October 1921, p. 5) she said, "Possibly drastic and Spartan methods may be forced upon society if it continues complacently to encourage the chance and chaotic breeding that has resulted from our stupidly cruel sentimentalism."(7)

View attachment 121700 | The Abortion and Eugenics Policies of Nazi Germany
I wish you assholes would quit taking Margaret Sangers writings out of context.
Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D
False premise.

Planned Parenthood doesn't help poor people. They victimize poor people for money, and they use that money to support politicians who will fight to allow them to operate their baby parts industry.

Poor people use PP for their heath care needs. How is that victimizing them? Are you victimized when you use your insurance for medical care?

We send money to a private company to buy fighter jets & that company contributes to Republicans to operate their people killing military machine.,

As for your extremely ignorant baby parts comment, how do we train our doctors? How do we research diseases? We use human tissues. How the fuck does a dumbass like you think we get them? With permission , these can be donated to science. Oh wait, you people don't believe in science.
Complete and total lie.
Poor people do not use PP for their health care needs. PP takes federal funds to squat in their neighborhoods and provides a few services incrementally and incidentally to their primary purpose..which is to assist pimps and perverts abort the pregnancies that come about because of their abuse of women.

We don't need PP for fucking health care. Total lie. Poor people do NOT benefit from PP. When PP isn't there sucking all the federal funds, the counties themselves will obtain the funding and serve their patients for the specific purpose of increasing their health, rather than the specific purpose of cutting into them and harvesting them.

PP is a health care provider specialiozing in women's heaslth.

Like it or not.

If a women opts to go to another healthcare provider, are they sucking federal funds too? I did not know counties ran clinics. Do they ac ept Medicaid or Medicare?

Or are women on Medicaid not suppised to get healthcare>?

Let me know.

So decode all the information oh wait you can't so let me do it for you

1. Brain Wash women/ the public into " Abortion" is the way to go
2. By using the POOR which makes it acceptable because oh they can't afford a child
3. Using those two claims only gave Obama, Clinton and the rest of these crooked politicians the perfect storm to make money and profits.
4. You are brainwashed falling for this bs lie

I hate to break it to you the FEDS FUNDED PLANNED PARENTHOOD.............YOUR Taxes pay for it.
Now Planned Parenthood has a CHOICE to make. Stop performing abortions and receive government money again so they can continue to "help the poor." Or continue killing children and use their own blood soaked profits to do so.

The Abortion and Eugenics Policies of Nazi Germany

This paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Interdisciplinary Research in Values and Social Change, June 2001, at Charlotte, North Carolina. Professor Hunt received his Ph.D. from Georgetown University in 1966. Since 1965 he has taught history at St. Joseph College, West Hartford, Connecticut. His primary field of study has been modern European history and he is currently interested in the subjects of human rights, definitions of humanity and truth in academe and media.

Most people know by now, the twenty-first century, what abortion is, even if not all the details. Not so many, however, might be familiar with eugenics. The dictionary defines eugenics as "...a science concerned with improving...the human species, by such means as influencing or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have desirable genetic traits."(1) Another definition of eugenics is "well born."(2) The term was first coined in 1883 by an Englishman, Sir Frances Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin.(3)

This paper concerns abortion and eugenics in Nazi Germany but it is first necessary to explore abortion and eugenics in the United States, and in Weimar Germany, the democracy Germany had for fourteen years (1918-1933) prior to Hitler's coming to power. This paper will discuss birth control and sterilization also, particularly sterilization; these cannot be separated from discussions of eugenics and abortion.

First, let us briefly look at the United States. It was in this country that the eugenics movement really became established. In 1910, the first major eugenic research institution, the Eugenics Records Office, was founded and in 1923, the American Eugenics Society was formed, with branches in 29 states by the end of the decade. By 1928 there were 376 college courses on eugenics, and the subject found its way into high school texts by the mid-1930's.(4) While the movement was international, by far the most work surrounding it occurred in the United States.(5) Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, did not draw a distinction between "fit" and "unfit" along racial lines, as Nazi Germany would later do. She still believed there were "tinfit" (the poor, epileptics, alcoholics, criminals, those physically and mentally disabled) who should be prevented from reproducing, by force if necessary.(6) In her Birth Control Review (October 1921, p. 5) she said, "Possibly drastic and Spartan methods may be forced upon society if it continues complacently to encourage the chance and chaotic breeding that has resulted from our stupidly cruel sentimentalism."(7)

View attachment 121700 | The Abortion and Eugenics Policies of Nazi Germany
I wish you assholes would quit taking Margaret Sangers writings out of context.

