Trump Signs The Corona Relief Bill

The country stays open for the foreseeable future...unemployment checks keep flowing to those who are out of work, there are some direct payments (they're not anywhere near enough) to all citizens....the blob gets his ass handed to him in public once more, his supporters have their nose rubbed in their caca yet again....

Yep a pretty good night all around.

Oh, did I mention that Biden becomes President in 24 days?

Happy Holidays.
And when the $2000 passes HOUSE & SENATE tomorrow, and Trump signs it - YOUR ass will be handed to YOU, right ? OK, it hasn't happened yet. Let's get a good nights sleep, and get up tomorrow and watch. :biggrin:

And you don't know who's going to be president in 24 days, any more than the rest of us.

Biden will be president in 23 days now loser.

I'll be happy as a cat at a fish fry if the blob signs 2000 dollar checks for Americans...but if he doesn't, President Biden will if the bill gets through the Congress.
He signed it because Pelosi was not going to budge...and because $600 is needed now..not later.

Meanwhile....pakistan can now use their millions to teach kids that boys have pee pees, girls have vaginas, and they can swap any ol time they want with our funds.
600 is needed now? For what my familes three week grocery bill? It was a bribe. And a cheap one at that. More insulting than even helpful. Who came up with this lowely 600 near worthless idea to begin with.
Bidens not giving more either.
Last time a Democrat got into office it cost me money because my family couldnt afford high priced health care living paycheck to paycheck.
So they took our money without giving us health care.
Biden will most likely do the same.
I dont want their 600 dollars. They can keep it. Its a bribe and they will take it back later
$600 is an insult. The government closed businesses and declare people non-essential. The last relief checks went out in June so the government figures you are worth about $100 dollars a month. Like your new communist government.
Even though I'm not a Trump fan by any stretch of the imagination I was glad to hear him berate Congress for the "measly" $600 one-time payment to the American people irrespective of whose fault it was

Trump signs coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law after lengthy delay
He signed it ......did he want 75 % of his supporters to say "what the friggin hell man "
He never should have signed it. Just veto it,,, let the dems take the heat for the $700 billion in pork and foreign aid
Even though I'm not a Trump fan by any stretch of the imagination I was glad to hear him berate Congress for the "measly" $600 one-time payment to the American people irrespective of whose fault it was

Trump signs coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law after lengthy delay
He signed it ......did he want 75 % of his supporters to say "what the friggin hell man "
He never should have signed it. Just veto it,,, let the dems take the heat for the $700 billion in pork and foreign aid
I was hoping that he'd make them fix the bill and then sign it.

At this point, another day in order to get what is really needed as opposed to a token amount just so that no one can say that the government stood by and did nothing would have been worth it, in my opinion.
Even though I'm not a Trump fan by any stretch of the imagination I was glad to hear him berate Congress for the "measly" $600 one-time payment to the American people irrespective of whose fault it was

Trump signs coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law after lengthy delay
/——/ Good news, libtards. You don’t get a miserable $2,000, you get a whooping $600. Aren’t you happy?

The $2K is coming when Biden gets into office. Especially if the Dems win the Senate.

Much happier to see the blob get his ass handed to him yet again.
/—-/ Says who? The only thing Dementia Joe will do is raise our taxes and take away employer healthcare.
This is how you know Trump isn’t a Conservative. A real Conservative would have had the spine to veto thst bill.
But read the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 , might be some hope, although I do not understand if it was passed by both houses and signed by the President how his red lines in the bill can be changed
Even though I'm not a Trump fan by any stretch of the imagination I was glad to hear him berate Congress for the "measly" $600 one-time payment to the American people irrespective of whose fault it was

Trump signs coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law after lengthy delay
/——/ Good news, libtards. You don’t get a miserable $2,000, you get a whooping $600. Aren’t you happy?

The $2K is coming when Biden gets into office. Especially if the Dems win the Senate.

Much happier to see the blob get his ass handed to him yet again.
/—-/ Says who? The only thing Dementia Joe will do is raise our taxes and take away employer healthcare.

As it turns out Speaker Pelosi and your blob are together on getting the deal done before Biden assumes power and Trump oozes out of office. We'll see if Moscow Mitch blocks covid relief as he has done since May.

As for Biden...the blob is gone. Everything else is gravy
This is how you know Trump isn’t a Conservative. A real Conservative would have had the spine to veto thst bill.
But read the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 , might be some hope, although I do not understand if it was passed by both houses and signed by the President how his red lines in the bill can be changed
It can't be changed.

We saw what happened the last time he tried to interrupt aid that he signed off on. He got impeached. Hope it happens again on the way out the door if he goes there.
Much happier to see the blob get his ass handed to him yet again.

Your personal satisfaction is more important than what's best for the country.

The country stays open for the foreseeable future...unemployment checks keep flowing to those who are out of work, there are some direct payments (they're not anywhere near enough) to all citizens....the blob gets his ass handed to him in public once more, his supporters have their nose rubbed in their caca yet again....

Yep a pretty good night all around.

Oh, did I mention that Biden becomes President in 24 days?

Happy Holidays.

Bad bill with a lot of needless pork. It doesn’t help the average American much but it will sure help foreign countries with issues not related to Covid.
For those struggling, no help because politics is more important than the average American. To hold off true relief until there is a new president is just a sad reflection on how much politicians hate the average American.
We as a nation have failed our own.

Its $3,600 in unemployment assistance....if I understand it correctly that is on top of what the states provide.

