Trump signs bill for NASA funding, mars exploration


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
“With this legislation, we support NASA’s scientists, engineers and astronauts and their pursuit of discovery"
President Donald Trump signed into law Tuesday a bill authorizing funding for NASA which also makes human exploration of Mars a priority.

Known as the NASA Transition Authorization Act, the new law provides $19.5 billion in funding for fiscal year 2018 and tasks the space agency ..................................

Trump Signs Bill for NASA Funding, Mars Exploration



We might need to live on Mars by the time these globalist screwballs get done with this planet.
“With this legislation, we support NASA’s scientists, engineers and astronauts and their pursuit of discovery"
President Donald Trump signed into law Tuesday a bill authorizing funding for NASA which also makes human exploration of Mars a priority.

Known as the NASA Transition Authorization Act, the new law provides $19.5 billion in funding for fiscal year 2018 and tasks the space agency ..................................

Trump Signs Bill for NASA Funding, Mars Exploration

View attachment 117806

We might need to live on Mars by the time these globalist screwballs get done with this planet.
How ironic, a party that lives in outer space mentally, is interested in exploring it!!
“With this legislation, we support NASA’s scientists, engineers and astronauts and their pursuit of discovery"
President Donald Trump signed into law Tuesday a bill authorizing funding for NASA which also makes human exploration of Mars a priority.

Known as the NASA Transition Authorization Act, the new law provides $19.5 billion in funding for fiscal year 2018 and tasks the space agency ..................................

Trump Signs Bill for NASA Funding, Mars Exploration

View attachment 117806

We might need to live on Mars by the time these globalist screwballs get done with this planet.
Their protests sure are polluting the planet....
Well, at least they have something to wipe their asses with.
Manned Mars exploration, what a stupid idea. Not Trump's fault, as the stupidity precedes him.

Eventually, it might be a good idea. But right now, it's a pointless suicide mission. The money would be better spent on projects in near earth orbit and on the Moon. You learn to crawl before you can walk.
Manned Mars exploration, what a stupid idea. Not Trump's fault, as the stupidity precedes him.

Eventually, it might be a good idea. But right now, it's a pointless suicide mission. The money would be better spent on projects in near earth orbit and on the Moon. You learn to crawl before you can walk.
Trump will spend anything on everything as long as its NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE......He's determined to destroy mankind here on earth at every venture
Manned Mars exploration, what a stupid idea. Not Trump's fault, as the stupidity precedes him.

Eventually, it might be a good idea. But right now, it's a pointless suicide mission. The money would be better spent on projects in near earth orbit and on the Moon. You learn to crawl before you can walk.
I'm willing to bet any crew we send there will never come back.
Mars in three days? NASA touts new propulsion system

With all the talk of one day launching a human mission to Mars, it still would take upwards of six months to reach the Red Planet.

But NASA researchers are working on new laser technology that could allow a craft to reach Mars in as little as three days. Known as photonic propulsion, the system would works by using lasers to propel a giant sail. Rather than photons from the Sun’s rays, the system would get a boost from Earth-based lasers, according to ScienceAlert....

“There are recent advances which take this from science fiction to science reality,” Philip Lubin, of the University of California Santa Barbara, said in a video about his NASA Innovative Advanced Concept (NIAC) for energy propulsion for interstellar exploration.

“There is no known reason why we can’t do this,” he continued. “There is a roadmap which you can look at in our paper to relativistic flight. The system is completely scalable modularly, built to any size you want from a tiny one to a gigantic one.”​
He needs to direct NASA to stop wasting billions in searching for life. They should be focusing on building bases/colonies to obtain natural resources. The only way will ever really expand our domain into space is if there is commercial value in it.
But NASA researchers are working on new laser technology that could allow a craft to reach Mars in as little as three days. Known as photonic propulsion, the system would works by using lasers to propel a giant sail. Rather than photons from the Sun’s rays, the system would get a boost from Earth-based lasers,

The problem there is it's only acceleration one-way, with no way to "brake". A craft could reach Mars quickly that way, but it would shoot right past it. For a landing, spacecraft need to match both velocity and position.


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