Trump signs bill allowing states to defund planned parenthood

Now Planned Parenthood has a CHOICE to make. Stop performing abortions and receive government money again so they can continue to "help the poor." Or continue killing children and use their own blood soaked profits to do so.
Blackmail, the choice of Republicans everywhere. Abortions are legal.

The anti abortion people should either get the to change that .

The first State that pulls medicaid from PP will find themselves in court & will lose.

The government can;t pick an organization out & penalize it for doing legal things.

The idea you right wingers are in favor tells me all I need to know about your fake backing on the US Constitution.
The men who defend abortions are the ones who are the most disgusting.
The latest financial report Planned Parenthood, for the year 2006-2007, shows that the abortion behemoth increased the number of abortions it committed from 264,943 in 2005 to 289,650 in 2006. Total revenue amounted to over $1 billion dollars, with the organization's profit margin - "excess of revenue over expenses" - soaring from $55.7 million in 2005 to $112 million in 2006. The organization typically receives over $300 million in taxpayer funds every year.

‘Planned Parenthood Pushes Abortion for Profit’: Ex-Abortion Facility Director

Knowing history helps to have non brainwashed brain filled with holes.
Naxism and Abortion
"...abortion is a necessary evil that we must accept out of respect for life."
- Dr. Ley, Nazi racial hygienist, on having "quality," "planned" children, at a meeting on June 15, 1937 with Nazi SS head, Heinrich Himmler. PSR, R320/N518, pp. 85-88.Germans could not have abortions, but Jews could, since this could only benefit the German people.
-Nazi government announcement through the press, 1938. Jill Stephenson, Women in Nazi Society, 1975, pp. 62-63."...if the decree [to abort Slavic, particularly Polish] becomes known, the danger will exist that encouragement will be given to the prevailing tendency to approve of abortions, and that the gradual realization, on the part of the average person, of how abominable such a practice is, will be completely eliminated."
-A Nazi doctor doing abortions, 1943. TWC, IV, 1083-1084"The performance of abortions on Eastern [Slavic] workers is a war crime, as defined in Article II (b) of Control Council Law No. 10. It is a violation of Article 48 of the Hague Regulations, which provide that family honor and rights must be respected. It is also an act of 'ill treatment' of a civilian population."
"The performance of abortions on Eastern workers is also a crime against humanity...It constitutes an 'act of extermination,' 'persecution on racial grounds,' and an 'inhumane act'..." "Even under the assumptions that her request was genuinely constitutes a war crime and a crime against humanity." [emphasis ours]
-Prosecutor at the Nuremberg RuSHA *(Race and Resettlement Office) trial, March 1948, NWCT, microfilm 894, roll 31, pp. 13-14.On March 10, 1948, two SS officers received 25 years for doing abortions and other crimes, TWC, v, 153, pp. 16061, 166."Article 2 II 1 of the Constitution protects life being developed in the mother's womb as an independent legal entity. The express inclusion of the right to life in the contrast, for example, to the Weimar Constitution, is to be explained primarily as a reaction to the 'destruction of life that is not worthy of living,'to the 'final solution' and to 'Liquidations' carried out by the National Socialist [Nazi] regime as governmental measures. Article 2 II I of the Constitution contains, in addition to the abolition of the death penalty in Article 102, a profession of commitment to the fundamental value of human life and to a concept of the state that places it in decisive opposition to the views of a political regime to which life meant little and which for this reason engaged in unlimited abuse of the right it had usurped over the life and death of the citizen."
"...abortion is an act of killing that the law cannot tolerate." NJW XIII, 1975, 574, 576."The Basic Law [the German Constitution] mandates the state to protect humankind, including unborn children. This protection has its basis in Article 1, Section 1 of the Basic Law; it is more clearly spelled out in Article 2, Section 2 of the Basic Law. The unborn already have human dignity. The proper approach for the law must be to accept the unique right to life during the unborn's development. This right to life is not established simply by its acceptance by the mother."
"Proper protection due the unborn works frequently against the mother. Such protection is possible only if legislators forbid basic abortion practices and with this impose [on the mother] the basic duty to carry the child to term." "The abortion must be viewed as being basically wrong for the entire length of the pregnancy and accordingly be forbidden (Confirmation, Federal Constitutional Court, 39, 1 [44]=Basic European Laws, 1975, 126 [140]. "The carrying out of the protection binds the state further, to establish and encourage the proper claim to protection of unborn life in the universal consciousness.
"The state's protective obligation makes it necessary that the woman and the physician both work together for the protection of unborn life." EuGRZ, June 4, 1993. p. 529.
EuGRZ - EuropaischeGrundrecthe Zeitschrift, (European Basic Laws Periodical). This was the second condemnation of abortion by the German Supreme Court; it was a decision binding on all Germany, since unification had occurred.NJW - Neues Juristisches Wochenblatt, (New Judicial Weekly). This was the first condemnation of abortion by the West German Supreme Court after the Bundestag legalized it.PSR - Persoenlicher Stab Reichsfuehrer-SS (Personal Staff Files of SS Head, Heinrich Himmler), German National Archives,
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D
False premise.

