Trump slammed by Parkland Hero students at Rally

The Psychocrats did the same thing when Bush was the president, they blamed him for everything, even hurricanes
Why not!? They blame Oblama for being the Messiah...
With good reason

"they keep saying: it gets better , it gets better. but i'm at the point where i don't see it.

every night i stay up as late as possible to avoid nightmares. my minds whirs, an endless loop of what-ifs and horror sequences that i can't bear but also can't prevent" - Father of Columbine victim
What other industrialized country has school shootings like this one? Name some, or just STFU.
Congress is to blame. The NRA owns the Republicans in Congress, and the GOP politicians take it up the ass at the same time they take the money, you stupid fucking idiot.

Until they repeal the 2nd, ain't shit going to happen.

If they took a vote in Congress tomorrow, you couldn't get a 2/3s vote, and some democrats would be hiding their smiles behind their hands.

With all their yammering, most don't want to get rid of it either.

Either Congress or the states can propose an amendment to the Constitution.

  • Both houses of Congress must propose the amendment with a two-thirds vote. This is how all current amendments have been offered.
  • Two-thirds of the state legislatures must call on Congress to hold a constitutional convention.

Regardless of how the amendment is proposed, it must be ratified by the States.

  • Three-fourths of the state legislatures must approve of the amendment proposed by Congress, or
  • Three-fourths of the states must approve the amendment via ratifying conventions. This method has only been used once, to repeal Prohibition with the 21st Amendment.

You don't need an amendment to pass constitutional gun control laws.
You obviously want to get rid of the Second Amendment that’s how you do it good luck you silly little fucker

You obviously have no idea how the Constitution works.

She certainly has a right to voice her opinion and I give a lot of leeway because of what she has experienced however her anger is misguided.

Lots of responsibility to go around for this. The kid made choices and I doubt any amount of gun control was going to stop him.

We need to change our culture, we need to hold children responsible instead of placating them. We need parents to love their kids by not shielding them from responsibility. When a kid screws up and the parents are called, the parents don’t need to defend kids, they need to be held accountable.

We don’t need participation trophies, we don’t need to make excuses for behavior. If a kid is confused at the age of seven about their sexual identity, we need to get to the underlying reasons instead of giving into the kids.

Parents are the key, teachers can only do so much, society can only do so much. The police made some really dumb errors but can they watch a kid everyday?

Just a few thoughts.
Pathetic. Pathetic.

This is a symptom of a much deeper issue, it always has been. Guns have been around for over two hundred years, mass school shootings since the mid 90’s. We as a society have lost fellow feeling, we are producing self centered, me first, I’m a victims. No excuse for me to carry a gun, I don’t own them and I don’t like them, however taking away guns from everyone in order to stop violence will not work. Britain proved that when they went after guns, the murder rate using guns did drop, however the murder rate overall went up and up until Britain added more law enforcement officers so their presence would help deter murders. Violence is on the increase again in Britain, few guns and still violence, are you going to blame the gun?

Parents aren’t parenting, they are shoving them into school to get rid of them. They coddle their kids, they become their kids friends, they are not friends, they are parents and parents need to teach right and wrong, teach responsibility, teach that when you screw up you pay, teach that you work through problems don’t give in.

It is very basic stuff. If I thought guns were the real issue I’d be all for banning them but that isn’t the issue, never has been, Cain killed Abel, did you blame the gun or the weapon Cain used? Marie Antionette was beheaded, do you blame the guotine?

Blaming the gun absolve people of responsibility and changes nothing.
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So crazy people, children, and convicted criminals buying and owning guns is just one of those inconveniences that the Constitution has saddled us with?
Oh my! A post from you full of lies. How regressively liberal.

If you oppose background checks then you support those people being able to buy guns.
Listen liar, back ground checks are already performed.

Florida laws have limited barriers to gun ownership - The Boston Globe

Go down to about paragraph 6 to see how stupid you are.
Sorry fascist, fascist media sites lie more than you do.

No, the article is accurate. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) is not allowed to conduct background checks for private individuals.