The blob should have signed the bill last week. Waiting made no sense.
/——-/ Nancy Piglosi didn’t start sending the bill to the President until 4pm Christmas Eve. He signed it Sunday. So STFU with your fake outrage. Congress sends Covid relief bill to Trump, but it's not clear whether he will sign it
Much happier to see the blob get his ass handed to him yet again.

Your personal satisfaction is more important than what's best for the country.

The country stays open for the foreseeable future...unemployment checks keep flowing to those who are out of work, there are some direct payments (they're not anywhere near enough) to all citizens....the blob gets his ass handed to him in public once more, his supporters have their nose rubbed in their caca yet again....

Yep a pretty good night all around.

Oh, did I mention that Biden becomes President in 24 days?

Happy Holidays.

Bad bill with a lot of needless pork. It doesn’t help the average American much but it will sure help foreign countries with issues not related to Covid.
For those struggling, no help because politics is more important than the average American. To hold off true relief until there is a new president is just a sad reflection on how much politicians hate the average American.
We as a nation have failed our own.

Its $3,600 in unemployment assistance....if I understand it correctly that is on top of what the states provide.

The blob should have signed the bill last week. Waiting made no sense.
/——-/ Nancy Piglosi didn’t start sending the bill to the President until 4pm Christmas Eve. He signed it Sunday. So STFU with your fake outrage. Congress sends Covid relief bill to Trump, but it's not clear whether he will sign it

It was passed on the 22nd, not the 24th.


Fuck off.
Well the only thing you can say about the 600 is that it will last 1/2 as long as the 1200 did. Trump was well informed on what was going on and his lead guy was suggested the 600 figure. Then Trump threatens a veto and fails to follow thru. Claiming more money is needed after the fact. Its is funny how some will condemn those on welfare and at the same time complain that 1200 is needed again.

Actually it was TEN days ago, when he was talking about $1200 to $2000 range, Democrats didn't do shit about it for 6 days, then Trump loudly requested $2,000 instead of the $600.

Trump made Veto threat over the $600 size and too much pork.
Just an excuse to throw one more bomb or he would have had Manuchin forcefully advocating for it for months. It was just another hollow trumpism.

You sure forget easily, must be that TDS virus swirling deeply in you:


The Trump administration wants to send every American up to $2,000

By Andy Meek @aemeek
March 18th, 2020 at 4:13 PM

  • The Trump administration is proposing a $1 trillion stimulus package to deal with the economic impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
  • Among its components, the plan calls for sending out as much as $2,000 to Americans in the form of two checks — one sent out on April 6 and the other on May 18.



Guess who shut that one down.......

Do you remember Steve Manuchin, the negotiator for the white house on these spending bill forcefully advocating for it over the last few months or even this month? I don't either.

Give it up, you got clocked on this, it is the job of Congress to get it done, not the President who can only make non binding proposals, which congress can ignore. Since it has been well known that the President proposed $1200-2000 payments...... NINE MONTHS AGO, Congress could have tried the 1200 from the start not 600, which Trump and his administration NEVER proposed.
Moscow Mitch was holding the line. Remember all the times he denounced Mitch in the last two months before the election for it or during the month of December, before it was passed? Nope, cause it did not happen. Ever seen him fail to attack republicans with threats of turning the electorate against them if they did something he didn't like. Nope, again. You never got it that he has always been more about tearing down than leading in a positive way. It is why he lost the election and acted in disregard on this when it counted. He will leave further aide to President Biden to deal with Mitch on.

You babble too much, Trump did what he wanted for at least 10 days, and it has worked, since he is getting the $2,000 he has wanted for 10 days.
Where did you hear that? Got a link?

Post 37

Post 40

Post 49

I have already told you earlier.

You forget your glasses?
Mentioned in march, not pushed for. Mentioned on Dec 17 and talked out of it by aides.
Signed for the $600. Mitch already said NO, within the last 2 days. You are dreaming. Wake up.

No he didn't sign for the $600, that will be changed tomorrow, you are still ignoring the news of the agreement I posted HERE at post #49

Adults are to get $2,000 and $600 per child as part of the agreement.
Not sure why it bothered you people so much last night that I would respond in disbelief. It was the middle of the night. Links were from right wing fringe sites. No confirmation of any normal sources and nothing from any republican in the Senate. I got up this morning and checked mainstream news/infotainment on cable. They are not talking about any agreement. C-Span is going in the background now. They are not talking about any agreement, either. I still think you guys are peeing yourself for nothing. You should know better by now. You have learned nothing since he came to office and he is leaving like he came, all BS and bluster for your entertainment.
It's okay. Trump's veto threat proved he is still President, and the only people it hurt were losers on unemployment.
This is how you know Trump isn’t a Conservative. A real Conservative would have had the spine to veto thst bill.
But read the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 , might be some hope, although I do not understand if it was passed by both houses and signed by the President how his red lines in the bill can be changed

The 'recission request' is a fig leaf too small to cover Trump's undersized appendage.
I think somebody finally convinced Trump to sign that bill or he would look like shit to just about everybody, except maybe fiscal conservatives. Whose numbers are not exactly robust these days; even many members of his own party are against him for not signing it. AND, if he doesn't sign it then the democrats will have a great deal of leverage on the GOP to agree to a much bigger bill next year, under Biden. Which means they get the credit and he doesn't, and that is unacceptable for somebody who might be thinking of running for president in 2024.
Very disappointing to see that Trump has even less of a spine than I thought he did.

I was more than willing to give up the $1200 to see the rest of the spending eliminated.

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