Planned Parenthood doesn't help poor people. They victimize poor people for money, and they use that money to support politicians who will fight to allow them to operate their baby parts industry.

Poor people use PP for their heath care needs. How is that victimizing them? Are you victimized when you use your insurance for medical care?

We send money to a private company to buy fighter jets & that company contributes to Republicans to operate their people killing military machine.,

As for your extremely ignorant baby parts comment, how do we train our doctors? How do we research diseases? We use human tissues. How the fuck does a dumbass like you think we get them? With permission , these can be donated to science. Oh wait, you people don't believe in science.
Complete and total lie.
Poor people do not use PP for their health care needs. PP takes federal funds to squat in their neighborhoods and provides a few services incrementally and incidentally to their primary purpose..which is to assist pimps and perverts abort the pregnancies that come about because of their abuse of women.

We don't need PP for fucking health care. Total lie. Poor people do NOT benefit from PP. When PP isn't there sucking all the federal funds, the counties themselves will obtain the funding and serve their patients for the specific purpose of increasing their health, rather than the specific purpose of cutting into them and harvesting them.

PP is a health care provider specialiozing in women's heaslth.

Like it or not.

If a women opts to go to another healthcare provider, are they sucking federal funds too? I did not know counties ran clinics. Do they ac ept Medicaid or Medicare?

Or are women on Medicaid not suppised to get healthcare>?

Let me know.

So decode all the information oh wait you can't so let me do it for you

1. Brain Wash women/ the public into " Abortion" is the way to go
2. By using the POOR which makes it acceptable because oh they can't afford a child
3. Using those two claims only gave Obama, Clinton and the rest of these crooked politicians the perfect storm to make money and profits.
4. You are brainwashed falling for this bs lie

I hate to break it to you the FEDS FUNDED PLANNED PARENTHOOD.............YOUR Taxes pay for it.

PP does not push people to get abortions. That is a lie.

There are working families who realize they can not afford another child. Maybe she works? This is just one reason a woman might want an abortion.

I have news, abortions happened under Bush & a Republican congress. Clinton & Obama had nothing to do with it.

I know this, abortions are legal. It is up to the woman to decide. Not you.
and when you see men promoting abortion for girls and women, remember what motivates them:

"The prevalence of forced abortions is an especially disturbing trend in sex trafficking."- Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department."


It is now estimated that there are more people enslaved today than in any other period of human history.

"Reports like these have drawn much attention to the plight of girls and boys as young as 14 who are forced to serve as prostitutes in major cities all over the country. A number of high profile documentaries and the blockbuster film Taken have drawn public attention to the increasing epidemic of forced prostitution.

"However, what has often been ignored by the media is the link between forced prostitution and forced abortion.

"Kayla was thirteen when she found herself in the forced prostitution that led to her forced abortion. Rather than being an extreme example, Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department, says it is “typical of women and girls trafficked for commercial sex in the United States.”

"In their groundbreaking study The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities, Laura J. Lederer and Christopher A. Wetzel examined the stories of sixty-six victims of sex trafficking. They found that fifty-five percent of these women had undergone at least one abortion while being trafficked and more than thirty percent underwent multiple abortions."