If more of you ASSHOLES READ and KNEW HISTORY , then you wouldn't be ASSHOLES enough to believe the fkn lies you idiots are SOLD, .......... YOU ALL ARE THEIR SUCKERS, THEIR VICTIMS and that is why they keep winning the war off morons like those who support ABORTIONS for PROFIT......

The only time an abortion should be accepted is if the mother and her life is in true, true danger like an ectopic preg.
Now Planned Parenthood has a CHOICE to make. Stop performing abortions and receive government money again so they can continue to "help the poor." Or continue killing children and use their own blood soaked profits to do so.

The Abortion and Eugenics Policies of Nazi Germany

This paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Interdisciplinary Research in Values and Social Change, June 2001, at Charlotte, North Carolina. Professor Hunt received his Ph.D. from Georgetown University in 1966. Since 1965 he has taught history at St. Joseph College, West Hartford, Connecticut. His primary field of study has been modern European history and he is currently interested in the subjects of human rights, definitions of humanity and truth in academe and media.

Most people know by now, the twenty-first century, what abortion is, even if not all the details. Not so many, however, might be familiar with eugenics. The dictionary defines eugenics as "...a science concerned with improving...the human species, by such means as influencing or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have desirable genetic traits."(1) Another definition of eugenics is "well born."(2) The term was first coined in 1883 by an Englishman, Sir Frances Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin.(3)

This paper concerns abortion and eugenics in Nazi Germany but it is first necessary to explore abortion and eugenics in the United States, and in Weimar Germany, the democracy Germany had for fourteen years (1918-1933) prior to Hitler's coming to power. This paper will discuss birth control and sterilization also, particularly sterilization; these cannot be separated from discussions of eugenics and abortion.

First, let us briefly look at the United States. It was in this country that the eugenics movement really became established. In 1910, the first major eugenic research institution, the Eugenics Records Office, was founded and in 1923, the American Eugenics Society was formed, with branches in 29 states by the end of the decade. By 1928 there were 376 college courses on eugenics, and the subject found its way into high school texts by the mid-1930's.(4) While the movement was international, by far the most work surrounding it occurred in the United States.(5) Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, did not draw a distinction between "fit" and "unfit" along racial lines, as Nazi Germany would later do. She still believed there were "tinfit" (the poor, epileptics, alcoholics, criminals, those physically and mentally disabled) who should be prevented from reproducing, by force if necessary.(6) In her Birth Control Review (October 1921, p. 5) she said, "Possibly drastic and Spartan methods may be forced upon society if it continues complacently to encourage the chance and chaotic breeding that has resulted from our stupidly cruel sentimentalism."(7)

View attachment 121700 | The Abortion and Eugenics Policies of Nazi Germany
I wish you assholes would quit taking Margaret Sangers writings out of context.

If more of you ASSHOLES READ and KNEW HISTORY , then you wouldn't be ASSHOLES enough to believe the fkn lies you idiots are SOLD, .......... YOU ALL ARE THEIR SUCKERS, THEIR VICTIMS and that is why they keep winning the war off morons like those who support ABORTIONS for PROFIT......

The only time an abortion should be accepted is if the mother and her life is in true, true danger like an ectopic preg.
And that has always been ok.

The whole baby killing industry is founded and run and financed upon lie, after lie, after lie.

And the people who support it are depraved monsters.
Now Planned Parenthood has a CHOICE to make. Stop performing abortions and receive government money again so they can continue to "help the poor." Or continue killing children and use their own blood soaked profits to do so.
Blackmail, the choice of Republicans everywhere. Abortions are legal.

The anti abortion people should either get the to change that .

The first State that pulls medicaid from PP will find themselves in court & will lose.

The government can;t pick an organization out & penalize it for doing legal things.

The idea you right wingers are in favor tells me all I need to know about your fake backing on the US Constitution.

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