Here it is from the horse's mouth:


The Firearm Purchase Program (FPP) conducts background checks for the transfer of firearms by federally licensed gun dealers, manufacturers and importers. FPP is prohibited from conducting background checks for other reasons to include a request from a private citizen.

Now, how about a nice big apology?
You know...there seems to be a pattern here. Trump gets slammed for just about everything he does and even things he doesn't.

Are you new to politics in this country? It has been that way for 40 years at least.
No way. Certainly not with Obama.

Are you serious? Hell my own mother truly thought he was the Anti-Christ. There was nothing he could do that the people on the right would give him credit for.
The motherfucking shit stain didn’t deserve ANY credit or respect for anything. The motherfucker was a hate filled piece of shit… Fact

Speaking of hate filled, have you looked in the mirror?
I don’t Hate anyone. But Barry’s actions as president prove he is hate filled...
Are you new to politics in this country? It has been that way for 40 years at least.
No way. Certainly not with Obama.

Are you serious? Hell my own mother truly thought he was the Anti-Christ. There was nothing he could do that the people on the right would give him credit for.
The motherfucking shit stain didn’t deserve ANY credit or respect for anything. The motherfucker was a hate filled piece of shit… Fact

Speaking of hate filled, have you looked in the mirror?
I don’t Hate anyone. But Barry’s actions as president prove he is hate filled...

Your words on this forum seem chock full of hate to me.
No way. Certainly not with Obama.

Are you serious? Hell my own mother truly thought he was the Anti-Christ. There was nothing he could do that the people on the right would give him credit for.
The motherfucking shit stain didn’t deserve ANY credit or respect for anything. The motherfucker was a hate filled piece of shit… Fact

Speaking of hate filled, have you looked in the mirror?
I don’t Hate anyone. But Barry’s actions as president prove he is hate filled...

Your words on this forum seem chock full of hate to me.
Na, I just call them like I see them...
Are you serious? Hell my own mother truly thought he was the Anti-Christ. There was nothing he could do that the people on the right would give him credit for.
The motherfucking shit stain didn’t deserve ANY credit or respect for anything. The motherfucker was a hate filled piece of shit… Fact

Speaking of hate filled, have you looked in the mirror?
I don’t Hate anyone. But Barry’s actions as president prove he is hate filled...

Your words on this forum seem chock full of hate to me.
Na, I just call them like I see them...
Rustic you make many valid points, just soften your harsh words for the lefties.
Are you serious? Hell my own mother truly thought he was the Anti-Christ. There was nothing he could do that the people on the right would give him credit for.
The motherfucking shit stain didn’t deserve ANY credit or respect for anything. The motherfucker was a hate filled piece of shit… Fact

Speaking of hate filled, have you looked in the mirror?
I don’t Hate anyone. But Barry’s actions as president prove he is hate filled...

Your words on this forum seem chock full of hate to me.
Na, I just call them like I see them...

Me as well!
Republicans should wake up and show some common sense on gun control issues, because the younger generation is going to be waaaaay to the left of them on gun control,

unless the GOP thinks they'll be just fine without their votes in the future.

And by common sense gun control, you really mean repealing the Second Amendment.
Republicans should wake up and show some common sense on gun control issues, because the younger generation is going to be waaaaay to the left of them on gun control,

unless the GOP thinks they'll be just fine without their votes in the future.

And by common sense gun control, you really mean repealing the Second Amendment.

You're an asshole and not a very bright one. I have never advocated repealing the 2nd Amendment.
Republicans should wake up and show some common sense on gun control issues, because the younger generation is going to be waaaaay to the left of them on gun control,

unless the GOP thinks they'll be just fine without their votes in the future.

And by common sense gun control, you really mean repealing the Second Amendment.

You're an asshole and not a very bright one. I have never advocated repealing the 2nd Amendment.
Yes, Universal background checks/firearm registration is dog whistle for just that. You’re fooling anybody
It's no surprise to me that any student from any public school would slam any republican president. Never, ever, let a human tragedy go to waste.

You mean like Trump trying to blame this on the FBI.
The deep state never has their priorities straight… Fact

Tell us, genius, could the FBI have confiscated this guy's guns? Should they have been able to?

Could they have banned him from buying more guns? Should they have been able to?

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