Researchers Uncover Disturbing Link Between Sex Trafficking and Abortion
Now Planned Parenthood has a CHOICE to make. Stop performing abortions and receive government money again so they can continue to "help the poor." Or continue killing children and use their own blood soaked profits to do so.
Blackmail, the choice of Republicans everywhere. Abortions are legal.

The anti abortion people should either get the to change that .

The first State that pulls medicaid from PP will find themselves in court & will lose.

The government can;t pick an organization out & penalize it for doing legal things.

The idea you right wingers are in favor tells me all I need to know about your fake backing on the US Constitution.
The men who defend abortions are the ones who are the most disgusting.

I defend the right for women to choose.

You must like men telling you what you can do with your body.
False premise.

Planned Parenthood doesn't help poor people. They victimize poor people for money, and they use that money to support politicians who will fight to allow them to operate their baby parts industry.

Poor people use PP for their heath care needs. How is that victimizing them? Are you victimized when you use your insurance for medical care?

We send money to a private company to buy fighter jets & that company contributes to Republicans to operate their people killing military machine.,

As for your extremely ignorant baby parts comment, how do we train our doctors? How do we research diseases? We use human tissues. How the fuck does a dumbass like you think we get them? With permission , these can be donated to science. Oh wait, you people don't believe in science.
Complete and total lie.
Poor people do not use PP for their health care needs. PP takes federal funds to squat in their neighborhoods and provides a few services incrementally and incidentally to their primary purpose..which is to assist pimps and perverts abort the pregnancies that come about because of their abuse of women.

We don't need PP for fucking health care. Total lie. Poor people do NOT benefit from PP. When PP isn't there sucking all the federal funds, the counties themselves will obtain the funding and serve their patients for the specific purpose of increasing their health, rather than the specific purpose of cutting into them and harvesting them.

PP is a health care provider specialiozing in women's heaslth.

Like it or not.

If a women opts to go to another healthcare provider, are they sucking federal funds too? I did not know counties ran clinics. Do they ac ept Medicaid or Medicare?

Or are women on Medicaid not suppised to get healthcare>?

Let me know.

So decode all the information oh wait you can't so let me do it for you

1. Brain Wash women/ the public into " Abortion" is the way to go
2. By using the POOR which makes it acceptable because oh they can't afford a child
3. Using those two claims only gave Obama, Clinton and the rest of these crooked politicians the perfect storm to make money and profits.
4. You are brainwashed falling for this bs lie

I hate to break it to you the FEDS FUNDED PLANNED PARENTHOOD.............YOUR Taxes pay for it.

PP does not push people to get abortions. That is a lie.

There are working families who realize they can not afford another child. Maybe she works? This is just one reason a woman might want an abortion.

I have news, abortions happened under Bush & a Republican congress. Clinton & Obama had nothing to do with it.

I know this, abortions are legal. It is up to the woman to decide. Not you.

PP pushes people to get abortions. They have QUOTAS. And that makes me wonder...

What do you get paid to do? Are you a pimp, an abortionist, or just a trafficker?
Or someone who uses young prostitutes and doesn't ever want to have to pay child support?
Now Planned Parenthood has a CHOICE to make. Stop performing abortions and receive government money again so they can continue to "help the poor." Or continue killing children and use their own blood soaked profits to do so.
Blackmail, the choice of Republicans everywhere. Abortions are legal.

The anti abortion people should either get the to change that .

The first State that pulls medicaid from PP will find themselves in court & will lose.

The government can;t pick an organization out & penalize it for doing legal things.

The idea you right wingers are in favor tells me all I need to know about your fake backing on the US Constitution.
The men who defend abortions are the ones who are the most disgusting.

I defend the right for women to choose.

You must like men telling you what you can do with your body.

No, you defend your right to abuse women as you choose and never have to face the consequences of abusing them.
“The prevalence of forced abortions is an especially disturbing trend in sex trafficking. One victim noted that ‘in most of [my six abortions,] I was under serious pressure from my pimps to abort the babies.’ Another survivor, whose abuse at the hands of her traffickers was particularly brutal, reported 17 abortions and indicated that at least some of them were forced on her.”

"Even more upsetting was the discovery that a full quarter of these underage trafficked women visited Planned Parenthood and other healthcare providers for abortions and contraceptives, but many were never asked about whether they were being coerced to engage in sex or to have an abortion."

Of course, that's only upsetting to those of us who value women, and life.

Researchers Uncover Disturbing Link Between Sex Trafficking and Abortion
Nobody is stopping anybody from having an abortion. It's legal in all 50 states.
So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?

Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D

Don't change the subject. I'm waiting.............
Let me guess, is there a part about commerce in the Constitution?

The Commerce Clause doesn't apply. Try again
and when you see men promoting abortion for girls and women, remember what motivates them:

"The prevalence of forced abortions is an especially disturbing trend in sex trafficking."- Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department."


It is now estimated that there are more people enslaved today than in any other period of human history.

"Reports like these have drawn much attention to the plight of girls and boys as young as 14 who are forced to serve as prostitutes in major cities all over the country. A number of high profile documentaries and the blockbuster film Taken have drawn public attention to the increasing epidemic of forced prostitution.

"However, what has often been ignored by the media is the link between forced prostitution and forced abortion.

"Kayla was thirteen when she found herself in the forced prostitution that led to her forced abortion. Rather than being an extreme example, Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department, says it is “typical of women and girls trafficked for commercial sex in the United States.”

"In their groundbreaking study The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities, Laura J. Lederer and Christopher A. Wetzel examined the stories of sixty-six victims of sex trafficking. They found that fifty-five percent of these women had undergone at least one abortion while being trafficked and more than thirty percent underwent multiple abortions."

Researchers Uncover Disturbing Link Between Sex Trafficking and Abortion
Go fuck yourself. I support the right for women to chose a legal procedure.

It doers not mean anything beyond that.
They've got ppl so brainwashed on abortions just as they have them conned on this :


What's one got to do with the other " " It is the decades of lies and fkn bs we have all been told and believed" .
So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?

Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D

Don't change the subject. I'm waiting.............
Let me guess, is there a part about commerce in the Constitution?

The Commerce Clause doesn't apply. Try again
Well, excuse me Mr Constitutional expert.

If you but something in this country, you are expected to pay for it. Now you say that is unconstitutional.

My God.
and when you see men promoting abortion for girls and women, remember what motivates them:

"The prevalence of forced abortions is an especially disturbing trend in sex trafficking."- Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department."


It is now estimated that there are more people enslaved today than in any other period of human history.

"Reports like these have drawn much attention to the plight of girls and boys as young as 14 who are forced to serve as prostitutes in major cities all over the country. A number of high profile documentaries and the blockbuster film Taken have drawn public attention to the increasing epidemic of forced prostitution.

"However, what has often been ignored by the media is the link between forced prostitution and forced abortion.

"Kayla was thirteen when she found herself in the forced prostitution that led to her forced abortion. Rather than being an extreme example, Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department, says it is “typical of women and girls trafficked for commercial sex in the United States.”

"In their groundbreaking study The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities, Laura J. Lederer and Christopher A. Wetzel examined the stories of sixty-six victims of sex trafficking. They found that fifty-five percent of these women had undergone at least one abortion while being trafficked and more than thirty percent underwent multiple abortions."

Researchers Uncover Disturbing Link Between Sex Trafficking and Abortion
Go fuck yourself. I support the right for women to chose a legal procedure.

It doers not mean anything beyond that.

The phrase “a woman’s right to choose” is thrown out by pro-choice proponents as if it’s some sort of magic trump card. But when did we start putting the decisions of pregnant mothers in a moral vacuum as if the motives for those decisions are unquestionable, unassailable, or infallible?

When someone attacks a pregnant mother who wants to keep her baby, and both the pregnant mother and the child in her womb die as a result of that attack, double homicide charges are brought against the assailant.
On Thursday, President Donald Trump signed a bill into law allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood and entities that commit abortions from receiving family planning funding under Title X. The new law reverses former President Barack Obama’s 11th hour parting gift to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, which contributed heavily to his campaigns.
BREAKING: President Trump signs bill allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood

Good, too bad so many are under the Democratic control though, they'd rather rake in that money for themselves. But at least the option is there for states who say screw you we will not be part of your CULT.
Good. Welfare whores do not need free health care or free infanticide.
Ya, you wouldn't want to help poor people. :rolleyes:

Depends on one's definition of "help."
Plan their families, you know, like in the name, planned parenthood. Rich people can pay for their own doctors, poor families can use some help... with legal health care. You want to change some on abortion, fight it at the Supreme Court, don't beat up on poor people because they're an easier target, that's cowardly at best.

Can poor people afford a rubber? bc pills? morning after pill? If they can't figure that out, then they shouldn't be breeding in the first place. Stop Planned Parenthood from going to class rooms, telling these children how easy abortion is, and start telling them how easy it is not to get pregnant. Women have a lot of choices these days. Taking a life shouldn't be one of them.
And for the record. Pulling an infant's leg off in utero, is as painful as ripping your leg off right now.
Rethink this grotesque ritual. It truly is savage.
Last edited:
and when you see men promoting abortion for girls and women, remember what motivates them:

"The prevalence of forced abortions is an especially disturbing trend in sex trafficking."- Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department."


It is now estimated that there are more people enslaved today than in any other period of human history.

"Reports like these have drawn much attention to the plight of girls and boys as young as 14 who are forced to serve as prostitutes in major cities all over the country. A number of high profile documentaries and the blockbuster film Taken have drawn public attention to the increasing epidemic of forced prostitution.

"However, what has often been ignored by the media is the link between forced prostitution and forced abortion.

"Kayla was thirteen when she found herself in the forced prostitution that led to her forced abortion. Rather than being an extreme example, Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department, says it is “typical of women and girls trafficked for commercial sex in the United States.”

"In their groundbreaking study The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities, Laura J. Lederer and Christopher A. Wetzel examined the stories of sixty-six victims of sex trafficking. They found that fifty-five percent of these women had undergone at least one abortion while being trafficked and more than thirty percent underwent multiple abortions."

Researchers Uncover Disturbing Link Between Sex Trafficking and Abortion
Go fuck yourself. I support the right for women to chose a legal procedure.

It doers not mean anything beyond that.

The phrase “a woman’s right to choose” is thrown out by pro-choice proponents as if it’s some sort of magic trump card. But when did we start putting the decisions of pregnant mothers in a moral vacuum as if the motives for those decisions are unquestionable, unassailable, or infallible?

When someone attacks a pregnant mother who wants to keep her baby, and both the pregnant mother and the child in her womb die as a result of that attack, double homicide charges are brought against the assailant.
So, instead, you get to decide what is moral?
Now Planned Parenthood has a CHOICE to make. Stop performing abortions and receive government money again so they can continue to "help the poor." Or continue killing children and use their own blood soaked profits to do so.
Blackmail, the choice of Republicans everywhere. Abortions are legal.

The anti abortion people should either get the to change that .

The first State that pulls medicaid from PP will find themselves in court & will lose.

The government can;t pick an organization out & penalize it for doing legal things.

The idea you right wingers are in favor tells me all I need to know about your fake backing on the US Constitution.
The men who defend abortions are the ones who are the most disgusting.
drama queen
and when you see men promoting abortion for girls and women, remember what motivates them:

"The prevalence of forced abortions is an especially disturbing trend in sex trafficking."- Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department."


It is now estimated that there are more people enslaved today than in any other period of human history.

"Reports like these have drawn much attention to the plight of girls and boys as young as 14 who are forced to serve as prostitutes in major cities all over the country. A number of high profile documentaries and the blockbuster film Taken have drawn public attention to the increasing epidemic of forced prostitution.

"However, what has often been ignored by the media is the link between forced prostitution and forced abortion.

"Kayla was thirteen when she found herself in the forced prostitution that led to her forced abortion. Rather than being an extreme example, Laura J. Lederer, the Senior Adviser on Trafficking for the US State Department, says it is “typical of women and girls trafficked for commercial sex in the United States.”

"In their groundbreaking study The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities, Laura J. Lederer and Christopher A. Wetzel examined the stories of sixty-six victims of sex trafficking. They found that fifty-five percent of these women had undergone at least one abortion while being trafficked and more than thirty percent underwent multiple abortions."

Researchers Uncover Disturbing Link Between Sex Trafficking and Abortion
Go fuck yourself. I support the right for women to chose a legal procedure.

It doers not mean anything beyond that.

Fuck the children and their rights though...


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